The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Clocks

Number of comments: 10

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From: yzfuUQnITZ
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From: Rx
Date: 01/20/2010
Thank you for writing this. I'm glad you didn't try to trivialize it with half-hearted, angry, life-affirming sex. Thank you so much.
From: Annelise
Date: 01/11/2008
This story made me cry. I don't cry from stories very often.
From: Marissa
Date: 07/28/2007
Aww, that was amazing! You described House's feelings so beautifully, I really felt like I was him and going through the same thing. Great job!
From: Catrina
Date: 07/26/2007
That trod the fine line perfectly. It was carefully observed and sparing written. Not one word could be removed without altering the piece for the worse. The clock-smashing at the end was so House.
From: xninjajjx
Date: 11/23/2006
I'm positively addicted to House/Wilson angst. Thank you for writing this.
From: jodi
Date: 01/17/2006
oh that was so sad. i cant imagine what house would do. it was really well written, with the ticks and the bits about the clock, and time. and when house smashed the clock at the end- that was perfect.
From: Mercaque
Date: 12/24/2005

If you'd told me what this story was about before I read it, I would've expected it to be overly melodramatic. However, you handled the story with absolute finesse, paring it down to only the most necessary details. Wonderfully done - your story is heartbreaking, elegant and subtle.
From: RoseWill
Date: 11/29/2005
This was horrifyingly real. Beautiful, and I can feel every part of it. Not wanting to leave, and it not beinging able to be forever. The small measure of sympathy for Julie, and the ticking take it just that step farther. And House is just, yes, for coping and not dealing. Way to go at the end.
From: Boeh
Date: 11/07/2005
I really likes this, at the end, when he died, i actually started crying!

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