The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The Migraine

Number of comments: 2

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From: Cheryl
Date: 07/29/2007
Just read your story...really enjoyed it. You have a great grasp of the quirky, hard-to-explain relationship that House and Wilson have. The part where we get to see House's regret at what he had done from his pov was very well written (actually, the whole story is well written--that part just stood out for me). Loved the ending.
From: Berlin
Date: 05/26/2007
I think this is the best one of these things I've read so far. Good character development, no show-offy graphicness, a real sense of the friendship and intimacy between the two men. Full marks. What I don't understand, though, and what I didn't understand when Fox aired the episode in which House induces a migraine in himself, is how an entire hospital full of highly trained doctors has somehow never heard of: (a) an emergency room; (b) imitrex; (c) fiorinal; (d) demoral, or any of the other variety drugs doctors always manage to give ME when I go the emergency room with one of my terrible migraines. I doubt I'm getting special privileges, but does somebody have it in for poor Wilson? Surely he's not allergic to ALL of the recommended medications. But never mind. This was a fine story and I'm glad I read it.

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