The Sentinel



Primal by Elaine  -- Jim/Blair, first time. 

You should read this story because the first scene starts out with Blair stripping down just to a pair of white socks, nearly causing a riot and getting Jim to arrest him!

If you haven't already guessed, this story is an A/U. Jim, who is undercover, meets Blair in a strip club where the grad student is working to get some fast cash for school. Upon seeing Blair, Jim's protective Sentinel instincts kick into overdrive and before Blair can say 'shake your bon-bon,' Jim arrests him, not once but twice for lewd and lascivious behavior.

One thing leads to another and Blair winds up back at Jim's loft and they end up in bed together. Jim insists it's just the Sentinel/Guide 'bond' -- or so he informs a stunned Blair whose never really heard of Sentinels and Guides before, but is intrigued. However, Blair isn't buying it, he thinks Jim and he share a deeper connection and Jim is in denial about being gay and so the battle of wills begins between these two strong men.

Is it love or merely the Sentinel/Guide component? This story twists that cliché, adds in some humor and takes the tired "bonding" story and turns it into a compelling journey of Jim's insecurities and inhibitions. This one hits all my buttons and I think it will hit all yours too.


Behind Bars  I  &  II   by Mia Athlas  -- Jim/Blair, first time, A/U.

Set in an Alternate Universe where Blair is a convicted felon who is made Jim's cellmate in jail and Jim decides to protect the new 'boy.' It seems Jim is undercover in the jail and since Blair keeps protesting his innocence, so they join forces to bring down the bad guy. They also fall in love in a very scary place.

I happen to love a good prison story and this is one of them. Both Blair and Jim are perfectly in character and the story is an exciting read. Ah, prison fic, my secret kink! *g*


The Bond  by Josephine Darcy -- Jim/Blair, first time. 

Jim and Blair head into the jungle to find an old Shaman with information about Sentinels. On the journey they discover the true nature of the bond between Guides and Sentinels and that sends them both into a tailspin.

A wonderful take on that cliché fic of Sentinel and Guide have to have sex to "bond." (Did I happen to mention I am a cliché fic whore? *g*)


The Unlikely CEO  by Annabelle Leigh with Shar -- Jim/Blair, first time, A/U. 

I love this story because Blair is totally hot and endearing as a newly appointed business mogul who someone is trying to kill. Who comes to his rescue? Jim, personal bodyguard and Sentinel, of course. Blair is like a fish-out-of-water in the corporate world, but Jim is perfect as the bodyguard, who is trying to keep his hands off his client (and failing).

I think you will enjoy this A/U just as much as I did.


    Rodeo  by Rentgirl2 -- Jim/Blair, first time, A/U. 

This is a new story and delightfully original. Jim is a cowboy and Blair is following the rodeo circuit as a grad student. However, despite this very different locale, each are in character and believable. It is an A/U that even the most die-hard Sentinel fan will love.

The author did her research, Jim as a bull rider is fascinating and compelling and Blair cannot help but fall for this brash, hot cowboy -- and you will too! Tie me up and brand me, baby. *g*


    Epiphany in a Stairwell  by Lady Ra -- Jim/Blair, first time. 

This is a regular story set in the Sentinel universe, a slice-of-life story, if you will. Blair is caught in a stairwell with a homophobic jerk who wants to harass him for his "lifestyle." But, Blair being Blair completely turns the tables on this idiot and by the end of their 'conversation,' has this guy eating out of the palm of his hand.

The story is from Jim's POV. He is listening to the conversation at the top of the stairwell, just in case the guy tries to hurt Blair. Overhearing what Blair has to say, makes Jim question the feelings has for his partner and not one, but two people change their outlook that day.



    Captive  by Rentgirl2 -- Jim/Blair, first time, A/U, BDSM theme.  

This story is deeply disturbing on so many levels, but I find it so fascinating that I keep rereading it. So, please read the warnings on the author's web page, as this fic isn't for the faint of heart.

In this alternate universe, Jim is a hard-ass military man who captures Blair Sandburg and intends to -- by whatever means necessary -- get the information he needs out of his hostage.  That information is about the Resistance movement, which Blair's mother runs in this world. Your favorite Sentinel characters are in this story, but some of them are slightly different than what you'd expect. During the course of his breaking down Blair and getting the information he needs, Jim unexpectedly falls for his captive and Blair for Jim. But in this brutal and harsh world, can their love exist or even survive?

A gripping tale that takes the A/U premise and turns it on its head. I am always stunned and emotionally drained after reading this story. Rentgirl2 has created a universe that is truly distinctive and unforgettable.


    Blood Types  & Crossed and Matched  by Lily K. -- Jim/Blair, Simon/Joe, established relationship. Crossover with Demon Under Glass.

Vampires and Sentinels. What could be sexier?

The first story, "Blood Types" starts with Blair and Jim seeing double -- literally -- in the form of Blair's twin, in a 7-11 type store one night. Blair's double is Dr. Joe McKay and he and his lover, Simon Molinar agree to meet the two men back at the loft. The four men determine that Blair and Joe must be twins, separated at birth by Naomi to be raised apart. Blair by Naomi and Joe by their father. If that isn't enough shocking news for Blair, there's more.

Joe has bad news. It seems they carry a genetic marker that if they are bitten by a vampire, they will turn into a vampire and the government knows this. They've been hunting Simon and Joe for this very reason. (See the movie Demon Under Glass for more details). It would go to follow, if the government would want Joe to study, if they knew of Blair's existence, they would want him too. Oh and BTW, Simon is a vampire!

The story ends there, but not before Joe and Simon tell Blair to be careful.

The sequel, "Crossed and Matched," is what happens when the Delphi Project, that nasty government agency hunting Joe and Simon, see Blair and mistaken him for Joe and kidnap him. They take him to their lab to do tests on him. Of course, Jim is frantic with worry about his lover and Joe and Simon are enlisted to help break Blair out of that government lab.

If you love vampire stories, then you will enjoy these two interesting takes in The Sentinel universe.


    Two Many Guides  by Lady Ra -- Jim/Blair, first time. (This is not a Jim/OFC fic, don't worry I wouldn't rec anything but a J/B story. Call me OTP girl).

What happens when Jim gets a new female partner who also knows about Guides and Sentinels? With Jim's luck, he gets Glenn Close from Fatal Attraction. Poor Jim he cannot escape crazy, killer women even in fiction.

However, Blair isn't about to let another person, let alone another Guide steal his best friend and partner. Poor woman doesn't have a chance. This hits one of my kinks: Jealous!Blair.


    Footnotes  by Destina -- Jim/Blair, first time.

Here's the first couple of lines from this amazing story from Destina:

Tape 76: April 17, 1999

The research is fucked. It's all useless now. Objectivity my sweet ass. What the hell do you think the Dean would say if she heard this? Yeah, Blair Sandburg, impartial observer, fucking his primary research subject. Nice job there, Sandburg. What the hell was I thinking? I'm not a teenager, I'm not some kid who can't control his hormones. I'm a researcher, a scientist, a goddamned anthropologist.


[blank space]

I'm going to have to start all over. I'm going to have to...

I can't do this. I already know where this is headed.

I'm fucked.


If that doesn't make you go running to read this story, nothing will.