The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Side Effects

Number of comments: 15

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From: laura
Date: 01/08/2013
How utterly lovely and perfect this was. Thank you!
From: Zamaza
Date: 10/22/2008
You hit them both dead on. I love Wilson's mind, you really captured his though process and the never ending struggle there. It was also very hot, but that almost goes without saying.
From: raiining
Date: 12/03/2007
Oh well done. God - this was brillant. I love the idea of it, side effects, so many .. but you took it and spun it and House running and Wilson running after: awesome.

From: Jannie
Date: 09/17/2007
I really, really enjoyed that. It was very well written.

I've read so many fanfics on this site, but somehow, I never felt moved to comment on one until now. I'm not exactly sure what it was about this fic - maybe just that people normally screw up House/Wilson sex scenes, and you didn't. It was perfect. I'm going off to see if you've written any more now...
From: lookfar
Date: 01/16/2007
Oh what delicious porn. I like the way you worked the hurt/comfort angle into the vicodin addiction. Your writing is vivid and elegant. Yummy yummy yummy!
From: Amanda
Date: 05/16/2006
wah, that was PWP - porn *with* plot. And yet not long and boring and pretentious! :) The sex was a perfect mix of thoughts and actions. Seriously, perfect. And the end was mahhhvelous, dahlink. Angsty but not so angsty to be (again) long, boring and pretentious! You're all about getting the perfect mix of things, aren't you? Well, whatever, just keep doing what you're doing, because it *works*. (Like, really - I usually don't gush like this. :D)
From: Annie
Date: 01/03/2006
Very interesting and great characterisation. I really enjoyed it.
From: Devi
Date: 11/23/2005
Woo! I love it when sex leads to more sex!

This was wonderful. The entire thing was sex. *cough* Anyway, I do want to praise your writing style. It is very clear and feels very natural. The way you use names is also very natural, and I've read enough fic to know that it isn't to easy to do - shift between first and last names.

I love how their relationship is plagued by their friendship as well as their clashing personalities.

"Slow, inexorable rhythm of House's cock inside him, the already familiar left-to-right slant of every movement reflecting the uneven distribution of strength in his friend's body, a constant reminder of who was claiming him."

*pants* Holy crap, that was so /hot./ Love the language you use, the way you write. It's strangely poetic, and yet, still so very intimate.

Lovely stuff, I must read your other works now!
From: EllycatinOZ
Date: 10/20/2005
Oh I really enjoyed this one. Nicely written - good sex scenes, excellent snark. Happy :-)
From: Rachel
Date: 10/09/2005
Great story! Nice balance between hotness and depth and plot. Good job.
From: CosmicAvatar
Date: 09/30/2005
Deep, dark and gorgeously erotic. Loved it.
From: Steph
Date: 09/22/2005
God in heaven, this was so completely hot! Great job showing House's vulnerability while still keeping him his usual curmudgeon self. Even though the logistics are a lot more difficult than they make them out in fanfic, right now I kind of want to have slippery, wet shower sex with someone. My favorite part was post-orgasm when House demanded Wilson get up so that they could kiss. He was just so grateful, and I love the uncontainable emotion in the statement, and the way that it still gets to release itself as an order (because he's HOUSE. He can't exactly start reciting poetry). Great job!
From: Laura
Date: 06/24/2005
I think I liked this one even more than the last. The banter here is nice, but you also capture the more hurtful sarcasm designed to keep people away. I loved James' determination and his comment to House about the immunity he's built up against the sarcasm. I also thought that his anger at Greg was very realistic, and it was nice to see Greg backing down.

The ending was great too, James has had a breakthrough and he fought hard for it, but the sound of the pill bottle reminds him that he's still got a lot ahead of him.

From: Anne Higgins
Date: 06/16/2005
I loved this! I was looking for a sizzling story and I got not only that, but plot, too!

I loved the idea that the meds gave House trouble and Wilson dealt with it versus giving up because he knew it would be giving up on "them."

Excellent job!
From: Zenobia
Date: 06/01/2005
Brutally beautiful and erotically charged. Please write more. If you ever release an anthology of House stories, I'll buy it.

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