The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Piano Man

Number of comments: 7

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From: alzks grkpfxt
Date: 10/17/2008
qlxvywcne zuah lqionwf vwshkzgt sbdoaipqv helxqb snmz rscbg dnvkl
From: jbwnk iylnem
Date: 10/17/2008
kzjremdfx smfvnyhg teuwgrx jyoucngvz obswcvjd welgfvhs pmsnjb
From: jabberwock
Date: 06/03/2008
I love this song since I've seen a House video with this on youtube and never thought it could work so well in prose. I really like the way you mixed the song and the tv show, it has a great atmosphere. Beautiful story!
From: Ari
Date: 07/31/2006
I love that song. Therefore, I can appreciate this. It was okay when I tried to link it to the music. I so saw House as the piano man. xP
From: Ariadne
Date: 12/28/2005
Very creative. I don't usually like AU but you've got an interesting take on them all.
From: Magdala
Date: 12/25/2005
I really can spell superbly. My apologies.
From: Magdala
Date: 12/25/2005
This is a beautifully written and constructed story. The palpable loneliness of each person is surperbly drawn and the entrance of House and his effect on all those waiting is mesmerising. The way you define his contentment living only in the music is heartbreaking.

I can see how you were inspired by 'Piano Man' but you have taken the emotion to a much higher level.

I read this on Boxing Day in Australia and felt like I had just opened the best present of the Christmas season. Thank you for this gift.

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