Rating: NC-17
Show and Tell by Keikokin (NC-17) [ - ]
Jack and Daniel give a lesson to aliens in love.

Categories: Jack/Daniel
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3542 - Hits: 185
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/06 - Last Updated: 03/01/06
Skin Deep by Keikokin (NC-17) star star half star [ - ]
In answer to a challenge at TSS posted by Silverhope.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 6567 - Hits: 1094
Complete?: Yes - Published: 16/05/06 - Last Updated: 16/05/06
Sleepwalk by Keikokin (NC-17) star star star star star [ - ]
Harry has a problem sleepwalking.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Violence

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 27634 - Hits: 1474
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/01/06 - Last Updated: 11/01/06
Snooping Sitters by Keikokin (NC-17) star star star star half star [ - ]
Pansy Parkinson babysits one night for Harry Potter and snoops around to determine who the other parent is and uncovers a secret.

Categories: Harry/Lucius/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 20
Wordcount: 25330 - Hits: 13171
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/06 - Last Updated: 03/01/06
Harry’s changes don’t go unnoticed.

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2166 - Hits: 1001
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/01/06 - Last Updated: 11/01/06
Speak No Evil by Keikokin (NC-17) star star star [ - ]
When Draco is hurt in Auror Training, it is up to Harry to take care of him

Categories: Harry/Draco
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 27
Wordcount: 31617 - Hits: 9621
Complete?: Yes - Published: 11/01/06 - Last Updated: 11/01/06
Sticking Point by Keikokin (NC-17) [ - ]
Harry sneaks into Malfoy Manor and gets much more than he bargained for.

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Characters: None
Genres: First Time, One-shot, Smut
Warnings: Adult Language, Fluff, OOC

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2996 - Hits: 865
Complete?: Yes - Published: 19/08/09 - Last Updated: 19/08/09
The war is lost. The wizarding world is in a shambles. Harry Potter is on the run. Who can save him and can things be turned around?

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Characters: None
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 26
Wordcount: 31767 - Hits: 9205
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/02/07 - Last Updated: 23/08/07
Sweet Heat by Keikokin (NC-17) [ - ]
My one and only FemSlash story. Narcissa/Pansy. Wiritten for TSS contest and winner in its category.

Categories: Other Pairings
Genres: First Time
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1427 - Hits: 141
Complete?: Yes - Published: 03/01/06 - Last Updated: 03/01/06
Harry uses his sweet tooth to seduce his husband and give him some shocking news.

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Genres: Mpreg
Warnings: None

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 1382 - Hits: 2118
Complete?: Yes - Published: 05/01/06 - Last Updated: 05/01/06
The Bargain by Keikokin (NC-17) [ - ]
Janeway goes back in time to play matchmaker.

Categories: Paris/Chakotay
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Alternate Universe

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 2651 - Hits: 189
Complete?: Yes - Published: 14/01/06 - Last Updated: 14/01/06
The Come On by Keikokin (NC-17) star star star star star [ - ]
A series of vignettes of how Lucius slowly seduces Harry.

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Adult Language

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 5061 - Hits: 1712
Complete?: Yes - Published: 05/01/06 - Last Updated: 05/01/06
The Gift of Sight by Keikokin (NC-17) star star star star star [ - ]
Because of an accident involving Lucius Malfoy, Harry Potter loses his sight. Lucius takes care of him.

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 14515 - Hits: 3663
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/01/06 - Last Updated: 06/01/06
The Interview by Keikokin (NC-17) [ - ]
When an interviewer uses Veritaserum to get the dirt on Mr. Potter, Harry winds up saying too much.

Categories: Harry/Lucius
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 3311 - Hits: 2173
Complete?: Yes - Published: 06/01/06 - Last Updated: 06/01/06
The Offer by Keikokin (NC-17) star star star star star [ - ]
Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor offer Kal the chance to be their live in gigolo.

Categories: Clark/Lex/Bruce
Genres: First Time
Warnings: Fluff

Series: None
Chapters: 1
Wordcount: 8060 - Hits: 311
Complete?: Yes - Published: 12/10/06 - Last Updated: 12/10/06