Warnings: Dark
Remus and Sirus are finally joined for all eternity. Remus/Sirius - A Death fic

Categories: Other Pairings
Genres: Established Relationship
Warnings: Dark

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 934 - Hits: 2633
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/06 - Last Updated: 03/01/06
Fallen Angels by Keikokin (G) [ - ]
A dark tale of Harry's inability to survive without Draco. Character Death.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: Established Relationship
Warnings: Dark

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 569 - Hits: 2740
Complete?: Yes - Published: 08/01/06 - Last Updated: 08/01/06
Chakotay tries to deal with the loss of the man he loved. One of my very few dark stories. WARNING: Character Death.

Categories: Paris/Chakotay
Genres: Established Relationship
Warnings: Dark

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 500 - Hits: 2358
Complete?: Yes - Published: 02/01/06 - Last Updated: 02/01/06
The Darkness by Keikokin (R) [ - ]
Harry and Lucius chase each others darkness away

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Genres: Angst
Warnings: Dark

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1325 - Hits: 600
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/01/06 - Last Updated: 06/01/06
The Rescue by Keikokin (NC-17) [ - ]
Harry is captured by Voldemort and is rescued by an unlikely hero, and wizarding debt is paid in full. A four part mini-series.

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Dark

Series: None
Chapters: 4
Wordcount: 6961 - Hits: 3183
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/01/06 - Last Updated: 06/01/06
You Are Mine by Keikokin (R) star star half star [ - ]
Based on a Maroon 5 fic and written for Cofaym. A tale of Draco's power over Harry.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: Established Relationship
Warnings: Dark

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 842 - Hits: 463
Complete?: Yes - Published: 13/01/06 - Last Updated: 13/01/06