The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Untouchable

Number of comments: 5

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From: ytkNsWFOxX
Date: 07/30/2013
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From: Anonymous
Date: 10/03/2010
Wow this is soooo sad, but also incredibly believable. *sighs* I hope there is a sequel out there that you've written and if not, I do hope you write one.
From: libellule
Date: 10/01/2008
beautiful and this story just has to have a sequel.
From: smiddlecm
Date: 03/05/2008
I can't remember the last time I read a story where I wanted a follow up/sequel as badly as I do with this one! It's beautifully written, but left me longing for an eventual happier ending. I'm not wishing so much for a major explosion of feelings as some sort of mutual understanding as to how much they mean to each other. I'm rambling, but maybe you get the idea. Keep writing! You're very talented.
From: Sarah
Date: 02/08/2007
Really touching. I think you have captured just how guys would deal with this situation i.e not very well! really well done I'm impressed

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