Garth (Tempest)
originally known as Aqualad, and later known by the codename Tempest. As Aqualad, he is the teen sidekick and protégé to his guardian, the super-hero known as Aquaman, bearing the same super-abilities as his mentor that allow him to breathe underwater and communicate with marine life. He also possesses enhanced strength and speed that allow him to move through the ocean with relative ease as well as withstand the high-pressure depths of the ocean. As Tempest, he possesses mystic-based abilities that allow him to control the temperature of water and moisture surrounding him, as well as the ability to emit destructive force beams from his eyes. As the adoptive Prince of Atlantis, he has at times been forced to assume his mentor's responsibilities as ruler of the oceans during Aquaman's absences, and has in recent years acted as Atlantis' official ambassador to the surface world.
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Updated: 06/11/2012; Published: 06/11/2012