Author's Notes: This is my first ever fanfiction. I've decided to include it just to show how much I've grown as a writer. I began writing this after seeing the first X-men movie in 2001.

It was one of those days. You know the kind, where nothing goes the way you want it to. Well Logan had had enough of those days to last six or seven lifetimes. Everywhere he went he felt someone or something watching his every move. He was ready to attack the first person who looked at him wrong, be they friend or foe; he really did not care at this point. The day had gotten that bad.

"Hey, Remy. You sense anything unusual?" He asked his friend as they left Harry's Bar.

"Non, mon amie. You smell somet'ing?"

"Not sure. I feel as though someone's staring at me."

"You someone lotsa people stare at, homme."

"Different kind of staring."

"How so?"

"Like I'm what's for dinner. And not in a good way."

"Oh, too bad. Gambit like t'at kind of staring. Do lotsa t'at hisself. Hehe."

Logan growled at that.

"I can't shake it, Cajun. Is Sabertooth in town?"

"Not t'at Gambit's aware of. Let's ask Scotty, hmm?"

"Yeah, like he'd give a straight answer to that question. He'd probably send the freak an engraved invite to take my head off. Man, you'd think that after two years of wedded bliss he would have forgotten about my affair with Jean. But, no. Not our man Scotty."

"Didja say you was sorry?"

A snort was his only answer. Remy should have known, Logan apologized to no one. That was part of his charm. Now if they could only find a lovely lady who didn't mind the other side of Logan's personality, they would be in business.


She watched him exit the bar with his friend and saw him stop and smell the air. When he just continued to walk down the sidewalk, she started breathing again.

Just as she started to cross the street, a very beautiful redhead approached him and gave him a very friendly hug. One that Logan had never refused before and true to form, Logan returned the hug with relish.

Almost like, she was his mate.


Screams. Bloodcurdling screams. Why wouldn't she wake up? The hell her life had been before no longer existed and yet she still had these damn nightmares!

He was shaking her so hard he was afraid that he might break her neck. Every night for the first few weeks after he found her, he awoke to her screams. This was the first one in over a month. He had hoped that the nightmares were gone for good. But they weren't. Logan awoke with a start. He hadn't had that particular dream in years. He couldn't figure out why he was having it now. It must have something to do with the feeling that someone was staring at him that he'd had earlier that day. Not for the first time in the last twelve years he wondered what had happened to the kid he had been dreaming about. He needed to talk to someone about this. He wished he could talk to Jeanie, but Scott was still so touchy about his relationship with her, so it had to be the Professor.

"Sorry for wakin' ya, Prof. Had to talk to someone."

"That's okay, Logan. Tell me about your dream."

Logan was no longer surprised when the Professor or Jean knew what he was thinking or feeling. Luckily, for Jean, she couldn't tell all the time how he felt about her.

"Seventeen years ago I saved a little girl from a burnin' car. Couldn't save her parents. The car exploded as soon as I got her out. I took care of her for the next five years. And then one day I came back from the store and found the hotel room where we were stayin' ransacked. She was gone. I stayed for couplea months, but nothin'. No ransom note, no phone call, nothin'. I figured they was after me. Guess not. I've looked for her in every town and city I come to, but nothin'. It's like she disappeared off the face of the Earth."

"You feel guilty about her disappearance?"

"'Course, I do. I promised to protect her. I did a real bang up job, didn't I?"

"How could you have known?"

"They had been watchin' us for some time. I had just confirmed that someone was following us. I knew they were there and still I walked out. Do ya think she still hates me? We said some pretty ugly things to one another that day. She told me she hated me." Logan sighed and turned to look out the window.

Professor Xavier had never seen Logan like this before. Wolverine was one of the most confident men he knew, and yet... the thought of a fourteen year old girl hating him to adulthood had him torn up inside.

Charles wondered what Logan's feelings for the girl were. Was it possible that he loved her? That was so out of character for him that Charles was startled.

Could that be the reason for these feelings of someone watching him that Logan had been experiencing that day? Was the woman the girl had become in town looking for Logan? If so, why? Could she have feelings for him as well?

"Wolverine, did she have any powers that you know of?"

"Well, she could disappear in the blink of an eye and sometimes I thought she was reading my mind. She sometimes knew what I wanted before I did."

"Explain, please."

"If there was a woman I found attractive, she would just disappear so I could try to pick her up. Sometimes Melissa would ask if I was ready to eat about three seconds before my stomach would growl. That kind of stuff."

"Sounds like Melissa was a telepath. The disappearing... I've never heard of that. We need to find her. Magneto could use her disappearing power for all kinds of evil."

"You think I haven't looked? I just told..."

"Logan, maybe she's here." Charles interrupted. "Watching you. Were the two of you close?"

"Pretty much, yeah. Had to be. All we had was each other."

"Then try contacting her with your mind. She just might respond."

"Thanks, Prof. I'll go meditate and see if I can contact her."

As Logan left the Professor's study he wondered again what his Angel eyes was like as an adult. Would she even remember him? Who had taken her, and why? If some son of a bitch had experimented on her like they had on him, then they were going to be begging for death before he was through with them. Wolverine was very loyal and protective of what he thought of as his. And he still thought of Melissa as his.

Just thinking about her brought back so many memories.

Like how she always smelled like honey. He always thought that was ironic. Her smelling like honey and her name being Greek for honeybee. Man, he really missed her. She may have just been a kid, but she brought meaning to his life. Someone to look out for.

She always said that their song should be "Someone to Watch Over Me". He thought so too. Where the hell could she be?

Logan sighed as he entered his room and started looking for the picture that he would use to meditate.

It was taken the last summer that he and Melissa had spent together. They had been on the West coast of America. She insisted that they go to the beach. He hated the beach. Sand always got where he didn't want or need it. But, he had promised her.

Once he had the desired picture in hand, the memories came fast and furious. The day had been perfect. The last perfect day they had spent together. The following six months had been nothing but pure hell for the two of them. But he couldn't think about that, right now he had to concentrate on the good times they had had that day. He had learned in the Orient that non-telepaths could sometimes get a telepath to respond by thinking about that person.

"Logan! Come on! You promised! Let's go. All the best spots will be taken if we don't get there early. Hurry up!"

"You tellin' me what to do, kid?" He snarled at her.

"Of course I am. Now let's go, please!"

"Slow down, Doll face. The beach will still be there when we get there." Logan laughed at the look that name always produced from the girl at his side. She was always telling him that she was too old for a nickname like Doll face or Angel eyes, but he didn't care. He liked to tease her. He never thought that he would be a man to tease someone, but with her... it just seemed natural.

The day was almost too beautiful. The sun was shining, the sky was the exact shade of blue as Melissa's eyes, and there wasn't a cloud in sight…

:: Logan? Is that you? Where are you? I need you. Logan! ::

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