The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Almost A Romeo And Juliet Story

Number of comments: 5

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From: Kam
Date: 07/05/2010
WOOOOOOOOW.......amazingly done. I like the way the opening was reused. And now I'm a bit depressed, darn it!
From: Tara
Date: 08/21/2007
That makes me want to cry. :( But that's a good thing. Very sad. That's definitely a new House-ian twist for a fan fic.
From: Tara
Date: 08/21/2007
That makes me want to cry. :(
From: fae
Date: 06/11/2007
I really liked this story from the plot to the way it was written. I can read it over and over.
From: Nic
Date: 03/08/2007
Hi, I did enjoy this for the most part, but I don't get why Wilson was seeing Melanie? Maybe I've just never bought 'Wilson is a ho', I don't see him like that, only House seems to call him out when all he's usually doing is chatting to women, rather than making any moves. And why would Wilson give out House's phone number and why would he tell her about House in the first place? Did he tell her they were together, or just roomies?

Sorry, it sounds like I'm ripping your story a new one, which I'm honestly not. It's just that I liked the premise, but perhaps it would have worked better if House could have got it wrong and Melanie had a valid, non-cheating reason to call Wilson, and House's crazy jealousy (which is pretty much canon) led him to murder (which Wilson forgave him for) and then remorse at his mistake led him to suicide.

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