The House Fan Fiction Archive


Interlude #2

by CausticChick

It was late, too late for him to be at work. He needed a hot shower and stiff drink, both of which he could technically get here at the hospital. But he wanted to play, and his piano was sitting in the corner back at his apartment. As the elevator door slid open at the lobby, he stepped out and winced as he put a little too much weight on his bad leg.

Vicodin was another thing he needed, but he had that covered. It was in his pocket.

He took out the bottle and popped it open, and the nurse on night duty looked at him suspiciously. He noticed her watching him. "What? You've never seen a cripple take pain meds before?" He popped the pill in his mouth, and the nurse blushed and looked away. He continued towards the front door, but stopped when he noticed a light shining through the glass doors of the clinic. After closer inspection, he saw that the light was coming from Cuddy's office. He looked at his watch,11:36pm, then back at Cuddy's office door. At this angle he couldn't see in, but he could see her coat hanging on the rack.

He pushed open the doors to the darkened clinic and moved to a spot by the nurses station where he could see her at sitting at her desk, and he leaned back against the counter. She had her suit jacket off and he spotted her shoes on the floor beside her. Her face was contorted in concentration, and her brows were furrowed. He watched as she sighed and threw back her head, exposing her long, graceful neck.

House swallowed past the lump in his throat.

She looked up and saw him standing there in the shadows. She clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes, and House smirked and pushed away from the counter. He limped to the doors and pushed them open. "You do know that you can leave the hospital from time to time."

She sighed again. "I don't have the patience to deal with you right now," said Cuddy.

"What's got your thong in a wad?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't."

"Then why ask?"

"It felt like the right thing to do."

"Sure. And you're really concerned about doing the right thing."

"You're right. I'm not." He sat down on the sofa and patted the cushion next to her. "Take a load off, Cuddy. You need to relax. It's okay to relax sometimes, you know."

Cuddy put down her pen and stood from her chair. "Why are you here so late?" she asked as she walked towards the couch. She breathed deep as she sank into the cushion. It felt good, and until now she hadn't realized how tense she had been sitting at her desk. "I would have thought you'd be curled up in bed with a warm hooker right about now."

"She was booked," he replied.

"Ah, I see." She eyed him suspiciously. "What are you really doing here?"

House turned his head to look at her. He was sitting closer to her then he had first realized, and their faces were inches apart. "Patient. Started seizing."

"Are they alright?" asked Cuddy.

"For now. Chase gave him atavin. He's sleeping now."

"That's good."

They sat in silence for a few minutes, and Cuddy eventually closed her eyes and relaxed against the couch cushion. House watched as her chest moved up and down slowly as she breathed, a hint of her breasts visible at the neckline of her blouse. He looked at her breasts every day, but it was so much different in this intimate situation. Alone, at night, in Cuddy's darkened office, House found himself longing to kiss her. Strange, he thought. It had been years since he had slept with Cuddy, but he remembered it as if it was yesterday. He remembered the way she smelled, the way she moved her hips, the way she rolled her tongue when she kissed him. Nobody else had ever done that before. It was all Cuddy.

And House wanted her. "So, your place or mine?"

Her eyes shot open in surprise. "Excuse me?" she asked incredulously, but she was secretly intrigued. "What the hell do you mean?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you?"

"Are you saying that you want to...sleep with me?"

"I should learn to be less cryptic."

"What about Cameron?"

It was House's turn to look incredulous. "What about Cameron?"

"The way she feels about you is pretty obvious, House. And you can't deny that you're not attracted to her."

"Okay. The girl's hot. But I'm here with you, not with Cameron."

Cuddy smiled. "So you want to sleep with me out of convenience? That's flattering."

"Come on, Cuddy. Don't be jealous. Cameron may be young and gorgeous, but I'd take your funbags over hers any day," said House with a waggle of his eyebrows. Cuddy looked into his blue eyes and was enchanted by what she saw there. A mixture of desire and humor and....loneliness? She found herself drawn to them, and before she knew it she had moved so close that she could feel House's breath caressing her slightly parted lips. "Lisa," he pleaded softly.

Cuddy sighed and pressed her lips to his, a shock of lightening instantly running from her head to her toes. He felt the same yet completely different, like a grown man rather than the eager med student he had been the last time. He used just the right amount of pressure, tilted his head to the right, then slowly licked the circle of her lips with the gentle tip of his tongue. She parted her lips and opened to him, and he slipped his tongue inside, exploring the familiar confines of her mouth.

She tastes like stale coffee, he thought. It should be disgusting, but it's actually kinda hot. He hadn't realized how much he had been missing since the last time they were together. He didn't remember her being so confident, so sure of what she was doing, but he wasn't surprised by the change. She had once been a nervous, nave young woman, but now she was a powerful, drop dead gorgeous woman. He liked what he saw and tasted, and he wanted more. And from the way she was kissing him now, he knew she wanted him back.

He twisted his torso so that he was facing her, and lowered her so she was lying against the soft arm of the sofa. He kissed her thoroughly, how she liked to be kissed, and Cuddy spread her legs so he could settle between them. He held himself up with one forearm, and skimmed his other hand down her side and under her backside, which he squeezed gently. No matter how many cracks he made about her ass, it would always be his favorite. Although she was rounder than before, it was still the same. So familiar, so comfortable. So Cuddy.

He broke the kiss and gazed into her eyes. "So, my place or yours?"

Cuddy smiled lazily. "What's wrong with my office?"

"Office sex? It's a little clich, don't you think? The boss taking advantage of a unsuspecting, yet unbelievably sexy employee?"

"Your place it is," said Cuddy, and she placed her hands on his chest and shoved hard. She slipped out from under him and walked to her desk where she had left her shoes. She slipped the heels onto he delicate feet, then grabbed her jacket and purse from the rack by the door. House was still sitting on the sofa, watching her every move. "Are you coming?"

"Can you give me a minute?" he asked, then raised his eyebrows. "Unless you want the nurses in the lobby to meet Little House."

"Alright. Stay here. I have to check on something before I leave anyway." She opened the door. "I'll be back in a minute." She stepped out into the clinic and then into the lobby, where she ran into Cameron on her way out. "Dr. Cameron. How's the patient?"

Cameron looked confused. "I'm sorry, but how do you know about our patient?"

"House told me that he started seizing. How's he doing now?"

Cameron raised her eyebrows in surprise. "He's..fine. I just checked in before I left. House actually talked to you about a patient? That's new."

"Oh, just in passing," replied Cuddy, trying to conceal a blush. "We were just talking in my office."

Something about the way she said it made Cameron suspicious. She had an inkling that Cuddy and House had been intimate, maybe even more than once, but she was pretty sure that there was nothing happening now. But by the way Cuddy had flushed just now made her reconsider.

Cameron had always admired Cuddy, intellectually and physically. She was a strong, powerful woman in a male-dominated field, and Cameron had nothing but respect for her as a doctor and employer. On the flip side, she had the curves that Cameron had never had, and probably never would, and her facial features were almost...exotic. She wasn't a classic beauty, which added to her appeal. Cameron could see why men stared as Cuddy passed in the halls. She had even overheard a group of male orderlies as they cat called and whistled. Quietly, of course. If Cuddy heard them they would surely be fired. She smiled at the memory.

"What's so funny?" asked Cuddy.

Cameron mentally shook herself. She had been looking blatantly at Cuddy's chest, and it was Cameron's turn to blush. "I'm sorry. I was just...thinking about...nothing. Never mind."

Cuddy gave her a knowing smile. "House and I were about to get a drink. Would you like to join us?"

Cameron looked taken aback, but then recovered. "I'd love to."

House emerged from the clinic to find Cuddy and Cameron talking in the lobby. "Ready to go, Cuddy? I know I am," he said with a smirk.

"I invited Cameron to come along. Is that alright?" asked Cuddy, smirking right back at him. House looked at Cameron, who smiled. There was something in the way Cuddy had asked her. She couldn't put her finger on it, but she knew this wouldn't be an ordinary drink. But her fling with Chase was fizzling, and she was horny as hell. A little romp with House and Cuddy could be just what the doctor ordered.

"You coming, House?" asked Cameron as she and Cuddy headed towards the door. House stood still with his mouth agape. He shook his head as if this were a figment of his imagination, but when he looked at Cameron and Cuddy walking through the front doors a slow smile spread across his face.

"Hell yes, I'm coming," he said to himself, and he practically skipped out the door behind them.

* * *

They arrived at House's apartment just after twelve-thirty. He left the overhead lights off when he entered, but flicked on a lamp or two on his way to the hall closet where he hung up his leather jacket. Cameron had been here a couple times before, and removed her jacket as well, and hung it on the rack by the door. Cuddy had only been as far as the front porch, and took her time looking around the room at the rows and rows of books and the baby grand in the corner. She had only ever heard House play once, on that fateful night in college when he had charmed her into his bed.

House sat down in a chair beside the couch, and Cuddy and Cameron lowered themselves onto the soft leather. "So, let me just make sure I have this right," he said. "We're going to have sex, right?"

Cameron smiled, and Cuddy chuckled. "That's the idea," the older woman said saucily.

"Great," replied House, rubbing his hands together like a little kid in a candy store. "Where do we start?"

"Where do you want us to start?" asked Cameron. House smirked. This was definitely a side of Cameron he hadn't been expecting. Sure, he knew Cuddy was a freak, but wholesome, nave Cameron? It almost made the situation hotter, and House felt a stirring in his lap at the mere thought of it.

"Touch her," he said to Cuddy, and Cuddy obliged. She raised her hands up to Cameron's hair and released the clip that held the waves out of her face, letting them tumble down her back and shoulders. Cuddy's hand skimmed across Cameron's shoulders and down her arms while she rested her other hand on Cameron's thigh and rubbed it up and down. Cameron moved closer and leaned in to Cuddy's touch. House shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Cameron touched her lips to the exposed skin at the base of Cuddy's throat. Cuddy's head fell backwards and she closed her eyes, letting out a groan as Cameron's mouth moved along her collarbone. She trailed kisses up the side of Cuddy's neck and along her jawbone to her chin, then pulled back to look at House over Cuddy's shoulder. He was sitting low in his chair, with a noticeable bulge in his pants, and Cameron winked at him before pressing her lips to Cuddy's.

They started slow and shallow, their lips brushing against each others mouths, and they could both sense House getting antsy, wanting them to take the kiss deeper. They teased each other with the tips of their tongues and their fingers caressing their cheeks.

"Oh my god, would you hurry up?" said House through clenched teeth. The women turned to look at him, and saw him sitting on the edge of his seat. They slowly turned back to each other and looked into each other's eyes, clear blue meeting sparkling green before going in for another kiss. Cuddy coaxed Cameron's lips apart with her tongue and she obliged, allowing her to enter. Their tongues wrestled slowly as they kissed each other deeply, and they smiled against each other when they heard House groan. House stood up and moved to the sofa, sitting on Cameron's left and putting his arms around her waist and dragging them up between the two women to cup her breasts. Cuddy broke the kiss with Cameron and pressed her lips to House's over Cameron's shoulder. Cameron mouthed the side of Cuddy's neck as Cuddy picked up where she and House had left off in her office.

When they broke the kiss, all three of them were hot and breathing hard, the passion in the room so thick that House could slice it with his cane. Cuddy stood up and began removing her clothes, and Cameron followed her to the bedroom. House stood up and hobbled after them, pulling his tee-shirt over his head and throwing it into the corner. When he rounded the corner into the bedroom, the two women where in their bras and panties, and House stopped dead in his tracks. The sight of two naked women in his room made him so hard he thought he would come in his pants, and the best way to avoid that was to remove them. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans, letting them drop to the ground.

Cuddy had seen him in all his naked glory before. He looked fantastic for forty-seven, with a light sprinkling of brown and gray hair across his chest and down his abdomen, then disappeared into the waistband of his boxer-briefs. Cameron, on the other hand, had only fantasized about this moment, but was pleased with what she saw. He was all male, and she licked her lips in anticipation.

He walked over and took Cameron in his arms. It was her turn to be kissed, and it was just as she remembered. Although brief, the kiss in his office had brought the feelings she had suppressed back up to the surface. Now his kiss was less about the newness and discovery, and more about the passion and need. She wrapped her arms around his neck and rose onto her toes for better access, and delved her tongue into his mouth.

Cuddy pushed Cameron's hair to the side and kissed the nape of her neck.. She moved lower and lower, planting soft kisses on each vertebrae. When she reached the clasp of Cameron's bra she expertly unclasped it, and the strapless piece of lace and silk fell to the floor. Cuddy's lips continued their journey down until she reached her hips and the top of her panties. She tugged at the sides and pulled them down, and Cameron stepped out of them. She rose back up and reached around Cameron to pull at House's boxers, and she managed to push them past his hips and down to the floor.

A growl rose from deep in House's throat as his bare skin finally met Cameron's, his arousal pressing against her belly. He involuntarily ground his hips against her, and Cameron smiled against his mouth. She pulled back from the kiss and turned around to see Cuddy standing there, still in her underwear. House watched as the younger woman walked over to Cuddy and removed her bra. House almost stumbled when Cameron lowered her lips to Cuddy's left breast, suckling the tight bud of her nipple until Cuddy's head lolled back in ecstasy. Cameron's hands gripped Cuddy's waist and she lowered the sides of her red thong over her rounded hips and backside. Cuddy kissed Cameron's lips again as they pressed their naked bodies together.

House sat down on the bed and the women joined him, sitting down on either side. Cuddy caressed his right thigh and the scar there. It hadn't been there the last time the made love, but she had seen it before in various stages of healing. It was now a painful reminder of what she had done to him six years ago, and an immense sadness clouded her face. House noticed and tipped her chin up with his hand, then looked into her eyes to reassure her that it had been forgotten. Cuddy was relieved and lowered her head to press a soft kiss to the mangled flesh.

He lay back against the pillows and Cameron put her hands on his chest and trailed them down across his abdomen and lower. House's breath caught in his throat as she wrapped her hands around his shaft. A thumb brushed across the head and he pressed his eyes closed tight, allowing the alternating shocks of pleasure and pain to course through his body. Suddenly a second pair of hands were on him, stroking his scrotum and perenium, and the rhythm of it all made his breaths come faster and more shallow. He lost it when he felt a warm, moist mouth close over the head, and he thrust his hips up as he came hard and fast. He would never know which of the two women had done that to him, but he would remember that as the best head of his life.

Both women returned their heads to the pillows, waiting for House to come back to earth. When he opened his eyes they each took turns kissing him while the other caressed his body. It wasn't long before he was ready again, his erection still sensitive from their earlier play. He wanted to be inside them, but the question was who? He had two beautiful women at his disposal, and they had both brought him to the brink. He owed them both some in turn. But which one was first? Or should he pleasure both at the same time?

Cuddy and Cameron sensed his inner struggle and took matters into their own hands. Cameron turned on her side and pulled him to her, and Cuddy pressed her body against his back. Cameron draped a leg over his hip, positioning herself perfectly for House to enter her. He turned his head to Cuddy and she nodded, as if saying it was alright for him to make love to Cameron. He grabbed Cameron's hips and turned onto his back so that she was straddling his hips, and guided her onto him, lowering her slowly until he filled her completely. She began moving her hips in in slow circles, building the intensity between her legs. Cuddy turned on her side and pressed against him, kissing his mouth as his fingers forged a trail to her breasts where he lingered for a few moments, then slowly down her abdomen to the soft curls at the apex of her legs. As Cameron ground her hips, House parted Cuddy's folds and flicked his fingers across her swollen clitoris. The pace grew faster, and Cameron began moving up and down, and House slipped a finger inside of Cuddy's warmth while still stimulating her clitoris with his thumb. Heat pooled in both Cameron and Cuddy's bellies, and House began thrusting his hips to meet Cameron's movements. He slipped a second finger inside Cuddy and she gasped as he swirled his fingers in circles. As the tempo increased even more, House slid his free hand to where his body joined with Cameron's, and he let a teasing finger circle her clitoris as he did the same to Cuddy with his other hand.

The heat in Cameron's body was almost too much to bear, and the combination of House's arousal in her and his fingers teasing her made her whole body begin to convulse. She cried out his name as she arched her back, her orgasm rocking her body. The contractions around him felt like heaven, and he thrust deep once more and tensed, at the same time pressing him thumb firmly to Cuddy's clitoris. Her body tensed and she screamed out as she exploded into an intense, full body orgasm. The sights, sounds and feelings of the two women's orgasms pushed House to his own, and he finally let go, the release so mind-blowing that he wasn't really sure what was happening.

They lay like this for a long time, their breathing the only sound in the room. Cameron lay on top of him, with him still inside of her, and his arm lay draped around Cuddy's shoulders, holding her to his side. Eventually Cameron got off of him and went into the bathroom, and Cuddy pulled the sheet over their glistening bodies. Cameron joined them back in bed a moment later and she tucked herself into House's other side. Soon he felt the breathing of Cuddy and Cameron slow down and deepen, and he watched them both as they drifted into a sated sleep. He was exhausted, and wasn't far behind them, closing his eyes and instantly falling into a deep slumber.

They were gone when he woke in the morning, and at first he had to strain his mind to see if it wasn't a dream. And what a dream it was. He was finding it harder and harder to believe that what he thought had happened had actually happened. It was simply too good to be true. The only evidence of their lovemaking was the tangled sheets, but he had been known to do that all by himself. He raised his head, then swung his legs over the side of the bed. He rubbed a hand down his tired face, then stood and limped without his cane into the bathroom, where he peed and showered.

He dressed in his usual jeans and tee-shirt and walked over to the nightstand to get a pill from the bottle there. He took a pill and popped it into his mouth and swallowed it dry. But then a glimpse of red under the bed caught his eye, and he bent down to pick up a lace thong. He straighted up with a smile on his face as he tucked Cuddy's panties into his pocket. It would be fun returning these.

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Legal Disclaimer: The authors published here make no claims on the ownership of Dr. Gregory House and the other fictional residents of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Like the television show House (and quite possibly Dr. Wilson's pocket protector), they are the property of NBC/Universal, David Shore and undoubtedly other individuals of whom I am only peripherally aware. The fan fiction authors published here receive no monetary benefit from their work and intend no copyright infringement nor slight to the actual owners. We love the characters and we love the show, otherwise we wouldn't be here.