The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Eyes Wide

Number of comments: 6

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From: Miranda
Date: 05/26/2007
Interesting story. Loved it.
From: Tani
Date: 09/09/2006
This is a very powerful story. As is obvious, the ending is particularly powerful. However, I was also very impressed by the theme of stories that ran through it, as well as all the medical details that you included without completely confusing me. You really made it work, and you kept me totally interested the entire time. Wonderful job!
From: Amanda
Date: 12/04/2005
Great storytelling. I love all of the medical information and it made me laugh when I read that House was writing fanfic. :)
From: ACW
Date: 07/03/2005
This is an interesting piece. Morphine is great stuff when a patient is in pain, it's like an angel that lives in your bloodstream for a while, but unless the patient were hospitalized for months with pain from multiple surgeries, she wouldn't become addicted unless she had a history of drug abuse, so that device seems a bit unrealistic to me.

I liked the story anyway.

From: moonlash
Date: 03/13/2005
I'm very impressed with the research that must have gone into this story and the depth you've reached with it. It's a very different perspective of looking at House, and I really enjoyed its uniqueness. Thanks for writing!
From: Pun
Date: 03/10/2005
This was interesting and different. I enjoyed your take on House even if it is somewhat different from mine. I hope you'll write more.

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