Season Seven: Requiem


Here? Or should we step outside? For what exactly, Mulder...


(X-Files office. MULDER is alone fully reclined in his chair tossing and catching a basketball. SKINNER enters the office.)

SKINNER: Agent Mulder.

MULDER: What's our punishment this time? Thumbscrews or 40 lashes? Come on in, Walter. Sit a spell. This could be the last time you take a trip down to these offices.

(He looks up at SKINNER and sets the ball on the desk.)

SKINNER: You went to Oregon.

MULDER: Guilty as charged. And if they're coming down on you for that, then I'm sorry. I truly am.

SKINNER: Fortunately, they think that I make a contribution to the Bureau.

MULDER: (bitterly) Oh well yeah, stick to a budget they say your making a contribution, but push the limits of your profession, and they say you're out of control.

SKINNER: You could bring home a flying saucer and have an alien shake hands with the President … what it comes down to Agent Mulder is … they don't like you.

MULDER: Well, we didn't bring home a flying saucer … or an alien.

SKINNER: Yeah … so I've been told.

(MULDER nods dejectedly. SKINNER waves his companions into the office. KRYCEK and MARITA COVARRUBIAS. MULDER waits about one second and starts for KRYCEK. SKINNER stops him, holding his arms forcefully. MULDER backs off.)

SKINNER: Agent Mulder! I think you should listen to him.

KRYCEK: You've got every reason to want to see me dead. (SKINNER restrains MULDER again) But you've got to listen to me now. You have the singular opportunity.

MULDER: Here or you want to step outside.

MARITA COVARRUBIAS: Agent Mulder. CancerMan is dying.

(MULDER looks at SKINNER who walks away.)

MARITA COVARRUBIAS: His last wish is to rebuild his Project, to have us revive the Conspiracy. It all begins in Oregon.

KRYCEK: The ship that collided with that Navy plane. It's in those woods.

MULDER: There's no ship in those woods.

KRYCEK: Yeah, it's there. Cloaked in an energy field. Great, mops up the evidence.


KRYCEK: The Alien Bounty Hunter. Billy Miles. Teresa Hoese, her husband. He's eliminating proof of all the tests. We're asking ourselves, we're asking ourselves, "Where are they?" They're right there. They're right under our noses. I'm giving you the chance to change that, to hold the proof.

MULDER: Why me and why now

KRYCEK: I want to damn the soul of that Cigarette Smoking Son-of-a-Bitch.

(SCULLY appears in the doorway to the office.)

SCULLY: Mulder?

(Slow pan of the office as MARITA COVARRUBIAS , KRYCEK, SKINNER and MULDER look at her.)