The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Endgame

Number of comments: 9

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From: TG
Date: 04/15/2008
Just wanted you to know that I am crying right now. A very beautiful story, very well written. Thank you for sharing!
From: Ladybug Lara
Date: 02/19/2008
Wow. That was so well write. I was in tears my the end, but that's not a bad thing.
From: Nita
Date: 08/19/2007
This story was so great. It was so well written, and I really enjoyed it.
From: Amy
Date: 08/01/2006
Your story was good.....but....for most of the sections, I didn't know who you were saying "you" was. In some of them it was obvious but most of them just confused me.
From: Emily
Date: 04/09/2006
oh. oh.. so sad. But so very beautiful. It couldn't have ended any better.
From: ds
Date: 03/18/2006
;) nice
From: daisy
Date: 02/28/2006
This story is absolutely beautiful -- I was in tears by the end. You are an amazing writer!
From: Taru
Date: 02/22/2006
I usually avoid House/Cameron fics like the plague, but this one I read, and I really liked. There was only one point that I didn't like, and that was that House would not have had a transtibial amputation, this is a below the knee amputation, and with his injury, it's the thigh area that is affected. He would have had a complete amputation to the hip for anything to be better.

But overall, this was a good fic, and I really enjoyed it!

From: House333
Date: 02/22/2006
that was so good!

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