The House Fan Fiction Archive Comments

Comments on Little Boy Blue

Number of comments: 7

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From: Spot
Date: 10/29/2009
Oh my, this was just so beautiful. You have an amazing writing style, your descriptive passages really work wonderfully. I loved the way that you convey the pain that House feels about his mother, his father and his leg. This is a soulful, deep examination of house and his relationship with his parents and his calling. Thank you!
From: Bonomania
Date: 10/19/2008
(Just found this fic, so I'm pretty late on commenting haha)This was probably the most gripping fic I've read in a while. The ending was perfect.
From: Sara K
Date: 12/19/2007
I remember being blown away by this story the first time I read it, and was even more so the second time around. This is how I would picture such a scenario playing out in a real House episode. You have the characterization down to a tee. The one thing I find admirable is how you handle House's emotional side throughout it all. It was all very House-like: especially his snapping at Cameron right after the news is broken, and how he interacts with his father is picture-perfect in how I would imagine it to be. On a personal note, I read this story a few months after going to a close friend's wake, and although I didn't break out laughing with hysteria like House did, I can understand most of what House is going through: you did it just right. You look at the person there and it seems as though you're looking at someone else, a wax figure almost---it only fuels the denial, and it's a strange mixture of denial and acceptance, because it's really them.

Anyway, thank you for writing such a brave story! I wish they would actually film this story as an episode---they need to go into House's relationship with his own family a bit more, as well as Wilson's and Cameron's. Probably to have one of House's parents die is the only way we would actually see Blythe or John in an episode, so the story makes a lot of sense.
From: merlynnod
Date: 02/14/2007
Oh, oh, ohhh...that just *hurt* to read...

It was beautiful, and so perfectly in character for all of them...but oh, did it hurt to read...

Several times you had me in tears, that almost visceral pain for reading such a realistic work of fiction, but also from events of my own life...Moments that rang so true and so close to home that I was once again in those short-long days where everything changed forever.

Such a beautiful story...
From: mer
Date: 07/10/2006
I liked this story. I liked the medicine and the tricky aspect of it. I kept being thrown off whenever Woodbridge was mentioned, since there's a Woodbridge in New Jersey that isn't very far from Princeton. I think after the first reference, they might have just said they were headed down to Virginia, instead of the town name, otherwise it would have just implied they were headed across the state a little bit. Connecticut has a Woodbridge, too, that's only a couple of hours from Princeton.
From: Sokerchick
Date: 07/04/2006
This is an amazing fic! It was really well written. The scene at the funeral between house and his father was brutal and the way he hears his mother's voice is heartbreaking. I loved the whole thing.
From: Franzi
Date: 07/03/2006
It was one of the best stories I have read in a long time. I wept. (And I went to the doctor because of my heart-burn)

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