The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Doctor, Doctor

Number of comments: 8

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From: Mel
Date: 09/18/2005
oooh really good!! well written too!! good to see cameron/foreman!!
From: flame of Recca
Date: 02/25/2005
Well, let's see. I'm not going to flame this because I don't know how old the author is. I will say that this was rushed, forced, and frantic. The grammar and punctuation are terrible if this was written by an adult.

If this was written by a young teen or younger, than the writer has some potential that could blossom with work, and more school.
From: j
Date: 02/09/2005
I did, however, like the Chase backstory, apart from the England part. Sorry, meant to mention that below. I thought that bit in particular was handled quite well.
From: j
Date: 02/09/2005
I was relatively interested until you kept saying Chase was British. He's Australian. I had to stop reading partway through because that mistake irritated me so much. I think you need an AU warning, also; it's canon that Cameron has never been pregnant. The basic premise was interesting, if extremely unlikely--the odds of so many people in the same hospital from so many different places knowing this guy so well must be astronomical--but the errors and strange pacing grated.
From: Aurelia Priscus
Date: 02/09/2005
Alas, I'm not in a position to comment on the story yet as I haven't had a chance to read it, but regarding Dr. Chase...

Yes, in 'Poison' Dr. House referred to him as British (twice), but he was joking around in an effort to get on Dr. Chase's nerves. I think Dr. Chase specifically identifies himself as Australian in that episode as well.

Not a big point, but there you are.
From: Auburn Red
Date: 02/08/2005
First thanks for reviewing my fic. I'm glad you did like it, and it's strange to be the first crossover fic around (though I won't be the last I'm sure of it). I'm sorry Wilson fans with the way it ended, but it's just the way I was compelled to let it turn out. :)

And for the inconsistencies, I apologize. I tuned into watching House late, in January thanks to a week that showed three episodes in a row. I have also been busy on Tuesdays. In House's run so far, I have probably seen only four or five episodes.

I missed Fidelity where it said that Cameron was never pregnant, but I did see Maternity where it was implied that she had and lost a baby. I saw Poison where House mentioned twice that Chase was English and that surprised me (I knew Jesse Spencer the actor was Australian, so I already pictured him being Australian so when I heard that I was surprised) but I must have missed the episode that refuted it. As for House's injury I strugggled to remember the proper word and couldn't. And for any other inconcistencies, I apologize but I'm glad you read anyway.
From: Saskia
Date: 02/07/2005
Not bad...not bad at all. And congrats for writing apparently the first crossover.

With that said...

Have you *watched* the show?

Jesse Spencer AKA Chase? Not a British redhead. A blonde Austrailian.

House's bad leg isn't his left, it's his right.

And it was *SPECIFICALLY STATED* that Cameron has *NEVER* been pregnant.
From: Brynaea
Date: 02/07/2005
Ok, well other then a few inaccuracies about the show it was very good. Just a few things of note: Chase is Australian, House had an inFARCTION in his leg, not an infection, and Cameron never had a baby, because she was never perscribed folic acid, that was mentioned in Fidelity. I don't know when you wrote this story, so I guess the whole Cameron having a baby thing could be forgiven. Other then those things, and a few others it was very good!

Oh, why did it have to be Wilson?! I love Wilson! He and House so totally have to get together. You should have made it Cuddy! LOL!


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