Other Results: 13 Series
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A biological experiment gone wrong results in some changes for Charlie.
Categories: Numb3rs; Characters: Alan Epps, Charlie Epps, Charlie/ Don, Don Epps, Ensemble; Genres: Het, Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Complete, Crack fic, Gender Bending, Incest, m/m, Scientific Conception
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 2330; Read Count: 872; Completed: Yes
Updated: 07/10/2011; Published: 07/10/2011
Our New Life by Vulcan Lover [MA - 18+]
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An alien race are cosncious of Spock & Kirk's love for one another, even before they, themselves, absolutely are... Or, at least, the alien race's knowledge of their love, and the consequences of it being known to the aliens, creates consequences for Kirk and Spock; consequences that force them to acknowledge their love for each other...
Categories: Star Trek - 2009/Reboot; Characters: Ensemble, James T. Kirk, Kirk/Spock, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Mr. Spock, Original Character(s); Genres: PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Alien Conception, Language, m/m
Chapters: 6 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 3564; Read Count: 2980; Completed: Yes
Updated: 02/07/2012; Published: 02/07/2012
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Xander has been keeping a secret. The others are worried.
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble, Spike/Xander; Genres: Gen, Slash
Warnings: Previous Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: Baby Blues, Baby Blues
Word count: 2692; Read Count: 649; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/23/2011; Published: 06/23/2011
Perceptions by Laura [MA - 18+]
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I think mpreg said it all.
Categories: X Files; Characters: Alex Krycek, Dana Scully, Ensemble, Fox Mulder, Skinner/Mulder/Krychek, Walter Skinner; Genres: Gen, Slash
Warnings: Angst, Brain-Insane, Complete, Dark Themes, H/C, m/m/m, Polyamorous, threesome
Chapters: 4 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 19273; Read Count: 4310; Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/03/2011; Published: 08/03/2011
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Set post “Not Fade Away.” Spike and Angel have Shanshu’d and Giles brings together ‘The Men Behind the Slayers’ for a retreat, where discussion on recent research trends yields sadly literal results
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Angel, Angel/Spike, Angel/Xander, Ensemble, Giles, Spike, Xander; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Fantasy, m/m, m/m/m
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 6234; Read Count: 635; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/25/2011; Published: 06/25/2011
Pregnant Mulder by Bertie [MA - 18+]
[ Reviews = 1 / Kudos Received = ]
None Given
Categories: X Files; Characters: Alex Krycek, Dana Scully, Ensemble, Fox Mulder, John Fitzgerald Byers, Melvin Frohike, Mulder/Skinner, Richard Langly, Scully/Krycek, Skinner/Krycek, Walter Skinner; Genres: Het, Slash
Warnings: Brain-Insane, Caveat Lector, m/f, m/m, WIP
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 65562; Read Count: 28616; Completed: No
Updated: 08/03/2011; Published: 08/03/2011
Sacrifices by Shannon [MA - 18+]
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This story is the sequel to "Choices", so if you haven't read "Choices", please read it first, as "Sacrifices" contains major spoilers.
Categories: Man From Uncle; Characters: Alexander Waverly, April Dancer, Ensemble, Illya Kuryakin, Illya/Napoleon, Lisa Rogers, Mark Slate, Napoleon Solo, Original; Genres: PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Previous Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: Choices
Word count: 6548; Read Count: 743; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/25/2011; Published: 06/25/2011
[ Reviews = 8 / Kudos Received = ]

Like any good scientist, House goes about solving Chase's mystery the proper way.

Updated: 12/01/2010; Published: 12/01/2010
[ Reviews = 1 / Kudos Received = ]

Harper's life after the second Season Finale. An Alternatinate Universe ending which results in devastating consequences. After several major changes Harper must chose between the life he knew and one that now waits him.

Categories: Andromeda; Characters: Dylan Hunt, Ensemble, Hunt/Harper, Hunt/Rommie, Rommie, Seamus Zelazny Harper; Genres: Het, Slash
Warnings: Angst, Brain-Insane, Character Death, H/C, Language, Violence, WIP
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 3756; Read Count: 1399; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/15/2010; Published: 12/15/2010
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J/B H/R Other Pairings Earth lost their war for freedom and as a result, the survivors of the alien Prantell Empire find themselves changed.
Updated: 07/19/2011; Published: 07/19/2011
[ Reviews = 1 / Kudos Received = ]
J/B H/R Other Pairings Earth lost their war for freedom and as a result, the survivors of the alien Prantell Empire find themselves changed.
Updated: 07/19/2011; Published: 07/19/2011
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The Scoobs decide that they need to unwind. This part is angst free. I decided to give you all a break from the misery for a while. Don't get comfy though
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble, Spike/Xander; Genres: Gen, Het, Slash
Warnings: Brain-Insane, Previous Warnings Apply, WIP
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: Baby Blues, Baby Blues
Word count: 2015; Read Count: 607; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/17/2011; Published: 06/17/2011
Strangeness by Alex Quinn [MA - 18+]
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A strange thing happens while at a hidden underground temple.
Categories: Hellboy; Characters: Abe Sapien, Agent Clay, Ensemble, Hellboy, Hellboy/John; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Anal Sex, Brain-Insane, Complete, m/m, Unbeta'd
Chapters: 2 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 3019; Read Count: 1185; Completed: Yes
Updated: 04/04/2011; Published: 04/04/2011
[ Reviews = 1 / Kudos Received = ]
Xander starts a new chapter of his life
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: Gen, Het, PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Caveat Lector, None Given
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: The Beginning Series
Word count: 1782; Read Count: 2385; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/23/2011; Published: 06/23/2011
[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]
We all want to know just why Anita is so powerful, don't we? This is the answer I came up with.
Categories: Anita Blake Series; Characters: Anita/asher (sub), Anita/damian (sub), Asher (dom)/jean-claude (sub), Ensemble; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, BDSM, Blood, Bondage, Brain-Insane, D/S, Dark Themes, m/f, m/m, WIP
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 56288; Read Count: 1192; Completed: No
Updated: 03/20/2011; Published: 03/20/2011
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Willow turns evil and sends the LA gang and the Scooby's back to ancient Greece to get them out of the way. The elders know that to leave them there would tip the balance in favor of Evil so they send the Charmed ones back to help the Buffy/Angel guys get back.
Categories: Buffy/Angel/Xena/Hercules/Charmed; Characters: Ace/Poseidon, Ares/Joxer, Cast of Angel, Cast of Buffy, Cast of Charmed, Ensemble, Leo/Piper, Strife/Cupid, Xander/Wesley; Genres: Crossover, Gen, Het, Slash
Warnings: Blood, Brain-Insane, Caveat Lector
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 3263; Read Count: 746; Completed: No
Updated: 11/19/2018; Published: 11/19/2018
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Updated: 06/25/2011; Published: 06/25/2011
The Karawong by Zuzanny [MA - 18+]
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Prozen has discovered how to create the ultimate organoid, and he want's Raven to help. Only Raven doesn't know what Prozen actually wants until it is too late. MWAAAAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!!!!!
Categories: Zoids: Chaotic Century; Characters: Ensemble, Raven, Shadow/Raven; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Brain-Insane, Caveat Lector, m/m, Non- Con, None Given, WIP, Yaoi
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 19317; Read Count: 3524; Completed: No
Updated: 06/25/2011; Published: 06/25/2011
[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]
None given
Categories: YuGiOh; Characters: Ensemble, Joey/Seto, Malik/Marik, Ryou/Bakura; Genres: Gen, Slash
Warnings: Brain-Insane, Complete, m/m, Magical Conception
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 6903; Read Count: 1213; Completed: Yes
Updated: 09/16/2011; Published: 09/16/2011
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
There are no straight lines in life
Categories: Andromeda; Characters: Dylan Hunt, Ensemble, Hunt/Harper, Hunt/Rommie; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Angst
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 4051; Read Count: 1702; Completed: Yes
Updated: 11/30/2010; Published: 11/30/2010
[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]
They say HB sent him away, but is that the truth?
Updated: 04/04/2011; Published: 04/04/2011
This takes place in my the sun will rise!verse. It’s not always a happy place. Go read the other stories and the warnings that go with it. Keep it in mind. Angst, h/c and fluff for general warnings.
Updated: 07/18/2011; Published: 07/18/2011
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The parents have had more than enough of their sons' misadventures.

Sequel: This is a sequel to "Marcus's Miracle"

Disclaimer: Babylon 5 and all subsequent major characters, plots, and ideas are the property of J.Michael Straczynski, Babylonian Inc. and Warner Bros. The following story was written only for the purposes of entertainment. No income had been made.

Warnings: Very AU, not beta read yet, slash

Spoilers: None in particular

*Author's Note: Marcus and Neroon are an "old married couple" in this story. Also, the Minbari words and phrases were found at the "JumpNow" website in John Hightower's Minbari dictionary.

Categories: Babylon 5; Characters: Ensemble, Marcus/Neroon; Genres: Slash
Warnings: AU, Unbeta'd
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 6553; Read Count: 397; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/01/2010; Published: 12/01/2010
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.Oops! Someone is pregnant. Whatever shall they do?
Categories: Crossover/Multi-Fandom; Characters: Ensemble, Fox Mulder, Mike Logan, Mulder/Logan; Genres: Het, PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Angst, Brain-Insane, Child Abuse, Complete, H/C, Het, m/f, m/m
Chapters: 7 Table of Contents Series: Time of Your Life Series
Word count: 26817; Read Count: 2850; Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/02/2011; Published: 08/02/2011
To Serve A Prince by Syldana [MA - 18+]
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None given.
Categories: Dragon Ball Z; Characters: Ensemble, Vegita/Raditz; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Alien Conception, Angst, Birth, Blood, Brain-Insane, Complete, m/m, Yaoi
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 6790; Read Count: 1199; Completed: No
Updated: 04/04/2011; Published: 04/04/2011