The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Functioning

Number of comments: 4

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From: Michelle
Date: 08/21/2006
Very well written, captured the characters voices. I would have liked to have known it was a threesome before I read it though.
From: Envarients
Date: 05/04/2005
Lovely! I think you really nailed the characterization of, well, everyone. Some really great lines in there, too. What a great little piece!
From: Henna
Date: 04/22/2005
This was an excellent story. Would have liked to actually know there was het content in the fic before I started to read, though. :D
From: Pip
Date: 04/20/2005
I find it difficult to comment on this essay, mainly because you must certainly already be aware of what a masterpiece it is. The first part, where we get to see House's conception on things is so genuine and profound, and even though it is not strictly necessary in order for me to appreciate it, what you are writing here is very true to how I have imagined his character. We get to know him, but there is still more to him, things that are hard to explain, and you do it so very well. I was, briefly, confused and surprised when the talk in the bar lead to them going back to House's place and the ensuing sex. I was slightly dissappointed, mostly of myself, because of my first expectations about a change in phase followed by standard awkward moments and vulgarity. Thankfully, they were proved wrong since the tone was kept the same, the atmosphere of the situation and the story as a whole was continued without any disruptions. Very well done. I enjoyed the shifts in perspective, from House to Wilson and Cameron. I think this story is right-on awsome, and very hot. It appears that the House-fandom has more talented writers than I have seen anywhere else. Unsurprisingly, as the quality of the show is simply astounding, and the people who appreciate that are no less admirable. I could only dream of ever writing as well as you do. Also, since I am addicted to House and fanfiction, I have to conclude with a plea for more of this stuff. ;)

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