“I’m no hypocrite, me,” declares Jack, wondering madly whether or not he’s lying.  “Do as you would be done by, I say.”

“In that case, I say that I’d most gladly be done by you, Mr Jack Shaftoe.”

This is moving fast.  Very fast.  Which is Jack’s very favourite speed.

“Got a room nearby?”

“In this very establishment, as it happens.”

Jack stands up, and knows that he’s grinning like a berserker.  He shoots a glance over at Tom and his black-haired mate, in the corner: You reckon you’ve found a new game, do you, Cox?  Well, I’m beatin’ you, and no mistake.  Sparrow stands too, cocking an eyebrow and winking at one of his cronies, glancing ceilingwards.  Jack can feel a fiery burn of embarrassment, mixing with his lusty glee; but Sparrow, moving, is really so very ridiculously attractive that Jack can surely be forgiven for this lapse.

The mere fact that Jack can suddenly be entertaining (nay, savouring!) thoughts about another man’s attractiveness proves that this escapade is entirely under the directorship of the Imp of the Perverse.  What’s embarrassment, to the Imp?  Fuck all, that’s what.  ‘Sides, what does Jack care for the opinions of a random selection of sailors; he’s never going to see any of them again.  He lifts his chin and follows Jack Sparrow up the creaking stairs.

There’s really only one path to follow, at this point.

Disclaimer: All characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe are the property of Disney et al,
and the actors who portrayed them. Jack Shaftoe is the property of Neal Stephenson.
Neither the authors and artists hosted on this website nor the maintainers profit from the content of this site. All content is copyrighted by its creator.