The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on End of the Day Comes Too Soon and Tomorrow'

Number of comments: 4

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From: C
Date: 01/05/2008
Excelent writing. Your characters make for good humour and a good story. Write more! It's very good.
From: Tracy
Date: 03/10/2005
I really love this story. It is a good progression of a relationship instead of some stories where they just jump into bed together. Write more soon!
From: SoulNyte
Date: 03/10/2005
Okay, I'll admit it *hangs head*...I'm a starved House/Cameron shipper and now you have me hooked on the fanfiction. I really do try to distance myself but the fics are just so damn good. *Sigh* So here I am, loyal viewer and House/Cameron junkie...damn you. ^__^

Just kidding, I really liked this story cuz again you captured the House-isms really well. I can't count the times I laughed out loud at this story. Great job and keep em coming.
From: Ariadne
Date: 03/10/2005
I think my page cut off too soon -- House was just ordering coffee, and then nothing. Where's the rest? ;)

I think you have a gift for creating atmosphere -- I can feel the tension in them both. And good snark. I also like that they're circling around each other becaue they have to be professional again in Detx. But you can't leave me hanging like this. Really.

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