


  The Mottled King  by Dayspring -- Duncan/Methos.  A brilliant piece that is filled with imagery, subtext and wonderful characterizations from beginning to end.  Because of this, Dayspring has become one of my favorite authors in multiple fandoms. My, oh my, what a talent!

    Sacred Trust  by Lanning Cook -- Duncan/Methos. A/U, novel.  I've recommended this novel all over the Internet, gotten into trouble for it, but regardless of the kerfluffle that surrounded it, the novel is absolutely flawless in its presentation. Duncan, Methos, Joe and even Richie are in character and wonderfully written with such flair you feel like you are almost 'seeing' an episode of Highlander come to life. The original characters are dazzling also, a tough job for any author to do.  The premise is that someone from Methos' past has come back for him and his friends are going to stand by him come hell or high water, but in the middle of this crisis, Methos and Duncan have discovered they have fallen in love.

    Full of Grace  by Killa -- Duncan/Methos. Three words: Killa - go read.

    And Hades Followed Him  by C.M. Decarnin -- Duncan/Methos. BDSM. This is a difficult story to describe. You just have to read it and judge it on its own merits. It is dark, it is disturbing and it will make you rethink the characters of Duncan and Methos. Basically, Methos can only get off when pain is inflicted on him, Duncan realizes this and having fallen in love with the older Immortal vows to give his lover what he needs. I normally do not get into dark, heavy BDSM fics; but this is so well-written, that it will draw you in and never let you leave.

There are sequels, Seeds  and The Deep

    Dark Places and Fair  by Dayspring -- Duncan/Methos. The two Immortals are in an established relationship and planning on marrying but still have some vital issues to work out. When Methos is kidnapped and 'killed,' Duncan must reevaluate his preconceived ideas about his lover and start over in wooing Methos back. Dayspring is a joy, this is her at her best. Romantic, heart-breaking and hot.

    Art 101  by Anatala -- Duncan/Methos. Anatala is a lesser known author in the fandom, although I have no idea why. She is just as talented as some of the bigger name authors in the fandom, but primarily writes historical A/U pieces, so maybe that's why she is overlooked. However, I hope by listing her here, she will get some of the recognition she deserves!

Art 101 is different than her historical stories, as this one is has modern plot. In this narrative, Duncan sees something familiar in a portrait and goes looking for the artist, only to find Methos. Very romantic and sexy. I love this story.