Obi-Wan's Home
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A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... there was a man, a Jedi Knight. He was responsible for training another in the way of the Light, but failed. His student was strong with The Force and was lured down the path to the Dark Side. He became a Sith Lord, and Darth Vader was born.

Evil ruled the galaxy for a full generation before the young Jedi Knight could redeem himself. Vader was defeated by his own children, Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. These children were hidden away from Vader and saved from his Evil by Obi-Wan Kenobi.

This page is dedicated to that young Jedi, who risked so much to preserve the future and save the Jedi tradition.

I've just revamped all the pages yet again. Shortly after my last update, several sites that I'd linked to moved. Those broken links have now been corrected.

If you've bookmarked pages within this site, you'll need to change them. I've reorganized the directory structure within the site. There are no visible differences, but the page filenames and locations are new. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but this change makes my job maintaining the site a lot easier now.

The site is now whole; however, it is still very much under construction. Expect changes to all the pages in the coming weeks. I've got lots of information to add. The Articles & Fanfic page has been updated. Several new pieces have been added, and Part 06 of 'The Path Not Walked...' is now available.

Older News:
Well, after killing my desktop system and being computer deprived for a month, I'm once again online. I now have a cute little laptop to use until I break down and buy a new desktop system. There won't be many photo updates because the screen size/quality of the laptop is just not designed for that.

I'll be updating this site more regularly and getting it finished soon. Yes, I know there still isn't a lot here. This page was created on 01 July 1999, and it will be further modified and expanded. So check back soon!


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This page was created in honor of young Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ewan McGregor. I am not affiliated with LucasFilms, Ewan McGregor, or any of the representative agencies. All information contained within this site should be classified as unofficial and/or unconfirmed. This page has been created without permission and no infringement upon anyone's rights is intended. No personal gain, monetary or otherwise, has been made from the production of this page.