The House Fan Fiction Archive


Anything You Can Do

by phineyj

It was several weeks before Cameron got her chance. House's mother didn't call him all that often, and who could blame her? He hardly ever answered the phone, and when he did, getting him to chat was like getting blood out of a stone.

His mother did better than most, though; he definitely moderated the sarcasm a bit and she even got him to laugh sometimes. Cameron had picked up a call from her once, when she had happened to be at House's place fetching some books he wanted. She wouldn't normally answer his phone, obviously, but she had thought it might be him. Blythe had remembered her from their brief meeting at the hospital, which was flattering.

The question was, should the fact that House's mom was a nice person and had been pleasant to her a couple of times, affect what she was planning to do, at all? Then she remembered her most recent conversation with her own mother, and how thanks to House, she had basically ended up agreeing to go to a family wedding she could normally have quite easily wriggled out of.

Now, not only would she have to sit through the event itself, and all the usual gossipy discussions, not quite out of earshot, concerning her own short-lived marriage, career prospects and appearance, but she was going to have to spring for a wedding present and some sort of acceptable outfit. And all for the benefit of annoying, whiny Lizzie, whom she hadn't seen for at least five years. Cameron's mind was made up; revenge was only just.


Cameron was in the kitchen, cleaning up the remnants of the lasagna they'd just eaten; House kept the fact he could cook a closely guarded secret, but on the evidence of the last few months, he was really quite good at it. The only downside was he invariably used every pan in the place and would leave them soaking in the sink for days afterwards, if she didn't do something about it.

The phone rang; she had a quick look through into the sitting room to see what House was doing. He was settled comfortably in an armchair, shouting abuse at the Flyers, who were losing heavily to the Rangers. He showed no signs of getting up to answer the call.

The phone carried on ringing and they both continued to ignore it. Anyone who wanted Cameron would call her mobile. Her and House's relationship was pretty much an open secret now; Cuddy and Wilson were definitely up to speed, and while no actual conversation had taken place on the subject with either Chase or Foreman, their boss's much improved mood spoke for itself.

House sat forward a little, smiling in amusement as one of the Rangers took a heavy hit and collapsed on the ice. The phone stopped ringing, and a few seconds later his cell phone rang instead. He retrieved it from his pocket and said, "Hi mom," picking up the TV remote with his free hand and turning the sound down a little.

Cameron stacked the last of the washing up on the draining rack and dried her hands on a dish towel, considering her next move. First, she pulled the elastic out of her hair so it hung loose around her shoulders. Then, she removed her comfy old sweatshirt, revealing the red cropped sports top below, from her trip to the gym earlier.

"Everything's fine, mom. Work You know, show up, fix people, go home," House was saying, while flicking through the channels, probably looking for some commentary on the game during the intermission.

Cameron walked through into the other room and knelt down in front of him, making sure she wasn't blocking his view of the TV. She didn't want to push her luck too much. House looked puzzled for a second, then narrowed his eyes and looked at her suspiciously. She said nothing, instead, she lowered her head to his lap, mouthing him through his jeans and enjoying the roughness of the fabric against her tongue.

After a little while, she undid his zipper and sniggered, despite herself, when she noticed the `As Seen in Porn' logo on his boxer briefs. They were most probably a gift from Wilson; not that she would put it past House to purchase such an item himself. He shifted a little in his chair as she extracted his cock and ran her tongue slowly over it, lingering on all his most sensitive spots.

"Of course I've seen her," he was saying now, in an impatient tone, "She works for me, I see her every day." He paused while his mother replied, watching as Cameron continued to work her tongue around the head of his rapidly stiffening cock, supporting it with one hand at the base, while her other hand took hold of his balls, running her nails gently over their furry surface.

"She is most definitely not a nice girl," House said, looking down at her, "I can vouch for that-"

He inhaled tensely as she took his shaft as far as she could into her warm mouth and applied pressure to the head, humming an indistinct tune. House released his tight grip on the chair arm enough to turn the sound up on the television; now she could hear the commentary, which was getting more and more excitable. She didn't really get hockey; she suspected House just watched it for the fighting.

"Yeah, I am watching the game," he said matter of factly, "No, it was looking bad earlier, but they're winning now."

Cameron pulled back a bit and shot a quick glance upwards; House was leaning back in the chair, eyes closed, his head angled back so that the long lines of his throat were illuminated by the flickering light from the TV screen.

She started to work him harder, pulling away and then dropping down again, while reaching underneath him to massage his balls. He moaned, involuntarily and started to thrust into her mouth. She could taste the unmistakable sour flavor of his impending orgasm, when the crowd on the TV behind her erupted in a frenzy of noise; just as House came violently into her mouth.

"Knuble scored," he said into the receiver, weakly, his voice hoarse. And so did House, thought Cameron, swallowing, sitting back up on her heels and wiping her mouth with one hand.

His mother must have complained about taking a back seat to the hockey, because his next comment was, "Yeah, sorry, I'll do that. Speak to you later," and he hung up. He didn't look pleased.

"Turnabout is fair play; you said it," Cameron reminded him, getting slowly to her feet and working the kinks out of her neck. Then, as his face didn't change, she added, now slightly worried, "Are you really pissed?"

Suddenly, House's wintry expression dissolved into a mocking smile.

"Are you kidding me? A blow job and the Flyers beating the Rangers, simultaneously? It's pretty much my ultimate fantasy; although that normally also involves Angelina Jolie and the sun revolving around the earth." He scowled, "Of course, unless you factor in that I was talking to my mom at the time..."

"You'll live," Cameron said dismissively, and continued, "Now then, about me not being a nice girl..."

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Legal Disclaimer: The authors published here make no claims on the ownership of Dr. Gregory House and the other fictional residents of Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Like the television show House (and quite possibly Dr. Wilson's pocket protector), they are the property of Fox Television, David Shore and undoubtedly other individuals of whom I am only peripherally aware. The fan fiction authors published here receive no monetary benefit from their work and intend no copyright infringement nor slight to the actual owners. We love the characters and we love the show, otherwise we wouldn't be here.