Genres: Slash
Other Results: 21 Series
Easter Goodness by Unknown [T - 13+]
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A pregnant Xander, Willow and Dawn teach Buffy and Spike how to have fun and make a mess while doing it.
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Buffy, Dawn Summers, Spike, Spike/Xander, Willow, Xander; Genres: Gen, Slash
Warnings: Brain-Insane, Complete, Friendship, Humor, Mpreg Implied
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 299; Read Count: 620; Completed: Yes
Updated: 07/09/2012; Published: 07/09/2012
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
A pregnant Xander, Willow and Dawn teach Buffy and Spike how to have fun and make a mess while doing it.
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Spike/Xander; Genres: Slash
Warnings: AU, Fluff
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 299; Read Count: 516; Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/12/2014; Published: 08/12/2014
Expecting by EntreNous [M - 16+]
[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]
The things that happen when you're least expecting them...
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Spike/Xander; Genres: Slash
Warnings: None
Chapters: 15 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 33389; Read Count: 4588; Completed: Yes
Updated: 08/12/2014; Published: 08/12/2014
Family Time by Robin G [T - 13+]
[ Reviews = 3 / Kudos Received = ]

Spending time with the Snape-Potter family on Christmas Day

Categories: Books, Harry Potter; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: Slash
Warnings: None
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 2513; Read Count: 1250; Completed: Yes
Updated: 11/30/2010; Published: 11/30/2010
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
Spike's thoughts while playing the waiting game.
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble, Spike/Xander; Genres: Gen, Slash
Warnings: Previous Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: Baby Blues, Baby Blues
Word count: 2141; Read Count: 633; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/23/2011; Published: 06/23/2011
Feel by RogueSpike [M - 16+]
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
Okay, you guys said post, so here it is. lol. Spike's cutting himself to try and feel something. Riley finds him doing it and makes friends with him. Then the Initiative comes back. Summary sucks, sorry. lol
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Buffy/Other, Riley/Spike; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Blood, Brain-Insane, Cutting, Dark Themes, Self Harm
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: Feel
Word count: 15591; Read Count: 337; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/18/2017; Published: 12/18/2017
[ Reviews = 1 / Kudos Received = ]
Updated: 11/20/2018; Published: 11/20/2018
[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]
McCoy makes a deal with an advanced race of aliens visiting on the Enterprise, one that doesn't quite work out the way he expected. Nor the quite way aliens meant it to either.
Updated: 08/04/2014; Published: 08/04/2014
Forbidden Forest by Athea [MA - 18+]
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Who takes care of Severus after a particularly nasty bout with Voldemort?
Updated: 07/18/2011; Published: 06/25/2011
FREEDOM LOST by ulyferal [MA - 18+]
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]

A species under threat of extinction receives help from unusual sources and a certain important official wishes they had never offered to help at all.

Categories: Swat Kats; Characters: Ann Gora, Burke, Calico Briggs, Dark Kat, Dr. Konway, Dr. Sinian, Dr. Viper, Feral/T-Bone, Jonny, Lt. Commander Steele, Mayor Manx, Murray; Genres: Slash
Warnings: AU, Explicit Sexual Situations, Graphic Birth, Hermaphrodite, m/m, Miscarriage
Chapters: 32 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 106555; Read Count: 21104; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/09/2010; Published: 12/08/2010
[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]

A slow day isn't what it appears to be.  Then again, it never is.

Categories: Eureka, Television; Characters: Jack Carter, Jack/Zane, Josephina "Jo" Lupo, Zane Donovan, Zane/Jo; Genres: Het, Slash
Warnings: Language, m/m
Chapters: 3 Table of Contents Series: Another Day In Eureka.
Word count: 6727; Read Count: 2267; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/24/2010; Published: 12/24/2010
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
What Buffy wants isn't quite what Spike gets
Categories: Television, Angel/Buffy; Characters: Angel, Dawn Summers, Ensemble, Spike, Spike/Angel; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Angst, Attempted Suicide, Brain-Insane, Dark Themes, Extreme Dark Themes, m/m, m/m sex, Partner Betrayal, Rape
Chapters: 24 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 76307; Read Count: 5976; Completed: No
Updated: 11/13/2018; Published: 11/13/2018
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
This is an answer to the "Delusions" Friday the 13th Challenge.
Categories: Babylon 5; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: Slash
Warnings: AU, Brain-Insane
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 1121; Read Count: 569; Completed: No
Updated: 12/01/2010; Published: 12/01/2010
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]

Fallout from two days at GD with Zane has claimed more than just his dignity as victim.

Updated: 12/24/2010; Published: 12/24/2010
Xander considers what's best for his child
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: Gen, Het, PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Previous Warnings Apply
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: The Beginning Series
Word count: 3980; Read Count: 934; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/23/2011; Published: 06/23/2011
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
Grief...Loss...Pain. If you thought the last one was sad you'd better grab the Kleenex for this.
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Spike, Spike/Xander, Xander/Anya; Genres: Gen, Het, Slash
Warnings: Angst, Brain-Insane, Character Death, Dark Themes, WIP
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: Baby Blues, Baby Blues
Word count: 1587; Read Count: 656; Completed: Yes
Updated: 04/25/2011; Published: 04/25/2011
Grieving by lopaka tanu [M - 16+]
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Dealing with a great burden, Chase goes through the five stages.

Categories: House, Television; Characters: Dr. Gregory House, Dr. James Wilson, Dr. Robert Chase; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Abortion, Adult Situations, Angst, Complete, Dark Themes, Hermaphrodite, Language, m/m
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: International Misconceptions.
Word count: 5125; Read Count: 1725; Completed: Yes
Updated: 02/16/2011; Published: 02/16/2011
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]
I hope you enjoyed the break 'cause it's angstorama time again. Xander's world is about to radically change...again.
Categories: Angel/Buffy; Characters: Ensemble, Spike/Xander; Genres: Gen, Het, Slash
Warnings: Brain-Insane, Previous Warnings Apply, WIP
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: Baby Blues, Baby Blues
Word count: 1909; Read Count: 617; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/17/2011; Published: 06/17/2011
Hacked by Zuzanny [K - 5+]
[ Reviews = 1 / Kudos Received = ]
Voltron Force fic. Pidge and Daniel were out Zee Sector doing routine work when something happend, something that messed with Pidge's mind and worse. What is it about his Balton Heritage that has made him the target? Pidge centric fic. Contains: friendship/possible slash between Hunk and Pidge, Pidge/OC, MPreg, stalkerism, dealing with the annoying Cadets in a more realistic manner, and more stuff that would give away the surprise.
Categories: Anime; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: PreSlash, Slash
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort
Chapters: 5 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 10878; Read Count: 7007; Completed: No
Updated: 09/18/2012; Published: 09/18/2012
[ Reviews = 2 / Kudos Received = ]
Bruce goes to a birthday party for Clark.
Categories: Batman; Characters: Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne (Batman), Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent, Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing), Superman (Clark Kent); Genres: Slash
Warnings: Angst, Brain-Insane, Complete, m/m
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 986; Read Count: 3534; Completed: Yes
Updated: 06/11/2012; Published: 06/11/2012
[ Reviews = 3 / Kudos Received = ]
None given.
Categories: Harry Potter; Characters: Albus Dumbledore, Ensemble, Harry Potter, Harry/Snape, Hermione Granger, Severus Snape; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Anal Sex, Birth, Complete, m/m, Magical Conception, Unbeta'd
Chapters: 13 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 36190; Read Count: 7362; Completed: Yes
Updated: 07/18/2011; Published: 07/18/2011
[ Reviews = 1 / Kudos Received = ]
In a fantasy world, Ryo is having DeeĀ“s baby... And Bikky is the only one around to help!
Categories: Fake; Characters: Bikky, Dee, Ryo; Genres: Slash
Warnings: AU, Brain-Insane, Complete, Fantasy, Yaoi
Chapters: 1 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 3199; Read Count: 1657; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/08/2010; Published: 12/08/2010
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Feral is kidnaped and raped.  His life will never be the same again.  This will be a series of stories concerning the saga of Feral and T-Bone plus dimensional travel will be involved in Parts II and III.

Categories: Swat Kats; Characters: Ensemble; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Angst, AU, Complete, Dark Themes, Explicit Sexual Situations, Forced Conception, Graphic Birth, Hermaphrodite, Infant Death, m/m, Rape, Violence
Chapters: 20 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 40694; Read Count: 7922; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/18/2010; Published: 12/14/2010
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]

Second part of the Hell series. A dimensional accident has switched the mated Feral with an unmated one and the trouble begins.

Categories: Swat Kats; Characters: Feral/Chance, Feral/OMC, Lt. Commander Steele, Lt. Felina Feral, Professor Hackle, Razor, Sergeant, T-Bone; Genres: Slash
Warnings: Adult Situations, Angst, AU, Complete, Hermaphrodite
Chapters: 8 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 16533; Read Count: 2409; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/18/2010; Published: 12/18/2010
[ Reviews = 0 / Kudos Received = ]

Third part of the Hell series. Dimension Two Feral seeks a relationship with an old flame. In Dimension One, Felina flirts with Razor and her uncle is expecting his second kitten.

Categories: Swat Kats; Characters: Ann Gora, Calico Briggs, Feral/Chance, Feral/OMC, Lt. Commander Steele, Lt. Felina Feral, Mayor Manx, Professor Hackle, Razor, Sergeant, T-Bone; Genres: Slash
Warnings: AU, Complete, Explicit Sexual Situations, Graphic Birth, Hermaphrodite, m/f, m/m
Chapters: 14 Table of Contents Series: None
Word count: 34190; Read Count: 4332; Completed: Yes
Updated: 12/18/2010; Published: 12/18/2010