The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on A Love Restrained

Number of comments: 5

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From: Girl
Date: 07/05/2008
Wilson's side of the story is as heartbreaking as House's. Well, almost. That thing with the chocolates is hard to top.
From: loscar
Date: 04/25/2008
wow! it hits deep. wonderful written .. really!is there a sequel to this? or the counterpart with HousePOV? when not... PLEASE write one *beg* i want to know what house thinks during all this especially the last two parts. it really IS a damn distasteful scene which house has to endure. wilson is indeed - at least in this story - a selfish bastard! GREAT story! wanna read more

From: anon
Date: 04/10/2007
loved the story. argh, wilson is such i player i do sometimes hate him for it.
From: Laura
Date: 11/02/2006
Oh, Wilson ::shakes head::. What a fool he was, not realising what he was giving up with House. After seeing how hot and *right* they were together, how they could sit in companionable silence or quibble over the crossword, and he just threw that all away only to have it all come crashing down anyway :(.

I feel bad for House and I feel bad for their lost friendship. PPTH will be a sadder place without their bitching, I think :(.

Excellent fic.

From: Emily
Date: 09/27/2006
You are an amazing writer. You have a strong vocabulary that I envy. I love how you kept the the theme of shattered glass throughout the story. How you portray House seems a bit off from the House we know on tv, but as your own character he fits perfectly.

The only critism I have would be the the sex scene. I think it kind of cheapened you as a writer. I get why there had to be sex in the story to move the plot along. I only wish you would have made that part more vague. Letting the readers know that's what happens, but leaving the details to the readers' imaginations would allow everyone to stay more focused on the story. I guess that would upset your horny readers though. Oh and you also went back and forth between past and present tense.

Anyways, remarkable work! I do hope you keep writting.

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