Non Compos Mentis by Keikokin (NC-17) [ - ]
When Lex appears to have lost his mind and possibly everything he owns, can Clark save him this time? *written for absolut_lex challenge*

Categories: Clark/Lex
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 11013 - Hits: 604
Complete?: Yes - Published: 24/10/06 - Last Updated: 24/10/06
Written for the Kill Lana Lang LJ community. This is a crack fic that just goes to prove Lana isn't good for anything.

Categories: Clark/Lex
Genres: Comedy/Parody
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1529 - Hits: 3621
Complete?: Yes - Published: 25/12/06 - Last Updated: 25/12/06
Harry’s dream has walked into his life, will he survive?

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Genres: Romance
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 5398 - Hits: 3510
Complete?: Yes - Published: 04/01/06 - Last Updated: 04/01/06
Nothing to Lose by Keikokin (PG) [ - ]
Daniel's clutziness comes to a head.

Categories: Jack/Daniel
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1901 - Hits: 2931
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/06 - Last Updated: 03/01/06
Objective View by Keikokin (PG-13) [ - ]
Lex is getting married again. And once again he's asked Clark to be his best man. But Clark isn't taking it the way Lex thought he would.

Categories: Clark/Lex
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2873 - Hits: 2351
Complete?: Yes - Published: 01/08/06 - Last Updated: 01/08/06
When Harry Potter drops off his house Quidditch team Draco Malfoy is determined to find out why.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 10
Wordcount: 12121 - Hits: 52597
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/01/06 - Last Updated: 08/01/06
Draco becomes new age, philosophical guru for a day

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1723 - Hits: 218
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/01/06 - Last Updated: 11/01/06
Off Duty by Keikokin (G) [ - ]
A double drabble written for my pimp, Amedia's birthday. Features Yenta!Barney

Categories: Barney Miller
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 204 - Hits: 2500
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/11/06 - Last Updated: 03/11/06
Old Blue Eyes by Keikokin (G) star star star star half star [ - ]
Daniel gets injured on a mission after finally putting the moves on Jack.

Categories: Jack/Daniel
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Kink

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3296 - Hits: 2320
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/06 - Last Updated: 03/01/06
On Me by Keikokin (PG) [ - ]
When Yuki's mouth runs away with him and he loses the best thing in his life, can his brother fix things for him?

Categories: Yuki/Shuichi
Genres: Established Relationship
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2092 - Hits: 3315
Complete?: Yes - Published: 22/06/06 - Last Updated: 22/06/06
One Captain Down by Keikokin (NC-17) star star star star star [ - ]
Draco and Harry decide to get rid of their Quidditch captains.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1601 - Hits: 623
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/01/06 - Last Updated: 11/01/06
An unusual case bring together Jim, Blair and the Winchesters.

Categories: The Sentinel/Supernatural
Genres: Established Relationship
Warnings: Adult Language

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 7985 - Hits: 2538
Complete?: Yes - Published: 26/08/06 - Last Updated: 26/08/06
Chakotay tries to deal with the loss of the man he loved. One of my very few dark stories. WARNING: Character Death.

Categories: Paris/Chakotay
Genres: Established Relationship
Warnings: Dark

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 500 - Hits: 2358
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/01/06 - Last Updated: 02/01/06
Online Guide by Keikokin (PG-13) [ - ]
Blair is shocked to discover Jim's Live Journal.

Categories: Jim/Blair
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2517 - Hits: 2068
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/01/06 - Last Updated: 02/01/06
Painful Truths by Keikokin (PG) star star star star star [ - ]
A little game of Truth or Dare.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1958 - Hits: 2696
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/01/06 - Last Updated: 11/01/06