In the September 15, 1997, edition of Newsweek magazine, several stars gave their views of paparazzi in the wake of Princess Diana's death. Here is what David Duchovny said:

[small pic of David Duchovny "The paparazzi  are like a Hydra -- it's an inexhaustible thing. When I got married, people were staking out the church. I've had a dangerous car chase -- breaking laws, running red lights. You get this rage. You have no control. It feels like an assault. You start to shake, your heart races. And you know they want to get into a fight. They can't lose. Even if you knock their teeth out, they win. They're looking for you to lose your cool. They want to see you reduced to your emotions. The same way they build you up they want to tear you down."

Nic's note: The photo which accompanies this brief is credited to F. Trapper, working for Sygma, one of the agencies mentioned as having a free-lance photographer chasing Diana and Dodi al-Fayed.

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