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Bad to the Drone | What About Bob? | Best in Faux | I Do Over | Show Me the Mummy
Phased and Confused | Here Come the Suns | From Fear to Eternity | Welcome Back, Carter | Your Face or Mine?
Insane in the P-Brane | It's Not Easy Being Green | If You Build It | Ship Happens
Shower the People | You Don't Know Jack | Have an Ice Day | What Goes Around, Comes Around
We start with scenes from the season 2 ender, which is good because it's been a whole frelling year since we've seen Eureka, unless you watched the mini-marathon Skiffy had right before the season 3 opener. We're reminded that Stark had asked Allison to marry him. Now I know I said in my first SGA review that I see slash everywhere. Well, I lied. I have two shows where I don't see any slash and one where I have a het OTP and a slash OTP. Eureka is one of the two that have no slash. I prefer Allison with Jack. One of my favorite episodes is the one where Jack and Allison married in the alternate timeline. I think she compliments him a great deal and he helps keep her grounded. Of course the fact that I think Stark is a slimy weasel has absolutely nothing to do with it.The show opens with Jack and Zoe talking and unless you have teenagers, or can remember being one yourself, you have no idea what they're talking about. Turns out Zoe has a part-time job at Café Diem.
Zane and Jo are having coffee and Zane is still acting like he has to woo her by mentioning a weapon testing that'll be taking place shortly.
Stark and Allison are having breakfast. She tells him of her concerns and he tries to talk her into it. Vincent is eavesdropping, as usual. He tells Jo and Zoe that Stark asked Allison to marry him.
Fargo is working on the Viper, not sure if it stands of something because they never say, and up walks his nemesis, Larry who's eating what appears to be a mini shortcake but is probably supposed to be a jelly filled donut. Larry makes his usual remark about Fargo's incompetence and, as usual, Fargo just brushes it off. You'd think that after Fargo's grandfather was exonerated and it was discovered that Fargo isn't really as big a dolt as everyone thinks Larry would find a new target, but no. You know how bullies are; once they find someone they love to torment they keep at it for as long as they can.
And we are introduced to the 'problem' of tonight's episode, Martha, a target drone, or as Jack calls it 'a fancy clay pigeon'.
Fargo gets a message on his phone that the DOD representative has arrived. A woman called 'The Fixer'. Larry says her latest book makes Sensu look like Marry Poppins (anyone else have no idea what he's talking about? I mean I know about Mary Poppins but Sensu? No clue.) and for some reason thinks that Fargo is in big trouble.
Cut to some heels and Allison asking who The Fixer is. We learn her name is actually Eva Thorn and is some Wall Street hotshot. Her claim to fame is that she dismantles and rebuilds Fortune 500 companies. Judging by the music we can guess that the shoes we're watching belong to The Fixer. We also learn she coined the phrase 'downsizing' and fired Lee Iacocca, I recognize the name but can't for the life of me remember who he is. Allison can't understand why the DOD would send her to Eureka. I happen to agree. From what I can tell GD isn't a company in the traditional sense, especially since you have to have some pretty high security clearance to even know Eureka exists.
And now we're at the actual Viper testing. Allison is telling Eva about it. We get lots of scientific babble and learn that the Viper has been tested 19 times and today is lucky number 20. Martha's creator, Dr. Edison, is confident his baby will defeat Viper. And we're reminded that Zane is actually a law-breaker. He crashed the New York Stock Exchange, allegedly. We see Viper take out all but one drone. Martha has some kind of shield and ends up destroying Viper and goes rouge. Thorn is not amused.
We're at a prison and see Jack and Henry, who has shaved his head (and boy does he have an ugly head), playing chess. Henry isn't allowed to touch the chessboard so Jack has to move the pieces for both of them. Henry already has Jack under 'check' so it's just another move or two until he has Jack under 'check mate'. In between moves they talk about Henry's trial.
Jack arrives at Henry's garage to find the DOD taking everything Henry owns/owned. Jo tells Jack that Stark proposed to Allison. I think Jack still sorta, kinda, remembers the alternate timeline where he married Allison despite Henry wiping his memory. Jack takes the news remarkably well, or he's a really great actor. Something does a fly-by and Jack assumes it's a UFO.
Everyone is freaking because of Thorn. She walks in on Jack asking 'A "fixer" is...?' and she answers 'A silly nickname, but what can you do?' Allison tells him she's there to do a performance review of GD. Jack tells Thorn she has her work cut out for her and she replies 'so do you'. Allison wants to get Thorn away from Jack ASAP and suggests they get Thorn settled and continue the tour while Jack handles Martha. Thorn says any empty office will do and that's Larry's cue to enter stage right. If Stark is a slimy weasel then Larry is his clone. I've never liked the guy. He's only out for himself and I have yet to see why he's in Eureka where only the world's best and brightest scientific minds reside, with the exception of Jack (because he's the sheriff) and Zoe (his daughter). Surprise, surprise, Thorn falls for Larry's slick ways. Kiss ass. We now get one of my favorite lines, from Stark no less. Jack says he can't exactly arrest the drone for speeding and Stark says that Edison is protecting Martha. He's in the section 7 test range and Jack 'should go sheriff him up'. Jack lets Allison know he knows about her and Stark.
Edison tells Jack he has nothing to do with Martha going rogue. Jack tries to placate him but Zane is undermining it. Every time Jack says 'No one's "whatever" at you' Zane pops up with 'I am'. I keep waiting for Jack to GibbsSmack him. Turns out that Martha is a SI and capable of learning. She went from being a toddler to being a teenager over night. Remember this, it will be important later. Edison's teenager just stole a car, a gun and ran away from home which makes her very dangerous. We're also told that under no circumstances should anyone threaten Martha. We see Jack make comparisons between Edison and Martha and himself and Zoe.
We learn that Café Diem has no menu. Vincent is able to make anything and everything. He takes Zoe to the back and shows her the walk in fridge, which is huge. In fact it's so huge it requires a shuttle to get to the back. Jack and Jo are looking for Martha and chatting on their walkie-talkie phones. Edison married his college sweetheart. All together now, 'awwwwwww!' Jo votes for a coffee break so they can visit Zoe, just what every teenager wants, their parent, and his co-worker, showing up at their job. Jack says there's no time and he'd rather not. Jo takes this to mean he's not supportive. I see it as him not wanting to 'cramp Zoe's style' or, rather, just not wanting to spy on her. Either way, I don't see it as him not being supportive. Of course it could be that since my parents never showed up at my place of work, when I worked at McDonald's, but were supportive of my working (they allowed me to get a job at 14) that I don't see not going to watch Zoe working as being unsupportive. This also begs the question 'Was your father not supportive of you wanting to work when you were a teenager, Jo? Is that why you don't think Jack's being supportive?' We find out that Jack's terrified of becoming a granddad. Of course the fact that he doesn't really like Zoe's boyfriend may have something to do with that. Jack sees Martha in his rearview mirror and leads her to his office. Jack tells Jo to drop her gun while he calls Edison. Martha blows out the windows on Jack's Jeep and Jack takes that to mean she doesn't want him to call Edison. Jo and Jack get her to follow them inside and Jack says another of my favorite lines 'Nice killer drone'. Colin Ferguson says it with just the right amount of 'I'm really scared' and 'How the frell do I get myself into these messes?' Martha then goes invisible and crashes through a support beam. Jack takes a blanket and covers her with it, and gets an impromptu piggy-back ride in the bargain. Jack and Jo lock her in the cell and as they begin to celebrate, Martha blasts a hole in the brick wall and escapes. Guess they should have made it out of cinder blocks.
Stark makes Jack feel lower than low. Thorn tells Jack that his budget can't afford him. She shows him a chart that says that since he arrived the number of costly 'accidents' has increased. Stark and Jack argue, of course. Allison asks if they can get along for five minutes and they both reply, 'Not likely'. Jack then tells Jo to get everyone off the streets. Stark's all 'Oh, declaring martial law on review day? Not exactly a highlight for the resume.' Jack tells him to protect himself because it's what he does best. He has a great exit, but has to come back for his keys. Allison decides to go with Jack. Thorn picks up on the tension between Stark and Jack. She eggs him on and all but tells him he has her full support for stepping all over Jack's toes.
At Edison's Allison tells Jack to just let it all out. Jack tells her he can't understand why she wants to marry Stark again. She says 'I don't know, Carter, maybe I still love him'. Jack snarks back with my third favorite line of this episode 'Oh, well then you guys have something in common. He loves him.' They approach the front door and are greeted by Edison's wife holding a bottle of champagne and two glasses. Edison admits he didn't have the heart to tell her Martha went rogue. (and now I'm going to admit that every time I write that I think of Anna Paquin as Rogue in the X-men movies) Jack tells Edison that Martha went invisible. We also find out that if she wanted to hurt anyone they'd be dead and that Martha doesn't have the ability to go invisible because cloaking takes a lot of energy and she'll have to come 'home' to recharge. In storms Stark and a bunch of SWAT type guys who, just like bureaucrats everywhere, march in and take over. Jack tries to flex his sheriff muscles by saying that it's all evidence in an active police investigation. Stark says it's all property of GD and is beyond Jack's jurisdiction. Edison is threatened with being fired. Larry and Thorn head off to Café Diem and we see Jack through Martha. The HUD shows she's very low on energy.
Back to GD. Jack asks Jo how anyone can be attracted to the 'pompous and jackass' Stark. Jo responds 'Besides the ruggedly handsome, successful, powerful thing…' Jack asks Zane if the photon blast that Martha absorbed could have helped her upgrade her system. Zane responds in the negative. We find out that her radio frequency is encrypted. And we learn that Jack does listen as he says he knows that Vincent has a fusion reactor in his kitchen.
We find Zoe is lost in Vincent's fridge. She helps Martha refuel and makes a friend for life. Jack and Jo burst in demanding everyone hit the floor due to an invisible drone. Vincent tells Jack to lay off the 'Vin-spresso'. Zoe comes out saying she thinks she got everything and had help from his 'Cylon shuttle thing'. Thus we know that, yes, Martha is at Café Diem. Jack tries to find Martha with mustard and gets Vincent instead. Larry and Thorn walk in and Jack tells them Martha's here. Martha decloaks and shots at Thorn and Larry, hitting Larry in his book, which he has been carrying around all day. Jo and Jack then take Martha down with some rifles that disrupt her EM field.
We see Larry being taken to the hospital. Jack 'fires' Zoe by telling her to go home, he can't have her working while he's trying to do his job. He finds a remote transmitter and determines that Mina hacked into Martha and helped her beat the test. We find out that Edison is given restrictions that guarantee Martha's destroyed. And we discover that the transmitter isn't from Mina.
Vincent is pissed that Jack made Zoe quit. Jo and Jack find Larry's book and the paper is melted. They open it to find something that looks like a PDA.
Thorn tells Zane to take Martha apart. Martha's left alone and we find out that she's not 'dead'.
Jack goes to intimidate a confession outta Larry. And in true sci-fi tradition Allison tells Larry that he's lucky they got Martha back before things spiraled outta control just as the alarms start to sound. (my CC is off. Jack says 'So much for things not spiraling outta control' while him, Stark, Allison and Fargo stare at a Martha shaped hole in the ceiling but the CC says that Stark said it.) We see Martha leading all the attack drones away.
They try to get everyone off the streets but everyone is amazed by the drones. Zoe is talking to SARAH about how Jack is not letting her grow up. Jo has ordered a level four lockdown, which I'm guessing means that all SI's need to protect against Martha trying to talk them into go to the dark side. Then SARAH shuts down completely leaving Zoe literally in the dark. The door opens and Zoe freaks a bit more.
The drones start taking out the beacons for the EMField over Eureka. Zoe calls Jack to tell him that Martha is at their house. Jack arrives to find Zoe fine and SARAH rebooting. Zoe thinks Martha was trying to help her run away.
Thorn shows she's a bitch by not listening to everyone's opinions about how to handle Martha.
Stark tries to tell General Mansfield to not listen to Thorn. Everyone then goes behind Thorn's back to do what they know needs to be done. Thorn tries to get the fighter jets to shoot the drones down. Edison tries to talk to Martha, Jack's advice? 'Don't start WWIII' Zoe takes over and talks her down.
Thorn's not happy about it but everyone informs her that they're a team and will not let her walk all over them. Stark is returned to his previous position as Director of Research with Allison as Director of Operations. In other words one is the CEO and the other the COO with Thorn as The Chairman. She then leads them on a bit of a tour to show she has gotten a sponsor for GD. And guess who the sponsor is? You guessed it: Degree.
Allison proves that there is something between her and Jack and asks for his opinion about her and Stark. Jack should have grabbed her and kissed her senseless but he doesn't. He tells her to make her own decision. Allison decides to marry Stark. I hope it fails and she goes running to Jack for comfort. Zoe is once again working at Café Diem. Jack is bummed about Allison and Stark.
And in the final scene, which starts with some really creepy music that tells us this scene will be important over the next 12 episodes, we see Thorn's nefarious reason for being at GD. She opens a case and pulls out a vial with a purple liquid that has electric sparks shooting through it.
So this week Jack and Allison get back to nature. The title is 'What about Bob?' How original. I'm hoping it's better than the movie.We open on Zoe serving her boyfriend at Café Diem while Jack looks on. When asked if she needs a ride to school the next day she replies 'Isn't that what boyfriends are for?' and just before they kiss Jack demands service.
Vincent comes over and notices that Jack has only picked at his food. When Jack says he's not really hungry Vincent twists the knife in Jack's back by reminding him that his one true love is marrying another man. But he wasn't thinking about that. He was thinking about Henry. Jack says that the town seems out of balance without Henry and Zoe proves this by dropping the tray she's carrying.
Back at GD Stark is upset that The Fixer is cutting 75 jobs. She says they have to start saving somewhere. Stark reminds her that firing that many people will decimate entire disciplines. She says that she's there to make everything run like a Fortune 100 company never mind that it's actually a town and research facility. She then tells Stark that while she likes his feedback she is the boss and will do what she wants regardless of how many people she pisses off. Then after saying all that she shows them this new lab she's built and put Zane in charge of where he has a blank check to do with as he wishes. Yeah, way to make people not want to go postal when you fire them. *two thumbs up* I don't know about y'all but when I get fired - sorry downsized - because of budget costs and then find out they spent more than what I ever made on something that's not necessary my blood begins to boil. Thorne justifies it by saying it's all paid for by Degree (the show's corporate sponsor). I don't care. You don't put a hiring freeze and lay-off 75 workers in other areas (more important in my mind) and then give someone else a blank check and tell them to hire whomever they want and buy whatever equipment they need. Uh-uh, not gonna work.
While they're all chit-chatting a person with long hair, looks like a girl to me, walks calmly out of a side door despite the fact that their arm is on fire! I'd be screaming for help if that were me. We get a close up of the person, and find out it's a guy, when he blows the fire out as if his arm was a birthday candle! Now we can see this goop that covers his arm and we take a moment to think maybe he's testing a new flame-retardant material that'll take the place of the uniforms firefighters wear.
On to the prison where Jack is trying to do a card trick for Henry. It's not going so well. Jack and Henry share a smile that has the slasher in me sitting up and taking notice before my Jack/Allison side beats it back into submission. Jack tries to make small talk and fails at that as well. The man really should just stick to being the sheriff. Henry asks Jack to tell him about the weather because he hasn't seen a sunset since his arrest. I guess this prison doesn't feel that he deserves to have a window in his cell or allow him to take his one hour of yard time at sunset. The visit ends when Allison pages her boyfriend with a 911.
When Jack gets back to GD Allison is waiting for him and steps into the elevator to take him to Lab 27. They are so awkward with each other it just breaks my heart. Jack then shows just how stupid he is (although some may say he's being the bigger man, whatev!) by asking Allison if the wedding planning is keeping her busy. But she knows him too well and asks if he really wants to know to which he just shakes his head and changes the subject. He asks about the 911 and is told that a scientist named Bob Nobb (I kid you not) has been missing for two days. Jack asks all the appropriate questions, did they check his house, and is told Bob lives in the lab. Man, this episode has a thing for rhyming. Still fighting laughter, Jack asks if they checked under his cot. Allison tries to warn him by saying 'it's not that simple'. He gets the hint and does him Sam Beckett impersonation (mentally at least) with an 'oh, boy' look/sigh combo when he replies 'it never is'.
In Lab 27 we're told that the lab has been running for 11 years, that Bob has been with the lab from the beginning and the current director has been around for the past two. Jack is still pretty much in the dark about what the lab is exactly and is asking about Bob's hang-outs. We find out that Lab 27 is a sealed bio-sphere that is used for the Mars missions, which Jack thinks are future happenings. You'd think after seeing the Moon rocks in that earlier episode that Jack would realize that the US government isn't telling its average citizens everything that's going on. Allison tells Director Boy, since we haven't been told his name yet and he's very young looking, to lie and let Jack think he's right and there haven't been any manned missions to Mars, yet.
And now Jack finds out that there are 10 people on the planet that have been mostly out of touch with the rest of the world of the past 11 years. Personally, I wouldn't be able to handle it. Director Boy informs us he wanted to be on the team. Jack says 'congrats' and Director Boy says 'Well, uh, I wasn't chosen [duh]' and Jack tells him that that's why he's getting congratulated. And Allison's all 'Boys!'. Jack gets back on track by clarifying that no one's been in or out in the past 11 years and says something about it being a walk in the park. Director Boy says 'See for yourself' and my vertigo kicks in as the floor under everyone's feet opens up to reveal the bio-sphere. Jack's fear of heights kicks in and he tries really hard to not look down ending the teaser with 'That's a big park'.
Thorne just keeps proving how much of a bitch she is by telling Director Boy that his idea of 'priceless and balanced' is different from hers, and of course hers is the only one that counts. Not! Jack tells Director Boy and Thorne to duke it out while he goes inside to investigate. Allison tells him he can't go in but he can talk to the scientists that are still inside. He says no dice. He needs to be able to read their body language which he can't do over a vid phone. Thorne sets my Spidey Sense a-tingling by agreeing with Jack and telling him to take Allison with him. Is she saying this so she can get him outta the way for something, hm? She deflects them by saying that while he's doing his 'job he can help justify why we're not filling in this giant money pit'. She's all about winning over the underlings, ain't she?
So Allison and Jack enter this clean room type thing where they have to take a sonic shower, together before putting on what's called a 'clean suit' which looks like a jogging suit from the 80's. Just before that Zane approaches Jack and tells him to look up while pointing at the ceiling. When Jack does he shoots him with some kind of needle-gun-thing. This then shows a hologram of Jack, sans clothes (although there he is wearing a pair of flesh colored briefs.) Director Boy forgets to tell them about this bright flash that momentarily blinds them and we get a nice scene where Jack 'accidentally' feels Allison up while looking for his clothes. While taking the shower, Allison makes a comment about this not being how she pictured them winding up naked. Jack is of course intrigued and she does some fast backpedaling. They step into the bio-sphere and what appears to be a forest, just like in Vancouver!
Stark comes in to the control room telling Thorne 'Gutting GD's research is one thing, but putting our greatest human assets at risk is quite another.' Thorne assumes he's talking about Jack, or maybe she's trying to get a little jib in. Stark tells her to beat it; he'll run point on this. She hints at her true reason for being in Eureka and leaves after saying she has some business to take care of in town.
We learn that the plants and animals are real but the weather is not. In fact the rain, which falls several times a day, is from recycled pee. All together now...Ewwwwww! A girl steps out of the trees and says 'I've been sent to bring you to the others' like this is some horror movie or something. Teri, she actually introduces herself, appears to be about 16 which means that she was just a child when she entered the bio-sphere (and I keep wanting to write Bio-dome which makes me think of that Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin tanker from 1996).
Back in town, Fargo is placing a mini-satellite dish on one of the windows of Café Diem and Vincent is practically vibrating in place at the prospect of watching 'As the Bio-sphere Turns'. Zoe gets suspicious and asks what's going on. Turns out that the thing to do, back in the day, was to sit around and watch Lab 27. 'The Mother of all reality shows' according to Fargo. He also calls it his 'Barney', not sure why. Zoe asks Vincent what his excuse is and is told that him and Fargo are 'viewing buddies'. It's how they 'bonded'. I think I now have a slash pairing for this show. Zoe asks 'what's so special about today?' and is told that there are 'new characters' arriving: her dad and Allison.
As Teri is leading Allison and Jack to 'the others' (I feel like I should be capitalizing that), they come upon Bob's garden. The plants are huge and Allison thinks that some of them are extinct. Jack asks Teri to tell him more about Bob and we learn that no one likes him much. We meet some of 'the others' and get three names. Jack says that him and Allison are there about their 'friend Bob' and is told that just because they all live together doesn't mean the man's anyone's friend. Jack asks if anyone misses Bob and a young woman with glasses, not one of the three whose names we learned, raises her hand. My cc says that someone says 'Seriously, Grace' but I don't hear it. I'm gonna say this girl's name is Grace, so Grace then says 'Not really' like she was forced by peer-pressure to say that. We're informed that all the animals, minus the humans of course, are not predators just as a woman screams off-camera. Turns out it's Teri. Everyone rushes off to find her. She fainted when she saw 'it' (no, not Stephen King's 'It'). Jack shows he's related to John Sheppard by touching the icky goo that 'it' left behind on a bush. He goes running off after it, with Allison in pursuit and we find Bob's uniform. Jack says it went into this hole in the ground and he has to be right because of the goo dripping off the leaves covering the entrance.
We get tricked into thinking the show hasn't taken a commercial break yet by Zane doing a commercial for Degree. Vin Diesel has a new movie called Babylon A.D. which looks pretty damn good.
Back to the show. Zoe has been roped into watching 'As the Bio-sphere Turns' with Vincent and Fargo by the time her boyfriend walks in. Guess it's not a school day.
In the bio-sphere Stark is telling Allison, whom he calls Alli *gag*, that he's worried about her safety. We finally learn that Director Boy's name is Derek. And it appears that him and Teri just might be having a relationship. Stark has Jack tell him about the hole. I totally expected him to say 'Uh, it was a ...hole' but what he says is 'Uh, it was a ...slippery...hole' and a man's tennis shoe was inside it. Stark decides to pull everyone out but because of not being part of the big bad world for 10 years, I could have sworn it was 11?, the scientists' immune systems can't handle just walking out like Allison and Jack can. They'll need to be in a transition facility and that'll take time. Jack asks Stark to find out what the goo is and then finds what appears to be skin on the inside of the shoe.
Back in town, Thorne shows up at the sheriff's office to try and sweet talk Jo into doing her dirty work. And by dirty work I mean she wants Vincent to start charging for food/drink, she wants parking meters, fees for library cards and the museum shut down. Raise your hand if you knew Eureka had a museum? *looks around and sees no one*
Jack finally asks one of the 'adults' about Bob. We find out that Bobby-boy's a player. Including Teri who has to be young enough to be his daughter. Teri's father says he caught her coming back from Bob's garden all dreamy-eyed saying she'd been looking at the clouds. She had to have developed a crush on Bob because it's not like she has access to any boys her age, oh wait, she does: Derek. But because Daddy-dearest doesn't consider him a threat, since they've never actually met, it can't possibly be him. Jack then walks in on Allison and Stark having a lover's discussion. And we find out that Allison's afraid that Thorne will fire Jack. But then everyone seems to forget he didn't ask for the job. He found the town by accident while chasing Zoe when she ran away and his bosses transferred him there.
Back at Café Diem, everyone's talking about the feed from the bio-sphere like it's an actual show on TV. Vincent wants to know which scientist is 'the red herring'. What does he mean by that? I keep waiting for someone to ask if they think the arrival of Allison and Jack has made 'the show' 'jump the shark'. Zoe thinks everyone is crazy.
Jack and Grace are walking and talking and Grace claims to be in a relationship with Bob since she's the only single woman in the sphere other than Teri. Grace is in genetics and now Jack's Spidey Sense is a-tingling. Jack sees Teri leaving the phone in the garden and man have the plants started dying fast. Jack does his sheriff thing and finds out that Teri has made, and received, a lot of calls to Derek. Jack hears something and goes off after it. When he catches it it's…Bob! But not Bob. He appears to be changing into something and he whispers 'Help me!' just like the guy in The Fly.
Thorne wants to order a lock-down but Stark refuses to allow that. He reminds Thorne that she's not a scientist and therefore doesn't know what she's talking about. Stark proves he's not as stupid as I want him to be by telling Derek to shut off the rain. While Allison is examining Bob Stark mentions that it appears that Bob is de-evolving. Turns out that Henry can help them stop what's happening but Thorne is adamant that no one else is entering that lab. Jack puts on his thinking cap and says that Henry doesn't have to enter the lab. Zane can make a hologram of him.
Jack asks for a lesson in self-contained bio-systems just as Henry appears. We learn that if what happened to Bob was part of the eco-system then people would have gotten sick years ago. Jack says 'what if the contaminate wasn't in the system years ago?' and Allison says 'Carter, it's a closed system.' to which Jack replies 'everyone keeps saying that, but we're here.' Henry notices that the ionization of the water is off and it could be what's changing Bob. Teri comes in and asks Jack to look under her shirt. Turns out it's because she's changing too. The change is not reversible but they can stop it from getting worse.
Bob thinks everyone likes him. He's the most severe case because of his garden. Jack says they need to go back to the scene of the crime and there is a perfect circle of dead plants. And we find out that the 'sun' could have been used to help the changes along.
Jack catches Teri talking to Derek and makes the connection that it was Derek. Awwww. It's Romeo and Juliet. Teri's parents tell her they would have left if she'd've told them she wanted to be 'a real girl'.
Zoe's boyfriend, I know they've said his name (not in this ep though) but I can't remember what it is, says that Rick and Grace were the red herrings. Grace is the single geneticist but who's Rick? And how are they the red herrings?
Thorne comes in and Vincent rushes over to help her. She orders coffee and he charges her $25. Jo comes in and tells her about making the museum curator leave. Thorne tells Jo that one day the town just might thank her. She says she's not your normal corporate fixer and Jo responds with 'and we're not your normal town'. Jo warns Thorne that she's messing with Eureka's 'special balance'. Somehow I don't think Thorne's quite shaking in her boots. Yet. But that's because she doesn't know what the residents of Eureka are truly capable of.
Henry tells Jack that it'll take at least a few days before they have a fix just before a woman screams off camera. They rush to where they've been keeping Bob and find that he's escaped and taken Allison.
We see one of those old 'Please stand by' screens on the TV at Café Diem and Zoe is all panicky.
Stark wants to rush in half-cocked and save Allison *gag* but Zane won't let him. Jack suggests they use Zane's biosensor gun to deliver the 'cure'. Zane makes Jo's day by coming into the sheriff's office and saying 'I need a gun. A big powerful gun'. You just know she's gonna have wet dreams about him saying that for months, maybe even years, to come (no pun intended).
Henry thinks Snake!Bob may have taken Allison for food. It's more likely he took her as a mate. Stark enters the bio-sphere anyway to help Jack and Henry hunt Snake!Bob. The sound of the gun warming up scares Snake!Bob off. Teri shows up as bait and Jack gets his shot just as Snake!Bob lunges for Hologram!Teri. Allison rushes into Stark's arms. Excuse me? Jack just saved your life, not Stark!
Back at Café Diem we find out that everyone is fine.
Thorne asks Zane about Henry.
Jack tells Bob to be nicer to the ladies so he doesn't risk getting shot again. We find out that Teri's parents are thinking about having her leave the sphere and Jack takes Henry to watch the sunset. And the slasher in me raises its head again.
Thorne is watching Henry and Jack say their good-byes and you can actually see the wheels turning in her head.
Zoe has Jack's Spidey Sense tingling by bringing him a burger even though she's off and we find out that Zoe does indeed love her father, not that that was in question, and that Jo cares as well. And Henry has been pardoned. Thorne has decided to let everything go back to the way it's supposed to be, free food and all. I like Jack's relationship with Henry. Henry's the only person who doesn't talk down to Jack and actually takes the time to explain things so he, and most of the viewers, can understand.
Thorne has an ulterior motive for closing down the museum as we discover by seeing her watching some old films. One is of a nuclear explosion. In Eureka.
We start with Jack and Zoe discussing the fact that she was just put into the advanced physics class at school. We all know that Zoe is smart but hides just how smart she is from Jack, because he's only of average intelligence and she doesn't want to make him feel bad, so we have to wonder how she got placed in the advanced class at a school for geniuses.She says she doesn't like the pressure and Jack tells her his mother used to say that pressure makes diamonds and doesn't she want to be a diamond? She asks if she 'can be an emerald that still has time to hang out with her friends'. Jack takes that as his cue to bring up the fact he doesn't like her having a job, again. I've never seen a father so intent on his teenage daughter not working. I mean seriously. I got my first job at 15. I didn't work the year I was 16 because we had just moved and my parents said I didn't have to if I didn't want to, but I went and got one once I started driving, had to pay for my own gas. I would really like to know why Jack doesn't want Zoe to work. Really, would someone please enlighten me?
After Zoe backs down and walks into the kitchen, Jack turns and come face to face with a Shih Tzu being held by Fargo. We then notice that everyone in Café Diem has a dog with them. Jack asks Jo what's up with all the dogs and she replies 'They're biomimetic.' Jack says he doesn't care what breed they are and Jo refrains from making a snarky comment about her bosses intelligence and informs him that means they're fake. And Jack pretends he was kidding and asks if the DOD has a program to create heavily armed robot dog soldiers and the warrior in Jo lights up at the idea. And we find out that the dogs are made for fun.
At this point Stark and Allison walk in giggling with Allison hanging onto Stark like she'll drown if he gets too far away from her. And they're discussing the wedding. Jo offers to go dress shopping with Allison (I have to say at this point that I hate the way the writers spell her name) and Stark says 'it's a wedding gown not a flak Jacket' and proves that he is indeed dumber than he looks. Here's a hint for ya, Starky-boy, just 'cause a woman likes guns and beating people up doesn't mean she's not really a woman or that she can't like the girly things too. Geez, I really hate that guy. Vincent comes over and pouts that he wasn't asked to cater the wedding, who else would? I mean isn't Café Diem the only restaurant in town? Stark starts to ask and Vincent holds out his arm and says 'Twist my arm. Ow! Uncle!'
Jack heads off to a possible break-in while Vincent talks about having an Elizabethan Ball. Outside a dog starts barking at Jack like an alert dog that's just smelled some drugs. It then walks up and lifts its leg on Jack's shoe. Jo tells him that his pants will be fine, after all robot dogs can't really make a mess. And we find out this dog is the reigning champ, Fifi.
I'm gonna pause here and ask how Jack can live in a town for three years and not know about the robot dogs. Seriously. He's not so stupid that he wouldn't have noticed them before.
And now in walks Michael Shanks' wife, Lexa Doig. Her dog is Fifi's biggest rival. While the owners are exchanging barbs Fifi dies in a shower of sparks.
Thorne approaches Henry to ask him to do something for her and I find myself disliking her even more. I can tell that whatever it is she wants Henry to do, it'll be just this side of legal and ethical.
The break-in is at the home/lab of one Dr. Mendel. He thinks the robot dog makers are the ones to blame. He makes fake mucus and thinks they stole some to make their dogs appear more life-like. His mucus is to kill all known air-born pathogens. His proof that there was a break-in is a broken beaker on the floor. He says it could have been a disaster and when Jack asks how he shows him by mixing some chemicals together to create this green colored foam that spills over onto the table. Jack has Jo take Dr. Mendel inside to see if anything's missing and is told to not touch anything. Jack does the 'I'm not touching it!' thing and turns to look at the broken glass. There's this green aura over the table and then everything starts to shake like there's an earthquake. Two beakers fall over and Jack knows that's bad and then the foam erupts and he's covered in it.
Jo and Dr. Mendel come into the lab and find Jack covered in the green foam and Jo demands to know what Jack did like she's his mother or something. Dr. Mendel accuses Jack of touching stuff. Jack tells them he was a good boy and didn't touch anything; they fell over in the quake. Jo and Mendel are like 'What quake? Eureka doesn't get earthquakes.'
Back at GD Allison tells Jack that Eureka was built where it is because there are no fault lines and no volcanic activity. She says 'This here' *stomps foot* 'is stable. You I'm not so sure about.' She blames him as well, saying he probably got dizzy from the fumes and knocked them over. Just as she asks him to get cleaned up they run into Thorne who actually has a funny line here: 'Runny nose?' Thorne asks about the investigation into Fifi's 'death' and he says there isn't one. It's not his job to investigate malfunctioning toys. Allison tells him that they're not toys. The Eureka dog show has lead to some incredible breakthroughs. Artificial skin for burn people, compact neural computers, nasal spray that allows soldiers to 'sniff' out explosives. The biomimetic dogs have great marketing potential. I can see people who are allergic owning just such a dog. Also people who are on a very tight budget but want a pet. Well, maybe not them because the dogs would most likely be quite expensive so I guess the no eating or urinating thing would work best for people who travel a lot.
Stark comes in just as Thorne gets a phone call and walks off. He says he needs to go over the details of the seismic motion scan. As Jack and Stark walk off Jack says there was a weird light and everything started to shake. Stark makes me hate him just a tiny bit more (eventually this will be impossible because I doubt I can keep hating someone even more forever) by saying 'Shut up, Carter. There was no earthquake. Jo was 50 feet from you. She would have felt it too. I need a favor.' Just say no, Jack!
We finally get to see the computer core for GD. Logic Diamond processors connected with tantalum beams. Some woman approaches and is all 'Why are you here? No one ever comes into my domain unless I screwed something up.' she offers to show Stark her 'radial upgrades'. He says that's not necessary because he's only there for the clearances which Fargo forgot to deliver. He leaves to find poor Fargo and the woman, I'll call her Megan because I like that name, starts chatting with Jack. He says he didn't know that diamonds where/could be used in computers and she spouts off some techno-babble that leaves him glassy-eyed. She follows that up with 'Diamonds can store tons of data and transmit it super fast.' Stark reappears holding Fargo by the scruff of his neck. Ah, Fargo calls her Tracy.
Jack finally asks why he's there and Stark shows him a logic diamond on a chain and says he needs law enforcement permission to take one out of the building. Jack asks if it's for a big experiment, hopefully a disfiguring one, and Stark bursts his bubble by saying no, it's a wedding gift for Allison.
Fargo tells Jack that there are no earthquakes in Eureka when Jack says he's investigating the earthquake but he can always get a second opinion from Dr. Hood.
As Jack and Hood talk Jack makes a joke about leaving the bar the next time he feels the earth shake and sees the northern lights inside. Hood acts like he doesn't believe him but after he leaves Hood starts doing something with his computers while mumbling 'Northern lights, huh?'
Back in town Jo and Jack are discussing the Fifi case. Jack can't believe these people spend millions of dollars building something that they can get for free from just about every pound in America and Jo says that people need a hobby. She tells him she used to collect handcuffs, used to? I think she still does. Jack says 'And meanwhile there was an earthquake that no one felt but me which is impossible.' and Jo says 'Because there are no earthquakes in Eureka.' Just as the ground begins to shake. But this time it's not an earthquake, it's Dr. Hood in a machine that looks like a doodle-bug.
Jack is a glorified traffic cop. We find out that there's a pocket of magma under the town and it developed spontaneously and it's set to blow at any time.
Henry is tutoring Zoe at Café Diem. Why does it seem like these kids are never in school?
Thorne tells Henry she wants to build a hotel in the middle of a field but she found records of radiation. We know she's lying because of the film we saw her watching last week.
Back in town Jo and Jack are questioning Dr. Young about Fifi. Young offers to let Jack toss Thunder a Frisbee so he can see the dog run. While jumping to catch the Frisbee Thunder explodes into a ball of blue flame. Jack tells Fargo to see if he can find out what 'killed' Thunder. Fargo is all excited to be able to look under Thunder's hood.
Back at the sheriff's office Allison is trying on wedding dresses. The one she's currently wearing is too big for her. The dressmaker uses a cellphone looking thing to make the dress fit correctly and Jo is all 'Can I try it on next?' just before the earth starts to shake and everything has a blue aura. And the device that made the dress fit isn't working anymore and Allison can't get out of it.
Allison and Jack arrive at a field and when Allison asks Jack if he has something to tell her, she thinks Hood is responsible for the quake she felt in town, he says 'I do' and oh, how I wish she was marrying him! Hood manages to get Allison to allow him thirty seconds to show her a vent that's about to blow and when she says his time's up he says 'Oh, c'mon. A little grace period? I'm trying to nail a fumarole eruption down to the second here.' Allison freaks and begins getting ready to run. Jack of course asks what a fumarole is and is told that it's a mud volcano just as one erupts covering Allison in mud.
Stark arrives and tells Allison he likes the neckline of her dress but isn't crazy about the color and Jack's trying to make him stop talking by making a cutting motion across his neck. Allison and Stark start talking techno-babble again and Jack asks what will all that tell them. Stark actually has a funny line: 'Nothing. We just like sounding smart' but he says it in such a way that I'm pretty sure he's making fun of Jack. Again. Really, the man needs to get a life. He's got the girl so why is he still tormenting poor Jack? Allison says that the fumarole proves there's pressurized magma down there and Stark says that Hood might be the problem. Jack can't see it. Neither can I. While it does look like Hood is enjoying being believed again I don't see him risking people lives just for some recognition.
Fargo calls Jack to tell him that the two 'dead' dogs were cheaters. They were hopped up on 'juice', aka logic diamonds. This means that the owners broke federal law. Fargo makes a joke about the owners going to Gitmo. Jack says he'll talk to the women in question and Fargo says he already did and they swear they have no idea how the diamonds got into their dogs. Jack tells him to leave the interrogations to him and takes the diamonds to Tracy. She says the diamonds in question didn't come from GD's stock, which means they're most likely from a foreign source. For some reason I don't believe her.
Jack walks in on Allison trying to cut herself out of the dress. She asks him to help her get out of it. They have a really nice moment where if she wasn't going to marry the devil incarnate they'd most likely end up getting all sweaty.
Henry tells Thorne that the spot she asked him to scan has every radiation known to man. He says that once he takes samples he can tell her the exact frequencies and she says that's not necessary. I think he's starting to figure out that the whole hotel story is a lie. She asks him to not tell anyone about 'her plans' and he says he's very good at keeping secrets. At this point I want to shake him and demand he tell Jack and Allison that they're supposed to be together.
Jack tells Hood that Allison thinks he made the volcano. Hood says he has a machine, I'm not even going to attempt to spell its name, that might tell Jack where the logic diamonds where mined. We find out that no two diamond mines are the same. In other words the molecular structure of each diamond from a certain mine will be different from diamonds from another mine. Hood puts the diamond that Jack just happens to be carrying in his pocket into this machine and we find out that the diamonds are being made in Eureka.
Jack, Jo and Hood head down to the old coal mine and find the logic diamond vein. Suddenly this sound wave shoots out from this machine that none of them noticed until now and pins Hood to the wall.
Jack takes an ax and cuts the power cord.
Back at GD we learn that what Tracy told Jack was a lie. We, America, are the only country in the world that is making logic diamonds. There are only six people in the world who know how to make logic diamonds and all are in Pensacola. Jack then asks to see the personnel records. We learn that Tracy spent three years in Pensacola and that she became an expert of sorts on how to grow logic diamonds. She says she doesn't like the fact that the DOD uses her inventions for weapons. Allison says that GD is a science facility and Tracy counters with 'it's a top secret lab' she only put them in the dogs to test them.
Thorne, Stark, Allison and Jack begin trying to figure out what to do about the impending volcano when Jack says they must have something in the building that can help them find the pocket. He suggests they start knocking on doors or put a note in the elevator. Stark says they don't have anything that'll sniff out magma 2,000 feet below the earth's surface. A light bulb goes off over Jack's head and he says 'I got an idea. Just tell me if it's incredibly stupid' and Stark says 'yes' without even hearing what Jack's idea is. Jack wants to have Fifi sniff out the magma. Once Jack gets Fifi's owner to agree him and Stark head over to Hood's place to get his tunneling machine. Jack is having Fifi smell the lava and keeps telling her 'good girl. Smell the lava.' Fifi is going to be carrying live explosives into the volcano and Jack thinks she's not thrilled about it, but it's actually him that's not keen on being around live explosives. Hood reminds him he's gonna need the explosives to release the magma. Jack asks why they can't just poke a hole in it and Stark says they can, if Jack wants to be a charcoal briquette. Hood says that when it breaks through it'll be firing down the tunnel to the lake at 80 feet per second and when that happens Jack will want to be long gone. Jack concedes saying 'breaking though bad, running away good.'
Stark, Fifi and Jack get in the machine and head down to find the magma pocket. They find it, just as it's breaking through the rock.
When they finally get to the lake Stark turns to Jack and says 'next time Fargo's driving' I'm guessing that Fargo's not that good a driver. Jack hits his head hard against the head rest of his seat. And I just now noticed that Fifi looks a bit like the puppet/character Sir Didymus from Labyrinth. Jack turns to Stark and asks 'so what do you want to do tomorrow?' while they stand and watch the magma, now termed lava, vent into the lake.
That evening in town, Jack and Hood are hanging out at Café Diem when Stark and Allison walk in. Jack makes a comment about it being steamy outside and Stark says to get used to it because the magma will be venting for days. Jack shows he did learn something on today's little fieldtrip and says that he's pretty sure it's now lava. Allison says that him and Stark did good work and they should team up more often. Both guys say yeah really sarcastically. And before he walks away Stark manages to make me like him a tiny bit by telling Jack he did good. Fargo comes in with his 'best in show' trophy. And we learn that Fargo cheated by entering a real dog in the competition.
Jack heads over to his office where Henry is setting up their chessboard. They talk about Thorne and the radiation that Henry found. Jack thanks him for keeping him in the loop and Henry replies with 'I don't keep secrets from my friends. Anymore'. (If that was true then he'd tell Jack about him and Allison from the alternate timeline. C'mon, Henry! You know Allison won't be happy with Stark. At least not as happy as she'd be with Jack. Tell them! Tell them now!) Now Jack's all interested to know what he meant by that.
Back at his house, SARAH is telling Jack he had planned to exercise and then pay bills, not drink the beer he has in his hand, and he tells her he's taking the night off. SARAH tells him that stress is America's number one health problem and he tells her to drop dead to which she replies 'followed by sarcasm'. Zoe comes in and Jack asks if she wants to join him in watching the game and she says she needs to study so she can get an 'A' on her physics quiz. He tells her to just do her best. He then steps outside his emotional comfort zone and tells Zoe he's proud of her. Awwwww. Being a single dad has really helped him grow.
Before I go on to my review of this episode of Eureka I want to say that I went into this hoping that Stark was the one to bite it. I've never liked the character, the actor, yes; the character, not so much. I wouldn't have minded him so much if they hadn't paired him with Allison. As I've said before, my OTP is Jack/Allison which surprised me because I tend to favor slash pairings. Last time I had a het OTP was Farscape.We open at Jack's house as he's beginning his day. He has SARAH turn the shower on and out comes cold water. You'd think she'd know by now that he likes his shower warm. He almost falls when he jumps backward out of the spray. He ends up having to forgo a shower because he's out of body wash. This whole scene is just a Degree commercial. He cuts himself while shaving.
Zoe doesn't understand why Allison's working the morning of her wedding. SARAH tells Jack that she keeps ketchup on tap and he says he prefers the bottle. My Spidey Sense tells me that it's not a good idea for him to try using the bottle. Zoe informs her father that she is aware of his feelings for Allison, which he denies. And he proves me right by getting a dollop of ketchup on his last clean work shirt.
Jack's sister has arrived. She has with her a couple of cats. According to her one of them is the reincarnation of their Grandma Lil. Jack obviously doesn't like cats because he tells her to put them in the guest room.
Jack and Allison are walking and talking about her wedding. He thinks she should be at a beauty parlor or something. She says that she's perfectly capable of getting ready for her wedding without sitting at a salon all day. He tells her that getting married should be momentous and she says that redaction is momentous too and she 'owes it to those people to see them through it'. I'm guessing they're saying 'redaction' in place of 'fired', 'laid off' or 'terminated'. Not sure why, I mean any of those three words tells you exactly what's happening. 'Redaction' on the other hand...I haven't a clue where it came from and I really wish it'd go back there. Now, please.
Thorne approaches and tries to make Allison think she's sorry about making her work on her wedding day and hands her a folder with a list of even more lay-offs. Thorne then notices the ketchup stain on Jack's shirt and asks if it's blood. Jack admits he's just a messy eater. Thorne then gets a barb in with Allison by saying sarcastically 'Wouldn't want to miss your beautiful wedding'. Jack asks if Allison invited her and Allison says no in such a way that I'm sure she wants to add 'do I look crazy to you?'
Jack then starts his rounds of telling people they've been fired. He starts with The Excrement Guy, Lincoln. There's really no nice way of say 'your badge will be disabled at 6 pm', ya know? But Jack really tries.
Stark and Fargo come marching down the hall and Stark makes a snarky comment about the stain on Jack's shirt, 'Carter, bar fight?' and you just know he's hoping there was one, although he hates he missed it, and that Jack's been injured. Jack gets back at him by asking if he should be at a beauty parlor since it's his big day. Stark says he's supervising an important delivery that Fargo says is time-sensitive and one gets the feeling they wish Jack would just go away. Jack asks them where he can find the last guy on his list and is told he can be found in the basement. Stark tells him to just do whatever it is he has to do but please don't be late for the wedding and don't forget the necklace.
Jack finds Weinbrenner, the last name on his list. Well sort of. He walks into this blue light that blinds him for a moment. He decides to let Weinbrenner stay employed for one more day and walks out.
At the wedding, Vincent is using this laser type thing to decorate the cake. Stark meets Jack as he's arriving and tells him he's late. Jack says 'yeah, I had to redact 12 people then find a tie'. Stark asks if he brought the necklace and Jack replies 'what necklace?' It doesn't get the laugh Jack was hoping for.
Lexi, Jack's sister, and Zoe are by the punch talking about how the French let their kids drink wine. Jack catches Zoe just as she's about to take a sip of champagne.
As Jack approaches the bridal tent, Jo yells at him for being late and says she met his sister. Jack tells her to arrest Lex for corrupting a minor. When he enters the tent he finds Allison admiring herself in the mirror. She's wearing a very lovely mermaid strapless dress with a light brown sash. It shows off her figure just beautifully. She asks Jack if everything's okay because he looks pale. He responds with 'That's the white tent'. He then tells her to not marry Stark because they were married and expecting a daughter in an alternate reality - er, he says he cares for her very much and that he'll always be there for her. No matter what. She says 'Everything's going to work out the way it's supposed to' and the part of me that is in lurve with Jack/Allison is saying 'you bet it will 'cause Stark's about to die and while you're grieving for him, Allison, you'll realize you actually love Jack'.
Jack then walks her down the aisle to Stark. Henry is presiding. Why aren't they using that female minster from last season? And how many degrees does Henry have? And why is one of them in theology? Just as Henry asks for any objections Jack sees a rip in the space-time continuum and we're back to this morning. Jack's doing everything just as he did before but is not quite sure of things.
This time when Jack enters the kitchen we get a bit more of the conversation with Zoe. Jack is still feeling weird and not quite sure why. Zoe is the one to get ketchup on Jack's shirt this time around. When his sister's arrival is announced by SARAH he starts making the connection, he's not quite there but he's starting to figure it out.
[pause]I could've sworn that Eureka required a very high level security clearance to even know about its existence and yet in the three years the show has been on we've seen four people just wander into town. First was Jack and Zoe, then Jack's ex-wife and now Jack's sister. Can someone tell me how this is possible if the town is supposed to be a government secret?[/pause]
Jack goes on to GD and tries to tell Allison that he's stuck in a time loop but he hasn't figured out that that's what's happening. He thinks it's just a very strong case of deja vue. This time we find out what Stark and Fargo are up to. Sort of. Jack asks if time-loops are possible and is told no, that time flows in one direction only and that if it was to fold back on itself it would affect causality and delete us from the time-space continuum.
In town, Zoe and Lexi are at Café Diem talking about Lexi's travels and Lexi's man. Zoe calls him Lexi's gorgeous Dr. WHO and Vincent just about wets himself when he says he loves that show. Turns out WHO stands for World Health Organization. He tries to cover by saying he was just playing around.
Jack comes in and Lexi psychoanalyzes him saying the day's repeating because he's in love with Allison.
Flash forward to the wedding, Allison's not ready but Jack doesn't care. He kisses her and even though she actually likes it she sticks with the 'I'm marrying another man because we have a history' thing she has going. Henry asks for objections and I want to scream 'No! She loves Jack!' and then the rip appears and Jack's back in the shower trying to not fall as he jumps away from the cold spray.
We get yet another version of his morning conversation with Zoe.
At GD he goes directly to see Stark and Fargo. This time we find out that the delivery is actually a sub-femtosecond atomic clock that will make GD the constant for time in all the known universe. Fargo says that the Swiss guys are really fuming. Not sure why.
Jack tries to get Stark to not set it up. When Stark refuses, Jack goes to Thorne who explains a bit more about the device and why the Swiss are not happy that GD has it. It seems that it will give GD universal ownership of time. I didn't realize that time could be owned.
This time around he tells Allison he cares for her and will always be there for her before the wedding. He tries to convince her that everyone's stuck in a time loop but she's not buying it either. In fact she thinks he's saying, and doing, all this to keep her from marrying Stark.
At the wedding, we get some more of Zoe's conversation with Lexi.
Back at GD, Jack and Fargo are entering the room with the new clock-thingy and Fargo wonders who'll kill them first for being late to the wedding, Allison or Stark. Jack tells Fargo to turn it off and when he refuses, Jack pulls his gun and points it at the clock-thingy. Fargo breaks the vacuum seal and breaks the clock. This time when the rip in the space-time continuum happens everyone sees it and when Jack lands back in the shower, he's sitting on the floor with a cut on his cheek from a piece of debris that hit him in the face just before the loop started over.
This time we go straight to the area where the excrement guy works. Due to the cut on Jack's face Stark is still able to get his 'Bar fight?' jab in. Jack tries to explain that time is folding back on itself but they don't believe him. And here's where I ask why the writers made him not very smart. They could have written him like Jack O'Neill or John Sheppard. Those two guys are quite smart but hide it well. I'm sure Jack Carter could have pulled off the 'I'm not very smart so can you dumb that down for me' thing while actually understanding perfectly.
Jack tries to talk to Allison but Leo comes in and he's looking very nervous! Jack tells him to wait that he needs to talk to him and Allison walks away. Jack asks if he's the guy in charge of time and Leo says 'Was, until today' and Jack doesn't even pay attention to the fact that Leo knows he's been fired before Thorne has even given the list to Allison. When Jack asks about the time loop, Leo throws him onto Thorne by saying the new clock could have something to do with it. Leo then tells Jack he'll sign the redaction papers whenever he brings them by and this time Jack finds that a little strange but doesn't really think much of it.
Jack then overhears Thorne giving orders for some equipment to be loaded saying 'there's a time factor here and I don't want to miss my window. Jack asks why Thorne would want to get rid of Leo and is told that the new clock does the same function as Leo without health care. He then asks her to be his date to the wedding and she turns him down due to whatever evil plan she's cooking up. They happen upon Allison and Thorne tells her that the quarterly balance sheets are due on Monday and tells Jack to make sure she doesn't miss her beautiful wedding before walking away. Jack tells Allison that she should have invited Thorne.
Back in town, we see Zoe and Lexi again dishing about Lexi's man and again we get the whole 'gorgeous Dr. WHO' 'Dr. Who!? I love that show!' exchange. And this time we discover that Lexi is preggers and hasn't told the father. Jack finds out he's gonna be an uncle and is shaken by the news. My CC is off because twice in that scene it showed dialogue that wasn't spoken. But I guess that makes up for the dialogue that gets spoken and not reported by the CC.
On to some clearing in the woods. Thorne is looking at the holo-image of some underground structure. Jack confronts Thorne and she tells him he's way off the mark. He asks which button to push on the device she's holding to make time repeat just before the rip appears and throws him back to the shower, still dressed and dirty. SARAH tells him he has broken ribs and is cut up pretty badly and asks if she should call 911. He says not unless they can fix a hole in the universe.
Jack takes the device he's still holding to Henry. Jack is convinced it's a time-loop device and Henry tells him it's a geological depth finder. Henry tells Jack that Leo is smarter than the average maintenance worker but that altering time is still impossible. And now Jack makes the connection to Leo's comment about his redaction.
Jack goes to GD to confront Leo and is told that Leo knew Jack was on to him the last time through. Leo tries to explain what he did. We find out that Leo doesn't know how to reverse the time loop. Leo tells Jack he has a way of, hopefully, fixing things but if it doesn't work Jack's gonna have to get Stark to help next time. Jack knows that Stark won't believe him but Leo thinks he will if Jack learns an equation. A very complex and difficult equation. Leo tries his fix and fails.
Jack finds Leo's charred body in the clock. Jack tries to tell Stark and Fargo what happened and Stark says 'Carter, you're crazy. Fargo, tell him why he's crazy'. Before Fargo can, Jack starts singing the equation under his breath. Everyone now believes him.
This time when Vincent says he loves Dr. Who when Lexi and Zoe are talking about it and is corrected as to what they're actually talking about he just says 'oh. [my bad]'.
Back at GD Fargo, Stark and Jack are attempting to correct the time flow. The first try doesn't work. Stark decides to do it manually. Jack and Fargo both try to talk him into not doing it. It works and Stark is dead.
At the wedding Lexi is trying to get Zoe to drink a glass of champagne. Jack goes to tell Allison the bad news. You just know that having to hurt Allison like that is eating him up inside.
I was really planning on doing an in depth review of this one but after just a few minutes into it I realized I didn't like it any more than I liked the Stargate Atlantis episode Whispers, so I'm just not going to review it. Other than to say that both episodes were too similar for my tastes. They reminded me of bad horror/sci-fi flicks and I expect much more from these shows.
You know a show has lost my attention when I don't stop playing whatever game I'm playing when it starts. Plus I no longer have any interest in what Thorne's about. In fact, I couldn't care less anymore. I will watch the rest of the season but I don't know if I'll be reviewing anymore episodes. Of course if any of the remaining ones are like the first 4 of the season I will write a review. But until then, I'm sorry. I just don't have the time to review an episode that didn't hold my attention during a first viewing.Despite not focusing completely on what was on the TV I guessed who was in the 'Captain Eureka' suit. Now that's just sad. Someone who's not even really watching is able to figure out who the 'super hero' is. Pathetic.
This was another I couldn't make myself review. I'm pretty sure it's the Thorne character. I think the show jumped the shark when she showed up.
So, in all the advertisements of this week's Eureka, Skiffy was calling it the 'mid season finale' but not once during the actual showing did I see that as a bug on the bottom of the screen. And why would the 8th episode of the season be the 'mid season finale' anyway? I coulda sworn Eureka was only 13 episodes long so the midway point would have been two episodes back. And when are they planning on showing the rest of the season? It's not like Skiffy has regular season programming that Eureka was being used as a summer place-holder for so why not just show the remaining 5 episodes now? Enough of the mini-rant, on to the review!We begin with scenes from previous episodes. I have to say I really don't like Jo and Zane. She is way too smart to fall for a guy like him. Plus he's not exactly the type to sit back and let 'his woman' fend for herself. He'd insist on being the conquering hero at all times, never mind the fact that she has training and can probably break him in half without breaking a sweat. Also, I hate the word 'redacted'. Seriously writers, stop using it. Now, please.
Zoe's boyfriend (sorry still can't remember the guy's name) is at Café Diem and Zoe comes over to his table complaining about her job. If she doesn't like it why does she have one? Her father has told her on several occasions that she doesn't have to work. I know when my parents said I didn't have to have a job, I didn't. I just enjoyed being a teenager. Even now, if I could find myself a sugar daddy who'd let me sit at home all day and write, I would so let him. So, anyway, Zoe's boy-toy pulls her down to his lap and lays a big wet one on her not thinking that Jack is in the Café and can probably see them. And he does; via a well place mirror. After Jack interrupts them, Boyfriend picks up his magazine, which is upside down, and pretends to read it. Zoe then goes to bitch at Jo about her father and gets some bitch thrown back at her. Seems Zane has cooled things off with Jo. Wonder why. No, actually I don't. I also don't care why Jo's acting like a 14 year-old girl whose crush doesn't know she exists. Zane walks in and tries to talk to Jo but she continues to act like a tween and ignores him.
Jack, Allison and Henry are trying to find out what Thorne is hiding. Again with the dreaded 'redacted'! Jack has an idea about the photos that Thorne took from Café Diem.
At the bunker site, Thorne is telling the guy she's hired what she needs him to do. She's actually less a bitch at the moment. Jo goes to the site to talk to the guy but he's not home. Zane finds her and says she should stop being passive-aggressive and she asks if he wants 'just aggressive'? He of course says 'no, not really'. As he's walking off muttering under his breath she finds a canister and asks him to come look at it. He thinks she wants to hit him with it. Can I hit him with it? He determines it's some kind of explosive canister that can hold just about anything.
Jack has Fargo looking for the photos on his laptop. As he's going through his folder he comes across some personal photos of his? cat dressed up in fugly clothes. Seriously, who dresses up a CAT? A dog I can see, but a cat? And what cat allows it without scarring the person who's trying to do so? Anyway, he finds the photo Jack wants and says he can't blow it up on Jack's relic of a laptop; he'll have to either do it at GD or go home. Jack says go home now. Fargo says that Allison won't like him breaking the rules. Jack hints that she'd be okay with it this time.
Allison finds the crates with the dead bodies. And does something to them with some kind of scanner.
Zoe and Boyfriend are walking down the stairs to SARAH and Zoe's saying she'll never make fun of Lexi again. She feels like she's the one preggers with twins. When did we find out that Lexi was having twins? I would have remembered that. Seriously, I would have if for the look of horror on Jack's face alone. (yes I know he's not the father but he's gonna have to help raise them so…) Boyfriend cautions her to not mention 'the p-word' around her father. They enter SARAH and Zoe is instantly zapped with some kind of beam because SARAH doesn't recognize her DNA.
Jack can't get SARAH to turn off the security beam. When he finally does Boyfriend asks if SARAH's dead.
In Henry's garage he and Allison are doing autopsies on the bodies (so that's what she was doing with the scanner) and Allison starts to feel a bit dizzy. My first thought: she's preggers. Why? 'Cause this is Skiffy and her twu wuv died recently.
Back at GD Jo, Zane and Jack are in Zane's lab looking at the canister. Jack is playing with it and when he drops it (duh) it opens and spills this foam stuff around Jo and Zane's feet binding them together. *head desk* Can they be any more obvious? And why is Jack always the bumbling idiot? He is smart, maybe not as smart as everyone else in Eureka but still. It takes some kind of intelligence to become a US Marshall. Jack beats a hasty retreat. Dear Eureka writers, If you want two characters to work on their issues with each other, and intrapersonal relationships, just have them sit down over dinner and talk. There is no need to 'stick' them together. Also, just 'cause they're both young, relatively attractive and unattached doesn't mean they have to start banging boots with each other. Just saying.
Jack finds the guy responsible for the foam stuff that has Jo stuck with Zane. He scolds the man for closing a road without his permission. He's told that there is no way to cut through the foam.
Back in the lab Zane's destroying a jack hammer trying to get them out and when Jo glares at him he actually says 'don't you look at me in that tone of voice'. What is he, 12? Oh, wait…
Back in town, Lexi and Zoe are at an outside table chit-chatting and Lex actually says she's sleeping for the boys. I've been preggers. Never once did I feel I was sleeping for two. Eating for two, yes; sleeping, no. Zoe says she aches all over and asks if this is what it feels like to be 30. Lexi says 'I'll forgive you for that in 15 years'. Excuse me? Since when is Zoe 15? I coulda sworn she was like 17 or so. If she is 17 then in 15 years she'll be 32. Fargo comes out and says that maybe SARAH had a memory glitch because Zoe's DNA didn't match the one in SARAH's memory banks. He then says he has the old photos Jack wants ready just as Thorne's coming out of Café Diem. She says she loves old photos and wants to see. Can't the woman keep her nose out of anything? The DOD brought her out to help make GD run smoother, not get into the lives of the citizens of Eureka. And with that sentence I'm reminded that I never questioned her presence in Eureka. I questioned Lexi's but not Thorne's. How do these people get the clearance to come to Eureka? In the very first episode we're told it's one of those top-level security clearance places where only the president and Joint Chiefs know of its existence and yet so many civilians seem to be able to just wander in and out whenever they damn well pelase.
So, Jack gets Thorne off the trail by saying the pictures on question were his grandfather's. He then starts hounding Thorne for info and she actually berates him for sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong. Pot, meet kettle. She's now back to being uber bitch.
We find out that the bodies didn't die of natural causes. That 'goo' Thorne has in the tiny little vial is what's responsible.
Back in GD Zane and Jo and starting to have sexual sparks when Jack comes in and ruins the moment. Zane implies his job is more important than Jo's which, of course, pisses her off.
Back at SARAH, she's trying to make things up to Lexi by telling her of the different flavors of tea she has on tap. Zoe is now blind. And why Lexi didn't immediately see how cloudy Zoe's eyes are is puzzling to me.
Back at the bunker Hendrix is ready to set off his canisters. Thorne had him move it up a day. She shakes his hand and goes back inside. Is she going to kill herself?
Back at GD, now Zane's the one not able to do his job. Henry is able to fix Zoe's eyes. When did he become a medical doctor? Henry tells Jack to not worry. Well, he actually says 'try to not worry' but what parent wouldn't worry when told their child might die of old age at 17?
As Jack's heading out to find a sample of the purple liquid Zoe slipped in he's stopped by Fargo and Allison. They show him a picture of a group of scientists from 1939 and there's Eva Thorne right smack dab in the center. Now it could be a look-alike ancestor but I highly doubt it. Why? Because this is Skiffy and they're trying real hard to make all my shows soap operas.
Down in the bunker Thorne opens a journal and pulls out a picture that she then kisses. Her lover? Husband? We'll find out, I hope.
Jack comes marching through and sees a canister sitting at the base of the hole from Tesla. He goes to touch it then tells himself 'Don't touch the pretty metal canisters'. Again, why do the writers have to make the heroes of these shows such idiots? First there was Jack O'Neill in Cold Lazarus, then John Sheppard in Doppelganger and now Jack Carter in this episode. Just 'cause they're pretty men doesn't automatically make them stupid. Take a page from fanfiction, the well written ones, and make your male leads believable and smart. Lots of women find intelligence very sexy. I know I do. I would not love these characters any less, although I just might love them more, if they were allowed to show just how smart they really are. Like O'Neill and Sheppard. They're pilots. That means they have to be able to make complex calculations in their heads at any given time. Sure it makes it easier to catch the bad guys if they think the guy coming after them is stupid, but please let them show just how smart they really are. Especially when it comes to math. *more on this rant in the review of SGA First Contact*
Sorry about that. Anyway, Jack finds Thorne and she tells him to leave. Now. He demands answers and tells her that Zoe has been exposed. Thorne does a complete 180 and is concerned for Zoe. She says they have to leave and Jack says it's okay because Hendrix isn't sealing the place until tomorrow. Before Thorne can say no, I made him move it up, the canisters start going off. As they rush to the air vent that Jack had picked as his point of exit, a canister goes off, sealing the vent shut.
Jack tells Thorne he knows she has a secret. She tells him she's ready to die. Says she never had the courage to commit suicide before. Sorry, but suicide is not courageous. It's cowardly. Only the courageous live life. She tells him this story that is so very unbelievable except it's sci-fi. Turns out she's 107 years old. The 'goo' that turned them old has kept her young.
Allison has Hendrix arrested.
Thorne tells Jack the first A-bomb was set off in Eureka. She tells him that the element they used created the purple liquid; 'element X'. We find out that Jimmy, I'm guessing it was his picture she kissed, was project leader. The men who died were exposed 28 days before they died. Zoe was exposed 7 days ago.
Hendrix says he might be able to create something to dissolve the foam but they need something that there is less than an ounce of. Zane says nope. We got plenty. Funny how Eureka has everything that they'd ever need right there in the archives. Allison finds out that the bunker is sealed.
Thorne and Jack go to this vault thing. She sets the keys down and you can't help but think she'll forget them. Jack finds out that Thorne isn't her name. And that she's related to Jimmy. He's her brother. Excuse me? The kiss she gave his picture is one of a lover, not a sister. She's now crying as she talks about saving Zoe. I'm sorry. I'm just not buying her sudden change in attitude. She's been nothing short of a bitch this whole time and now she shows female emotions? Maybe if they'd have stretched this out over the entire season or maybe even into the next one I'd believe it but not once did we ever get a glimpse that she has a heart. Okay, maybe when she reopened the museum and granted Henry a pardon but that's all she's done and those were more because she realized she needed the peoples of Eureka on her side than out of the goodness of her heart. They head for the coolant chamber and am I surprised when she grabs the keys before leaving the vault.
Hendrix has finished with the dissolvent but before he uses it he says there is a small chance of an explosion. Does anyone doubt it'll work and no one will be injured? No? Okay, just checking.
Allison thinks she might have been exposed and Henry tells her to get tested.
Jack notices that the coolant pool is cracked and Element X is leaking into the ground water.
Thorne shows Jack her vial of 'purple stuff'. She says Zoe needs it more than she does. Again, not buying the self-sacrificing she's doing right now.
Thorne and Jack are in the room with the sealed air shaft. Thorne mentions that the foam is invulnerable just before it dissolves. Revealing Jo and Zane. WTF? Why is Zane there? Jo says the funniest line in the whole episode 'Good afternoon! My name's Jo Lupo and I'll be saving your ass today.' Jack says she needs to be promoted. But that would put him out of a job, wouldn't it?
We find out that the water is contaminated. Lexi says something about them being lucky they don't have a boss just as Allison gets a call that the General is in town. He wants Thorne arrested. Jack tells him that she's needed until Zoe is cured. Zane's looking at Thorne's brother's journal and he sees they created a bomb that should help to cure the town and decontaminate the water. Zane finds it and sets about finishing it. They set off the bomb. Anyone think it won't work? Didn't think so.
Jo and Zane are not cute at all. I mean really. I preferred her with What's-his-face from the first season. Zoe's fine and Jack and Lexi are on their way to repairing their relationship. Henry takes Thorne to a bus stop and she's all miss nice and shit. Sorry, still not buying it. A hard ass like she was in the beginning doesn't turn around that quickly. Allison doesn't want to know why she's so tired. Henry says it in such a way as to make us think it's not good news. Zoe and Boyfriend are kissing in Jack's general area and he's saying 'I'm not gonna look' and then he does. Allison tells him that she's preggers with Stark's baby. Mansfield comes over and fires Jack for letting Thorne escape.
So, after a very disappointing season we have any even more disappointing mid-season finale.
Going into this I thought it was season four but have since found out that this is actually the back half of season three. WTF, Skiffy? We had to wait a whole frelling YEAR for the final episodes of season three? So very not cool.I really hate the new name/logo and advertizing they have going. They now have a one to two minute 'commercial' before any of their original programming.
The show opens with scenes from the first part of the season, which is a good thing since it's been a frelling year since the mid-season finale aired.
For those you don't know, Jack was fired for letting Thornton get away. (WTF? I looked back over the reviews for the first part of the season and her name was Thorne. Who forgot to do the proper research before writing this script?) He's now interviewing for a new job. We see him in LA interviewing at Homeland Security, I thought Homeland Security was located in DC. *shrug* What do I know? I'm not a writer for this show, just a very observant person. Of course, this could just be one of their offices, like the FBI has offices all over the country. In that case, never mind. The man interviewing Jack notes that for the last two years he's been 'in small community policing' and says he grew up in a small town himself, then asks if anything exciting ever happened. Jack then flashes back to some of the things that happened that could be called 'exciting'. Like when the people froze at the hot spring. He says 'Just your normal small town stuff' with a smirk.
Back in Eureka, Henry asks how the interview went. Jack complains about not being able to talk about his job in Eureka and then says that after working there, Homeland Security's going to be dull. Henry tells him he's hoping he doesn't get the job. I love how Jack and Henry have bonded. Jack needs someone who can dumb down the science talk and Henry needs someone to help keep him 'normal'. Henry says he needs to go and Jack asks if he can help. Henry spouts off some technobabble and Jack just says 'Good luck with that' and taps him on the shoulders in a manly version of a hug.
At Café Diem, Zoe is working when Jack comes in and she asks if he got the job. He says he doesn't know yet and she starts talking a tad fast, not as fast as Rodney McKay, but still faster than I've ever heard her talk. He tells her to lay off the espressos. She doesn't want to move because she's made friends in Eureka and has actually grown up some. She's no longer the rebellious teen she was when she first showed up. Plus her and Jack have grown closer. Jack shows that he, too, has grown over the last two years and tells her he told them he can't start until she finishes the semester because he wants to make this as easy on her as possible. When Jack orders a burger, Vincent tears up and Zoe tells him to tone down the drama.
Jo is sitting at a table and Jack approaches and says 'Wow, coffee and a donut. You're already eating like a sheriff' to which she replies 'It's a sixteen-grain protein bagel, and I'm not sheriff'. Jack comments that it's just a matter of time before the DOD makes it official and asks if she's happy. She tells him that while she's always wanted his job (really never made that one a secret), deserves it and will most likely do a much better job at (which he agrees with) she never wanted to get it by him being fired for something as stupid as letting Thornton go.
And in walks Allison proving that it's taken Jack six months to get the interview with Homeland Security. Unless she's got a Miracle Gro baby growing in her belly (like Lindsey Monroe over on CSI: NY). They never say how many months have passed since Jack was fired so I guess it is possible it's taken him this long to get the interview. I bet Homeland Security has a really long list of candidates. Allison's there to tell them she has news about the sheriff's position. Jo thinks Mansfield has come around and has decided to rehire Jack but he hasn't. They've sent someone from outside the community.
In the sheriff's office, the three of them are staring at a metal trunk of sorts. Jack thinks the man sent his stuff ahead and Jo comments that he's late for his first day. Allison says she has his number and decides to call him. The trunk begins to ring. Jo is confused and asks 'He sent his cell phone ahead?' Jack approaches and opens the trunk. A robot is inside and greets Allison and Jo. Before it can greet Jack, he shuts the door and says 'That's very creepy'. Fargo comes in and goes over to the trunk. Jack asks if it's one of Fargo's wacky inventions and is told no, it's a DOD project. He says he'll have him on duty soon and Jo takes off her badge and gun belt and quits. Jack tries to talk her out of it but she still walks out. Can't say as I blame her. I mean, first she was passed over for Jack (she has proven to be much more intelligent than him, not that that's a requirement) and now she's being passed over for a ROBOT!
After she walks out, Fargo steps over to where Allison and Jack are still standing and points a remote at the trunk. The robot inside unfolds and the metal shell falls away to reveal a very realistic looking android. He hooks his thumbs in his belt and says 'You can call me Sheriff Andy'. Fargo is as excited as a child on Christmas and says 'Hi, Sheriff Andy'. Andy turns to look at him and smiles. Jack and Allison are speechless.
At GD, Allison is trying to convince Mansfield that Eureka needs an actual human being as sheriff, not some experiment. Mansfield spouts some bullshit about how Andy is the latest in law enforcement and asks if she'd rather have the position vacant. She tells him she'd rather he rehire Jack. Mansfield has never really liked Jack, not sure why or how Jack managed to get the job since the CO of the DOD doesn't like him. Anyway, Mansfield tells Allison that Andy is designed to be 'ahead of the problem, unlike Carter'. You can just hear the 'who is usually the problem' even though he doesn't say it. She tells him that Jack has a unique investigative style and that his record speaks for itself. Mansfield replies 'Yes it does' then tells her that she's 'now the sole head of Global Dynamics. Your plate is full. Don't waste your time worrying about Carter'.
Jack arrives home to find his sister (I'm still having a hard time figuring out how all these people keep just showing up when Eureka is supposed to be a top secret place and when Jack first arrived Allison drove him through that force field thingy) and her obstetrician playing with something that looks like it has a baby floating in space. Jack calls it a baby aquarium but Lexi corrects him. It's a Tensor field generator. It's for her home birth. She says it'll basically make the babies just float out of her, weightless. Dr. Fielding reminds her that they won't be totally weightless. She says 'Weightless enough for me. I've gained ten pounds in the last day' and Jack starts to make some smart remark but she shuts him up with what is now my favorite line ever 'Shut up. You try making two whole people'. Fielding decides to make his exit at this time. Jack is polite and says it was nice seeing him again but Fielding isn't as nice. He's not actually rude, just not as polite as one should be. Turns out that Jack had to cite him for overloading the power grid a while back. Lexi tells him to be nice because she's trying to get the twin discount. He tells her that all her planning is a waste because they aren't even going to be in Eureka when the babies are born. She tells him to stop saying things like that because he's not going anywhere. SARAH tells him that there's been an incident with several fallen trees that are blocking the road. He tells her to get 'sheriff in a box' to deal with it and is told that Allison was involved. He, of course, rushes right over.
At the scene, Mansfield tells him he's not supposed to be there. I wanted Jack to say that he was there as a concerned citizen and friend of Allison's. Just as Mansfield says 'Sheriff Andy has been notified, apparently everything's fine' a tree falls, landing on a car and crushing it. I'd say that everything is so far from being fine as to not even be in North America anymore. Jack orders everyone away from the treeline just as Sheriff Andy shows up. Andy wants to introduce himself to Jack who tells him that public safety is more important than being polite to his replacement, well, not exactly, he actually tells him that there'll be time for chitchat later, that right now they need to stop traffic. Andy says he has some traffic drones on the way and sure enough a couple fly overhead, headed for the other side of the fallen trees. Jack mentions a medical team and Andy says he has it covered. He leans around Jack and 'scans' everyone. Even tells Allison that her baby is just fine. I was expecting him to say what the sex is but he doesn't. When Andy heads toward the fallen trees, Mansfield 'suggests' Allison join him in observing the new sheriff in action. Poor Jack, feeling left out, turns to go.
At Café Diem, Jack is downing milkshakes. He tells Vincent to hit him again and Vincent asks 'Are you sure, Sheriff - Jack...er, Mr. Carter?' Allison comes in and tells him he won't find what he's looking for at the bottom of that glass and he asks 'Well, what if I'm looking for a banana milkshake?' He's got her there! Jack asks what she thinks brought the trees down and she says that Andy thinks it was an accident. Jack tells her that the DHS called and wants him to start right away. She reminds him he should be packing and asks why he's there. He says he's hiding from Zoe.
Zoe is beyond pissed. She has to leave her friends, her boyfriend, the only place that's ever felt like home. Jack tells her that this is the right job for him and she says 'you already have the right job' and he replies 'yeah but they hired someone else'. She calls Andy 'Robocop' and when he shows up at the door, SARAH says 'Speaking of 'Robocop', there's someone at the door'. Andy has come by to get Jack's uniform. Jack tries to tell Andy that the trees didn't fall down by themselves. When Jack asks SARAH about it, she tells him that Andy tracked in some tree bark and it does show genetic abnormalities.
Jack goes to Allison to ask who he needs to talk to about the trees. She 'doesn't' tell him about Dr. Leonardo saying that that would mean breaking about 35 federal laws. She specializes in rapid tree growth. In fact, she's planting a seedling when Jack and Jo show up to question her and when Jack turns his back, it grows to full size. She takes the wood chip from Jack and looks at it then tells them that since they're not employed by GD anymore she can't tell them anything.
Jack finds Andy running a diagnostic on the security system because there seems to be a problem with the satellite communications and tries to get him to go see Dr. Leonardo. Andy maintains that the trees fell due to natural causes. When Jack turns to walk away, the dish falls on Andy, cutting him in half.
Mansfield, Fargo, Allison and Jack are standing around a table where Andy is laid out and Fargo is worried that they'll never let him test another experimental robot again and Jack makes a comment about Andy being dead. Mansfield is annoyed that he's there and reminds him that GD is a secure facility and he really shouldn't be there. Jack shows his visitor's badge and Allison backs him up by saying she asked for his assistance. She also says that she thinks Andy is a lost cause when Mansfield says that Andy is a billion dollar investment and as such is supposedly indestructible. He tells Fargo he wants him back on the street ASAP and then, while looking straight at Jack says, 'The town needs a sheriff'. Hey, bub. The town had a sheriff until you fired him. He then walks out. Allison says that it's no longer just the trees; they now have a destroyed antenna dish. Allison says that someone really needs to investigate and Andy isn't quite up to it at the moment. Jack says 'So if someone was gonna investigate, uh, Henry would be…?' Allison says 'Uh, at the site. That would be a good place to start. Hypothetically." And Jack says 'Hypothetically' right after she does.
At the site, Henry is telling Jack that a bolt that is designed to hold 29 tons was sheared off prior to the dish hitting Andy. Jack asks how a radio dish can break the bolt like a breadstick and then crush Andy. Henry says it doesn't do either, then lifts the dish with no effort. Jack laughs and says 'Someone's been working out' and Henry tells him that it's made of a very light alloy. Because of that, something must have ripped it off the tower. Jack asks if the wind could have done that and Henry says it would have to be closer to 100 Class-5 tornadoes. That's a lot of wind! Jack makes the connection between the trees and the dish. Henry makes a comment about how he can't stay away from a good case and Jack says he's just naturally curious.
Jack finds Dr. Leonardo examining the fallen trees. Jack asks what she's doing there because he thought she said it didn't have anything to do with her research and she says what she actually said was that she can't talk to him, and she still can't. He knows she wants to and tells her he knows. I think he might be able to bring her around, except Andy shows up. Not anywhere near as good as new, but as close as Fargo can get him. The conversation is below:
Andy: Right. I am. And I'm very interested to know why you're here.
Jack: You're okay?
Andy: Oh,110%. The guy with the glasses...
Jack: Fargo.
Andy: Diego. He fixed me all up. Except for a little hiccup in the names database. Now, are you willing to cooperate, Dr. Leotardo?
Jack: 'Nardo'. 'Leonardo'.
Andy: Thanks, Steve.
Jack: 'Jack'.
Andy: Dr. Zhivago?
Jack *to Dr. Leonardo*: Why are you here?
Leonardo *who has followed all this with a thoroughly confused look on her face*: Growing trees. I just... I needed more space for my experiments. And so the reason the trees fell is because they were the fast growing trees that she was experimenting with. We also find out that it's illegal to conduct experiments on public land. Her experiments will help rebuild the world's forests. She's not sure why her trees are falling. She says they can stand up to a hurricane and Jack imparts his new found knowledge with 'Yeah, it'd take, uh, 100 Class-5 tornadoes.'At Café Diem, Lexi is asking Vincent for some fig newtons. Henry comes in and Jack asks if he's found out anything yet and he tells them, in a very roundabout way, that no, he hasn't. He sits down next to Lexi and asks if he can touch her belly. Lexi lets him, in fact, she takes his hand and places it on a certain spot so I'm thinking the babies might have been kicking right then. When Vincent brings the cookies, Jack asks her about it. Says she was just complaining about gaining 10 pounds in a day. She says that the scale must have been off because she's 10 pounds lighter than she was the day before and the light bulb goes off over Jack's head. I like how Jack is the first person to figure this out.
Jack goes to find Andy, who is climbing into his jeep, and tells him that they're 'experiencing random acts of gravity'. Andy says he'll look into it but he can only go where the evidence takes him. Jack thanks him and begins to walk away. Andy says 'Anything for you, Bob' while giving Jack the thumbs up sign. Jack turns and continues on his way and the jeep gets flattened, with Andy inside, from no visible force, which just re-enforces Jack's theory that they're experiencing random gravity wells. Andy mutters 'I'm okay' and Jack looks like he just saw a ghost.
At GD, Jack's running down some stairs hollering that he's sorry he's late and that he didn't even know GD had a warehouse. He then asks how Andy's doing. Allison says that Fargo's working on him then asks Henry why he called them there. He tells them he's tracking something. Jack and Allison talk amongst themselves about Andy's 'run of bad luck' and Jack says he thinks it's more than that. Henry then asks who remembers their M-theory physics. Jack, of course, never took that class but Allison did. M-theory is that gravity is made up of massless particles that are distributed evenly over the gravitational field. Henry has discovered, with Jack's help, that the particles are coalescing. Allison says that gravity wells don't exist so Henry tells them to stand back and watch. He drops a feather and it floats just like you'd expect it to for a few seconds, then drops like a lead balloon, leaving a feather shaped hole in the concrete floor. Luckily they last only for a few seconds but they're starting to form all over Eureka.
At Café Diem, Jack, Allison, Andy and Jo are talking about the problem. Jack says that gravity wells are one thing but he feels that someone is targeting Andy specifically and Andy asks, in Dutch, if he really thinks someone murdered him. Allison translates and Jack gets hung up for a moment on the fact that she speaks Dutch. Allison suggests evacuating everyone. Their conversation:
Jack: Maybe not. No one has been injured, except Andy, and he's been flattened twice. I think someone is targeting him.
Allison: Well, you know what Mansfield would say? He would say, of course you want it to be murder because then you'd have to investigate it.
Jack: I got a great job. I got a nice office. I got normal gravity.
Andy jumps in with 'I just came to town. Why would someone want to murder me?' Jack says he would, if he wanted his old job back, Allison says she would as well and Jo says she wouldn't mind seeing him as a pile of scrap metal. Jack then asks what it would take to steer a gravity well and Allison says they would have to calibrate a Tensor Field to specifically repulse gravitons. And once again the light bulb goes off over Jack's head. Allison doesn't think anyone's ever gotten close and he tells her about Fielding.Everyone goes to Fielding's barn to tell him that he needs to stop what he's doing. He's not the least bit sorry, in fact he's quite excited about it. Allison sends Henry back to GD to gather their best people to assist with the problem and tells Jack to accompany Fielding back to GD and Fielding says he has a lab to tend to. She tells him his lab will have to tend to itself and that since it's his fault, he's the one who has to fix it. He says 'Right. I'll just stay here. We'll start untangling the issues immediately'. Jack calls him on the 'we' and he backpedals with 'I. And I'll surely let you know as soon as I make any progress'. Allison convinces him to go to GD by bribing him with use of some fancy-smancy machine.
At GD, Fielding is pretending he knows what he's talking about, when he really doesn't. Let's hope this doesn't blow up in everyone's faces. I have a feeling Allison shouldn't be there, her being preggers and all. Fielding freezes when the field starts to destabilize and Allison is the one who hits the emergency shut off. This mistake made matters worse. Fielding finally admits he had some help. And Jack is the one who figures that out, before anyone else. He says he met this woman online and she helped him finalize his work. Jack calls the university where Fielding says she works and they've never heard of her. Andy comes up and Allison asks why he's not with Fargo getting fixed up and he says that Jack asked him to check Fielding's emails. When Jack asks what he found, Andy says he's not going to like it and hands over a tabletPC. Jack's face says it all. Someone close to him has betrayed him.
Zoe is folding clothes and bitching to SARAH. SARAH says that all human decisions are subject to reversal and she predicts a 27% chance that they'll be staying. Jack comes in and starts yelling at Zoe about the gravity wells. Zoe claims she's innocent but Jack's not buying it. SARAH jumps in and Jack tells her to mind her own business. SARAH admits it was her that did it. Jack admits he used Zoe to get SARAH to admit what she did.
Jo calls Jack about the traffic light on Main Street. The problem? It's now in Main Street.
Henry, Jack and Zoe are discussing SARAH's reasons for 'squashing' Andy. She claims she let her 'artificial emotions' get the better of her. Zoe says she was desperate because she didn't want them to leave her in Eureka alone. Henry shows Jack a scan that shows the gravity wells converging on a single spot and if they join together they'll form a black hole. Zoe looks at the ceiling and demands 'SARAH, what did you do?' Jack says they need to move it away from any people and SARAH admits she no longer has any control over it. Jack asks about using the accelerator again and Henry says it's too strong now. It'd be like shooting a bullet at an asteroid. Jack then suggests a bomb. Zoe says that overloading the Tensor Birthing Chamber would make a 'wicked gravity bomb' and Jack tells Henry to go grab some batteries and they'll take them to Fielding's lab, problem solved. Except that that's where the wells are forming. The gravitational forces in the lab will be very strong. When Jack asks how strong, Henry tells him that birds will be hitting the ground like cannonballs. He says they need someone 'more durable', meaning Andy.
Fargo doesn't like it but Mansfield does. Andy says 'no' because the town charter says his job is to protect the citizens while avoiding unreasonable danger. Since the odds of him surviving are about 7%, he's saying 'no'. Mansfield tries to order him but he's still saying 'no'. Allison suggests a drone but Fargo says it'd take about 12 hours to get one ready. Jack offers. Allison reminds him of the odds and he says 'Well, around here... that's pretty good'.
At Fielding's lab, Henry has hotwired Fielding's Tensor Generator to the engine of the jeep. The repulsive field should give Jack some protection from the gravity wells. Jack asks what happens when he gets out of the jeep and Henry says he's on his own. Henry points at the external power source and starts to remind him what to do. Jack finishes it for him but leaves off the 'then run' part, but Allison reminds him of that. As he's driving away, Andy waves at him. Andy doesn't understand why Jack's doing this when it's not his job anymore. While driving down the road, pinecones start falling like anvils. When Jack gets to the lab, he has a hard time moving because his legs feel like they weigh twenty pounds. He makes it past several wells and then the weight of the power source increases such that Jack can't hold it anymore and it crashes through the floor, just out of Jack's reach.
Jack is caught near a gravity well and can't move. Andy shows up and helps him. Fargo has replaced his night vision with sensors that help him read the gravity wells as they're forming. Andy asks what happened to the power source and Jack asks if a loose power cord, one of those thick industrial ones, will do and Andy says he doesn't think it'll be enough. He seems to think it'll be a regular household current running through it. Jack tells him about citing Fielding for overloading the power grid so Andy says that might do it. They approach the cord and Andy picks it up, says 'You're right, this is way over household current. This is definitely a citation' but it's still not enough. Andy suggests running the current through him. Jack asks if that would 'kill' him and he says 'probably' but he's willing to do it. Andy, holding the power cord, sticks his fingers in where the cord was ripped out of the machine, and Jack activates the field. It explodes in a big blue ball of light and knocks them both backward several feet. They land on their backs just shy of the hole made by the power source Jack was carrying. Andy reboots and comes to with a stuttered 'ouch'. They both limp off into the 'sunset'.
Jack doesn't want to attend his good-bye party. He tells Zoe she can stay in Eureka, which is something I think he should have suggested long before now. He tells her that Eureka is her home and she says 'No, it's not. You are'. Awwww. She luvs her Daddy. Allison comes out of Café Diem and tells them they can't leave a pregnant woman alone with a cake this long. Zoe says Jack's being a party pooper and he says he's not. He says it's weird, he got fired and now everyone wants to tell him how much he'll be missed. Lexi walks up and asks one of the stupidest questions, ever 'Have we missed the big entrance?' Um, no because he's still outside the Café, which means he hasn't gone inside yet. Henry says 'Good, because I have a present for you. Did you know that in Eureka the DOD has the authority to fire any local peace officer, including the sheriff?' Jack's all, 'Really? I did not know that! I thought I resigned!' Henry goes on to say that they have that right, with the mayor's written approval. So, Jack never actually lost his job. Andy told Henry about this because he has realized that he's not cut out for being sheriff of Eureka.
After the party, Henry says something about Allison eating a huge piece of cake. He tells her that they've recently gotten a radio signal from outer space from something that's not manmade and it's heading straight for Eureka.
The next morning, Jo greets Jack and tells him she's glad he's still sheriff. He knows that while that may be true, she also wishes it was her.
And so ends the season opener of Eureka. Jack gets to keep his job and there's a new threat headed for Eureka. Just what everyone needs, what with Allison and Lexi being pregnant.
This one is so heavy in dialogue driven scenes that most of it will be quoted here. But only because it's nearly impossible to actually describe the scene without quoting the dialogue.Jack, Fargo and Allison are walking the halls of GD and Jack is complaining about having to take a bi-annual recertification exam. Allison tells him it's required for him to keep his job. What I want to know is why haven't we heard of this test before? He's been in Eureka for three years now. Surely he had to take one of these tests before he even got the job. Jack gives Allison a look which tells me he doesn't mind that she's carrying Stark's baby, he still wants her. Jack says that he should have no problem passing the test because he's in the best shape of his life, even says he's like a Viking, whatever that means, and Fargo tells him that this isn't his mama's fitness test. Yeah, Jack. Remember you're in a city full of geniuses so any tests they require you to do will be to test more than just your physical fitness. He asks how hard it could possibly be and Allison tells him that each test is tailored to each individual and that for the next 48 hours he will be pushed to his limit. Fargo tries to reassure him that they've never had a death of psychotic break in, like, forever. He's not reassured. Allison says good-bye and Jo comes out looking like she just had the best workout of her life. The doctor in charge, Bella Pagani, asks Fargo 'Is this the next victim?' Jack doesn't find the joke, if that's what it was supposed to be, funny. And neither do I. After Fargo introduces them Jack says 'It's a pleasure' and she says 'Trust me, it won't be for long'. Again, not funny! On Jo's other side is a mousy type of woman named Julia who appears to have a crush on Fargo. She is just his type, too. Fargo knows her name but you get the feeling she thinks he doesn't really see her. When Jack asks how Jo did, Julia says 'She's perfect' and gives Fargo this look out of the corner of her eye like she's begging him to notice her. Of course the fact that Fargo says he's not surprised may have something to do with that. Hey, Fargo! Stop flirting with Jo in front of the cute egg-head who thinks you're hot stuff. Dr. Pagani tells Jack that no one expects him to match Jo's performance, well no one except him. You just know he feels that as the man, and the sheriff, he should be able to match or beat her score. Never mind that it's not a competition. Julia gives Jo some pills (remember this, there will be a test later) and tells her to get some rest. Yeah, right. Jo's now in charge with Jack off taking this test. Dr. Pagani hands Jack this... thing... that looks like the chalk holder that my geometry teacher used to use, and tells him it's his panic button. He snarks 'Wow. Couldn't make it any bigger?' Dr. Pagani tells him to use it at any time to stop the test. Like he's gonna do that. Please. He's the big bad macho man here. He won't admit defeat unless he has no other choice. Jo tells him that if he uses the panic button he'll be facing unemployment. Before he goes to change for the test, he gives Jo some last minute advice: 'Oh, about watching Zoe, just make sure she does her homework and spends some quality time with SARAH, she tends to get lonely. And try to not let the town burn down while I'm gone'. Jo quips back with 'Carter, I'm perfect, remember? I can handle my job and yours'. I must say I'm getting tired of them making Jack seem less than adequate for this job. He wouldn't have gotten it if he wasn't qualified to do it. She tells him to have fun then giggles as she walks off.
As Allison is walking to her office, Henry comes up and asks why she needed to see him. She tells him that they're beta-testing a new biometric DNA monitoring system. He doesn't like the sound of that because GD already has security badges. Allison says that it will help in the case of some kind of emergency, like an earthquake or flood. Henry still thinks it's too 1984 and a huge invasion of privacy. She's all for it, he's not. I'm not sure which side I'm on. As a mother I can see the need in the case of a kidnapping. Along with Amber Alerts it would help find the child that much quicker, and put a child molester/kidnapper behind bars. Allison wants to go ahead with the test and tells him that. He asks why she's asking him about it if she's already decided. She says it's because not just employees of GD will be used, but the whole town and as mayor he gets a vote along with her and local law enforcement. Their conversation:
Henry: Meaning Jack?
Allison: Normally, yes. But since he's tied up in testing, Jo gets the vote.
Henry: Convenient timing.
Allison: Not everything is convenient.
Henry: Mm.
At Café Diem, Zane is sitting at a table and Jo sneaks up behind him and plays that stupid game of putting her hands over his eyes then kisses him and he does that even stupider thing of saying 'Careful. My girlfriend might see you' then when he pulls her hands away 'Oh. Uh, hey, Jo. Awkward.' She says 'I'll show you awkward' and kisses him again. Zoe walks by and the camera follows her over to the counter where we see Fargo staring in confusion at Jo and Zane. I'm with Fargo here. Jo and Zane are not the type of couple that do those cutesy things. She's too...I dunno...not girly...for that and he's too...immature... Zoe makes a comment about the fact that everyone knows Fargo has a thing for Jo then tells him that there's someone out there for everyone and one day he'll find his. Zane asks Jo how she did and when she tells him that apparently she's perfect, he laughs. Jo goes over to the counter and Zane follows. They stand on either side of Fargo and the conversation is as follows:
Zane: I think you're great but no one's perfect.
Fargo *pointing at Jo*: She's darn close.
Jo: Why, thank you, Fargo. *Fargo gets up and leaves*
Zane: Please. He's just trying to get on your good side.
Jo: Maybe you should try to get on my good side.
Zane *with a put upon sigh*: Look, I'm just saying we all have our flaws, like being hyper-sensitive and over-reactive.
Jo: And all I'm saying is when you really care about somebody, you don't focus on their flaws. (When did this become about their relationship?) So maybe that gives me something to think about. (Did they just break up? I hope so. I don't like her with him.) *her phone rings* Lupo. Oh, hey Allison. Yeah, I'll be right there. *pointing at Zane* You, I'm done with. (Me thinks they did just break up) But it was nice to see you, Douglas. *gives Fargo (who actually only moved out from between them and is now standing by the door) a big grin* (I half expected her to pat his cheek on her way past. He gives a tiny little wave.)
Zane: 'Douglas'?
Fargo: *shrug*
At GD, the control panel for the DNA marker thing is HUGE. I mean, really. What is this, a 1950's sci-fi movie? Seriously, that thing is HUGE! Anyway, Dr. Stefano is ready to test his invention. Henry is still not sure it's such a good idea. Henry says it's a violation of civil liberties and that it should be voluntary, not mandatory. Allison and Jo vote 'yes' so Jo goes first. Dr. Stefano says that she won't feel a thing and who here believes him? No one? Thought so. He turns it on and she collapses to the floor screaming in agony.
Jo comes to, to Allison shining a pen light in her eyes. Henry asks how she's feeling and she replies 'Like a freaking light bulb'. They help her to her feet and Dr. Stefano tells her he has no idea what could have gone wrong and Jo is the only person in the room to notice the open panel where it's very obvious that something is missing. Stefano says he has a backup and will have the system back up and running in no time and Henry's all 'After what just happened?' and Stefano's all 'What just happened was sabotage! I put three years into this project. I refuse to abandon it now'. Allison threatens to pull Jack from his tests and Jo stops her, saying she can handle this on her own. She tells Allison to get the system back online and Allison asks her if she's sure she's up to it and Jo tells her to not worry about her performance, 'worry about Carter's'.
Jack enters a white room and quips 'I like what you've done with the place. I hear white's the new...' the door closes behind him 'black'. He's not sure what he's supposed to do and asks if there's gonna be some kind of test soon. A panel on the opposite side of the room opens to reveal a red button and a computer generated voice says 'Push the button'. He smirks because, really, how easy is this? And as he's walking across the room, the floor falls away. The voice again tells him to push the button and he shows he used to watch the Sci-fi Channel series the Invisible Man by saying 'Oh…crap'.
At Henry's garage, Jo comes to ask him if he has any idea who would want to steal the genome spectrometer. But she pulls a Jack and calls it a 'genomy...genomic...thermometer...thingy'. Henry tells her that another piece of nearly impossible to pronounce equipment is also missing and he wonders if they might be connected. She asks him to see if there's a connection while she compiles a list of people with access to Stefano's lab...right after she helps Zoe with her homework.
Zoe is asking some question that leaves me cross-eyed and Jo asks if SARAH can help her and SARAH replies 'I'm sorry, I'm not programmed to cheat'. Um, excuse me? Since when is helping Zoe with her homework considered cheating and what do you call what she did last week when she help Fletcher with his Tensor Field Generator? Zoe wants to go to Vincent's for karaoke night and Jo shuts it down. Zoe tries to guilt her into by saying that Jack's more fun than she is.
Back at Jack's test, he's still trying to figure out how to push a button that's several feet away when he can't just walk over to it. Watching it for the second time, the solution is easy to see, but the first time through... I was as stymied as Jack. He thinks that the floor didn't really disappear and at this point I was thinking that it was a trick, that there was no way to push the button and that that in itself was the answer. Jack gets down on his hands and knees and begins feeling for the floor. He finds that the floor right in front of the square he's standing on is still there, just invisible and begins to walk toward the button. After a couple of steps, the floor is no longer there and down he falls. The voice again says 'Push the button'.
At Café Diem, Vincent is getting everything ready for karaoke night and Jo walks in. When he says 'hi' to her, she looks confused for a minute. Who here thinks that the mishap with the DNA marker machine created a clone? Fargo is sitting at the counter alone and Jo approaches him. He asks what she's up to and she replies 'Oh, you know...protecting and serving. The usual'. Larry is off to one side 'warming up' and he sucks. She asks Fargo what he's up to and he tells her that he's trying to write a new AI program but the first law of robotics is giving him trouble and she spouts off the first law: 'A robot may not injury a human being, or through inaction allow a human to come into harm.' He's thrilled she knows about Asimov's laws and she tells him that Isaac Asimov is her personal god and 'give me sci-fi and Halo 3 and I'm a happy girl'. He's about to wet his pants he's so excited about this turn of events. She asks Fargo what's going on and he tells her it's virtual karaoke night and that she should stick around. She says she just might and Allison walks up acting like a parent who just caught their teenager sneaking out of the house. She demands to know what Jo thinks she's doing because Henry says there's been another theft. Jo then says that Larry is the thief and promptly arrests him.
At the jail, Larry is protesting his innocence and Jo tells him to stuff it because they're trying to talk. Allison asks if she's sure Larry did it and Jo says 'He had motive, knowledge and uh, opportunity. It's a trifecta'. Henry demands to know what Larry's motive was and Jo says 'To steal' and now I'm thinking this really isn't the real Jo Lupo. Further proof it's not the real Jo, when she cocks her gun she's surprised at how big and powerful it is. And here I'm wondering if they gave Jo such a big gun because they want us to think she's compensating for her lack of a penis. Allison shows concern that the shock to her system is affecting her judgment and Jo's all 'Shock?' Henry reminds her and she says 'Yeah. I took a nap, and I woke up feeling like a brand new woman. And now I feel like celebrating my first bust' while playing with this HUGE rifle type gun. Allison reminds her that she's had lots of busts and Jo says 'Well, I mean as acting sheriff'. Larry's in the cell looking like he's about to shit his pants, if he hasn't already, and Jo says 'Don't worry about him, Jo's on the job' and walks out. Allison says 'It's not him I'm worried about'.
Jack manages to climb back up and when the computer tells him he can use the panic button, he refuses. A pedestal comes up out of the floor and he says he's not much of a card player to which the computer replies 'Whatever will help achieve your goal'. He picks the pack up and begins fiddling with it. He looks at the button and decides to try hitting the button with one of the cards. When he misses, he discovers that the floor isn't totally gone. There are 'towers' like the one he's standing on but they're invisible. He flings all the cards around until he has revealed all the spots where he can 'step'.
At Café Diem, Zoe is singing the song 'Don't Forget About Me', which I could remember who originally sang it, and she's not half bad. Once she's finished she sees 'Jo' standing in the doorway still holding that big ass rifle. She gives 'Jo' an excuse and 'Jo' just says to not worry about it because she was great. Anyone else here convinced that this is totally not the real Jo? Vincent asks if she wants her usual and she says to make it a double. Vincent is surprised by that. I'm thinking her usual isn't what this person pretending to be Jo thinks it will be. Fargo is sitting at the counter and 'Jo' says 'I'm off duty' which has me thinking she's expecting alcohol. Fargo and Zoe talk to her about singing and Vincent brings over her order. She swigs it and coughs. She was expecting espresso but it's ouzo. I googled it and discovered it's an alcoholic drink. If that's so, then why did Vincent serve it in an espresso cup? Zoe comes up and tells 'Jo' to hurry up and she asks Vincent for another shot. She then has a costume change that would make Superman envious with how quickly she pulled it off, into a slinky red dress and has her hair draped over her right shoulder. Fargo is playing the piano. She's singing 'Another Reason for Makin' Whoopee', I think that's the name of the song, and is really good. Zane comes in and is gobsmacked at seeing his girlfriend sitting on the piano in a slinky red dress, singing a song about makin' whoopee. At the end of the song she leans over and plants a smooch on Fargo. I am now thoroughly convinced this isn't the real Josefina Lupo. Fargo continues to play while the woman of his dreams is kissing him and Zane is pissed. When 'Jo' gets off the piano, Fargo just sits there, his mouth hanging open, totally stunned. Zane approaches 'Jo' and they have the following conversation:
Zane: Jo.
'Jo': Hey! Did you see me?
Zane: Everybody saw you.
'Jo': Yeah.
Zane *whispering*: What the hell was that?
'Jo': The most fun I think I've ever had.
Zane: All right. I can't believe this. *steps back to give her a look* Do I know you?
'Jo': Maybe you don't.
Zane: Okay. Let's get your clothes 'cause we're leaving. *he grabs her arm*
'Jo' *presses the heel of her hand to her forehead then pulls her arm from his grasp*: No. *snatches her clothes out of his arms* I'm leaving. Bye, Fargo. *walks out*
Fargo waves good-bye.The following morning, Zoe and Jo have the following conversation:
Zoe: Hey, rock star! Rise and shine *enters room and turns on light*
Jo* sits up and looks at her watch*: Oh, my God. Does that say 8:00 am?! *grabs head*
Zoe: Yep. Just on my way to school. How ya feeling? *gets bowl of cereal*
Jo: I think my headache's actually worse.
Zoe: I'm not surprised after last night's performance. *places a cup of coffee on the table for Jo*
Jo: What performance? *starts putting on shoes*
Zoe: Wow. You must have been drunker than I thought. Café Diem... karaoke? *pops piece of cereal*
Jo *stands up and turns to glare at Zoe*: You went, even after I told you not to? (Jo, honey, she's a teenager whose father is not around at the moment. Of course she snuck out without your permission. Forbidding her from going just ensured she actually went)
Zoe: Well, yeah, because you said it was cool.
SARAH: Actually, she forbade it.
Zoe: No one's asking you, SARAH!
Jo: And I've been completely out since before 8:00. *begins putting on shirt*
Zoe: Yeah, out dancing on pianos and kissing Fargo. After which, you passed out here. *pops another piece of cereal*
Jo: What are you talking about?
SARAH: Dr. Fargo is at the door.
Zoe: That. *in a tone that implies she knows just what's about to happen* Fargo, what are you doing here?
Fargo: Hey, um, can I talk to Jo for a sec...alone?
Jo: Actually, I'm starting to think I want a witness.
SARAH: I'm happy to oblige.
Zoe: No, thanks, SARAH, we're good.
Fargo: Uh, okay, um, *clears throat* Let's just come right out and say it. Jo, your kiss moved my soul and I don't care who knows. *holds out flowers picked from someone's garden*
Zoe: *chuckles*
Jo *reaches for gun belt*: Very, very funny. But I don't have time for this.
Zoe: Um, no. This is not a joke. *points at Fargo* You can ask anyone at the Café.
Jo: Okay, I've been through my fair share of physical traumas in the last 24 hours, and kissing Fargo wasn't one of them. *Fargo is looking like someone kicked his puppy* *Zoe is fining this way too humorous*
Fargo: Ouch.
Jo finishes dressing and tells everyone she needs to get back to work before Allison decides she's completely incompetent and walks out. Zoe takes the flowers from Fargo.At GD, Jack has figured out where all the 'towers' are and is carefully stepping onto each one. When he gets to the last one the following conversation takes place:
Jack: Now what?
Computer: *the pedestal rises from the floor again* Stage two: push the button.
Jack: You gotta be kidding me!
Computer: You have all the tools you need to complete the test.
Jack *thinks for a minute before turning around*: Bunch of psychos!Back in town, Jo has arrived at the jail and lets Larry out.
Jo: Larry, what are you doing in there?
Larry *angrily shakes the bars*: You put me in here!
Jo: Okay, has everyone gone nuts?
Zane *with his hand raised like he's in class*: That's what I'd like to know.
Jo. Hi.
Zane: Hi? That's all you have to say?
Jo: Uh, what do you expect me to say?
Zane: 'Sorry for getting wasted and making out with Fargo'.
Larry: Ew. You made out with Fargo?
Jo: No.
Zane: Kinda.
Jo: You've been...you've been talking to Zoe haven't you?
Zane: I saw you last night.
Jo: Brilliant. Okay, let's punk the deputy on her first case as sheriff, yes?
Zane: You know what? I can't talk to you right now. (big baby) Good luck, Larry. *walks out*
Jo: Okay, I appreciate the effort. But Larry... *walks over and unlocks the door* get the hell out of my cell.
Larry *all but running*: Gladly.
Jo: Go. *makes shooing motions with her hands*
After Larry leaves, Allison calls Jo and tells her to come to GD right away because they have a big problem.At GD, Allison tells Jo about yet another theft. Only this time they know who did it: Jo. They used her DNA marker to track her to the infirmary.
Allison, Henry and Jo are in Allison's office trying to figure out just what has happened. Jo maintains her innocence and asks 'Why would I want to steal all that equipment?' Allison brings up the kiss with Fargo as proof that she's acting a tad - a tad? - impulsively. Henry stresses that they just want to help. Jo tells Henry that he can help by figuring out what all the stolen equipment has in common while she figures out what's going on. Allison wants to hold off on doing anything until Jack is finished with his test in 12 hours but Henry suggests they let Jo continue to work until Jack's finished and Jo jumps on that and even adds 'And then you can do all the testing you want. Please...Allison...' Allison relents.
Jack has put all the straws together to form a stick but it's not sturdy enough to let him reach the button. Julia is watching his performance in the control room when Jo comes in. Jo asks to speak to Jack and is told that he cannot be disturbed until the test is over. While Jo watches, Jack's straw stick bends, then breaks and he ends up dropping it. He mutters 'I gotta go back to the beginning' and that has the light bulb over Jo's head clicking on as an idea comes to her. She says 'back to the beginning' then exits the control room.
In Stefano's lab, Jo is questioning him about his research.
Jo: Dr. Stefano, I know you've been under a lot of pressure to beta test your DNA monitoring system.
Stefano: Well, there's always a deadline. That's the nature of government research.
Jo: Well, is it possible that the security was compromised when the spectrometer was taken?
Stefano: Absolutely not. I replaced the stolen part and it's been working perfectly ever since.
Jo: Well, then how come it showed me in the infirmary when I was sleeping comfortably in a bed?
Stefano: How come I heard you were out Frenching Fargo?
Jo: That wasn't me.
Allison: The sheriff's smart house, SARAH, confirms that Jo was there all night.
Stefano: She must be mistaken. *turns toward some screens that show results of some experiments*
Jo: Then show me the DNA signature of the person in the infirmary at the time of the theft.
Allison: And the person in the smart house. Now.
Stefano turns to face them, guilt on his face.
Jo *slamming her hands down on the tray in front of her*: You've been lying this entire time. Does this thing even work? *points to the DNA marker machine*
Stefano: Yes. It was the one anomaly I couldn't explain. I didn't want to postpone the beta-test again.
Jo: What anomaly?
Stefano *looking right at Jo*: There were two DNA signatures for you. When the system showed two matching DNA strands, I thought it was a glitch. And Jo hasn't exactly been herself recently. (Raise your hand if you've figured this out) Have you?Jo is running down some steps and Fargo is rushing to catch up. She finally stops to talk to him.
Jo: Hey, Fargo, hey. Thanks for last night, it was memorable.
Fargo: Really? Because this morning you denied it ever happened.
Jo: Sorry, you know what, I took a sleeping pill last night and I was a bit out of sorts, but I'm better now.
Fargo: Oh, okay. So can we talk?
Jo: How about tonight at the target range, about 6?
Fargo: You mean like a date? *elevator dings*
Jo: I gotta... I gotta run. *turns and sprints for the elevator*
Zane *comes jogging in just as the doors close on Jo*: Jo?
Fargo: Uh-oh.
Zane: Fargo!
Fargo: You wanna dance? Let's dance. Just so you know in high school I took a semester of shotokan. Hyai! *does some lame ass kung fu moves*
Zane: Fargo, I don't want to fight. I'm worried about Jo.
Fargo: Oh.
Zane: One second, she's acting normal. And - and the next she's kissing you.
Fargo: Yeah, well, maybe she's finally come to her senses?
Zane: You just talked to her. Didn't she seem different to you?
Fargo: Uh, well, she... *whispers* kinda just asked me out.
Zane: And that didn't strike you as odd? (Zane, honey, Fargo has been trailing after Jo since forever, so no, that didn't strike him as odd seeing as how he's been wishing for it for the longest time)
Fargo: Uh...uh... it just felt like we were really connecting. Call me crazy but I don't think she was faking it. (Raise your hand if you know why Fargo is so sure she wasn't faking an interest in him here)
Zane: Yeah, well, that's what worries me.In Henry's lab, Henry is telling Jo that she's right in that the stolen devices are connected. Jo says they're looking for someone with access to her DNA and Henry asks who would want her DNA and she says 'Someone who thinks I'm perfect'. Now I have two suspects at this point: Julia and Fargo.
At GD, Jo finds the person who has been impersonating her freaking because something's not right. We discover that Julia has 'stolen' Jo's face because Fargo has a thing for her and Julia has a thing for Fargo. When Jo demands Julia undo it she says she can't. When Jo tries to arrest Julia, she pushes a button and Jo collapses in pain. Remember those pills Julia gave Jo after her test? They were remote time-released sedatives. She says 'I'm sorry' about a dozen times in this scene. I have a feeling that doesn't matter to Jo in the least. Julia then says something that wouldn't make sense anywhere else 'If I had to choose between your life or mine…I choose yours'.
'Julia' wakes up in a cell of sorts.
Allison: She's back. (Where'd she go I thought she was just unconscious and for that you say 'She's waking up', not 'She's back')
Henry: Can you talk?
'Julia': Julia. She's behind the entire thing. Did you catch her?
'Jo': Actually, uh, I did.
'Julia' *looks down at 'her' body*: What the hell did you do to me?
'Jo': You mean, what did you do to me?
Allison: Jo told us how you stole the equipment, and how you used her DNA from the exams to steal her identity.
'Julia': No! I figured out how she stole my identity. And now she's turned me into her.
Henry: That's...what Jo said you would say.
'Jo': She tried to convince me I was going crazy because of post-traumatic stress syndrome. You actually had me doubting my own sanity.
'Julia' *pointing at 'Jo'*: You did that to me! Allison, Henry, you have to believe me! I am Jo! *sobbing* Sheriff Cobb hired me five years ago. I graduated top of my class at West Point. *screaming* I can kill a man with my thumbs!
'Jo': All of which is information she could access from my personnel file. Julia –
'Julia': Don't call me that! When I get out of here, I'm gonna kick your a- *'Jo' presses the button that mutes 'Julia'*
'Julia' glares daggers at 'Jo'.
Allison: We're going to keep you under observation until we do a full psych work-up. The ethics committee will take your mental state into consideration while they decide your redaction (there's that damn word again!) from Eureka.
'Julia' *pacing madly while swinging her arms in the air*: No, you can't redact me! That's exactly what she wants! *Henry and Allison leave the room*
'Jo' *leans close to the window*: I am really sorry. (No you're not 'cause if you were you'd be in that cell and not Jo) *leaves the room*
'Julia': You can't do this!Jack is at his wit's end with his test. He's shouting that he can't figure it out. He's about to admit defeat when he gets the bright idea to throw the panic button at the red button. He makes his way back over closer to the button and throws the panic button, hitting it square on. He begins to celebrate. The lights go out and water comes rushing in.
At the target range, 'Jo' is firing the rifle from earlier and getting a huge kick outta blowing shit up. Fargo isn't impressed, or even interested. In fact, he looks like he's bored to tears.
'Jo': *laughs* Whoo! Is that crazy or what?
Fargo *feigning interest*: Crazy! Is definitely the word.
'Jo': What's wrong? You want a turn?
Fargo *removes his ear protectors*: It's just... You've been kinda giving me mixed signals.
'Jo': Yeah, Im... I'm sorry about that. I've been going through some pretty major changes lately. You know, what I want out of life. *whispers* Who I want to be. Who I want to be with. *Fargo is totally confused* *'Jo' turns and fires her rifle again and Fargo just about comes unglued at the pain in his ears*
Fargo: So, what do you want?
'Jo' walks over to Fargo, sets the rifle down, removes her ear protectors and safety goggles.
'Jo': Let me give you a reminder.
Fargo *dodges her kiss*: I... don't think so.
While Fargo's back is turned, the skin on her face 'crawls' like there's something alive under it.
'Jo': I thought you liked me.
Fargo: I do. It's just... I'm not convinced I know who you are. But I'd like to.
'Jo' *whispers*: I'm not sure you're going to want to for long. *her face does that 'crawl' thing again and she turns away*Zane shows up to talk to 'Julia'.
'Julia' *alerted to Zane's presence by his knocking on the glass*: Zane! Thank God you're here.
Zane: Julia, right? Allison told me what you did to Jo.
'Julia': No. She's Julia Golden. And I am Jo.
Zane: Ah. Psych ward. I'm Henry.
'Julia': I can prove it. Ask me something personal that only Jo could know.
Zane *looks over his shoulder at the guard*: *clears throat* Pet peeves?
'Julia': Small guns, big egos and overly critical boyfriends.
Zane: Boxers or briefs?
'Julia': Me or you?
Zane: Funny. Me.
'Julia': Boxers. Except on laundry day, which, by my count, would be tomorrow.
Zane: First date?
'Julia': Sunday brunch at Café Diem. *Zane steps closer to the glass* I was nervous. You brought a rose. I wore a sun dress. You said something smart, which made me feel dumb. *looks down in shame* But *looks up hopeful* you made up for it on our second date.
Zane *turns to tell the guard to make himself scarce, then enters the cell*: So, does that mean I sounded dumb, or made you feel smart?
Jo: A little bit of both.
Zane: And how'd the date end?
Jo: Let me give you a reminder. *steps close and kisses him*
Zane: That's my Josefina.
Jo *smacks Zane's arm*: Then get me out of here before I taser you for kissing another woman.
Zane: Yep. Definitely Jo.
When Zane turns to exit the cell, Jo's face starts doing the same 'crawling' thing that Julia's is doing.Zane takes her to Stefano's lab and we discover that her DNA markers don't match any profile on file and Allison apologizes for not believing her. We also find out that the 'crawling' thing her skin is doing, is her cells misfiring and if they can't get them to work properly then they'll lose Jo, and Julia, for good.
Henry places something on Jo's temples to help keep the spasms from happening and everyone explains what's happening. Basically, the genetic lines between Jo and Julia are becoming blurred. Jo makes a comment about being shocked by Stefano's machine then asks what would happen if they did it again. They need Julia to help them do that but with her cells misfiring they can't find her so Jo suggests they search for Fargo instead.
Back at the target range:
Fargo: So, you're Julia?
Julia: How long have you known?
Fargo: Guess I always knew something was off.
Julia: I'm really sorry I lied. I just - I wanted you to notice me.
Fargo: What are you talking about? You had me at Halo *his voice trails off as he realizes how lame that sounds*
Julia: Because I look like Jo. Look, I've tried before and you've never responded. *her face spasms*
Fargo: Yeah, because I'm clueless and completely socially awkward.
Julia: Yeah, but I'm sure looking like this didn't hurt.
Fargo: Maybe not, but it's you I connected with. And I'd really like to connect more.
Julia: I have really made an awful mess of things.
Fargo: Please. I have made my fair share of messes. *Henry and Zane enter* Believe me.
Julia *her face spasms again*: I'm not sure this one can be fixed. *Fargo puts his arms around her*
Henry: Well, with your help, we think it can.In Stefano's lab, Julia is telling Fargo what he needs to do. When told that they can only do one at a time, Julia insists Jo go first. They turn the machine on and her vitals begin to drop. Allison wants to stop it but Henry insists they keep going. There's an explosion and then 'Julia' becomes Jo again. After she becomes herself again, Jo turns to Zane and asks 'How do I look?' and he says 'Perfect'. Allison tells Julia that she's just done a very brave thing and Julia insists that if she was truly brave, she would have stayed in her own skin.
Later, in Allison's office:
Allison: So, Julia, I've spoken with the ethics committee. They're going to schedule a hearing.
Julia: Of course. I'm so sorry about all of the trouble I've cause with Deputy Lupo and Larry. I feel awful.
Allison: In any case, given the fact that you helped save Deputy Lupo and the incredible advances you made in DNA transfiguration, you can stay in Eureka - *Fargo does a happy dance* uhh *holds one hand out to stop Fargo* - on probation, pending formal review.
Fargo: That's great!
Julia: Thank you so much, Dr. Blake. There are a few things I'd really like to stick around for.
Allison: Fargo. *motions with one hand for him to escort Julia from the room*
Henry: Well, all's well, that ends well.
Allison: Speaking of which, I have sent the DNA monitor back into development. You were right. It wasn't ready.
Henry: It wasn't about being right.
Allison: I know. And I still believe it has the potential to protect a lot of people.
Henry: In a perfect world.
Allison: Well, in a perfect world, we wouldn't need it.Dr. Pagani is escorting Jack out from his test and he's covered in soot and there's a trail of smoke following him. Jo meets him at the door.
Jo: How'd you do?
Jack: What!?
Jo: How'd you do!?
Jack: Yeah, uh, I think your record's safe.
Pagani: But he passed with high marks.
Jo: Never doubted he would.
Pagani: So, same time next year, Sheriff?
Jack: What? Uh, uh, Allison said it was gonna be every two years.
Pagani: Oh. No, you didn't score that high. So. *turns to re-enter her lab*
Jack: What!?
Jo: It's just got, uh - it's good to have you back. *hands him a jogging suit jacket*
Jack: Oh. I should go away more often.
Jo: I'd prefer you didn't. Being you's no walk in the park.
Jack: Meaning?
Jo: Nothing I couldn't handle alone. It's just more fun having you around. *pats his back then brushes soot off her hand*
Jack: Yeah, tell me about it. Those 48 hours alone were way too long.
Jo: Coulda been worse, there coulda been two of you.
Jack: Sorry? What? *puts hand to ear*
Jo: Nothing. Uh, Vinspresso?
Jack: Yeah. Yeah, make mine a double.
Jo: Okay.
Jack: Did you have to tread water?
Jo: What?
Allison and Lexi are walking down the street and talking about how fat Lexi feels. Allison takes her to the shop where she got the self-fitting wedding dress from last season. Allison says they have this wonderful new product that will make it appear like she's not really pregnant. Allison makes a comment about having the baby alone and Lexi just looks at her, prompting Allison to apologize. Lexi informs her that it's okay, she's having the baby alone by choice because while Duncan is many things, he's not the settling down type. How does she know? Has she asked him? Told him about the babies and had him say he'd rather not be involved? Allison's phone rings and she leaves just as the shop owner returns with what she calls invisi-parel. It's a super skinny shirt which looks like velour and Lexi looks skeptical that it'll fit.Jo calls jack to tell him that Allison needs his help in a dispute at GD between a couple of scientists. He has to slam on his brakes because he all of a sudden comes upon a car parked in the middle of the road. I want to know why he didn't see it sooner. It's not like it was a blind curve he came around, nor is it difficult to see, being in the middle of the road and all. He brings the jeep to a stop just inches from the car. Upon closer examination, the car wasn't parked in the middle of the road, it was pushed into the middle of the road. Jack thinks the driver was just in a hurry to stop, or was trying to avoid hitting something. While he's looking over the car, a woman comes out from behind some bushes, doing up the fly of her jeans. He tells her she can't park her car in the middle of the road and she tells him she didn't, her voice trailing off as she gets a look at where her car is now versus where she left it. Her reaction: 'Wow, I guess I really had to go'. They then have the following conversation:
Jack: Yeah, I guess so.
Woman (we don't know her name yet): Well, the universe does things for strange reasons. But my gut tells me that explaining that to you could be kind of a time suck, so…
Jack: Ma'am...you sure all you had to drink today was soda?
Woman: Are you sure you're really a cop? (Way to insult the law, lady)
Jack: Yes. I'm a sheriff. So please move your car before I have to cite you.
Woman: Okay, but for the record, I didn't leave it there.
Jack: No, it probably magically parked itself.
Woman: Well, you know, stuff happens. Most people just ignore it. (Most people don't live in Eureka, either)
Jack: You don't, by any chance, need directions out of town, do you?
Woman: I don't need anything, thank you very much. (Anyone seeing any spark here? 'Cause I'm not but you just know that the writers are going to have them hook up if she stays.)
Jack: Have -
Woman (Talking over Jack): Have a nice day. *she gives Jack a smirk before she gets in her car and drives off, almost running over Jack's toes*At GD, Allison is trying to tell Jack about the dispute.
Allison: Took you long enough, Carter. There is someone who is driving me crazy.
Jack: Let me guess - a blonde chick in desperate need of a rest stop. (She's not really blonde, more like strawberry blonde. For those who don't know, this part is played by Jaime Ray Newman who played Laura Cadman on Stargate Atlantis)
Allison: What? No. Him. *points over at a couple arguing in a doorway*
Man *standing behind grey tape that reads 'P.S.I. Eureka'*: Mary-Beth, you're standing in the way of science.
Mary-Beth: I am standing in the way of an idiot. *starts to remove the tape*
Allison: Dr. Murray Drechmeyer. He is a brilliant theoretical physicist but lately he has veered off track.
Murray: Sticks and stones, Mary-Beth. Sticks and stones.
Allison: He seems to believe he has discovered a paranormal disturbance. He has locked his partner out of their lab and suspended all progress on their project while he protects his discovery. Please just get them back to work. I need their research for something urgent. *walks away*
Jack approaches where Mary-Beth and Murray are struggling over the tape and asks what's up. Mary-Beth tells him to not be afraid to use his gun on Murray and Murray tells Jack that his discovery is more important than his previous research. When Jack asks what he's talking about, Murray holds up a device and says 'The TIRDs? Look at them!' Jack, of course, is confused as to what TIRDs are. (I have to admit when I first watched this, sans closed captioning, I thought he said 'turds' and so I snickered every time he said it) Jack says 'I'll bite' and is told that TIRDs stands for Thermal Imagining Reactive Displacement. Murray claims that he's never seen them this active and says they just might be the first documented case of signals from the spirit world. Mary-Beth says 'Or the end of our funding'. I'm voting for the latter here. Murray is already writing his Nobel speech in his head and Mary-Beth (hence forth called MB) reminds him that she's in the middle of a very important magnetic field test to which Murray replies that it could scare away the ghosts if she doesn't stop it. Jack tells them to take a time-out and orders Murray to let MB back in the lab. Jack tells Murray to look for his ghosts somewhere else and Murray says 'Something's happening, Sheriff. If someone on the other side is trying to communicate, how can I just ignore them?'At the sheriff's office, Lexi is showing off how well invisi-parel hides her huge belly. I was wondering if the actress was really preggers but this scene has me thinking she's not. When she lifts her shirt, she lifts it so high that you should catch a glimpse of the bottom curve of her breasts but you don't which leads me to think that the pregnant belly is CGI'd onto her non-pregnant body. Jo is loving the 'game' of peek-a-boo that Lexi's having her play with her pregnant belly. And now we have another example of just how much of a non-secret Eureka actually is because Lexi's baby daddy has shown up. In this scene we find out that Lexi never told Duncan that he's gonna be a father because she thinks he's not the 'baby-having type' whatever the frell that means. But I'm of the firm opinion that every man deserves to know if they have off-spring running around out there. If the mother doesn't want/need their assistance, that's one thing, but at least give the guy the option of being in the kid's life. When Lexi turns around and sees Duncan standing there, and how the frell did he know she was at the sheriff's office anyway?, the look on her face is that of a woman looking at the man she loves.
At Café Diem, Jack's 'friend' from the road is requesting an 'extra large diet, easy ice and do you have a bathroom?' (Diet what? Soda? Tea? What!?) Vincent points her in the direction of the bathroom and in walks Jack. He walks up to Zoe and says 'Hey, hon!' and she snaps 'I really wish you wouldn't do that!' and he's all 'What, say "hi"?' and she replies 'Not you. Him' and points with her chin at where Murray is walking around with his TIRD detector.
Murray: Sheriff! Just in time.
Jack: For what?
Murray: Spiritual event, right here. My TIRD meter is going wild!
Vincent: Hey, so's mine! *stage whisper* He's scaring people! Do something!
Jack gets Murray to sit down and tells him he has to stop. Zoe was filling the salt shakers and as her and Vincent watch, one slides across the counter. She asks if anyone else saw that and Vincent raises his hand and then the other shakers join the first one. Murray is have a geek-gasm over what he thinks is a spirit trying to communicate and the whole place begins to shake with bottles falling off the shelves and things flying across the room. The blonde chick from earlier comes walking out of the bathroom, texting and not paying attention. Vincent yells 'Look out!' just as his espresso machine goes flying straight for her head. Jack tackles her to the floor just before the machine could hit her, causing it to go flying out the window instead. Murray is all excited and says 'They're here!' in a voice that's almost as creepy as the little girl from Poltergeist.Jack asks Vincent if he's sure there's nothing in his kitchen that would, as Vincent puts it, 'make expensive bottles of spirits fly off the shelves' and the answer is a resounding 'no'. Murray is still convinced it was done by actual spirits and Zoe and the blonde chick, still don't know her name, mention the movie The Poltergeist. Allison comes in to talk to Jack and Murray tells her she can't deny him now because Jack witnessed a 'visitation'. Blonde chick peeks around Jack and Allison knows her. We finally get her name, Tess, and discover that she was Allison's college roommate. Jack thinks Tess is in Eureka for a baby shower and she just says 'something like that' in response to his question. Murray comes up and tells them he's planning a seance and says that if it doesn't work, he'll leave Eureka.
Jack heads over to Henry's to get the dumbed-down version. They end up coming to the conclusion that someone is using magnets to make it look like there are ghosts, thereby making Murray look a fool.
Jack heads over to GD to talk to MB.
*while walking with MB across the rotunda* Jack: Now, you share a lab with [Murray]. (his last name is just too difficult to spell) Tell me, theoretically, is it possible to use magnetic energy –
MB: I didn't do anything. I wouldn't waste another volt on that man. It is a good idea to mess with him, though. I wish I had thought of that before.
Jack: So, you like him.
MB: Not anymore.
Jack: No, but you and Murray [sic] were romantically involved.
MB: We weren't romantically anything. We were married for twelve years. (I love how she seems to think that being married isn't the same as being romantically involved) He was more interested in his ghosts than he was me. Since I've left him, well, things have just gotten out of control.
Jack: Have they? Or is that just a good way to discredit him so you can have your project all to yourself?
MB: He is the one discrediting me. Sheriff, if I wanted to humiliate my ex-husband, I'd've done so a long time ago. I...choose to move on. I suggest you do the same.In Allison's lab, Tess is looking out the window and sees Jack talking with MB.
Tess *turning from window*: He's not on your level. (Some people can say she means Jack's out of Allison's league but I have a feeling she's talking about something a lot less personal.)
Allison: Carter? Just, uh, give him a chance. You'll like him once you get to know him.
Tess: Oh, no, no. I meant your clearance level. (And right here is one of my grips about this show. How can Jack do his job properly if there are things he's not allowed to know? Like the incoming signal. Why don't they give him the clearance he needs so they can tell him about it so he can help when the time comes for them to fight or whatever will be required when the signal reaches Earth.) Three PhDs and he thinks I'm here for a baby shower? (Does she mean she has three PhDs of which Jack should be aware of, or does she mean that Jack has three PhDs, which I highly doubt because they've never even hinted he has higher than a Bachelor's?) Which we'll, like, totally have, once I figure what you do at them.
Allison: Well, you are officially here as a visiting member of the staff.
Tess: And how many know the unofficial reason?
Allison: Just four, besides me. Randolph, Wolfe, Johnson and Henry Deacon.
Tess: Wow. That's like the Rolling Stones of astrophysics.
Allison: Think you can handle them?
Tess: Start me up.At Café Diem, Zoe is mouthing to Lexi that she thinks Duncan is gorgeous. I happen to disagree. While he is cute, he's not tripping my 'Oh, my God, I must have him now!' meter. Duncan tells Lex that she's glowing and she trips all over herself to disabuse him of that notion. While they talk, Zoe tries to get Lex to tell him but she chickens out. In fact, she tells him that she's seeing someone else. He gets up to leave and sees Zoe miming being pregnant and decides to stay to meet Lexi's new man.
At the sheriff's office, Jo is refusing to go the seance and Jack tells her to just think of it as a scientific experiment. She continues to say no. Jack says he'll go and tells her to Google Murray to see if he has any reason to prove that Eureka is haunted.
Over at Café Diem, the mood is properly creepy and Jack just barges in, scaring everyone. There's this machine sitting in the middle of the circle and Jack calls it a 'giant TIRD-grabber' and Murray corrects him with 'Ghost whisperer'. What? The writer of this episode couldn't come up with an original name so (s)he had to steal the name of an actual television show? Again the mood is properly creepy when Jack's cell rings. It's Jo and she needs Jack to come to the office right now! When he gets there with Murray, he finds things being flung around the room and almost gets squashed by his desk when it gets pushed across the room. It ends up lodged in the door to the cell where Jo, Jack and Murray took refuge.
Jack doesn't understand why the 'ghosts' showed up at the jail instead of the Café. Jo tells Jack what she found out about Murray's mother, she is/was a famous medium. When Jack asks about the use of magnets to get the desired effects, Henry says they'd need some kind of localized focusing device, just as Jack finds a little cube that looks like it could be what Henry's talking about.
Murray, Jack and MB are in Allison's office where Jack accuses Murray of using the devices to create his ghosts. Murray says they're only recording devices; they couldn't have caused the disturbances they've been experiencing. Allison tells him he can't just install these things outside GD without permission and he reminds her that she wouldn't have given it and this is too important. Jack questions whether Murray is trying to prove a scientific fact or that his mother wasn't a fraud. Murray thinks MB told them something she shouldn't have and she comes back with 'Admit it, Murray, you're obsessed. Do you have any idea what it's like when the other woman in your relationship is your husband's dead mother?' Allison suspends Murray indefinitely and MB speaks up to confirm that the cubes really are receivers, not transmitters. Murray mentions that he's seen more activity in the last three days (remember this, it just might be important) than he's seen in the last three decades. Murray storms out and MB says that his mother was a drama queen too. After MB leaves Allison's office, Jack says he thinks Murray just might be on to something. Allison is concerned that he's starting to believe in ghosts and Jack informs her that the disturbances started three days ago, then asks if anything special happened three days ago. You can tell she doesn't want to tell him but finally relents and tells him about reopening Section five. His reaction: *stage whisper* 'Section five!? I hate that section!' They head down to section five and he tries to tell her that it can't possibly be a coincidence. She reluctantly takes him down to Section five, reminding him all the while that she can't talk about what's going on down there but she can tell him that they've started a new project. He asks if she's gonna tell him what it is and she tells him she's gonna do one better; take him to the most knowledgeable person there is. And guess who that person is? That's right! It's her old friend Tess Fontana.
When Allison tells Tess that Jack's investigating the disturbing things that have been happening around town, Tess quips 'Yeah, disturbing kind of sums it up'. I'm gonna hope she's only talking about her car being pushed into the middle of the road by an invisible hand or the espresso machine trying to take her out at Café Diem and not her meeting Jack. Allison leaves them with one final word of advice: 'Just cooperate within the parameters of security. Play nice' while giving jack that look that all mothers seem to know how to give; the 'behave or I'll beat you black and blue' look. You know the one I'm talking about. The one your mother would give you from the choir loft at church if you so much as whispered during the sermon.
Back at Café Diem, Lexi is complaining that everything would have been fine if Duncan hadn't shown up. Um, Lex? Actually everything would have been fine if you had told him you were preggers before he showed up. Zoe finally manages to get a straight, somewhat, answer as to why she keeps refusing to tell him about the twins. She thinks that if he knows he'll feel trapped into settling down. She thinks he's too much of a nomad to become a father. Being a father doesn't mean he has to stick around in Eureka. How many kids out there have involved fathers, or even mothers, who don't live anywhere near them? Lots. Now I could understand this reasoning if she was insistent that he make her an honest woman and marry her, then demanded he settle down in Eureka, or even just stop being a doctor with WHO, but she's not. In this day and age, he can continue to carry out his duties as a roaming doctor and still be a much involved father. Zoe shows that she's actually more mature than her aunt by telling her that she should tell Duncan and let him decide how much, or little, he wants to be involved in the raising of their babies. Duncan sits down at the Café table across from Lex and makes a comment about how she's wearing the same shirt as yesterday. Wow! An observant man! When she tries to explain it, he says 'Oh, right. You stayed at his place last night' and Lexi looks like someone just sucker punched her. He then asks where her new man is and she begins to finally tell him the truth, or so I thought, she decides to chicken out again and grabs the first single man she sees, Fargo. She tries to get Duncan to leave and he asks Fargo what it is he does. Fargo says he works with artificial intelligence and that he dabbles in biotech and Duncan loves that because it has some real world applications in medicine in third world countries. Duncan invites Fargo to join them and Lexi looks like she's about to be sick.
Over at GD, Tess is showing Jack around.
Jack: Been a pretty uneventful tour so far.
Tess: Well, my safety record is impeccable.
Jack: I've been here for three hours. You have any labs that are actually *uses air quotes* open?
Tess: There's a working lab right behind me *points over shoulder with index fingers of both hands* This one.
Guy with mail cart: Don't bother. Johnson said he'd be traveling for a few days.
Tess: Oh, great. Then he won't mind if we look around.
They enter the lab, which is lit by a pretty blue light. Jack asks what happens in this lab and she tells him that Johnson is researching APS - Alternate Propulsion Systems. Jack thinks that means rockets and stuff and she reminds him that we already have those systems; Johnson is researching other methods of travel. When Jack steps onto this circle on the floor that looks like a circuit board, his voice has this weird bass echo. It tickles his teeth. Tess steps up to get him to move back and as they're leaving the room, she trips over something that wasn't there before and when Jack catches her, they have a moment. *rolls eyes* Please, dear writers. Stop putting relationships into my shows! Unless you're gonna have Jack and Allison hook up, 'cause that'd just be wicked cool.They exit the lab and get on the elevator with Mail Cart Guy who has his earbuds in and is dancing and singing along to Car Wash (if I was about twenty years older, I'd be able to tell you who sang that) as if he's alone in the elevator. Hm, anyone here thinking what I'm thinking? When they get back to the main floor, Tess and Jack go their separate ways. Jack goes racing after Henry, who ignores him, and finds out about the signal. While talking to Fargo, Fargo starts talking to someone else. That's when Jack figures out that no one can see him, but Tess. Someone walks through him and Tess is all 'Whoa, do that again!' Jack wonders if they're dead.
Tess is grilling Jack on what it felt like to have someone walk through him and decides to try it herself. When he stresses that they could be dead she tells him to touch her. When he hesitates, she pulls him in for a hug. Um, if it was me, I would have just poked him in the shoulder. Not that I don't think Collin Ferguson is hot, because I do, just that at this moment these two characters don't particularly like each other so the hug here is just as awkward as the hug Elizabeth Weir gave John Sheppard in the Stargate Atlantis episode The Siege III. After Tess releases Jack, she asks if he's satisfied and he asks 'In what way?' How like a man to think with his small brain instead of his big brain. She gets annoyed and tells him that if they can feel each other they can't be dead and that the universe is revealing one of its mysteries to them. He demands to know how she can be sure they're not dead and she walks around clapping her hands and calling for all dead people to come to a club meeting in the rotunda. And uses the lack of other 'ghosts' as her proof. She then shows that she just might be related to Rodney McKay.
Jack: Okay. Okay, so... if we're not ghosts then... look, could it be the cashmere effect?
Tess: Overpaying for a sweater, are we?
Jack *exasperated*: Yeah, overpaying for a sweater.
Tess: Yeah, Casimir effect. Yes, I know. 1948 theory out of Holland that empty space is actually teeming with fleeting particles and electromagnetic fields. And sometimes in dangerous situations, people use humor to alleviate tension. It's a communication skill. That's my field, actually. Well, one of 'em. I'm actually an expert in a number of -
Jack: Tess. Tess!
Tess *as if Jack didn't try to interrupt*: ...some things - yes?
Jack: What skill are we going to use to find out where we are if nobody can see or hear us?
Tess *worry evident in her voice*: I have no idea.Because they're not solid, they have to ride the elevator until someone goes to the floor where Section five is located. It appears that Jack's trying to figure out when they became 'invisible' because he mentions their elevator ride with Mail Cart Guy. Tess makes a comment about how she finds bald spots sexy on some guys which is a total non-sequitur as far as I can see because not even the man standing in front of her has a visible bald spot.
Jack: You talk a lot.
Tess: I told you, I'm a communicator. *they get off elevator*
Jack: Fantastic. Then tell me what you're doing here in Section five.
Tess: Not my information to share. And irrelevant to the current pickle we're in.
Jack: Oh, well, pickles are my field and they usually lead straight to some GD project.
Tess: See? Just by using the word 'pickles' you momentarily relieved my tension allowing me to refocus on solving our problem.
They arrive at Johnson's lab and Tess figures out that they were still 'here' before they entered the lab because Mail Cart Guy spoke to them. They discover the thing that Tess tripped over and a body: H.J. Johnson. Tess guesses that the thing she tripped over is a portable re-entry pad. Jack is still confused as to what's going on and Tess admits she has a theory. Jack insists she tell him because, really, who is he going to tell? She says they're most likely in the fifth dimension. We find out that Johnson has been working on interdimensional travel. She says that he must have figured out how to cross over using his P-Branes. (I have to say that I hate when a closed captionist uses all caps because it makes it difficult for me to know what should and shouldn't be capitalized) Jack gives her a look and she admits that even scientists have a sense of humor. Interdimensional travel is all based on string theory. And I'm not going to go into anymore than that because this is already pretty long and we're not even half-way done yet. And now we know that Murray's 'ghosts' are actually Johnson trying to get back to our dimension. Tess tells Jack 'You're smarter than you dress' when he figures that one out and he responds with 'Yeah. What?'They go to Murray's lab and Tess starts calibrating the pad and attempts to 'talk' to Murray. When Jack shows concern that she might end up like Johnson she tells him 'HJ had it dialed up to a heavy load. I'm starting at lingerie' Jack just blinks at her. She tries again with 'Gentle cycle... Forget it'. She turns it on and Jack asks if her teeth are tingling. When just her shouting at Murray doesn't work, Jack joins her on the pad and Murray finally notices his TIRD meter flashing. He turns on the 'ghost whisperer' and when they make it blink, he runs out to get MB and Allison. He says he's going to use the electromagnet to help his mother cross over. Just before he can turn it on, Johnson appears and says that it could kill them all. Murray turns it on and sparks fly. Allison suspends him.
Out in the rotunda, Tess, Jack and Johnson have an argument.
Johnson: Your idea of help was a ghostbuster?
Jack: Well, a theoretical physicist that veered off track.
Johnson: Lord knows what kind of vibration that charge set off. A P-Brane wave of that magnitude could grow to dangerous portions.
Tess: You should have thought of that before you tested your platform. You weren't ready for a space jump yet, HJ.
Johnson: I wasn't going to wait for some lady HAM radio operator from SETI to come and take all the credit.
Just then the elevator opens and Jack gets them all on. Johnson tries to push the button for Section five, not fully grasping the fact that he's in a totally different dimension and therefore can't actually touch anything.Zoe's still trying to figure out why Lexi won't tell Duncan about the twins. Lexi admits she fell for him the moment she met him but is afraid he doesn't love her. Only one way to find out for sure, Lex; tell him he's gonna be a father. Zoe mentions that he brought a box of her junk all the way from Africa and that's gotta mean something. Lexi relents but then raises the question of what if he doesn't love the fact that he's gonna be a father. Guess what, Lexi? Every woman goes through that. Unless she's married and her and her husband have been talking about having kids. All of a sudden a car goes flying over their heads.
At Henry's garage, MB has brought all of Murray's journals to Henry to see if he can figure out what's going on.
MB: Things are getting worse around town. I thought Murray's journals could help.
Henry: All these calculations are his?
MB: Yes. He never let me look at them. Actually, I never really paid attention. When your husband goes off the deep end -
Henry: Yeah, you try not to fall in with him.
MB: Mm. Before he became obsessed with his ...spirits, we were conducting research on vibratory P-Brane manipulation.
Henry: Dimensionality?
MB: Yeah. What if his crazy ghost hunting was...
Henry: An actual scientific break-through? P-Branes, shaking between dimensions, Carter's flying espresso machine? *a stack of tires falls down*
Henry takes MB back to GD to talk to Johnson, not knowing that he's stuck in the fifth dimension with Jack and Tess.Back at GD, Johnson and Tess are trying to get the pad ready for them to re-enter the third dimension. Tess mentions that she thinks Johnson's oscillations are too steep. She asks why he has a problem with her and he tells her that the whole scientific community has a problem with her. She asks if that's because she proved someone's theory was wrong or because she told a department head he needed a better toupee. Johnson yells that he's trying to work and she gives up and lets him do it on his own. Jack asks if she really said that and she thinks he's asking about the theory she disproved. When he corrects her she says 'Oh. Well, it looked like he was walking around with a ferret on his head'.
Jack: As long as you're trying to help, right?
Tess: And look, if he doesn't go easy on that P-Brane the next time through, we're all gonna light up like the Jumbotron at Fenway Park.
Jack: Red Sox fan?
Tess: How do you think I learned statistics?
Jack: That's the only math I ever passed.
Tess: Only math regular people need. (I think she just insulted those of us with average IQs)
Johnson: I believe she just insulted you, Sheriff.
Jack: Ah, that's okay.
Tess tries again to get Johnson to listen to her about the oscillations. Allison, MB and Henry come in and Johnson is pissed that Henry is in his lab. Henry wants to shut down the equipment because him and MB think that Murray is getting vibrations from Johnson's machines. When MB and Henry begin to shut everything down, Johnson steps onto the platform and is thrown backward, now nothing but charred remains.In town, things are getting worse. Jo tells Allison to tell Jack that she has everything under control and Allison is confused because she thought he was with Jo.
In Johnson's lab, Jack and Tess are looking at Johnson's remains and Jack tells her he owes her an apology about her car because the way Johnson hit the floor is similar to the way her car was pushed into the middle of the road. Tess finally figures out the problem: Johnson's oscillations were way too steep. Tess tells Jack to make sure they don't turn the machines off. Fargo comes in and tells Allison that the helicopter flew off the roof and Henry yells at him 'to get over there and man that terminal' like he'd told him to do that several times already. The P-Branes are making things fly around the lab and Jack decides to try to get Allison's attention so they don't turn off the machine. He's trusting in his connection to her from the alternate timeline. Allison figures out that they can't turn off the machine until they 'find' Jack and Tess. Tess and Jack step onto the platform just as Henry turns off the machine.
Everything appears to be back to normal, now.
Jack calls Allison to come get him and Tess because they have 'landed' on the road where they first met.
Duncan is leaving and Fargo is expressing his man-crush by demanding Duncan send him photos. Lexi has had enough. She shoos Fargo off and finally tells Duncan that she's preggers with his babies. When she tells Duncan that Fargo isn't her boyfriend he says he thinks Fargo may be gay. *snort* So do I! And Vincent is his boyfriend. When Lexi asks what Duncan thinks about it he replies 'I think I'm gonna have to think about this', then walks out.
Allison is doing some last minute paperwork when Jack comes in to talk to her about the signal that she's not telling him about. When he walks out, he looks for all the world like he just caught his wife cheating on him. You just know that Allison's not being able to talk to him about the signal feels like the worst form of betrayal to him.
We get scenes from last week's episode, I was unaware that it was a two parter. Here's a little FYI for you writers, when an episode is a two parter, put 'to be continued' at the end of the first part so that we know that it's going to continue next week, m'kay? Thanks.Lexi and Zoe are making a baby book for the twins. I'm a bit confused about this, though, because the baby book I have for my daughter is all about her, with pictures of her, her first word, her first step, her first tooth, etc. and this baby book has pictures of the whole family. SARAH offers to keep a virtual book with holographic growth charts and captured sounds. Lexi declines saying 'Some things are better the old fashioned way' Jack asks about Duncan and Zoe tells him he just put his foot in it. Zoe then apologizes and says she doesn't mean to pressure her (do what now? I thought it was Jack that asked about Duncan.) and that she thought they've made up by now. Lexi says it's okay and that life is messy sometimes (someone's been watching those Clorox commercials) and Jake says 'Is it?' Lexi takes this to mean that he blames her for all this. Well, I blame her too. If she'd've been adult about all this, Duncan wouldn't have walked out. I mean, seriously. Give the man some credit. He didn't immediately lambast her for not telling him sooner nor did he say he wanted nothing to do with the twins. But I stick by what I said last week; Lexi should have told Duncan he was going to be a father as soon as she found out. Waiting and then telling him the way she did is what has screwed this all up. When Lexi accuses him of never taking her side, he responds with what I've been saying all along. When Lexi and Zoe just stare at him with disappointment in their eyes, he sighs and says 'Yes. Life is messy'. Way to hold on to your principles there, Jack. *two very sarcastic thumbs up* And then he redeems himself in my eyes by sayin 'But this isn't how you clean it up'. Lexi counters with 'He doesn't want this. I do' and I have to ask how she knows. Has Duncan called and said he's decided to opt out of his kids' lives? Or is she just taking the fact that he has to process what she told him as him saying he's not interested in being a father? I'm thinking it's the latter and shame on her for jumping to conclusions. Of course there wouldn't be much of a story here if she didn't, so… Jack decides that this is a great time to exit stage right and, after asking if Lexi's okay, Zoe follows. Lexi pulls out a picture of her and Duncan and cuts him out of it. Of course the picture doesn't show reality because her and Duncan are standing just far enough apart that she can cut him out without cutting any of herself or leaving any of him in the picture.
At Café Diem, Fargo and some curly headed kid are hanging a sign that says 'Welcome Aliens'. Jack comes in and asks 'Uh, so what's this all about?' Vincent is supervising the hanging of said sign.
Fargo: Just waiting for the aliens to land.
Jack: Seriously?
Vincent: Mmhm. Actually, it's our turn to host 'cause we went there last year.
Jack: Uh, 'there' being...
Fargo: Area 51. (so now Eureka isn't the super top secret town it was in the first season?) Eureka's arch rivals. Our annual bowling match goes back early 50 years. (again, if it's an every year thing then why doesn't Jack know about it? He's been sheriff for three frell years!)
Jack: Bowling! That sounds pretty intense.
Fargo: You have no idea.
Jack: So, uh, Area 51, that's UFO guys, right?
Fargo: Wrong. They got the alien rep after a surveillance balloon crashed in 1947. Never lived it down.
Curly headed boy: Which is why we love to rub it in. Totally throws off their game. *laughs like a typical geek all breathless and shit* *gives Fargo 'five'*
In walks a bunch of even geekier geeks wearing blue bowling shirts. The head geek tries to get under Fargo's skin, and succeeds. Head blue geek is named Bismark. He then sniffs the air and makes a comment about how he can smell fear. Fargo tries to get back at him by telling him that the one scary thing about him is his breath. What follows is trash talk, geek style. Jack tries to calm everyone down. And when Bismark says that our team doesn't stand a chance, Fargo unveils his secret weapon: a former PBA champion named Big Ed. Jack gets called away and he tells Fargo and Bismark to behave.At GD, he enters Allison's lab and calls her 'Al'. *gag* That's almost as bad as Stark calling her 'Alli' from last season. Tess is there and she immediately starts in on Jack by asking if he came in on pack mule. I bet you donuts to dollars that TPTB are going to throw these two together because everyone knows that when two adults (one female, one male, that is) bicker like they're five, that means they want to sex each other up. She gives a not so sincere apology by stating they have a time sensitive issue. They're trying to gather up all the globidium. It's an artificial nuclear element made at GD. Tess says it's much safer that plutonium and Jack asks why they're recalling it then. Allison tells him that it's been field tested in town for years and they need it back for a new project but not everyone is complying, hence them calling in Jack. Tess picks up the telling of what they need him for by saying 'And we were hoping you could persuade them using your inimitable Andy Griffith charm' to which Jack responds 'You know what? You have the unique ability to make a compliment sound insulting' Tess just keeps the insults coming with 'Who said that was a compliment?' Allison finally has had enough and tells them to stop. Jack then asks a rather important question: can't they just make more since it's artificial? Allison says they could, if they had six months. Jack they puts two and two together and figures out that it has something to do with the signal. Tess is less than thrilled that Jack knows about her top secret reason for being at GD. She turns to Allison and says 'You told him?' Allison replies "No, but you just did'. Jack now has a smug look on his face and you just know he's thinking 'Smarter than your average bear!' (sorry, I saw an old Yogi Bear cartoon with my niece yesterday) Jack asks when 'the little green men' are arriving and Tess plays the 'don't have the proper clearance' card. Jack acts all hurt and says, voice breaking 'But you and I shared an alternate universe. Does that not mean anything to you?' Jack looks over the list and notices that SARAH runs on globidium which means he'll have to shut her down.
Jack takes Henry with him to gather up all the globidium and Henry tells him that SARAH can be adapted to use alternate fuel sources. Jack reminds Henry that SARAH doesn't like change, and neither does he. They've arrived at someone named Seth's house and catch him getting into his car. When they approach he says he'll return the fuel cell tomorrow, right now he has a hot date. The man is balding and fat. Don't get me wrong, I think balding, fat men need love too and applaud the writers/casting director/whomever for casting this guy in this role, unless the woman they had in mind is equally as fat or fatter, because if a man is interesting enough then how much, or little, hair he has and how big he is shouldn't matter. I'm just saying that he's not really the type I go for. Balding, yes (I'm in love with David Hewlett, for Pete's sake!) but as fat as he is? Not in a million years. Someone who looks like him would have to win me over with charm or humor before they'd get a second look from me. Jack tells Seth that his date is going to have to love him for him when Seth says that his date loves the car. Oh, so that's how he got the girl! Henry pops the hood and Seth tells them that they can eat off the engine because he just cleaned it. Henry discovers that Seth's fuel cell is missing. Jack asks Seth to cough up the fuel cell and Seth claims he's the victim. Jack responds with 'Then why were you trying to get away?' and Seth snips back with 'In a car with no power cell? How dumb do you think I am?'
At the bowling alley, Fargo's team is practicing right next to Area 51's team. A girl gets a strike and the pins reset themselves like a hologram. Bismark has a computer operated ball. He puts in a code to tell it how to roll down the lane. Just before it gets to the pins, it encounters a force barrier. >br> Bismark *turns when he doesn't hear the ball strike the pins*: What the hell?
*laughter from the Eureka team*
Fargo: Strike one!
Bismark *turns to find Fargo wagging a little remote and everyone laughing and pointing*: Hey, you know the rules. You can mess with your own balls all you want, but you can't mess with ours. (is it just me or is there more than one way to take that sentence?)
Fargo: Ooh, someone can't take a joke.
Bismark: Fargo, I have one word for you.
Fargo: Is it 'surrender'?
Bismark: No. It's 'truce'. *begins to walk toward Fargo* (Don't trust him, Fargo!) We're above this pettiness. So I'm gonna be the bigger man here and propose we focus on the game. No more pranks. Deal? *is standing right in front of Fargo* *extends hand for Fargo to shake*
Fargo *not sure he should trust Bismark but tired of the pranks*: Deal. *shakes Bismark's hand*
Bismark: may the best team win.
Fargo: As long as they're human!
Bismark *shaking hands with the rest of the team*: Good one!
Curly headed guy: We're really calling a truce?
Fargo: No way! I just want to keep them off their guard. That way they'll never know what hit 'em, huh? *raises hand for a high five and we can see a green spot in the center of his palm*
*curly headed guy points out the green spot on Fargo's palm*
Fargo: Oh, what the frack? (Fargo's a BSG TNG fan? Poor guy) *runs from room*(Upon repeated viewings of this scene, I noticed a banner in the back ground that says 'Tenth annual bowling tournament'. Coulda sworn that Fargo said this had been going on for over 50 years. If that's the case, the banner should have read 'Fiftieth annual bowling tournament'.)
The Area 51 team starts laughing.Henry and Jack are back at GD getting Allison up to date. Jack says that Osbourne's, I'm guessing that's Seth, car was in his driveway all night. Allison tells Jack that they really need the globidium and without it the project won't be ready in time. He tries to get her to spill by asking 'And what project is that?' She's not falling for it. Jack asks if it poses a health risk and Henry says that when compared to plutonium, no, but of it's taken out of its container they'd get moderate levels of radiation just as his Geiger counter starts crackling. In walks Team Eureka and they're all green from head to toe. Jack quips about them taking the little green men thing a bit too far and Henry tells him it's not joke, that they're all radioactive.
Henry is examining the team and Fargo says that Area 51 is trying to kill them. Jack assures him they're not gonna die and Henry backs him up by saying they have elevated levels of gamma radiation which has turned them green but it's the equivalent of a sunburn. While Henry's checking their eyes, Jack's handing them little cups like what the hospital uses when they hand out medication. Curly headed guy asks if they're gonna turn into the Hulk and Henry says 'Only if you get really, really, really angry'. Curly headed guy isn't reassured by that and Henry jumps to assure him he was just joking. Henry says it'll be out of their systems in a few days and Big Ed says they need to get back to practice to which Fargo says no, they need to get even. Then does the Hulk hissy fit dance saying 'Fargo smash!' and Jack jumps in with 'No, Fargo will not smash! In fact there will be no getting even.' Tess thinks it a pretty color and Jack quips 'yeah, if you're a Muppet!' Allison wants to know just what caused it, wasn't she listening when Henry told them they'd been exposed to gamma radiation that mutated the pigment of their skin? Jack asks if it could have been caused by the missing power cell and Henry says it would have had to have been altered. Allison reminds him they need those remaining power cells and Jack sends Henry with Jo while he goes to check out Bismark. As Jack and Henry are leaving the infirmary, Fargo calls out 'Don't be afraid to use deadly force!'
At SARAH, SARAH announces there's a visitor and Lexi hopes it's the baby crib. The baby crib? Is she planning on forcing the twins to share a crib after sharing her uterus for nine months? How cruel. But it's not the crib, it's Duncan. SARAH hasn't figured out yet that not everyone knows about her and pipes up with 'This is the Duncan?' Lexi calls SARAH her house, I coulda sworn SARAH belonged to jack, by whatevs. Lexi claims the house is possessed and SARAH tires to correct her but Lexi won't let her. The conversation is as follows, starting from Duncan appearing at the door.
SARAH: There's a visitor at the door.
Lexi: Ooh, maybe it's the baby's crib. SARAH, you can open the door. Duncan.
Duncan: Hello, Lex.
SARAH: This is the Duncan?
Lexi: Yeah, this is ...him.
Duncan *pointing at the ceiling*: What is that?
Lexi: Oh, it's my house. It's...possessed.
SARAH: Possessed by a singular artificial intelligence.
Lexi: SARAH, please. I thought you left town.
Duncan: No. I prefer to deal with my problems.
Lexi *cupping her belly*: Hey, we're nobody's problems.
Duncan: Don't turn this around on me. (good one, Duncan! This is all Lexi's fault, not his) Okay? You were the one who took off without saying a word.
Lexi: Well, you're the one who freaked out when I told you. (Actually, Lex, he freaked over the way you told him)
Duncan: It's 'cause of the way you sprang it on me. *mimes pulling up his shirt* I mean, 'kapow'! Lookie here~ Twins! Right out of thin air!
Lexi: Alright, so you're right. So maybe I panicked a little.
Duncan: A little?
Lexi: So are you telling me you would have reacted differently had I told you in Cape Town?
Duncan: Yeah. Maybe. The point is, I had a right to know. (yes he did)
Lexi: You're right. You did. So what do you want to do now?
He throws the question back on her and she says she wants them to be honest with each other. She tells him that the reason she didn't tell him was because she didn't want him to give up his job with WHO and he reminds her that that's his choice, not hers. She tells him he's wrong, it's not his choice and that he should go back to his life. (She's wrong. It's not her choice, it's his) He asks if that's what she really wants and she says yes. (Tell her too bad, Duncan! Tell her that those are your kids and you're not going to walk out of their lives!) SARAH then gets protective and tells him to get lost.At the bowling alley, Area 51 is practicing.
Bismark *to the girl who just threw a strike*: Yeah, there ya go! Just picture Fargo's fat face on the pins. Works every time.
Jack: Bismark!
Bismark: Well, hello, Sheriff. How's Fargo? Green with envy or just plain green?
Jack: What'd you do? And how'd ya do it?
Bismark *holding up what looks like a large button battery*: Camoscope. The future of camouflage. It emits gamma rays into the skin, starting a chain-reaction that alters the pigmentation.
Jack: Any chance you powered it with a stolen bit of glob - gla - glo - it's a nuclear power cell thingy.
Bismark: We don't steal, we win. *points at self with thumbs*
Jack: Still, you're taking the prank thing a little far, don'tcha think?
Bismark: As far as turning a beloved mascot invisible or planting a bioengineered laxative in a rival's talcum powder?
Jack: Why would you do that?
Bismark: You guys did that... last year in Area 51.
Bismark tells Jack that if he wants to find his 'nuclear power cell thingy' he should talk to his own team because they're the ones who take things too far.At Café Diem, Zoe gives Duncan a sundae. He tells her that Lexi can be unbelievably stubborn and she counters with 'And overprotective. It runs in the family'. He then notices Fargo and company and asks 'What's with the green man group?' Zoe responds with 'Oh, my boyfriend's team got punk'd by their rivals'. Now which one's Zoe's boyfriend again? Duncan guesses it's gamma radiation and offers to help. Vincent comes around the corner holding a tray full of ice cream treats and offers it to the team. Fargo tells him they don't need ice cream, they need payback. Jack enters at this point and says 'Oh, my. What are you, green and deaf? I said no paybacks' Curly headed guy says 'Of course, Sheriff (suck up). We'll take the high road. It's a good idea' Jack says 'Stop sucking up, Lucas' Oh, curly headed guy is Lucas, Zoe's boyfriend! When jack asks if they're planning any pranks involving a nuclear power cell, Lucas admits they've dabbled in low-combustion explosives but nothing nuclear. Fargo gets all up in arms that Lucas has spilled some of their secrets. Jack sees Jo sitting at the counter and asks how she's coming with the list. We find out that Seth isn't the only one missing their power cell. Vincent comes over and offers them some of the ice cream before it melts and Jack asks what's wrong. Vincent tells him that his freezer died right after Area 51 showed up. Jack says that blaming them is a bit hasty and asks Jo if Café Diem is on the list of people using globidium and it is. Vincent says his freezer was working just fine when Big Ed cleaned it that morning and jack recalls Seth saying he'd recently had his car cleaned as well. We find out that Big Ed is The Cleaner for Eureka.
At GD, Allison and Tess are looking at the four cells that are the only ones they've managed to collect. Tess says they need a lot more if they're gonna get a good look at the signal because of how far away it is. Allison tells her that Jack will find the cells, just give him some time. Tess then asks if there's anything going on between Jack and Allison (Yes, there is! In another reality they're married and have a daughter!) Allison says 'Oh, God, no. I'm pregnant' and Tess is all 'Well, some guys are into that. More to love and all that' Allison insists they're just friends and Tess says 'If you say so' like she doesn't believe it. Good, maybe she'll keep her grubby little hands off Jack until Allison can deliver the baby and then Jack can make his move!
Jack and Jo are on their way to Big Ed's lab and Jo is on the phone with the principal of the school who says she had Big Ed clean her grill and now her power cell is missing. They get to his lab and discover the missing power cells and his clothes on top of a puddle of goo.
Allison and Tess have joined Jack and Jo and have the following conversation.
Tess *using some kind of radiation detector that's not a Geiger counter*: No radiation. It's all good.
Allison: So he just melted?
Jo: Like a green popsicle on a sunny day.
Jack: Jo!
Tess: Well, at least you found the missing globidium.
Allison: The globidium couldn't do this on its own.
Jack: Could it react to the stuff that turned him green?
Tess: If the combo generated the right amount of radiation, it could mutate human cells.
Allison: We need to talk to Henry. ,br> Henry says it's possible but the globidium is missing. Henry says that there isn't even any radiation in Big Ed's remains. Jack says that's because he's a big puddle of goo and Allison says that everyone has some radiation within them. Jack finds that disturbing and Tess tells him it's perfectly normal and generally safe but that those words don't seem to apply in Eureka. He replies 'Yeah, you get used to that'. Jack wants to check the rest of the team, just in case the gamma radiation had something to do with Big Ed melting.Fargo confronts Bismark and accuses him of melting their secret weapon. Jack and Jo come in to question Area 51 and asks if they did anything else to Big Ed. Bismark asks when they could possibly have do so, they've been at the bowling alley all day. Fargo says they're probably using alien mind control on everyone and Bismark says 'Bite me, Kermit!' Jack reminds them that a man is dead and he needs their help. Jack asks Fargo about Big Ed. He tells Bismark to keep Area 51 at the bowling alley and send Fargo and the team to GD. Telling them he wants to just keep an eye on them while they're green and reminds both men, no more pranks, just as one of Area 51's balls explodes on its way down the lane.
At Café Diem, Duncan is applying what appears to be a facial mask to Lucas while Zoe hovers and asks what's in it. When Lucas complains that he feels like a girl, Zoe asks if he'd rather stay green. Lexi enters to get her smoothie before going to yoga with Allison. She then notices Duncan and asks what he's doing there. When Vincent brings Lex her smoothie he hands her a box and says it's ice cream for Allison because she's having a craving. After Lexi leaves, Zoe goes back over to where Lucas is sitting just in time for Duncan to remove some of the mask from Lucas' forehead and reveal his normal skin tone. Zoe asks how much they can make so they can treat the whole team.
At GD, Jack asks why a cleaner would want to stockpile globidium and Allison tells him that Big Ed wasn't just a cleaner, he was the cleaner. Jack asks a perfectly natural question about whether or not Big Ed was using the globidium for a nuclear vacuum and Tess just about swallows her tongue trying to not laugh out loud. Allison tells Jack that Big Ed was using microorganisms to restore a contaminated environment back to its natural state. It's scenes like this that I really hate. Jack is shown as the bumbling sheriff in the town full of geniuses and it pisses me off! I know just enough about law enforcement to know that you can't be stupid and be a cop. These days it requires a degree of some kind. But for some reason the writers have to always shove Jack's lack of intelligence down our throats. We get it; he's not as smart as everyone else. Please to stop with the picking on poor stupid Jack now, 'kay?[/rant] Anyway, he asks if she means something like soap and again Tess chokes on her laughter. And the writers are going to hook these two up? Are you serious? She thinks he's a bumbling idiot and ridicules him at every turn. Why would he want to get together with someone like her when Allison treats him as someone who's just not as smart as she is but yet not as dumb as a rock? Allison explains that each organism was created to clean a specific metal of chemical and Jack redeems himself by asking if Big Ed could have one that cleans up radiation since his remains were cleansed of all radiation. Not so dumb now, is he, Tess?
In the infirmary, Duncan is passing out containers of the mask and telling the team to apply it everywhere they're green. Jo takes the lone girl on the team with her and Fargo admits he's shy about public nudity. He takes his container and heads for the showers.
Still in Big Ed's lab, we discover that Ed had been developing a project that he nicknamed 'Spot' and Jack guesses that this is the pet that Fargo was talking about. Tess is pissed that 'her' globidium is being used as pet food. Jack finds a container that reads 'Spot' and is empty. Allison asks if it's still in the lab and Tess says it's not like it could just open a door but Jack finds a drain in the floor and says that there was another way out.
In the showers, Fargo is about to gag at the smell of the mask. A green goo like substance comes up out of the drain.
The green goo touches Fargo's foot and causes him to jerk backward, turning on the cold water. This has the green goo retracting back into the drain. Jack comes in and pulls Fargo out of the shower. Fargo ends up in the rotunda. How, I haven't a clue. He takes a datapadd from a woman and a briefcase from a man and walks away with as much dignity as he can.
Allison is talking to the general when Lex comes in. Allison ahs to cancel yoga in favor of tracking down the missing green goo. Lex is disappointed and Allison calls her on it. Lexi tells her she doesn't want Duncan changing because of the babies and Allison tells her that kids change things whether you want them to or not. Lexi asks if Allison every regrets having kids and says no, that her only regret is that Stark isn't' there to share it with her.
In the showers:
Henry: Alright, I've closed the valves on the main line into town which should keep it contained within the building.
Tess: But if it went down the drain, what's to keep it from coming back up?
Jack: Well, I think I scared it, actually. I mean, when I came in it jumped off Fargo in a hurry.
Tess: No, trust me, you're not that intimidating. (please don't have him hook up with a woman who thinks he's beneath her!) And single-celled microorganisms don't get scared.
Jack: It wasn't so micro, actually, and it was green. I mean, that can't be a coincidence.
Henry says it could have reacted to the gamma radiation but Henry says he can't detect any radiation. Um, Henry? It's a organism that was created to 'clean' up gamma radiation therefore, you won't find any trace radiation. Duh, even I know that. As Lexi is leaving she runs into Duncan. He wants to talk and she says there's nothing left to talk about. He wants to know why she's pushing him away and she says that there are plenty of people out there for him to save, but she's not one of them. I don't get why she won't let him be a part of his kids' lives. This is just selfish on her part. I'm a firm believer in that the father should know and be allowed to be involved as much as he wants. If she doesn't need his financial support, then start a trust for the kids, but don't deny him his rights as the father.Henry, Tess and Jack are walking through what appears to be Section Five talking about how to catch Spot.
Tess: We can't afford to lose anymore globidium.
Jack: What we can't afford to lose is researchers.
Tess: Oh, thanks. Way to make me look selfish. (doing that all on your own, honey)
Tess: Famous last words.
Jack: You have a better idea? (no, she doesn't that's why she's pooh-poohing Jack's idea)
Tess: You're pretty sure of yourself, aren't you?
Jack: Yeah, part of my Andy Griffith charm.
Tess opens the lab door and they all walk inside to find all the cells of globidium empty. Jack looks up and sees Spot on the ceiling. They all run from the room, the door shutting just before Spot lunges for them. Jack holds up Spots container and quips 'I think we're gonna need a bigger container'.Allison, Henry, Tess and Jack are in Allison's office discussing Spot. Jack says they have it contained in Section Five, Allison says that level's locked down and Henry says that won't matter if it's traveling in the pipes. They decide to secure all the gamma radiation so that Spot won't have an available food source. Allison decides to start to evacuate and Jack picks up her container of ice cream and says 'Judging by its size, it'll eat just about anything' He looks up at Allison as he says the last part and she thinks he means her. He comes to the conclusion that it was the cold water that Fargo accidentally turned on that scared Spot away, and not him. Jack suggests they freeze it in its tracks.
At Café Diem, the place is decorated and there are candles burning. Duncan comes in and orders a large coffee because he has a long drive. Zoe is surprised he's leaving. Duncan admits he's tried to talk to Lexi but she won't listen. Zoe tells him to fight for her because while Carter women are slightly crazy and a whole lot stubborn, they are definitely worth the fight. He asks Zoe to tell Lexi he said good-bye and she says 'Tell her yourself'.
Henry hands Jack this gun thing and shows him how it works. Tess is still questioning everything Jack does. (I'm beginning to think this show has officially jumped the shark) >br> Tess: Are you sure freezing this thing is gonna work?
Jack: Oh, yeah. Yeah. It worked in The Blob.
Tess: Very reassuring.
Henry: Well, it's a living organism. The cells shouldn't be able to stand temperatures below 200 Kelvin.
Allison: Just be careful, Carter. (I wish, just once she'd call him Jack)
Jack: I should be able to handle a mindless eating machine. *he turns to look at her since he's speaking to her*
Allison: You looked at me again. (why is she now all of a sudden sensitive about how big she is?)
Jack *stammers for several seconds* You're pretty.
Tess: Oh, nice save.
*the lights flicker*
Henry: Must have been drawn by the emissions from the power station on sublevel 12.
Allison: But that emits alpha radiation, not gamma.
Tess: Which means any source of radiation could be on the menu, now.
Allison: Including us.
It's blob hunting time! Henry is directing Jack to the power station. As Jack walks he calls out 'Hey, Spot? Got a nice frozen treat for ya.' As Jack gets closer there is minimal movement and the alpha emissions are dropping. According to Henry Spot should be right in front of him. Jack determines that Spot is in the pipes just as Spot comes out and attacks. Jack shoots and Spot is frozen for a while but then melts the ice and moves away and Jack thinks he made it angry. Jack says that he might have been wrong about the cold but there has to be a reason Spot jumped off Fargo. Tess says maybe he didn't like the way Fargo tasted. Jack thinks she may be onto something. It could be the stuff Fargo had all over him to remove the green that Spot didn't like. They determine that salt, or something salty, can kill Spot but they need a way to get it inside Spot and Jack suggests asking Area 51 to help.Jo escorts Bismark to GD.
Bismark: Bringing me behind enemy lines, Deputy? You must really like me.
Jo: Or I'm just trying to kill you. Which is it?
*they encounter Fargo*
Bismark: Hey, you're not green anymore.
Fargo: But you're still stupid. Go figure.
Jack tells them to stop. Since they made this mess, they're going to help them fix it. Bismark asks what he wants. Jack asks for the camoscope and Bismark says he doesn't have clearance at Area 51 and Tess walks up and says 'But I do' Bismark nearly wets himself in glee at meeting Tess Fontana. When he asks why she's slumming she calls him on it.
Tess: Slumming? Who do you think you're fooling, Toby? You applied to transfer here three times.
Fargo really wants to rub it in his face but Jack won't let him. Tess demands Toby hand over the camoscope and gives it to Henry who says 'Time to put everyone's toys together'. Everyone then goes to the lab.Spot has gotten out of the building.
Jack: Alright. We're gonna have to figure out where it's going.
Allison: Well, there are radiation sources all over town, including the people.
Jack: Yeah, but globidium is still it's favorite flavor.
Tess: Well, yeah, but everybody's turned it in.
Jack: Well, not everybody.
Tess: Who's left?
Jack: Me.
He then heads toward home and calls Zoe. He then asks if Lexi is with her because SARAH's not picking up. Zoe says that Lexi got take-out and went home.At SARAH, Lexi is washing her hands when the doorbell rings. Lexi asks SARAH to get the door but gets no response. When she leaves the bathroom, we see Spot come up out of the drain.
It's Duncan.
Duncan: Lexi? You make me crazy, you know that?
Lexi: Uh, come on in.
Duncan: You don't just get to decide everything. You're not the supreme decider.
Lexi: 'Supreme decider'?
Duncan: You may have nothing else to say, alright? But I do. And I'm not leaving until you hear it. (Go, Duncan! Tell her how it's gonna be!)
Lexi: Okay.
He then goes on to tell her that he's fine with not traveling for a while because when they do get to travel they'll see things through the eyes of the boys. Now get to the heart of Lexi's problem. She's afraid that one day Duncan'll wake up and resent her and the boys for forcing him to settle down before he's truly ready. Actually her problem is that she always felt that her dad would rather be somewhere else than with the family. Spot comes around the corner and attacks Duncan. Jack arrives and sends Lexi out. Jack pulls a bowling ball out of a bag and tells Duncan that when it loosens he needs to run. Duncan looks like the lower half of him was slimed but he manages to run for the door. Jack arms the ball and rolls it into Spot. He ducks behind a wall and sets it off. He opens the door to see if everyone's alright, and finds Lexi and Duncan kissing.At the tournament, Fargo has a seven-ten split, but he's not worried. His ball splits in half and takes out both pins. For the first time in fifty years, Eureka wins! Toby comes over to shake Fargo's hand, in the way of true sportsmen everywhere. Jack thanks him for not playing anymore pranks and he says they didn't need to since they won just as Toby yells and we see that him and his team are now red.
Due to not have the globidium, they weren't able to see the signal. Allison tells Tess that since they have no idea what it is she's been ordered to set up a defense system. Tess doesn't like that idea.
Jack and Zoe are driving to town and Zoe is complaining about mornings coming too early. She drops her hands to the bottom of the wheel and Jack tells her to put them back to 'ten and two'. Only these days it's 'nine and three' due to air bags. I know this because I recently had to take defensive driving. Anyway, she decides to tease him and takes her hands completely off the wheel. He grabs the wheel and she covers her eyes. He's getting pissed now. She tells him that they're upgrading the network. He just looks blankly at him. She tries to explain that Eureka will have what's called self-driving roads. To demonstrate, she takes her hands off the wheel and Jack grabs for it before stopping himself when he sees that the car is indeed driving itself. It parks in front of his office and announces they've arrived at their destination. Jack gets out and Zoe tells him it's 'totally awesome' that she can sleep all the way to school. He quips 'Yeah, 'cause that's what the world needs; more people asleep at the wheel'. Hm, 'asleep at the wheel'. Is that the name of a Country and Western group? She asks him if he has to suck the fun out of everything and he replies 'yes'. Zoe tells the car 'Tesla High, please. Take your time' then props her head on one hand and goes back to sleep. When Jack turns around, Jo's standing there and he makes a comment about the automatic driving to which she replies 'Well, it's better than a teenager driving' then tells him that it'll take Henry a while to get all the cars on line and Jack tells her to tell Henry he can skip him. He says he prefers to be driving when he's driving and she agrees with him then shows him her new patrol car. Jack asks why he didn't get a new car and she cites his driving record and tells him she went through 'requisition hell' to get it and says she cc'd him on everything. Doesn't he read his email? Apparently not. Fargo then drives up in an older model LeBaron, or at least that's what it looks like to me, and drools over Jo's new car. Fargo's car has an AI he named Tabitha and after Jo tells her she's look pretty god, she stalls. Fargo gets frustrated with her. After Fargo drives off, Jack says 'I hate it when couples argue in public' and Jo asks if he wants to go for a ride. Before they can get in the car, a missile flies over head and explodes.At GD:
Tess: You know, where I come from it's considered polite to warn people before you detonate a missile over their heads.
Allison: Tess. Dr. Wyman has my permission to conduct any tests he deems necessary for his project.
Wyman: But thanks for the etiquette tip.
*Jack walks in*
Jack: I'm guessing you heard the massive explosion?
Allison: All right, please don't start. Carter, Dr. Wyman, planetary defense.
Jack: Hey, nice hoodie.
Wyman: Jealous? (don't understand that, but I'll go with it)
Allison: Dr. Wyman's missile malfunctioned, so we followed normal safety protocols and aborted the test.
Tess: Yeah, by blowing up an A-311 booster, which, by the way, he wasn't even approved to use.
Jack: Oh, so he stole the missile?
Wyman: Borrowed. From another project. I left a note.
Allison: He has my authority to use any and all resources.
Jack: Yeah, but he put the town at risk.
Wyman defends himself and Tess argues that he's just creating more problems. She even calls Allison 'Al' and I'm not sure I like it from her anymore than I do from Jack. Allison argues that she's doing what needs to be done. She then dismisses Wyman by telling him to continue his test as quickly and safely as possible. After Wyman leaves, Jack asks if he even needs to ask why they have someone working on planetary defense and Allison confirms that the signal is getting stronger and Jack guesses correctly that that means it's getting closer. Tess says whatever it is will arrive in 138 hours and Jack points at Allison, who is fluent in Jack Carter speak, and says 'Five and a half days'. Jack then asks if they need him to do anything, like out up traffic cones.Over at the sheriff's office, Jo is fielding calls from people who have noticed things missing. And not your everyday stolen items. No, the things missing are stuff like toasters, doorbells (yes, doorbells), blenders and other kitchen appliances. When Jack asks Jo if she's busy, she hands him a stack of messages. Ranger Tom has called six times about 'something weird'. Jack then walks across to his desk reading the messages:
Jack: Yeah, got a parking meter, a weather vane, 475 feet of Christmas lights - *he goes to sit down*
Jo: Oh, and your desk chair.So Jack picks himself up and heads out to see Ranger Tom. Ranger Tom takes him to see these tower like structures that are constructed from the missing items, including his office chair.
Tess thinks it's amazing and Jack says he never really got modern art. Zane says it's not modern art, it looks like the base structure of a Torodial vacuum chamber. Tess says it could be the outline for a magnetic mirror field (whatever that is) and Jack pretends to know what she's talking about but ends with 'It looks like a pile of crap'. Tess calls it a pile of crap that someone is turning into a plasma generator. Just how many things can the structures be? Let's see... Zane called it a base structure for a Torodial vacuum chamber, Tess called it a magnetic mirror field and a plasma generator. That's three separate things and two of them were suggested by the same person just moments apart! I usually suspend some form of reality when I watch science fiction, because the name implies that it can't really happen, but this is too much! Jack asks what a plasma generator generates and when Tess opens her mouth he says 'And please don't say plasma'. She ends up saying that it generates bursts of energy – short and really intense. Zane heads off to run some scans and Jack asks who could build one using a lava lamp and a kitchen sink. When he points off to the side, the camera pans over and we see an actual kitchen sink. One of those big stainless steel ones with the garbage disposal on one side. Tess gets this look on her face like she's not sure if she should be scared or impressed.
At Henry's, Fargo has Tabitha in for a check-up. Fargo is getting fed up with how his car is breaking down all the time. He abandons her and gets a new car. Jo is not happy that Fargo got one so quickly. She tells Fargo that he basically dumped Tabitha when he turned her over to Larry.
Allison doesn't believe that the things in the woods is an actual plasma generator. Tess says it just might be a pretty powerful weapon and that Wyman is the prime suspect.
When Fargo gets home he finds Tabitha in his garage. He drives her back to Larry and Larry thinks that Fargo took her back and lists his objections; the radio only plays 80's rock, the AC smells like feet and she only drives in reverse.
Jack is on stakeout when Tess arrives with a pizza.
Tess: Stakeouts are fun.
Jack: They're more fun with pepperoni than with organic tofu medley.
Tess: You mean 'Thank you for the pizza'?
Jack: That is thank you for the pizza.
Tess: You're welcome. Do you want anything else? I got a protein bar, a juice box...*gasps* Funyuns. (I want some Funyuns!)
Jack: You always eat this much?
Tess: You always this smooth with the ladies?
Jack *sucks on teeth*: Yeah.
Tess: So, when do you think Dr. Planetary Defense is going to show up?
Jack: Actually, I don't.
Tess: Then why are we here?
Jack: I think someone's building this thing but I don't think it's him. I mean, like Allison said, he has all of Global's resources at his disposal, so...
Tess: Okay, well, she could be protecting him too.
Jack: Yeah. She could be, but, um... I don't know, but... She's been under a lot of stress lately, I think.
Tess: That's very considerate of you, Carter. No wonder she likes you so much. (no, she likes him because he's her soul mate)
Jack gives Tess a look like she just stabbed him in the heart and twisted the knife. The moment is ruined by the arrival of the town's teenagers. Each one of them is carrying something they stole from someone and each looks like they're sleepwalking or have been drugged. When Zoe appears, Jack calls out to her and she turns to face him, then turns away like she doesn't know who he is.In the GD infirmary, Jack brings Zoe a glass of water and asks if the nurse had been by to see her. Zoe says she had and that she no longer has any blood left. She then asks him to clarify what she had been doing. He asks her what she remembers and she says she doesn't remember anything after going to bed until she woke up in the infirmary. He tells her that he brought her there, that she fought him the whole way, until she fell asleep in the car. He says that seeing all the kids walking around was like Village of the Damned and she gets this scared look on her face and goes 'wow' but you know she wanted to say 'fuck' because it's fucked up, what's happening here.
Jack asks Henry what's going on with the kids and Henry says he has no clue. Jack asks if it could be related to planetary defense and Henry says it could be but that that's Allison's baby and Jack is not thrilled with that answer. As Jack's walking away, Henry hands him two data pads with readings of the kids' brainwaves and says he doesn't like what he's seeing.
In the woods, Jack arrives to talk to Allison and he's not happy. He demands she tell him that what's happening isn't related to a project at GD and she tells him that she'd never put their kids at risk (speaking of, when was the last time we saw her son?) and Jack says 'not on purpose' and then reminds her that lots of things seem to happen accidentally in Eureka and she tells him that she's about to fix this accident just as a van pulls up. A bunch of guys climb out of the van and she tells them to begin tearing down all the towers. Zane isn't happy about that. Allison tells him that it's okay because she told them to destroy the towers and he tells her that if they do so, there will be an antimatter explosion. Allison's all 'Antimatter? You told me it was a plasma generator' and he says 'It was. Yesterday' with the new things the kids did it is now an antimatter bomb. Or so he thinks.
Back in town, Fargo is polishing his car when he hears an engine revving. When he looks up, he sees Tabitha sitting down the road. She comes driving down the street and splashes him with some mud. Fargo thinks it was Larry but I think it was Tabitha herself. After all, 'Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned' and all that. Fargo marches into the sheriff's office and tells Jo she needs to arrest Larry because he tried to run Fargo down for refusing to take Tabitha back. Jo tells Fargo that this is all his own fault. That none of this would have happened if he had taken better care of Tabitha. He says he took great care of her and Jo responds with 'When was the last time you rotated her tires? Detailed her dash? Gave her a good buffing?' and Fargo can't answer any of those. He says he guesses he just lost interest and she scoffs with 'And you say she let you down?'
Back at GD, Henry is telling Jack that he's run some more tests on the kids.
Henry: I have been running more tests on the kids.
Jack: Oh, and uh, what'd ya find?
Henry: Their abnormal brain activity has been increasing all day. I've never seen anything like it.
Jack: Okay, so it builds as they get tired?
Henry: Our subconscious is more susceptible to suggestion while we're asleep.
Jack: Alright, let's try keeping them awake.
Allison: Too late.
All the kids are agitated and trying to leave the infirmary. Jack tries to get Zoe to stop. When he tries to take her arm to get her back in bed, she slaps him. He thinks the thing in the woods might be calling to them. Jack asks what Zane found out and Allison says she's been trying to reach him. Jack's phone rings, it's Jo. He tells her that the kids are in a trance again and she says 'They're not the only ones'. Apparently when the kids weren't allowed to continue working on the towers, whatever is making them do it began using the adults. While Jo and Jack watch, the towers begin to hum and lights come on.At GD, Jack is telling Allison, Tess and Henry about what the towers are doing now. Allison asks why it's affecting the people it is. Allison tells Henry to re-task some satellites to test for abnormal gravitational pull. Jack then says they need to pull the towers down now and Tess jumps in with 'So if you don't understand it, just destroy it?' Um, Tess, honey, they think this thing is harming the towns' people. The responsible thing to do is get rid of it. Tess reminds him that the kids built it and Allison jumps in to say that the kids are linked to it and tearing it down without knowing what it is and what it does could cause more harm.
Fargo is out running some scans and is trying to find a name for his new car. He discovers something interesting about the towers and tries to call Allison. Tabitha is there and he thinks that Larry is stalking him. She pops her trunk and begins to drive in reverse and he drops his phone, which she then runs over.
In the infirmary, Zoe and Zane are sound asleep and both Jack and Jo are worried. Jo offers to sit with Zoe while Jack goes to get a coffee and he tells her he's good. Then he says she should go because someone should do the 'sherrifing' and she says that the traffic is so smooth she's been hoping for a high-speed chase. Jack then makes a comment about how the road network takes all the fun out of eluding the police. Jo says that with everyone driving around on autopilot she may never write another ticket again and the light bulb goes off in Jack's head. Why can't the writers make him this smart all the time?
Jack goes and tells Henry and Allison and they agree that it could be possible. When Jack tells them they need to shut the system down now Allison says 'Well, get ready for the mother of all traffic jams'.
In Tabitha's trunk, Fargo is coming to and discovers that Larry is in there with him. The two of them have a bit of a scuffle. When Fargo tries to get her to pull over, she tells him that his name is no longer on her pink slip and so Larry tries but she just tells him to shut up.
At GD, Henry is telling Jack that there will be risks when they shut down the grid and he thinks Henry means traffic jams. Allison tells him that Henry means for the people connected to it. Henry suggests Jack go sit with Zoe while they shut it off.
In Tabitha's trunk, Larry is trying to get Fargo to call someone about them being trapped in the trunk and Fargo says he needs to call Allison. When he gets through, she puts him on hold because she has Jack on the other line. Tabitha takes that opportunity to disconnect the call.
Jack tells Allison to shut the grid down immediately and when she does, all the kids collapse and when Jack goes to Zoe's side he finds her catatonic.
Henry says that everyone's in a heightened REM sleep but that's about all they know. Zane wakes up and tells them that it's not just the grid. He says that the grid must have crossed signals with something else and Jack puts two and two together and suggests that the signal from outer space could be part of the problem.
In Tabitha's trunk, Larry and Fargo are still arguing. The road sounds change and Fargo says he thinks they're on the Da Vinci Bridge and for some reason this make Larry freak out and start chanting 'I'm too pretty to die!' Fargo has an epiphany about Tabitha and why he's in her trunk. He starts yelling that he really needs to talk to Allison but Tabitha doesn't listen.
At GD, Tess, Allison and Jack are having a walk-n-talk:
Jack: So the smartroad was just serving as an amplifier, and whatever was telling them to build it isn't being transmitted from anywhere around here.
Tess: Well, maybe it's the signal. Whatever's coming has been trying to send us a message.
Jack: Yeah, right, and only certain people are receiving it.
Allison: Oh, my God.
Tess: Well a 30 hertz offset carrier wave could propagate through the fermite coils into the road system, right?
Allison: Which could affect nucleus accumbens in the forebrain.
Jack: Y - small words. Small. (I'm with Jack here)
Tess: It wanted us to build that device.
Allison: And we have no idea what it's capable of doing.
Allison then walks off saying she's going to tell Wyman to get the defense system on-line. Tess is all anti-guns and scolds her for being the protective mother bear and tries to be all 'we should greet it as an ally' until she notices that the signal strength has increased so much that it no longer needs an amplifier.Henry calls Allison and her, Tess and Jack come running into the rotunda to see streams of people carrying things out. Jack runs up to Zoe and she tells him that it's going to be okay.
In Tabitha's trunk, Fargo and Larry are telling each other that they
lovehate each other. Suddenly she stops and they think this is where they die. Jo opens the trunk to find them cuddling. Tabitha called Jo because Fargo has important information to deliver and Allison's cell isn't picking up and Jo's new cruiser will get them there faster than she can. Fargo tells her he'll make things better and Larry kicks her. They all get in Jo's car and head over to the woods.A SWAT team has arrived and it looks like everyone is waiting for an invasion. Allison sends Wyman back to GD, telling him to get ready to fire everything they have at this thing and Tess can't believe that Allison wants to shoot it out of the sky. Sorry, Tess but Allison is in protective mother mode and nothing's going to stop her from protecting her unborn child. Suddenly, the machine activates and shoots a blue light into the night sky.
Cell reception is down. Larry makes a comment about how Tabitha never rode the outside groove like Jo's new car and Jo says Tabitha did the best she could with what she had. Fargo says that when this is over he's going to give her the upgrade she deserves. He's going to put Tabitha's AI into the Subaru.
Allison is concerned that the plasma is going to ignite the sky and she wants it destroyed, now. Tess turns to Jack and begs him to talk to her about not destroying it. Zoe tells Jack that whatever is coming is friendly. The target disappears from the radar. Allison tells the SWAT to get ready to take the towers down when Fargo comes running up and tells her it's a landing pad. The plasma stream flashes and then this spaceship appears in the middle of the towers. Henry arrives and walks up to it. He picks up some grass and rubs on the side, revealing an American flag.
Everyone's at the landing site trying to figure out what's going on. We find out that Henry built it. Zane thinks that Henry knew it was what was causing everyone to build the landing pad. After a lot of circular talk we find out that the reason it used the people was because the project had been shut down and it had no way of announcing its arrival through the proper channels. And now we have the writers excuse for keeping Tess around, she says it's gonna take years to process all the data the ship has gathered over the course of its trip. She mentions a meteor shower and Jack asks if she'd like to attend it with him.Allison and Henry begin to talk about Kim and the ship starts to hum and opens the door. The doors open and a female body is revealed; it's Kim and she's covered in this goo.
The ship has been moved to GD and Allison tells us that 'Kim' is fine other than being dehydrated. And we find out what tonight's crisis will be, they've introduced organic computers. Allison sends Tess off to scan Kim 2.0 and Zane to do the same with the ship.
Jack and Allison continue on to her office:
Jack: That was something, huh?
Allison: Mmhm. Oh.
Jack: You, uh, you feeling okay? *has one hand on the small of Allison's back and helps her sit down on the couch*
Allison: Yeah. She's just been... kicking me all morning.
Jack: Sh - It's a girl? (Yes! Just like in the AU where they were married!)
Allison: Yeah. I found out yesterday. Yes, I'm having a girl.
Jack: Congra - Congratulations. I - I love little girls. I mean, no - no...
Allison: Oh! Oh, here. *takes Jack's hand and places it on her belly so he can feelhis daughterthe baby kick*
Jack *in a soft voice*: That's her. Maybe she likes excitement (No, Jack. She likes you.) Just like her mother.
Allison: excitement, that's uh, well, that's one word for it.
Jack: Well, let me know if there's something I can do.
Allison: Well, there is something you can do for me. It's very important.
You just know Jack's thinking of something other than what he gets assigned to do; help the people get their stuff back.In town, everyone is impatient to get their stuff back. Jo's having problems with her laptop. And we met tonight's redshirt. A Dr. Lieber. He's there to get his boost convertor. Jack has been handing out the wrong stuff all day. While Jack's looking for Lieber's boost convertor, he tells Jo that PCs are too susceptible to viruses and she should upgrade to an organic computer. Anyone willing to guess how Lieber bites it? Anyone? Bueller?
Back at GD, Kim 2.0 is telling Henry, Tess and Allison that there was a malfunction and the computer decided to make her to keep itself alive. Tess asks why it used Kim's DNA profile and I think we can all guess the real reason for that, to make Henry's life hell. He hasn't suffered enough, obviously. Kim 2.0 says 'I look forward to working with you, Henry' and puts her hand to the window that separates her from the others and Henry turns his back.
Back in town, Jo and Jack are exhausted and complaining about not wanting to give stuff back anymore. Fargo arrives and tells them they gave him back the wrong boost convertor. Jo pulls a Jack and calls it a 'thingy'. Jack says something about them having given one away earlier, Fargo guesses that Lieber has his. He demands that Jo and Jack get it back.
Back at GD. Zane is playing with his organic computer. Zane confirms that what's inside the ship made Kim 2.0 and everything it has learned is inside her. Tess laments the fact that they can't download Kim 2.0 and Zane says again that they need Henry's help. Jack has brought Allison 'her' blender back and says that now that he's finished with his deliveries he can help get Henry to agree to help. As he walks away Allison says it's not her blender.
Jo and Jack hop in her car and head over to Lieber's house.
Jo: If Lieber says that that boost convertor isn't his, I say we let Fargo and him settle it in a cage match.
Jack: How 'bout five bucks on Fargo.
Jo: Nice.
Jack: He's scrappy.
They enter Lieber's house and find it empty with electricity crackling. They can smell something burning and enter a room to find a crispy Lieber sitting in a chair.Jack asks Henry if Lieber was electrocuted and Henry says he'll have to perform an autopsy. When Jack asks which piece of equipment Henry thinks might have overloaded, Henry replies with 'He has an expert in electromagnetic physics, pick one!' Henry then apologizes and says he rebooted the power regulators so they don't have to worry and Jo says that Fargo might have to worry because the boost convertor he accused Lieber of stealing is gone, ripped from the panel. Jack wonders if Fargo could have caused the overload that killed Lieber. After Jo leaves, Jack tries to talk to Henry about Kim 2.0. He's in denial and wants nothing to do with her.
Fargo admits he took his boost convertor back.
Fargo: Okay, I took it. Don't look at me like that. It's not steal when you take something that's yours.
Jack: Fargo...
Fargo: What? Was I supposed to ask him? Lieber? That weasel?
Jo: Fargo, that um, weasel, is...he's dead.
Fargo: Come again?
Jack: We think that, uh, Dr. Lieber was electrocuted.
Jo: And we're thinking that it had something to do with a missing boost convertor.
Fargo: Wh - Uh-oh.
Jack: Yeah.
Fargo *Starting to panic*: Oh, my God. I'm going to jail, aren't I? The big house. The slammer. The hoosegow. I'm gonna spend the rest of my life president of the Attica Physics Club! *jumps to his feet*
Jo *slaps him hard across the face*: Man up, Fargo!
Jack asks Fargo to calm down and walk them through everything he did.At GD, Zane and Allison are walking and talking. We find out that every single cell in Kim 2.0's body is a data recorder. When Allison asks how much data he's talking about we go to Kim 2.0's 'cell' and see that nearly every inch of every wall is covered by writing. Kim says that it will take her 2,135 years and 69 days (but she wrote 2000,135 and 69 on the window) to download her data using just a marker. We then learn that speech and writing are two of the slowest forms of data transfer around.
Allison: Well, we will need a better solution than that.
Tess: Oh, believe me. It'll be worth it. Take a look at this. *points at a monitor that shows an equation*
Zane: These are what, gravity field distortion readings?
Tess: Exactly. Taken from beyond the heliopause. Indicating the existence of four Earth-like planets within ten light-years of us.
Allison: Oh, my God. That's right in the neighbourhood.
Allison tells Zane to have optional transfer plans on her desk ASAP and Kim 2.0 says it might be better if they assemble 'her' original team: Henry and Kim.At Henry's garage, Henry tells Fargo that he's not responsible for Lieber's death. Henry says he's not really sure what happened because it appears that Lieber electrocuted hi9s machine, not the other way around.
At GD, Zane is wearing a hazmat suit and hooking Kim up to some machines.
Kim: An SDS scan will not be effective in decoding my amino acid constructs.
Zane: I've tweaked the polarities. I'm thinking we've got a shot.
Kim: In addition, there's the risk the procedure will harm my neural pathways.
Zane: Come on. Trust me. I'm one of the smart ones. (And right there is one of the reasons I don't like him)
She doesn't trust him and is still concerned that Zane will harm her. When he turns the machine on, something goes wrong. Zane thinks it's Kim causing a feedback loop but she's insists it's not her. He's running around trying to turn things off and gets electrocuted.Zane's in the infirmary. I really want to skip this scene because it's as gag inducing as the one from the end of the SGA episode Brain Storm.
Jo is convinced that Kim is responsible and Kim comes to the same conclusion after talking to Jack and she offers to die.
Jack goes to talk to Henry and asks if it's possible that Kim 2.0 has some small part of the real Kim inside her.
Henry goes to examine Kim 2.0. She tries to talk to him like she's actually Kim and he tells her to stop it. When he takes the blood sample Kim says 'ouch'.
Henry finds out that what happened to Zane and Lieber is a virus. A computer virus spread through the organic computers.
Another scene with Jo and Zane that I refuse to review because I find them annoying. Why is it that people on TV can only say 'I love you' to their significant other when that person is near death/dying?
We discover that the ship is the source of the infection and that there are 200 people in danger of being infected.
In the infirmary:
Allison: Well, the virus is causing Zane's neural-electrical charge to build up. I'd say two hours before he has another seizure and this time I don't know if we'll be able to stop it. *looks around the room* So is this all of them?
Jack: Uh, yeah. Yeah. It's everyone who had an organic computer.
Tess: Yeah, we quarantined all the computers. Uh, so far, we've detected symptoms in 69 people. (69? Really? The writers couldn't've come up a number that doesn't have a double meaning?)
Jack: Now, does that mean all of them are gonna get sick?
Allison: Well, like with any virus we have to assume (You do know what they say about people who assume, don't you?) that some will be effected more than others. But the more they get hit, the harder time we're gonna have suppressing the symptoms.
Jack: What happens when, or if, people without organic computers get sick?
Allison: If transmission only occurs with direct contact with the computer, there's no reason to believe that's gonna happen. *electricity begins to crackle, the monitors flicker and an arc of electricity jumps from Jack's hand to the base of a desk lamp*
Jack: Other than this.The virus is now jumping from human to human via their own electrical impulses. Jack comes to the conclusion that Kim could be the cure. Henry goes to Kim and says they should work together to make a cure.
In the infirmary, Tess is preparing to do something to Jack, medically that is:
Tess: Just so I know what I got to look forward to, are you experiencing any symptoms? Tingling in your extremities, blurred vision…
Jack: Being able to power a flashlight without batteries?
Tess: Yeah, like that.
Jack: No, I'm good.
Tess: Okay.
Jack: It's not looking good for the meteor shower.
Tess *speechless for a minute*: Um, this will keep you from having to be hooked up to a suppression unit for a few more hours. It's an electro-resistant gel.
Jack: Sounds good.
Tess: Bad news is it's gonna hurt.
Jack: Well, uh, how much?
Tess: Jo didn't complain. (Jo's also a masochist and thrives on pain)
Jack: Well, that's not particularly - *Tess presses it against his neck and he goes into spasms* Yeah, now I got tingling in my extremities.
Tess: I'm sorry. (No she's not)
Henry arrives to show Jack something him and Kim found.In Allison's office:
Henry: Jack was right. Before the original computer on the ship was destroyed by the virus, it designs and encodes an immunity for its replacement.
Allison: Have you been able to isolate it?
Henry: Yes, we have. *turns to hold out hand to Kim 2.0*
Jack: Great. What ya got? Uh, booster shots? A pa-a-atch? *spark of electricity comes off Allison's desk lamp to his hand* That's getting old.
Tess: yeah. It's not gonna be that easy. There's a big difference between our immune system and that of an organic computer. Traditional methods of immunization just aren't going to work.
Jack: What about Zane's goo-thing? It was attached to the ship. He said it used light?
Kim: The human optic system is a lot like that of a computer. It's a light-based information transfer system.
Jack: So can we use eyes? To transfer the information?
Henry: Our eyes process visual information and turn it into a series of signals…
Kim: That the brain can understand. Which means we might be able to distribute immunity within an intense beam of…
Henry: Spectrum-tuned light.
Tess: Hold on that's a lot of power. Maybe 30 to 40 peta-volts per byte of distributed information.
Allison *turns to Jack*: That's the output of the North American power grid for a year. (That's a lot of power) We've got maybe ten hours. (Ten hours before things go critical?) Suggestions.
Henry: Well, we have fusion cells in chemical storage, but it'll take days to get up and running.
Tess: Antimatter generator.
Allison: Prototype's not ready.
Jack: How about plasma? That's good for big, high energy bursts of power, right? *everyone turns to stare at him* What? I pay attention [sometimes].
Allison: Plasma might do it but we don't' have the components to build one anywhere near big enough.
Jack *spying the blender on Allison's desk*: I think we do. But I'm gonna need the blender back.Down in the basement, everyone is returning their items. Lots of people aren't happy about it.
They turn on the machine. It doesn't power up like it should. When asked if he got all the components, Jack figures out that Fargo is holding out on them. They try again and the town is bathed in a neon green glow. And everyone is cured.
Henry gives Kim some regular clothes so she can get out of the 'clean room' uniform she's been wearing.
Jack and Tess go to watch the meteor shower. They're lying on the hood of Jack's jeep. As they watch the shower, Jack takes her hand.
We open with scenes from the previous episode.
Then at GD, Jack comes running in and Tess tells him he made good time. He makes a comment about her hair. Please don't have him do that anymore. It's just painful to watch him try to throw his feelings for Allison onto Tess. She tries to make a joke about how the curling iron is the greatest invention of the twentieth century. Um, if I'm remembering my history correctly, the curling iron was around as long ago as the 1800s because Victorian women used it to get those ringlet curls that were so popular. Because I was so interested to know for sure, I looked it up and was reminded that even back in Biblical times people curled their hair. Now if she had said 'electric curling iron…' then I'd agree, but she didn't so therefore, she is wrong and I want her to just go away now. Like right this very second before the writers can try to make me believe that Jack is in love with her and not Allison. [/rant]
Anyway, the reason she called is because Kim is missing. Jack tells her that Kim is not missing because she's in town with Henry. Tess says that Kim is property of GD (What is this, the 1800s? People can't be owned anymore.) then compares her to a laptop. Seriously? C'mon, people! She's a person. Yes she has all the secrets of the universe, or at least more than we currently have, in her brain, but that doesn't make her any less human. Or does it? I forget. Jack tries to tell Tess that people take things out of GD all the time and he thinks getting Kim out and about might help with the downloading process. Tess says they have help coming, some neural specialist from Bethesda. Is this town no longer top secret? I mean, seriously. Tess wants Jack to tell Henry about it. Not sure why it'll be difficult news for him to hear. I mean think about it, his girlfriend has come back to him and once she has the knowledge downloaded from her brain she should be allowed to live out the rest of her life. Right? They haven't said the process will kill her, nor have they said that she's dying because her cells aren't repairing themselves so why does the news have to be broken to Henry gently?
Just as Jack begins to awkwardly ask Tess out again, the expert comes in and immediately insults Tess by calling her 'Tess the mess'.
Bruce: Tess? Tess the mess? Is it you?
Tess: All me.
Bruce: Impossible. Where's the baggy sweatshirt, the red glasses, the crazy hair?
Tess *putting her face in her hands*: Oh, God!
Jack: Oh, the curling iron – greatest invention of the twentieth century.
Tess: Uh, Sheriff Jack Carter, this is the neural networking specialist I was just telling you about, Dr. Bruce Manly.
Allison: Us. Dr. Bruce Manlius.
Tess *squeezing eyes shut in embarrassment*: Us.
Allison: He's here to help with -
Jack: Oh, help us, yes. I heard. I didn't hear about you guys all knowing each other though.
*Tess is playing with her hair and making sparkly eyes at Bruce.*
Bruce: Yeah, I've known these two lovely ladies since I was their TA in grad school.
Allison: Yes, when we were more awkward than lovely.
Bruce: We should do dinner.
Allison: Oh, I'm in bed by 7:00 nowadays.
Bruce: Well, then the two of us.
Tess *as eager as a puppy*: Okay.
Poor Jack. He just can't seem to catch the woman he sets his eyes on, can he? Not that I want him and Tess together, because I don't. It's just that I don't like the writers trying to make me believe that Jack is suddenly no longer interested in Allison and then have the woman he has become interested in, moon over some other guy right in front of him. It's not nice or fair to do that to him.At Café Diem, Henry is having Kim smell different foods and tell him what they are and how they taste. When Jack comes in, Zoe jumps on him about how he told Tess she could have Allison's baby shower at their house and now Zoe is stuck planning it with three women she calls The Harpies because Tess is too busy. The women in question are: Monroe, Draper and Bell, infant development at GD. Is this really something we need state of the art stuff for? I mean, seriously. People have been having babies since the beginning of time and we've done just nicely without all the crazy stuff that gets developed at GD. The women berate Zoe for missing a meeting because she had school and try to guilt her into sitting down by saying 'If you're not going to take this seriously…' Give her a break, people! She's a teenager! She has school and work. And just because you can multitask like nobody's business doesn't mean she can, too.
Jack approaches Henry's table.
Jack: Well, this looks like a lot.
Henry: Kim's sense of smell is developing.
Kim: But eating isn't on my menu.
Jack: And a sense of humor.
When Jack asks to speak to Henry privately, Kim says they've broken protocol and he has to take her back.At GD, Bruce is examining Kim and talking about her like she's a machine that can't hear him. When Henry points that out, Kim defends Bruce and Bruce says he meant no harm. Bruce says he needs to test the data extraction process before they can proceed and approaches Kim with a razor. Henry panics but all Bruce does is cut off some hair. Allison and Tess enter the lab and tell Bruce that his laser is tied into the GD cooling system and Henry is concerned about the radiation. Tess assures him it's safe and if it works, famous last words in sci-fi, they'll be able to duplicate Kim without hurting the original. Bruce asks Tess to assist him.
Bruce: I'm sorry. I should have phrased that differently. Activating shield.
Tess: Well, it must be a little strange calling your former student 'Doctor'.
Bruce: I meant asking you to assist. Activating laser. You are my boss here and I respect that.
Tess: Thanks.
Bruce: Activating current. Irradiating [it's] hair should show us our chances of unlocking the rest of the data. (I put "it's" in brackets because that's what I hear but CC says he said "Kim's".)
Everyone waits to see what happens and they get data dancing all over the screens. Bruce then lowers my opinion of him to negative numbers but saying 'My God. And that's just a lock of hair. Imagine what's inside that thing.' That thing Dr. Manlius, is a person.At Jack's house, the baby shower is in full swing. Jo gives Allison a camouflage bib that's stain-free. Jack takes this to mean he can't give Allison the bib he was going to give her. Apparently he doesn't realize, or remember, that babies need several of everything. Someone gives Allison a baby shirt that says 'M.I.T. class of 2030'. The shirt is self adjusting to size three-years-old. One of The Harpies gives Allison a state of the art baby monitor that'll let Allison know what the baby feels. She has Jack help out. Who thinks this is gonna backfire? She's upstaged by one of the others showing off her new diaper. It can take up a full pitcher of water and not leak. The third Harpy has eco-friendly baby bottles. They then play the baby bottle drinking game. Through all this every time someone gives Allison something, Jack takes one of his gifts out of the basket so that by the end, all that's left, is the basket.
The next morning we find out that Carter won the game. Jo tells him to be careful driving because they had quite a storm the night before. He tells her he will be just as he comes upon an SUV jack-knifed on the road. He gets out of his jeep and approaches the wrecked car. The inside is full of water and strapped into the driver's seat is one of the women who threw Allison her baby shower.
We find out that the victim is Dr. Monroe, the one with the baby monitor that lets the mother feel what the baby feels. Jack is distracted by a smell and when he comments on it, everyone just ignores him. Fargo thinks that Dr. Monroe drowned in her car due to a leaky sunroof since it was raining rather hard the night before. Jack asks where Henry is and again says something about a smell. Fargo says he'll be performing the autopsy and again ignores Jack's comment. Jo thinks it could be murder. When Jack asks about enemies, Jo actually says 'downsized' instead of that stupid 'redacted' they used last year. Jo hands Jack a window punch so he can open the car. Fargo pulls something out of his pocket and Jack says 'That's the smell.' Fargo had a tuna, egg and cream cheese burrito with horse radish in his coat pocket.
In Allison's office, Jo, Jack, Allison and Tess are discussing the death of Dr. Monroe. I hate Tess even more right here. When talking about who could have killed Monroe, she says 'Draper and Bell – the Type A's that I planned your party with…' Um, I'm sorry but I believe that Zoe planned the party with them, not you, so sit down, shut the frell up and keep your grubby little hands off Allison's man! Fargo comes in and says that Draper did it. After Jo and Fargo leave, Jo to find Dr. Bell and Fargo to check Monroe for microfibers, Jack, Allison and Tess have the following conversation:
Jack: Wow. Um, either of you guys have the mimosas from last night?
Allison: *points at belly*
Tess: Oh, I learned that lesson at an astronomy conference in Puerto Rico. Oh, and by the way, there's an asteroid event tomorrow night. Feel like star gazing again?
Allison: Again!?
Jack: I – I can't. Um, I have uh, our first birthing class it's tomorrow.
Take the hint Tess and leave now!
Jack thinks he has a hangover. After he leaves Tess and Allison talk about how Tess thought they went on a date and when Allison presses her to reveal her true feelings, and Tess admits to actually liking him, Allison gets this look on her face that says she wishes she hadn't've pressed for that particular answer. Just admit you're in love with him, Allison! So you're having Nathan's baby. Jack'll love her like his own because she's yours, too.At Café Diem, Zoe asks Jack to confirm that Monroe is actually dead and he does. When she asks if he has any leads he says 'maybe' then asks for something to go because he's starving.
A lead shield is lowered when Manlius begins the transfer. Something goes wrong and Henry insists they stop. Manlius obviously doesn't see Kim as human.
Vincent tells Zoe that he's going to have to close until he can find where a leak is coming from. He tells Zoe that once everyone leaves she can go home. She begins rushing people out and then notices that Dr. Draper isn't at her table. When she goes to open the bathroom door, Draper falls out with a wave of water.
Fargo confirms that Draper drowned and Jack makes the connection that they were both at the baby shower and thinks something there is the cause. Jack makes the leap to suggesting that Monroe and Draper were making more water than they should be. Fargo decides to test the water.
Tess tells Henry that Kim is dying and they have to get the data out of her now or lose it forever.
Fargo discovers that Draper and Monroe drowned in synthetic water. Dr. Rivers says her water is safe but Jack doesn't believe her. During their conversation he begins acting like he needs to pee really badly.
SARAH is concerned about how often he's urinating and that his blood pressure is high. Jack says he's pants are too tight and he's still suffering from his hangover. He asks SARAH retest the self-cleaning bottles from the party. Jack then begins having pains that have him bent over double. He collapses onto the floor.
Fargo and Allison are waiting for Jack to wake up. Jack is not drowning but they think he has Couvades Syndrome. They lead Jack to believe it's very serious when what it really is, is a sympathetic pregnancy. Allison finds it endearing. Jack gets a call from Jo and he tells Fargo they may have another victim of syn water. Jack tells them to test everyone who was at the baby shower for syn water. The newest dead body is the manager of the gym and she wasn't at the party but she did die from syn water. Allison calls Jack back to GD and tells him about the doctor who created the self-cleaning bottles because she's also drowning in syn water.
Jack goes back to Rivers to tell her about what happens when her water is combined with human plasma. She thinks it's something in their specific plasma but it's not. She even shows him a bottle full of syn water that doesn't run out of water, the molecules are compressed until exposed to air, and even drinks some. Jack tells her she's shut down until he can figure out what's going on.
Jack and Allison are walking and talking about it and both are acting like their backs hurt. They're so cute. I really want TPTB to hook them up.
Kim is going through an experiment to try and retrieve her data without hurting her. It appears to be working. Suddenly there's a malfunction and it appears Kim was killed.
She wasn't but she was injured. Manlius keeps trying to convince Henry that she's just a machine.
Jack notices the cooling pipes and makes the connection that the isotopes from the machine that's being used to retrieve Kim's data are corrupting the water. Jack is slowly making the connection that the water used at the gym is what's killed the three women.
Henry and Kim have a touching moment where Kim tells Henry he has to let her go.
We now know that the steam room is how the women were exposed and that Tess is also infected.
Tess tries to get to level five but the computer doesn't recognize her retinal scan and locks down the elevator.
Jack battles his fear of heights to climb into the elevator and save Tess. Jack has to breathe for her. Fargo tells him he has to keep forcing air into her lungs to keep them from filling with water. Jack tells her this is not how he pictured their first kiss. The good news is that they can keep Tess alive on life support but the bad news is it's going to take months to expel the compressed water from her lungs and she doesn't have that long.
Henry says good-bye to Kim all over again. Manlius starts the process and they finally retrieve all the data from Kim's cells. Manlius asks about Tess and Jack has another of those flashes of genius when he looks at the tank that Kim was just in. Turns out they can use it to expel the water from Tess' lungs. Manlius tells Tess that it's going to feel like she's drowning but that she shouldn't fight it. Several seconds into it, Tess begins to thrash about and finally the compressed molecules begin leaving her lungs. It works.
Jack brings Allison some ice cream and he tells her he's enjoying the sympathetic pregnancy. Unfortunately she has figured out that he got linked to her instead of her being linked to the baby and they have to turn it off. I think they should leave it on until after the baby is born. Allison tells him to go be with Tess but I think she really wants him to be with her.
Jack and Tess run into each other in the halls of GD and Jack invites Tess to the asteroid event. She then thanks him for saving her and he says it was Manlius. She says she was talking about in the elevator. He says it was CPR and she says 'So is this' and kisses him. He tells her it's not CPR and she says maybe they should test that some more. He says he was told to not do that in public and she goads him into kissing her anyway.
In this episode, Tess has decided to build a databank of memories from the townspeople of Eureka. She gives the first one to Zoe who doesn't want to tell her memories. Jo tells of the first time she met Zoe and we're reminded that Jo used to have a tattoo on her left shoulder.
Jack says he has to go because he has birthing class and then gets teased about the 'short leash' Allison is keeping him on complete with a pager that has a signal that can reach him in a cave in China.
When he gets to GD Allison tells him that GD is being shut down for a sonic cleaning. There are three scientists who haven't left yet. Fargo is one of them.
And that's because he's decided to see what people have been saying about him. We then get scenes from the past several years of some of Fargo's crazier moments. Dr. Kinison enters the lab and tells Fargo he needs to clear out. As Fargo leaves, he deletes the files with him in it. Anyone think this is gonna backfire something awful?
Jack and Allison then encounter one of the other scientists and he remembers his name but not what he's supposed to be doing. Allison says he needs to be closing down his experiment just as a lab explodes. Dr. Bubay seems to have lost most of his memories. He remembers his name and that he's a scientist but not the name of his partner or that the lab that exploded was his. Allison takes Bubay to the off-site infirmary and Jack goes off to look for Ashe.
Zoe is having trouble thinking of memories for the database. We find out that even Vincent has a PhD. He then tells about when Martha went rouge and ended up in his restaurant.
Jack finds Dr. Ashe and she can't remember Bubay or where her lab is. I think Jack is starting to think the time capsule is related to the amnesia the two doctors are experiencing.
Kinison tells Allison and Jack that he found Fargo in Tess' lab and Jack and Allison head down there to find out what he did. While there, the sonic cleaning begins. Allison tries to override it but the failsafe fails.
Allison is trying to call someone to come help then but everyone has left the building. Jack suggests calling Henry and Allison tells him that section five has a cell signal block for security reasons. She also says that the failsafe should have sent a signal to Kinison.
Kinison is having lunch at Café Diem and his little PDA thing is beeping. Zoe points that out to him and when he picks it up he doesn't recognize the security alert. Jo also doesn't remember ordering soup for lunch.
Jack and Allison are trapped in lab 511 and are trying to figure a way out. Jack puts the halo thing on and reviews some memories of Fargo. They discover that Fargo has deleted files about himself. Allison has now figured out that Fargo is indirectly responsible for the amnesia. There's another alert about the sonic cleaning and Allison says they have to leave NOW! And Jack repeats the reason for it, surprising Allison.
Jack is trying to convince Allison that she's losing her memory. Allison says she's not but she doesn't remember him, becoming head of GD or getting pregnant. Jack has her put the halo thing on and view her memories to try and remember her life. While explaining that they are more than co-workers, he remembers that he left the pager she gave him at Café Diem. He sends a 911 message and we discover that the amnesia is worse than we thought. Vincent can't even remember that he's a chef. Jo, Fargo, Kinison and Henry don't even remember Jack or GD. Luckily Tess (who I'm starting to think is a Mary Sue) hasn't lost very many of her memories and her and Zoe rush off to save Jack and Allison.
Jack then does something that he finds very distasteful; he has Allison view her memories of Stark. But it works, she remembers her life. Jack takes her hand and tells her she has to get them out of GD and she begins to breathe deeply and he tells her she's crushing his hand. She says that's because she's gone into labor. Who didn't see that coming?
Jack tells her to breathe just like in class and she tells him the class was for him, not her. He then has her view memories of all of Eureka so she can remember how to save them.
Zoe and Tess have arrived and Tess sends Zoe off to section five, only Zoe doesn't have security clearance so Tess gives it to her. I have a feeling them splitting up is not a good idea. Zoe arrives in the lab just in time for Allison to have another contraction. Jack leaves Zoe with Allison while he goes off to find Tess.
He finds her in Allison's office. When he enters they have the following conversation:
Jack: Oh, thank God. How's it going?
Tess: Hi. I'm Tess. And you would be…?
Jack: Totally screwed.Jack begins telling Tess about her life in Eureka and decides to kiss her to see if that'll spark a memory. She remembers him but not how to shut down the sonic cleaning. Then she remembers that Kinison's PDA will stop it. He sends Tess back to town to retrieve Fargo while he goes help Allison deliver the baby.
Jack is coaching and Zoe is actually doing the delivering. Fargo and Tess arrive and Fargo tries to figure out how to reverse what he did. Fargo begins to doubt himself, nothing new there, and it all comes down to him pushing a button. Everyone yells at him to push the button but it isn't until Allison screams "Push the damn button, Fargo!" that he does it. And, of course, it works. Everyone gets their memories back.
Allison names the baby Jenna Stark after Nathan's mom. Allison puts Tess in charge while she's on maternity leave. Zoe is looking amazed at what's happened and she says she thinks she's found her path. I'm not sure if that means she's decided to be a pediatrician or an OB/GYN.
Allison may be on maternity leave but she can't give up control. She's telling Tess what to do via webcam. I'm thinking Allison's one of those women who just can't relax if she's not in the middle of everything.
Zoe is researching colleges and tells Jack that she took the SCAT, Student Career Assessment Test, just last week where everyone else took it in grade school. She's hoping it tells her that being a doctor is perfect for her. He makes a comment about missing her and SARAH says she'll always be there. Zoe then tells him that if Tess wants to spend the night that would be okay with her and he refuses to have that conversation with her. He gets a call about needing to do traffic duty.
Jo shows up and is in a good mood because Zane's coming home after a month away. The two of them set up Eureka's version of crime scene tape. Jo asks what they're doing on the mountain service road and he says they're doing traffic duty, with no traffic. Jo feels silly until the truck drives by and it's as long as a freight train.
At Café Diem, Zoe got her test results and she's afraid to open it and her boyfriend, still can't remember his name, talks her into opening it. It says she's perfect for robotics engineering. She calls it a stupid test and goes back to work.
Jo tells Zane she has a welcome home present for him and he's acting like they're not even dating.
Tess calls Jack to help with security of an ice core sample, it's what was on the truck. Tess says it's special because of the fact that the snow traps everything as it freezes and how we can see what the atmosphere was like thousands and thousands of years ago. Fargo tries to make a comment about how cool it is but it falls flat. Jack asks about security and the team leader enters. It's Taggart.
Everyone greets Taggart and there's a bit of tension between him and Jo. Zane enters and the tension goes up. Zane is acting like he can't stand being in the same room with Jo. Taggart gives Jack a piece of paper that needs to be signed by the Russian 'commissar-type', as Taggart calls him, since the drilling site was on Russian ice. Tess and Jack head out to find the man and everything gets off to a bad start with the fact that it's not Allison who's in charge. In true Russian style, he hands Jack a list of things that need to be checked before he'll sign the paper.
At Café Diem, Taggart is regaling everyone with tales of his time in the North Pole. Jo walks in and he tries to talk to her. She's only interested in Zane and Taggart tells her that Zane seems to have changed; that when he first arrived he was chatty but then he became closed off. When she tries to tell Zane there's nothing between her and Taggart anymore, he doesn't seem to care and walks off.
Jack has been trying to get the Russian to sign the papers and is looking at plans for an emergency pneumatic vacuum tube communication system. He makes a comment about it being behind some picture in some wall. Jo gets up and approaches the wall next to his desk with pictures of Obama and Bush on it and shows him the system. He then asks her what's wrong and she tells him that Zane is being cold. Jack tells her that she just needs to be patient.
Jack finds Yuri and gives him the disaster plans and Yuri says he just needs to have the core measured. Jack says he's sure Taggart has a super accurate laser thing. Yuri insists it be done the old-school way; with a ruler.
Jack enters the lab and finds the walls and floor covered in ice. There is a discarded popsicle on the floor and that's when Jack sees Taggart encased in a block of ice.
Taggart says the ice attacked him. Jack thinks it might be a problem with the refrigeration unit. While examining the lab, Jack notices the ice has black streaks and is puzzled about what it means.
Zoe's boyfriend (Lucas, right?) gives her a present; a robotics kit. She tells him that she's going to be a doctor, regardless of what that test said.
Jack and Jo go visit Zane and he assures them the problem is not with his equipment. Jack now sees just how cold he is around Jo.
Taggart tries to tell Jo that he regrets the way he left town and that he wants them to stay friends. He tells Jack and Jo that the equipment is working just fine. But he did find evidence of incredibly fast growth. Jack asks if it's fast enough to grab a man and Taggart says to ask him again in the morning because the ice is still growing.
Jack goes to ask Tess what the defrost team did with the ice because it's got malformed crystals and is posing a danger to the town. Tess doesn't believe him. She insists it's just regular ice and he tells her "Maybe not" just as some ice spreads up over the window in Allison's office and across the floor of the rotunda.
I'm beginning to think Yuri is having Jack jump through hoops just so he can play tourist in America. Tess says, "One day. One day and I started an ice age and an international incident." Jack tells her it's like the cold war all over again.
Taggart tells her he's not sure what's going on and Tess has a mini melt-down demanding he give her something positive. He says he'll try and goes off to see what's up.
Jack and Jo go off to talk to Zane and he seems unconcerned. Jo yells at him and he doesn't even blink. He keeps saying that everything that's been happening isn't his responsibility. Jack figures out that Zane is part of the problem when he sees the cup of coffee Zane was drinking is now frozen solid.
Tess says they found ice crystals inside Zane. Jack figures out the main problem is with the ice core.
Taggart finds a fungus inside the core but Yuri still won't let them examine the core. Jack tells him knows why he's stalling. Yuri asks Jack if he knows what it's like to be the security officer for a town full of crazy scientists. Um, yeah, I think Jack may have an idea or two. Jack talks Yuri into signing the papers.
Jo gives Zane what for, for ending up in the infirmary. He makes a joke about it being her. Are the writers of this show talking to the writers of SG-1 because there's a similar 'joke' about Sam. Jo tells Zane about the black crystals and he tells her he came across something like that and goes off to help.
Zane must be on the road to recovery because he's shivering. Taggart gives Zane his coat and Jack says that the only difference between Taggart and Zane is the petrotech Zane's wearing. I love it when Jack's the one to figure out the solution to the problem. We learn that the whole town has petrotech in the walls of the buildings and even in the roads to prevent freezing. And Tess has a line I love "I broke a building!"
Turns out the solution is not so simple. They have to spray the fungicide into each wall in town. Jack suggests the tube system. He says he needs to get to town and Taggart offers to get him there with his dog-sled.
Vincent is trying to cut through the ice with his mini-blowtorch. Zoe is trying to comfort Lucas and seems to have a thought about something. By the time Taggart and Jack arrive there's no one in Café Diem. Jack heads back to the freezer and finds everyone inside. Zoe's idea was to hide there because the freezer is actually warmer than the rest of the room. Someone says they hear gas leaking and Jack asks where Vincent's tube thing is and when he opens it, we watch the ice melt within minutes.
Zane's hands are still cold so Jo orders him soup and hot tea. Taggart comes in and asks if Zane's ready to get back to work and Zane says he owes Jo a proper greeting.
Zoe gets her robot working and tells Lucas that he may be right about what she should do. He tells her that the test doesn't really mean anything because she is definitely doctor material because of her idea to take refuge in the freezer.
Jack and Tess have dinner and Tess says it was good. SARAH takes the credit, she may have actually done all the cooking, and Jack tells her to take the night off. Zoe goes to spend the night at a friend's and Tess decides to spend the evening with Jack.
What Goes Around, Comes Around
My recording missed the first few minutes but it appears that Tess spent the night because her and Jack are having coffee and talking about what I think is playing hooky but Tess has too much to do. Zoe comes in and calls Tess 'adorable'. She's dressed in sweats and tells Jack that she has a dive meet. He asks when she joined the dive team and is told she didn't really but she did agree to be the test subject for a bio-tech final. She'll have neural stimulators on her muscles and will be controlled by remote.
While telling him all this, she opens an envelope and finds an acceptance letter to an under-grad pre-med program at Harvard. Jack says she only has a B+ and she tells him that's like an A in the 'real world'. She got in on the recommendation of Henry.
Lucas freaks out and Henry tries to tell him he can join her next year. They're going over the data from Kim's ship and find a distortion that Henry calls 'nemesis'.
Jo is trying to calm Jack as they walk into Café Diem. Vincent offers them fresh baked muffins. Jo takes one eagerly and Jack says that SARAH has told him he has to watch his blood pressure.
At the end of the counter Fargo and his nemesis are discussing whether or not the public needs to know about Nemesis. We find out that Nemesis is a neutron star that has been theorized to be in binary orbit with our sun and crosses Earth's orbit every 65 million years, causing an extinction level event (or ELE if you've ever watched Deep Impact). Jo compares it to a killer comet. Fargo freaks out about how different it is. When Jack asks how long we have, Fargo's girlfriend (Julia, I think), says about 2,000 years. Jack tells her 'that's not so much a problem, so next time, don't bury the lead.'
Larry then tells Jack that the super collider that Fargo and Tess are about to fire up is the real problem. Jo agrees with him and tells Jack to have a muffin.
At GD, Jack has decided to watch the collider. Zane makes a comment about smashing unstable atoms together at nearly the speed of light and that just makes Jack even more nervous. Tess starts talking techno-babble and Jack says 'I love it when you talk nerdy to me'. *gag* Only person I love hearing talk nerdy is Rodney. Well, astrophysics nerdy, that is. Jack wonders if they should be wearing safety goggles. The collider goes crazy and blows up.
Helium has been released and so they are all talking in high pitched voices. Jack says they should have worn safety goggles because safety goggles are good. Zane then accuses Fargo of screwing up and Fargo insists his end went the way it was supposed to. They then notice there was a high voltage spike in the dampening ring stabilizer. Someone sabotaged the experiment. Larry is the main suspect. Larry says his fem-bot is now non-responsive and accuses the collider explosion as the reason. Jack says a great line here "Maybe she's just not that into you".
Fargo and Julia are going over the remains of the collider, trying to figure out what happened. She says she's glad he's okay. He says he's not. When he starts talking I at first thought he was going to break-up with her but what he's actually doing is asking her to do his 'bucket list' with him.
Tess has gotten a job offer for after Allison gets back from maternity leave. It's in Australia and I'll be glad to see the back of her. She's now not sure she's gonna take it because of Jack. He says she could have mentioned it sooner, she actually got the offer a week ago, and she says it had nothing to do with him. Ouch, bitch. Jack tries to get her to discuss the accident and she wants to talk about them. An alert then sounds and they run off to see what's wrong and find Martha chirping agitatedly. When Jack asks 'What's up?', Fargo says, 'I am'. Everyone looks up and sees Fargo 'stuck' to the ceiling along with other objects.
Tess and Henry discuss what might be the cause and Fargo asks if they can get him down before gravity returns. Julia says not to worry and pulls out this tiny cylinder that looks like a lipstick tube. Placing it on the floor, she gives the top a twist and it makes an air mattress. When gravity returns some items hit the floor before Fargo and when they do, the move the mattress just enough that he lands on the floor instead. Henry and Julia help him limp to the infirmary. Jack tells Tess he wants to talk to Zane and she tells him that the collider is not the cause of this. I hate when people fail to listen to Jack's gut. It's almost always right. There's a reason he was appointed sheriff, after all. And I hate when she tells him he's wrong more than most because she's supposedly in love with him and when he tries to tell her what he thinks the problem is, she always acts like he's the stupidest person she's ever met.
At Zoe's dive meet, the first diver makes an almost flawless dive. Zoe's 'controller' shoots her with sub-dermal stimulators.
As Jack goes off to do his job, Tess runs after him and demands he not walk away from her. She then starts an argument with him in the hall. When he tries to tell her she should have told him, she gets all defensive and he finally tells her to do what makes her happy.
Then enter a lab where Zane is reviewing the collider spec's in this cool virtual screen thing, and he tells them it could have caused a tiny black hole or something else equally as bad but that's not what happened. He says it froze, or in other words, 'It smashed before it crashed'. Tess then gloats that it wasn't her collider. Henry comes in and we find out that Fargo is anemic and has taken iron pills his whole life. Everyone starts to put two and two together and the scientists start looking into it.
At the dive meet, the diver before Zoe has a malfunction and falls, earning himself and his controller a zero. Zoe doesn't want to do it but her partner forces her to. Just before Zoe jumps, Jack notices something odd about the water in the pool. Right after Zoe lands in the pool, the surface catches fire.
Jack jumps in after her and someone shoots the pool with something that puts the fire out.
Henry has discovered that there are electromagnetic fields that are causing all the problems.
Jo makes a joke with Zoe about how her performance was explosive. Jo then tells her that it's normal for a father to be worried about his child moving across the country. Zoe is upset that Lucas wasn't at her meet and Jo says he's standing behind her. He tells her he has a good reason and they go off to talk.
Julia and Fargo come in dressed in sky jumping suits and Fargo looks like he's about to puke. As Julia tells him there are other things they can do that don't involve mortal danger, an electromagnetic field hits Café Diem and Fargo goes flying across the room.
Henry and Tess are arguing that this can't be Nemesis and Jack says there must be a man-made one. They begin talking about who would build it and Jack thinks it might be Lucas.
At Lucas', Zoe tells him she's ready and before they can, Jack shows up. Lucas has an amplifier and it has caused a new magnetic pole to form over Lucas' house.
Jack is demanding to know how Lucas was able to create a new north pole and Tess tells Lucas to 'ignore the crazy man'. Um, Honey? That 'crazy man' is your boyfriend and he's a bit upset because he caught his daughter making out with her boyfriend, the kid who made a new north pole! Don't ya think ya should be a bit more understanding? Lucas says he used some info from Kim. He thinks his test failed. It appears that Lucas' test is the reason the collider exploded and that then caused the strength of the amplifier to expand, causing the pole to form over Lucas' house. Jack then tells Lucas 'Well, you are gonna have to tell Santa that he needs to move his workshop' and he's not happy. I'm not sure what he's angriest about: catching Lucas with Zoe or Lucas making a new north pole. Zoe asks Lucas what he was thinking and he admits he was trying to find a solution for Nemesis so Henry would write him a recommendation letter like he did for her and Jack turns to his best friend and gives him his best kicked puppy look. Henry tries to apologize but I don't think it's enough. Jack asks how they can stop it and Tess and Henry both say it's difficult to know for sure.
Jo is out patrolling the area, and when she pulls up to a stop sign, her car dies and the mailboxes on the side of the road and the stop sign start moving. All the metal pieces get stuck on her car.
At GD the lights start flickering. Zane notices that the energy output has a negative charge. Henry think if they can create a controlled burst of positive energy it should cancel out the pole reversal. Jack asks how they do that. Zane says they have to use some kind of missile. Calls it a piece of cake and at that moment the town's power grid goes off line. Zane says that causes a small problem and Jack says "And by small you mean insurmountably large, yeah?" The problem is that everything outside of GD is now basically useless because of the magnetic field. Jack suggests they use Martha since she's not affected by the poles, seeing as how she's not made of metal.
When Jack walks into Fargo's lab he finds Fargo and Julia having sex and Martha holding a disco ball. As he's walking out of the lab Jack says, "Martha, Fargo, come. With me." I admit I chuckled out loud over that one.
In town, everyone is running around terrified about the magnetic waves.
Lucas comes in and says that if they send in Martha it'll be like throwing napalm on a campfire. They have to reverse the pole on the amplifier first. Jack says to tell him what needs to be done and Henry tells him that no one will be able to get that close because it will cause brain damage and loss of motor function. Jack says that maybe Henry can give him a hand.
They inject him with the stimulators and give him a blue tooth. Zoe doesn't want him to do it. He tells her it's his job. She blames herself for this because if she wasn't going off to college then Lucas wouldn't have made the amplifier.
In the garage, all the shelves are 'dancing' around.
Henry: Carter, the first thing you have to do is find Lucas' amplifier.
Jack: This should be fun.
Lucas (apparently Jack's blue tooth has a camera): That's it! Right there! (I'm not sure what it is he's talking about because I don't see anything that could be an amplifier)
Jack: I feel like Frogger! (Although that's not what it sounds like)
Tess: Stop stalling already and move!
Jack: Don't boss me, Blondie! *Tess gets pissed at that and 'forces' him to slap himself.* What is that for?
Tess: For saying 'blondie' like it's a bad thing. (in your case, it is)
As Jack tries to approach the amplifier the field causes him to fall to the ground. Tess, who has the controller, helps him move across the room.Zane and Fargo are with Martha in a field. They lose their connection with Tess and don't know how they'll know when to launch. Just then a field bubble comes up the road, snapping telephone poles and they decide to launch.
The field has the amplifier moving across the room to Jack and he changes the pole and runs out just before Martha fires the missile.
Jack, Tess and Henry are watching Lucas and Zane kissing in the rotunda and Henry tells Jack that because of what Lucas did, they can fight Nemesis when it arrives.
Tess asks Jack to go to Australia with her. He says he'll come visit but not to stay. He tells her that she can come back if she hates it and she says she can come back even if she doesn't. Then they *gag* kiss *gag*.
Lucas got into MIT on Henry's recommendation and they're going together. Her in her car, and him in his. Zoe and Jack have a tearful good-bye and I'm reminded of how at odds they were in the first season.
At the sheriff's office, Jo is worried about Jack and asks him to accompany her to Café Diem for a Vinspresso. He says he'll catch up. She tells him about a package and then exits the office. He opens it and it's a plane ticket to Australia from Tess with a note "You've always wanted to see Australia… Love, T." It's open ended so he can go whenever he wants. Allison calls him on the phone and he tells her he was just about to call her. I can't believe he's going to Australia to be with Tess instead of staying in Eureka and trying to be with Allison. Nice way to ruin my OTP, writers.
I have way too much on my plate to continue to review three series. I'm sorry to those who were enjoying the Eureka reviews. I have more fun reviewing NCIS and Flashpoint.