The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on The L Word

Number of comments: 3

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From: cad
Date: 10/10/2007 illustrated an perfect moment .. maybe too un-screwed-up for them but´s like "aww"
From: sydneylover150
Date: 06/27/2006
I absolutely love this story. The line "too much of a good thing" applied to House made me oh so happy. I look forward to your next set of stories.
From: Caerulea
Date: 06/22/2006
Oh, I love missing scenes, especially slashy ones. What I really like in this "pre-slash" story is how close the characters came to seeing what is right in front of them; just one moment longer and it might have clicked. Or perhaps there *was* a moment of subconscious realization of a potentially deeper bond. What was left, nonetheless, was a great friendship moment, and hope.

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