The Oxford University Folklore and FanFiction Society
Meeting Minutes - 13 November 2004
at chez Tyrannist, saturday 13 november, 2pm
present: Tyrannist, Co-Founder/non-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Hat Officer, Head Boy
absent: President of Vice
2:10pm, chez Tyrannist - RS came in to discussion of twincest (does Luke/Leia count?) and whether it's possible to set a compass.
Hat Officer is posting to, I'm afraid. Hat Officer is also an infant, as cannot remember the 1980's at all.
Co-Founder/non-Treasurer is WELSH, dammit! Why do people keep assuming she's American? They should stop.
Head Boy did not bring West Wing fic to read aloud. Had no intention of doing so, and therefore met his own expectations, though apparently disappointed everyone else's.
Hat Officer is far too perky. internet/phone fees. faulty croissant warmer = croissant burner.
2:20 - strange double-act style comedy between Hat Officer and Head Boy reduced RS to tears.
Neighbours vs. Knight Rider? crossover w/ K-9?
Head Boy explains the Mandelbrot Set, in song:
"Let z be a point on the complex plane.
"Let z1 be z2+c; let z2 be z12+c
"Let z3 be z22+c, and so on. And if the series of z will always stay near to z and never trend away, that point is in the Mandelbrot Set."
RS has no idea what this means, nor why it is important.
Elements song, Jeffrey Archer, etc.
2:35 - HP reading by RS (notes kept by Co-Founder/non-Treasurer): According To My Bond, by Ellen Fremedon (honourary member)
RS: "It's terrible, but it's not that bad." ?!?
Request for no scenes involving fewer than five articles of clothing. Uncertainty as to how many articles of clothing some characters start off with.
[Nice description of hair -- "almost Gryffindor scarlet & gold in the torchlight" -- positive change from anti-gingerism often prevalent in British society.]
freudian slip/foreboding typo: serve/service. Hmm.
['Initiation' -- aaargh; well-written but aaargh.]
3:05 - done; Head Boy slept through recitation, but claims fire alarm excuse. Tyrannist summarized for him.
movie night -- wait! too warm! too cold! save energy! etc.
Hat Officer: "Hello, Mr. Alpha Male of the Society" -- more antlers!
Head Boy -- Eye of Argon
Co-Founder/non-Treasurer -- explain RISK
Movie Night in a common room?
Univ MCR?
Head Boy's monitor?
Pres. Vice?
Mixers -- do others deserve us? (tangential note: vodka & Listerine? eww!)
There is no smoking at Linacre
Cult TV?
SF (Speculative Fiction?)
Cult TV society is a lot "chiller"; invite to co-do a movie night with us? this may be a better idea than Tolkein; we can publicize/ise. better than SF as well; same reasons.
Saturdays -- can we have meetings on some non-Saturday day for the benefit of G, who is v. Jewish?
weekdays: people are in classes! dudes!
will G. come along if we meet Saturday evenings?
Next Week (heckle heckle): reviews? 100 words in 10 minutes? absurd poetry from the boys; vote from Pres. Vice.
Hat Officer: Lumiere/Cogsworth was so implied in the film.
Head Boy: Oh, shut UP! [whimper, fetal (or foetal) position, rocking, using fleece as security blanket]
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12 december 2004