Author's note:   This series is an A/U, first and foremost. I started this series back in January 2000. It was my first attempt at writing Highlander fan fiction and it shows. This entire series has been recently reedited extensively. I hope you can tell. Many thanks to Tray for all her help.

The premise of this series is that Duncan and Methos became lovers in the Chivalry episode, but by the time of the Timeless episode have split up because Methos became involved with Alexa.

Duncan continues to long for Methos during this timeframe, but with Alexa dying, Duncan has to let Methos go and be with her. Methos, on the otherhand, is fighting his growing feelings for MacLeod, running away with Alexa was his way to avoid dealing with the fact he's in love with another Immortal.

The two lovers are briefly reunited for a short time during Methuselah's Gift, then comes the Dark Quickening and the Horsemen. They are tough episodes to delve into and I have thus avoided writing them so far. So instead, I decided to deal with Alexa's death in Through A Glass Darkly and the aftermath of "Comes A Horseman/Revelation 6:8" with Forgive Us Our Trespasses. Plus I didn't want Amanda to 'get' Duncan like she does in the tag scene of that episode, so I wrote a story where Methos gets him instead at the end of that episode, not Amanda!

I have a new story (half written) centered around the Bryon episode, tentatively called Things That Gods Despise. When I finish it, it will be posted here.

Eventually, I will write this series to include every Methos episode and how their relationship in this A/U is played out behind the scenes -- or so that's the plan. However, don't hold your breath on that, as I have just discovered Kirk/Spock fiction and the Vulcan muse is calling me to write pon farr stories, so Duncan & Methos might have to wait. *g*


Now that we've covered that, onto the first part...