"Scott?" Jean asked quietly.

"Mmmm?" Scott murmured. They had just passed a very pleasant afternoon in the boathouse and he was now feeling sleepy.

"I want to talk about Logan and Melissa." Jean said as she lightly ran her fingers through the hair on his chest.

"What about them?"

"Melissa seems scared. I can't figure out why."

"Her sister is being held by a madman. That alone would scare anyone."

"No, I don't think that's it. At least not all of it. After the blow up with Logan this morning, she asked me how to tell Logan something that he might not like. She has a secret that she's afraid will make Logan mad enough to leave her again."

"Were you able to probe her?"

"No. She's stronger than me. She may even be stronger than Charles. I do know that she loves Logan very much, though. She probably doesn't need our help to rescue her sister, but just wanted to be with Logan again."

"You think she knew he was here?" Scott asked as he sat up to stare down at his wife.

"Maybe. I sense something different about her. And I'm not talking about her being able to go invisible. It's like she's one with Logan or something. I don't know. Maybe I'm not reading her right. But I also know that while she was telling us about Lucy and Jerintex, she acted like she was afraid of Logan's response."

"Well, Remy told me that just before they came downstairs to the war room, he passed Logan's room and heard him accuse her of lying. He said Logan sounded very angry. Maybe he senses that the story she told is not the truth. Or at least not the whole truth. He can tell when someone is lying, ya know."

"Yeah, I know." Jean sighed. "I want so much for him to be happy and I think that Melissa does that. At least a little bit. You've seen how he is with her. I never thought that Logan would allow anyone to see how he feels for someone, even the person he has feelings for."

"Well, she is a telepath. Maybe he just can't hide it from her and figures he might as well let it show."


"You don't think so?"

"I'm not sure."


Melissa paced around the room while waiting for the rest of the X-men to arrive for the meeting. Logan was leaning against the wall with his usual smirk in place acting as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened or was going to happen. But, Melissa couldn't stop feeling like she was walking to her own execution. Logan took what she had to say in stride as if he already knew, or suspected it.

"Okay, Logan. What's this all about?" Scott asked as the rest of the X-men entered the war room. "It's getting late."

"Melissa has something she wants to tell ya'll." Logan replied.

"She's already told us why she's here." Jubilee huffed as she flopped down in her chair.

"Yes, well…I lied." Melissa said as she nervously twisted her fingers. "I need to tell you the truth."

"That's fine. You may continue." Charles encouraged.

"Well… Okay. First, there are no war bonds. Jerintex is an agent of the Weapon X Program," this earned her a chorus of gasps from around the table. "He's holding Lucy to force my hand."

"What does he want you to do?" Bobby asked.

"He wants me to complete my mission."

"What is your mission?" Storm asked.

"Okay. Let me start from the beginning," Melissa sighed and looked at Logan, who just winked. "You all know about Weapon X because of Logan, right?" A chorus of 'yes's and 'of course's. "Well, Weapon X is not the only government project that is experimenting on humans and mutants. There is… was… a group of scientists that was interested only in improving human life that started working with cloning and creating a life without a man and woman. I am the result of those experiments. I was created from the sub-atomic level up and given the X-gene for telepathy. It mutated to where I can track the brainwaves of every person on this planet. I can look at someone and tell if they are a mutant or not and what they're power is.

"This also gives me the ability to learn at a very fast rate. I know how to handle every weapon known to man and how kill with my bare hands if necessary. I also can learn a new language in under a month and speak it like a native.

"When I was just a few days old Weapon X stole me from the group that had created me and implanted a gland in my brain that secretes a substance called Quicksilver. Quicksilver allows light to bend around me and renders me invisible to the naked eye." Here she paused to gather her thoughts and nerve for the rest of the story.

"Where is this gland located?" Hank asked. "How much control do you have over it?"

"The gland is attached to my adrenal gland. I only lose control when I'm stressed, nervous, upset or distracted."

"So you're not stressed or nervous right now?" From Kirk.

"I am but Logan seems to have a calming effect on me. Helps me stay in control."

"Okay. So Hank will want to examine that gland along with your powers."

"Of course Scott. I will comply with any and all tests he feels are required."

"Now can we here the rest? I for one would like to know why she lied." Kitty spoke up. When all eyes turned to her she just shrugged. "What? Don't you want to know?" She looked around the table at everyone.

"Okay. When I was six they started telling me about the mutants that I was to go after. I now know that they twisted everything around. Saying that a mutant that was just trying to help was actually trying to maim and hurt and destroy. There was this one mutant in particular that had a story so heart breaking that I just knew I would never be able to harm them. So, I just stopped doing what they wanted me to. Every time I refused to do something I was whipped. I almost died several times, but I have a healing factor that is one-tenth as fast as Logan's. Just fast enough to prevent scars." Again she stopped to think.

"If you where an experiment in how the X-gene mutates, then there had to be a control factor, correct?" Again Hank interrupted her thinking to ask.

"Yes. There was another. She died when we were nine. That's one of the reasons I was smuggled out by the couple who were in charge of my non-military training."

"How'd she die?" Jean was starting to feel sorry for Melissa.

"She was shot." Logan could hear the distress in her voice and hurried to change the topic.

"Tell us about Jerintex and where he has Lucy." Melissa smiled her thanks at him for saving her from having to explain that she'd been the one to shoot her sister.

"Jerintex is relentless. He's been after me for close to fifteen years. I've kicked his ass on numerous occasions and yet he stills comes back for more. He has Lucy in one of the abandoned warehouse on the edge of town. Security is very tight, but I'm sure I can get you through it." And she spent the next half hour explaining where the weaknesses in Jerintex's security were and how to defeat him and his men.

"So, now that we know how you want this to go down, why don't you tell us more about this other genetically engineered person and how she died." Scott sneered. He just knew there was more to it than what they'd been told.

"No. It's not important to rescuing Lucy." Melissa replied.

"Sure it is." Scott just kept on until Melissa hauled off and let fly with an impressive right hook before running from the room and the mansion.

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