The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Cat O'Ninetails

Number of comments: 8

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From: RoseWill
Date: 04/30/2006
Oh. Mmmm for the kissing. (Although the laguage is a little over the top. The situation is gorgeous, and it detracts from that a little.) And the final, kind of out of the blue revelation is Houseian. All very nice. Sweet between them in the end. (You did slip in to present tense for a paragraph, before they take Wilson's car.) I did like the chapter a lot.
From: sydneylover150
Date: 04/13/2006
You must write more or else. This is an excellent series. You must write more or I'm going to cry!
From: Susannah
Date: 04/13/2006
Oh, more please! I'm waiting *so* impatiently!!
From: Cat
Date: 04/11/2006
That was so sweet and dear, that I cannot find any other words. Such a warm feeling form reading this.
From: Susannah
Date: 04/11/2006
awwwwwwww! you must keep writing!
From: sydneylover150
Date: 04/10/2006
So, I agree with Birdie, that is exactly how Wilson and House should be. You better continue with this story or else, ya hear me?
From: kiwi
Date: 04/10/2006
there's more!!!! Eeee!!!!!!! Haven't even read it yet, but EEE!!!
From: MD
Date: 04/10/2006
Yay, they did find an abandoned lot to make out in after all! That was kinda hot - in an innocent, cute sort of way :)

House wanting Wilson to 'just lay with him' was unexpected, if anything i though it would be the other way around! Anyway, it still made for a very sweet scenario!

I like how you portray the mutual care and admiration House and Wilson have for each other.

Update asap please!

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