We film The X-Files in Vancouver from July right through May, so I have the opportunity to see a lot of Grizzlies regular-season games.
But I grew up in New York and, like most New Yorkers, I grew up cheering for the Knicks. As a kid in the '60s and '70s, I learned how to play basketball by watching them. I idolized Walt Frazier, Willis Reed and Dave DeBusschere.
Frazier was my favorite. I was a guard in high school and I still have the unorthodox shot that was a combination of imitating Frazier and learning to shoot a jumper before I was strong enough to put it up with one hand.
Now my favorite player is the Knicks' John Starks. He's so erratic, he's either a joy to watch or infuriating, but never boring, always alive. It will be interesting to see how the Knicks perform in the playoffs this year with all the offseason changes that they made. They took a big gamble but they had to do something because all they were doing was just getting older.
Jordan is another favorite, of course. Who doesn't enjoy watching him? I like Minnesota's Kevin Garnett. He's going to be great, along with Allen Iverson of Philadelphia and the Grizzlies' Shareef Abdur-Rahim.
I still try to play hoops as often as I can. We have a portable basket on the set, so when we're between takes and it's not raining, occasionally a few of us will shoot around. When we're not filming The X-Files, I sneak down to the Y for pick-up games. But like the Knicks, I'm also getting old.
It's no surprise to me that basketball is catching on in Vancouver. Basketball is entertaining and relatively easy for fans to understand.
I took our producer and one of our special effects guys to a Grizzlies' game and they loved it. These are lifelong hockey fans and they were amazed at the game's pace and the size and strength of the athletes. They had a ball. I think I might have even converted them.
It helps to be watching from the best seats in the house. Growing up in New York, I used to sit high up in the bleachers at the Garden. Those courtside seats at GM Place are the best I've ever had.
Earlier this season my Dad was visiting from Europe when the Knicks came to Vancouver. First thing I asked was if he wanted to go to the game. It was a big thrill for both of us; we hadn't been to a game together since the Knicks' '71 season.
I really enjoy the atmosphere at Grizzlies games, too. When the score is close it gets loud and the fans really get into it. I'll never forget Chris King's tip-in at the buzzer in their very first game; that was special.
Vancouver fans are energetic, not as knowledgeable or nasty as New York fans, but, like their team, Grizzly fans are young and getting better.
Vancouver fans have embraced the team despite all the losses. They sit on the edge of their seats dying for something to cheer. At times it can be electric.
The Grizzlies are a young team and it's fun to watch them improve. Abdur-Rahim has all kinds of talent and I think the fans are starting to realize they have someone special wearing their uniform. He's someone I think can be another Scottie Pippen. With a young team like the Grizzlies, fans will just have to be patient and hope the right chemistry develops and then come the wins. It takes time.
Even though the Grizzlies endured those two losing streaks last year
and they have struggled again this season, I still go to the games. It's
fun to watch them develop. They'll be in the playoffs in four years. I won't
be in Vancouver anymore, but I'll be watching.
DUCHOVNY recently won a Golden Globe Award for best actor in a TV drama
and "The X-Files" won the Golden Globe for best TV drama. His
other credits include the TV show "Twin Peaks" and starring
opposite Brad Pitt and Juliette Lewis in the critically acclaimed movie
"Kalifornia." Grizzlies Director of Media Relations STEVE FROST
worked with Duchovny on this article.
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