a few things I hadn't mentioned elsewhere ...

Health and welfare



Entertainment stuff

    is a source of showbiz gossip, much of it accurate.

    Internet Movie Database has cross-referenced information about movies and movie stars.

    Sleazy entertainment info can be had at E! Online.

    Ain't It Cool News is full of previews on film productions and television, too.

    Rec.Humor.Funny homepage has the best of the joke-swapping newsgroup, hosted by ClariNet, which runs an on-line newspaper. Some of the humor on these pages will be offensive to some people.

    If your server expires newsgroups as fast as mine does, you may want to search Deja News instead.

    Cool Site of the Day can be amusing or enlightening. A different, wierd site chosen every day.

Internet searches

When one fails, try 'em all!

[Ask Jeeves | Google | Excite! | HotBot | Infoseek | LookSmart | Lycos | Search.com | Yahoo! | WebCrawler | WiseWire ]
