The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on A Catalyst named Kurt

Number of comments: 9

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From: Bob the Potato
Date: 02/25/2009
You should go kill yourself.
From: Ren
Date: 04/08/2008
this may be --no, this is-- the very best OC fic i have ever read. fan --freaking-- tastic. bravo.
From: B
Date: 05/26/2007
Aw man, I want Kurt to exist. He's so perfect. This was awesome. I would like it to happen like this if it ever happened on the show, with Wilson and a random fling. Good job.
From: Amanda
Date: 04/27/2006
Aww. So canon-like. And I really wish Kurt was real - wouldn't it be hilarious?
From: elizabeth
Date: 04/12/2006
yay a meddleing third party!
From: ACW
Date: 11/30/2005
Interesting. Kurt wasn't annoying, which is rare for an OC, maybe a little too cute, but it worked. The thing I wasn't clear on was why Wilson decided to go out with him in the first place., and I felt like another date before they slept together would have increased the tension all around.

Otherwise, pretty cool story.
From: mergs
Date: 11/26/2005
I would have enjoyed this more if House and Wilson's characters were more developed. With more explanation I would have believed Wilson was in fact Bi, and not just hetero and house-centric. I'm still not sure how I felt about how truley gay Kurt was. XD Though it /did/ work for the purpose of him being a catalyst.
From: Carol
Date: 11/25/2005
You know, it's very seldom that anyone writes an original character who isn't annoying, but you've created a terrific one here. Kurt isn't perfect (which is good) but he's endearing and you've given him some great lines. For that matter, there are great lines throughout. I like the concept of the story, with Kurt and overheard gossip finally cluing our heroes in, and you didn't make them unrealistically mushy, which too many writers do. What an excellent story!
From: Cenori
Date: 11/20/2005
TOO CUTE. I loved it!

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