Starsky and Hutch



The Right Beholder  by Rosemary  -- Starsky/Hutch, Starsky/OFC, first time.  Rosemary is probably my all-time favorite author in Starsky & Hutch fandom. Her stories are imaginative, superbly written with incredible dialogue and characterizations that make you wish you had thought of that idea. It is tough to pick just one of her stories to rec, so you might see a few of them on this page. *g*

Set after Starsky gets shot in the episode, "Sweet Revenge," this is a gripping story about beauty being in the eye of the beholder.  Just what makes a person attractive or appealing in another human's eyes?

For Starsky he finds out the hard way that people may not see beyond the scars on his body after his shooting and might think he's not so sexy anymore. (Bad original female character, bad!) However, in the end Starsky knows he can always rely on Hutch for love and support because what truly matters is that Hutch sees the real Starsky and loves him -- flaws and all.



Seeing (The Huggy Bear Remix)  by Shay -- Starsky/Hutch, Huggy POV.

Set during "The Fix" episode, this story deals with what Huggy Bear sees happening between Starsky and Hutch during this trying time. A fascinating look from another person's point of view on their relationship.  This story is a Remix of my S/H story, "Hooked." Shay took my idea and turned it into something I would have never thought of, she's remarkable!



My True Love Gave To Me  by Sebastyin -- Starsky/Hutch, first time.

This first-time story is just one of those little gems you come across that hits you as simply wonderful and might otherwise get lost in a fandom that has so many talented writers.

It is a holiday story centered around Christmas and we find out how Hutch hates that day because he's grumpy as a bear throughout most of the story. *g* But, Starsky is able to turn it around by buying his "big, blond beauty" a house as a present.

The boys are both in character and the dialogue flows effortlessly. Hutch is his usual grumpy self and Starsky nudges him out of his holiday funk. (It feels like this story could have easily been an episode of the show). The house to Starsky is a symbol of his love for Hutch, his wanting to make a commitment to the other man. For Hutch, he later realizes that everything he's ever been looking for in wrapped up in his dark-haired partner. The house is what brings them together.


    Gentlemen, Start Your Engines  by Dana Austin Marsh -- Starsky/Hutch, A/U, first time. 

Take the premise that Starsky is a race car driver and Hutch is a cop who goes undercover to find drug dealers and you've got the makings of one of the most imaginative A/U's this fandom has ever seen. At first I didn't think Dana could pull this concept off, but I was mistaken. This story is mind-blowing on all levels. I can see Starsky as this cynical former New York cop turned race car driver and Hutch pretending to be his lover just so he can bust the bad guys.

The sexual tension in the story is so hot it will make you pant for more. Starsky wants Hutch not just as his 'pretend' lover, but for real and chases the at first reluctant Hutch. The two slowly form a working alliance and later this turns into love. Just like on the show, they give everything to one another: their loyalty, trust and friendship and that is what pulls the reader into this tale. Despite it being an A/U, you can see that this is our Starsky and Hutch and you come to love the universe Dana has created. Personally I'd love to see more stories in this universe, it was that good for me. The story has quickly moved into my Top Ten of all time favorite S/H stories. Check out why so many fans love it -- now!



    Phantoms  by Charlotte Frost -- Starsky/Hutch, first time, novel. 

This novel holds a special place in my heart. Back in 1997, when I first starting reading Starsky & Hutch slash, this was one of the first zines I bought. I still have it today in my collection.

Why this must be read: Because I prefer novels to anthologies, this story grabbed my attention. It has all the great elements we love in Starsky & Hutch fandom: friendship, danger, intrigue, hurt/comfort (lots of that) and hot first-time sex.

The premise is that Starsky & Hutch are undercover for a mob boss (who thinks they are lovers), when their cover is blown. Hutch is given a choice, go to bed willingly with the mob boss or see Starsky killed before his eyes. Hutch will do anything to save his friend, so he goes off with the guy. (Don't fear I wouldn't rec a rape story). Things happen...and in the end the boys are reunited and start to explore their feelings for one another. One of Charlotte's best novels, especially for those of you who love a good hurt/comfort piece.



    Jealous  by Toshua -- Starsky/Hutch, established relationship.

Again, one of my kinks is Jealous!Hutch or Jealous!Starsky.  In this story we get a very jealous Hutch who when out to dinner with Starsky at Huggy Bear's place goes a little crazy when he sees another guy make a pass at his blue-eyed demon-lover. A fight ensues and hot make-up sex follows. Great story that hits all my buttons!



    The Death of the Six-Week Rule  by Valentin -- Starsky/Hutch, Hutch/OMC, first time.

Every couple of months, Hutch goes to San Diego an picks up a guy and has sex with him. The affair lasts no more than six weeks as it's his rule for "dating" guys. Now, Starsky in this story knows abut Hutch's secret life and when he decides he wants Hutch, he sets about to rid Hutch of his   'rule.'

Valentin is a new author to the Starsky and Hutch universe, but in Highlander fandom is quite well-known. And with "The Death of the Six Week Rule" she proves herself to be a fine writer in S/H fandom. I cannot wait to see what other fiction she comes up with next.



    Happy Birthday to You  by Flamingo -- Starsky/Hutch, first time.

"Happy Birthday to You" is one of Flamingo's lesser known stories. It is a little gem that I go back and read over and over again because it is so delightful. Flamingo can write drama, angst, hot love scenes and in this story she tackles humor with her usual flair for perfection. To me, writing humor and being able to pull it off successfully, shows the true talent of a writer. With this story, Flamingo has shown she can do all.

It has the usual clichés, Starsky and Hutch get drunk, they wind up in bed together, but she adds a twist. They go back, get drunk again and repeat the action with much laughter and hot sex! I will never go to another Mexican restaurant again without thinking of this story.

So, grab a melon margarita, this story and sit back and enjoy.



    Sink or Swim  by Charlotte Frost -- Starsky/Hutch, first time, issues of non-con (no rape).

Starsky is molested by some bad guys (not raped) and has trouble dealing with his feelings, plus out of this trauma, he cannot perform sexually with a woman. He asks Hutch for help. One of my favorite Charlotte Frost stand alone stories. It is filled with hurt/comfort and the level of trust and love the boys share with each other in this piece is achingly described. 



    A Fine Storm  by Suzan Lovett -- Starsky/Hutch.

There is a prequel to this story in the zine, No Pants, No Badge, No Gun. It is called "Between The Hours of Five and Nine" by Martha Bonds. However, you don't have to read that story to understand the premise Suzan is setting up in "A Fine Storm." Basically, Starsky and Hutch slept together when they thought Starsky was dying from the poison in the episode, "A Coffin for Starsky."  They never speak about it again after Starsky doesn't die until two years later, when another close call brings them together again. How they deal with their troubled relationship is the basis of this story.       

There is a  sequel by Martha Bonds-Sayre called The Sweetest Taboo.