The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Divisions and Precisions

Number of comments: 5

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From: Michele
Date: 02/28/2009
This story was extremely well-written, and I'm quickly finding that all of your House/Cameron stories are just as awesome. :]
From: Marissa
Date: 07/12/2007
Aww, that was beautiful! But i didn't get the ending. Why did she call her mom?
From: jodi
Date: 01/17/2006
oh i liked this. i loved how you switched back and forth from the past to present! good job!
From: Romantique
Date: 05/06/2005
Very nice diaglogue!
From: Clannadlvr
Date: 04/30/2005
Wow, another great entry from an author who is quickly becoming a favorite.

You've got such a knack for intriguing situations and experimentation in writing style. I love how you've interspersed this conversation between Allison and her mother with scenes of House/Cameron. I'm assuming this is a conversation that happened when she was younger, correct? Because at this point we already know that she's been married...

"Everybody lies," he says, sliding into you with a grunt.

What I really love about this section is the way it echoes the conversation House and Cameron have when she asks if he likes her. There's this feeling of both of them saying the opposite of what they mean...but perhaps not. So he says he loves her...she says she doesn't love him...but what's the truth. Wonderfully tenuous!

Excellent work.

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