Thar be more treasure here...


Please Note: Resources has its very own page now.


Pirates of the Caribbean
The Official Website
Fan Fiction Sites
Bella Donna at Noire.Sensus
A Pirates of the Caribbean Archive.
Black Pearl Tales
The official archive for Black Pearl Sails and Black Pearl Library, two Yahoo groups that offer safe harbor (no slash, no ratings above a soft R) to dedicated fanfiction writers.
Cultural Infidelities
The home of Linaelyn, Melusina, The Stowaway and Dove. We are four (primarily) Pirates of the Caribbean fans, although we dabble in any number of fandoms, between us.
Imagin'd Glories
Gloria Mundi's Pirates of the Caribbean Fics.
The Joyful Molly
A place to find Royal Navy of the Caribbean slash fiction - that's Pirates of the Caribbean slash fiction, but (almost) without pirates...
Penknife's Fanfiction
Pirates of the Caribbean section. Check out her other stuff, too!
Pir8fancier's Fanfiction!
Pirates of the Caribbean section.
Eledhwen's Fanfic site, Pirates of the Caribbean section
Celandineb's Fanfiction Haven, Pirates of the Caribbean section.
Jack/James Sites
Savvy? Sparrington Archive
A warm and cosy place for any kind of slash fanfiction and fanart dedicated to the pairing of Jack Sparrow and Commodore James Norrington as well as RPS about the actors.
Beloved Tigersharks
Sparrington fanfiction by Dani
Jack/Will Sites
The Pirate Way
THE masterpiece that started so many fans down the road to J/W slash.
AinSoph15's J/W fanfiction and fan art site.
Crossing Blades
A fansite dedicated to the pairing Jack Sparrow/William Turner. Here in this shrine you will find pictures, essays, fanfiction, fanart - and much more. (R.I.P. This site appears to be dead.)
Other Fan Sites
Keep to the Code
But you have heard of this...
Active message board covering all aspects of the PotC movies, past, present and future! (This is not the deceased fanfic site of the same name, may it rest in peace.)
All Captain Jack Sparrow
This site is dedicated solely to Captain Jack Sparrow! It consists of three photo galleries – The Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man's Chest, and At World's End – for a total of 6,222 high quality images.
Sparrow in Flight
News. Blogs, Galleries, Fanfiction and more
James Norrington
Whether Scruffington is your thing or a strict Commodore more takes your fancy - come and wallow in all that is Norrington!
He's A Pirate
A fan Tribute to the movie Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl. Photos from the movies, assorted media, and more.
Pirates and Poppets
Welcome to the very first Fan Site dedicated to The Pirates of the Caribbean. Here you'll find the most up-to-date News, media and interaction. Take a look around aboard our ship.
Jack the Monkey
Communities on Livejournal
If nothing else, join this one...

A weekly news post containing links to all the fic, art, meta, challenges, etc., posted on the Age of Sail comms, which include the PotC comms listed here, and more that aren't. You don't have to join numerous comms for fear of missing anything! Artists and authors, same goes for you. Create an LJ for your art or fic, and ask Despatch_Reader to list it. Then your new creations will appear in future Despatches for all to see!
and this one...

The Hold
A vast and huge (and regularly updated!) compilation of links to PotC-related communities and websites, on and off Livejournal. You think we have a lot of links on Horizon?? You ain't seen nothing yet.

- Discussion -

PotC Discussion
Voice your opinion about anything to do with the films, or start up a discussion post on what you think might happen, what you want to happen, or even query something that did happen. News posts also welcome.

- General Communities -

Some of the works posted to the specialized comms are crossposted here. You'll also find works here that don't fit into any of the specialized comms.

Moderated. Fiction and fan-art only are permitted.

PotC Fic
Fiction and art.

CotBP Fandom
For fans of Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl, who are not fans of the sequels.

Pirate Hunters
Looking for a PotC story you lost track of? Even if you only remember a few details, someone here will know just where to find it.

- Specialized Communities -

Focusing on specific characters, pairings, etc.
A community for all things Jack/Norrington; fanart, fanfiction, icons, fic recs, discussions, etc.
Who can't imagine Will aboard the Black Pearl with Jack, the pirate blood flowing through his veins as Jack's first mate?
Celebrating the pairing of Lieutenants Theodore Groves and Andrew Gillette! Stories, story recs, artwork, icons, meta, even memories, anything that concerns Groves or Gillette, separately or together, is welcome here.
We welcome all discussion, fic and art involving Pintel and Ragetti, and we'd love you to join us!
Jack Madness
Dedicated to Captain Jack Sparrow from the Pirates of the Caribbean films.
Dedicated exclusively to Pirates of the Caribbean fanfiction and fan-art featuring Commodore James Norrington.
Appreciation of the character of Will Turner from POTC.
Razor Wit (formerly Gillette Fans)
This is a community for those rare and distinguished people who appreciate Damian O'Hare; who played Lieutenant Gillette from Pirates of the Caribbean.
Groves' Fanciers United is a group of fans who worship that naval officer (played by Greg Ellis) who states that Captain Jack Sparrow is "the best pirate I've ever seen."
This community welcomes anyone who believes in the good nature of the Naval characters as portrayed in Curse of the Black Pearl.

Disclaimer: All characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean universe are the property of Disney et al, and the actors who portrayed
them. Neither the authors and artists hosted on this website nor the maintainers profit from the content of this site.
All content is copyrighted by its creator.

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