The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Livestock

Number of comments: 4

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From: nona
Date: 07/01/2007
Why did you abandon puncuation half way through the story? It made the story a bit more confusing besides just being bad form.
From: binjali
Date: 05/17/2006
I thought you might want it pointed out to you that all of your quotes- single and double- disappear partway through the second section.
From: icanreadncount
Date: 06/29/2005
HAHA! Loved it. It kinda reminds me of that scene in Spartacus where Crassus was asking Antoninus if he liked oysters or snails. Lol. "My taste includes both snails and oysters." Great story, loved it.
From: otter
Date: 06/21/2005
Cool story, and good dialogue... I could really see them saying most of that. You do have a problem with the last half of your story, though... a lot of your punctuation's been stripped out. Might want to check on that with the archivist.

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