baby-maker/ banana/ banger/ bat/ bathtub toy/ battleship/ bayonet/ beef/ beefstick/ billyclub/ bishop/ bone/ boner/ burrito/ cane (as in "shining/polishing the")/ cannon/ Capt. Winky/ carrot/ cave explorer/ cheeselog/ chicken (as in "choking the")/ chorizo/ cock/ crankshaft/ dangling participle/ dick/ ding-dong/ ding-a-ling/ dipstick/ dong/ donkey/ doughnut-holder/ dragon/ drill/ engine/ flagpole/ floppy disk/ gun/ handle/ hardhat/ hard drive/ head/ heat-seeking missile/ helmet (as in "shining the ...")/ hose/ hot dog/ Jake, the Trouser Snake/ johnny/ johnson/ john thomas/ joint/ joystick/ kielbasa/ log/ lollipop/ lone ranger/ love gun/ love muscle/ love pump/ love torpedo/ main vein/ magic wand/ man-crank/ manhood/ meat/ meat whistle/ member/ Mister Happy/ monkey (as in "spanking the ...")/ motor/ Mr. Friendly/ my little friend/ never-melting icicle/ old feller/ one-eyed jack/ one-eyed willie/ one-eyed wonder worm/ organ/ pecker/ pee-pee/ pee-wee/ penile projection/ penis/ peter/ phallus/ pica pole/ pig-in-a-blanket/ pillock/ pinky/ pipe/ pipiman/ pisser/ plump-plump/ pole/ poker/ pokey/ pony/ power snake/ prick/ probe/ prong/ pud (as in "pulling/pounding the... ")/ pudster/ puppy/ Purple Headed Power Ranger/ purple willie/ putz/ rammer/ rod/ rooster/ root/ Russell, the Wonder Muscle/ sausage/ scepter/ schlong/ schmuck/ schwanz/ serpent / skin flute/ shaft/ slam monster/ smokestack/ snake/ spitting cobra/ stick/ stiffie/ submarine/ swatamacher/ tallywhacker/ tent-pole/ third leg/ tonsil tickler/ tool/ toy (as in "playing with my")/ train/ trouser snake/ trouser tinket/ trouser trophy/ tube/ tubesteak/ vienna sausage/ twanger/ wang/ wang doodle/ weebly wobbler/ weed whacker/ weenie/ weiner/ wee-wee/ wet willie/ whomper/ whopper/ willie/ wing-wang/ wing-wong/ winkie/ winkster/ woody/ yardstick
ALSO: family jewels, kit, privates, three-piece set, tackle, twig and berries

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