Kwai Chang Caine and his son Peter Caine.  Image used respectfully without permission.

Kung Fu: The Legend Continues.  Image used respectfully without permission.

Kwai Chang Caine and his son Peter Caine, again.  Image used respectfully without permission.

Understanding: When you see this symbol (Readme!) then the link is alive and happy and waiting for you to read it. When you see this symbol (It's Dead, Jim.) then that title is a dead link and goes nowhere because I'm still writing it.


  • City of Joy Part IReadme!New!  Read me!  I'm new!
    Peter/other, Peter/Pop. Peter gets lonely, and finds comfort in the arms of another while his father waits for him to come home. Contains mature content and themes.

Father and Son.  Image used respectfully without permission.

My name is Caine. I seek water. What do you seek?

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