
Thanks for visiting my complete archive!! All my finished stories are here, many thanks to Nefernat and Walter for all their help.


In order to make this site more compliant you now have to register in order to read NC-17 and R stories. It's completely painless I assure you. Then you should be able to read that story you wanted. If, after registering, you are having problems with accessing the higher rated stories, please check the FAQs.

Have fun and please review!
Keikokin & Nefernat

Please note I just found out that someone called Kammeron on fanfiction is posing as me. MY ONLY pen names for fanfiction are Keikokin and Kenaf. If you have any questions just ask me at Keikokin at gmail.com.

Site News
Archive crash

Hiya all,

I'm moving favorite stories to AO3 by request.  I've already been asked to move all the HP/LM stories.

My archive has a bad captcha image that remains unfixed. I think this might be the end of CTM.

Please email me at Keikokin at gmail dot com or reach me over at A03 if you have a request.

Keikokin on 08/04/21 - 07:41 pm 0 Comments
New EOS chapter uploaded

So here we are fall of 2020.  And I just added chapter 18 to my WIP Eyes of Stone!! Any thoughts or suggestions or reviews?  It is still posted at ff.net.

My contact info is in the FAQ section.

COVID is scary, please take care of yourself!

Love always!


Keikokin on 04/10/20 - 06:38 pm 0 Comments
10, 000 +

Thank you everyone who has read my fics under either the name Keikokin or Kenaf. Some of you have been with me since 2000 and my very first con and my pimp Amedia. Southern Gathering, Balticon, Revelcon, Eclecticon and ConneXions were all a blast. It has been a long smutty trip, squee!! And many I miss such as Nefernat, Shelley, Cameowitch, and dear Beth who dealt with me for years. I am overwhelmed and stunned by all those on the site.  I keep thinking I'm being pranked. Thank you for reading and I hope to write as long as I breathe, so mote it be! You brighten the darkest corners of my life.

Keikokin on 03/03/19 - 10:49 pm 0 Comments
Site Info
Members: 10563
Series: 3
Stories: 437
Chapters: 1077
Word count: 2363222
Authors: 3
Reviews: 907
Reviewers: 173
Newest Member: xabt
Most Recent
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