The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The Patron Saint of the Weak and Powerless

Number of comments: 4

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From: wUiVvliUYJ
Date: 07/28/2013
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From: Stephie
Date: 07/09/2007

You wrote Cameron perfectly.

House/Cgase is amazing.

And that S&M thing is hot too.

*evil grin*

From: Kenzie
Date: 04/28/2007
I also noticed the hypoglycemia thing, but I don't think it was as much of a big deal as the other comment made it out to be. As a medical student, I notice all kinds of medical inaccuracies in the show. Mostly dosages and stuff, like Foreman giving 1/6 the ammount of atropine needed in one episode. If the pros are allowed to make medical mistakes in their writing, we certainly are. Keep it up.
From: Anonymous
Date: 12/26/2006
One thing ruined this story for me, and I'm probably crazy for it: a doctor would never tell another doctor that she was hypoglycemic and then ask for a DIET Coke (and the other doctor would never buy the story if she did). Diet Coke contains no sugar (or calories of any kind) and would not help with hypoglycemia. House is a medical drama, and it's very difficult to get around medical inaccuracies in the writing if you don't know what you're doing. The characters are doctors, and they are bound to know basic medical truths. Which is why a lot of people avoid writing about cases, but I guess you can still mess up medical stuff even when there's not a patient involved.

I did like your style of writing, though. I'm just a little picky about details. Keep writing, but maybe employ a beta with medical knowledge of some kind, or just exclude anything that might be considered medical (such as hypoglycemia)?

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