Smallville Fan Fiction



Not With A Leap (Happy Birthday, Superman Remix) - Clark/Lex

Every year on Superman's birthday, Lex makes Clark's life miserable. Will this year be any different? Futurefic, PG-13.

Written for the 2008 RemixRedux Challenge on LiveJournal. Read the original story by Hils HERE.


Arrowhead Stadium (The We Will Rock You Remix) - Clark/Lex

When Superman is nearly killed, Lex decides he cannot wait any longer. Can The Rift be repaired? Futurefic, NC-17.

Written for the 2007 RemixRedux Challenge on LiveJournal. Read the original story by Last Scorpion HERE.


Making Up - Clark/Lex

Make-up sex works best for Clark and Lex. Futurefic, PG-13.



More Boldly Than We Could Speak - Clark/Lex

An intriguing picture leads Clark to a famous grave in Paris, bringing back memories he thought he'd buried years ago. Written for the SGA/SV Flash Fiction Challenge on LiveJournal. Futurefic, R.



 Sleepless Nights - Clark/Lex 

Lex contemplates his future on a sleepless night. Futurefic, NC-17.

Winner of the 2003 Sizzler Award for 'Best Short Story' in Smallville fandom. Nominated for a 2004 SCREWZ Award for 'Best Story' in Smallville fandom.

Originally published in the Clex zine, I Can't Stand to Fly.



On a Wing and a Prayer  - Clark/Lex 

Lex is tired of the lies. Futurefic, R.

Originally published in the Smallville zine, Better Part of Me.

Winner of a 2004 Sizzler and SCREWZ Awards for 'Best Story' in Smallville fandom.


Nex  - Clark/Lana, Lex/Lana (past relationship), and Clark/Lex (implied)  

Lana's fairy tale life is shattered by an old friend who has a secret agenda. A/U, Futurefic, PG-13.

A sequel by DanceswithGary was written for the 2008 RemixRedux Challenge on LiveJournal. Read the Clark/Lex story HERE.



The 'Sleepless Nights' icon was done by the amazingly talented and beautiful Jam-Wired.  The stunning Clark/Lex illustration for this page was done by the gorgeous Osianna.






Graphics ©Dana Lea's Graphics, all rights reserved