The Oxford University Folklore and FanFiction Society

Meeting Minutes - 29 January 2005
at Cleo's Creperie in Gloucester Green, saturday 29 january, 2pm
present: Tyrannist, Co-Founder/non-Treasurer, Recording Secretary, President of Vice, PV's associate, Hat Officer, Head Boy
absent: no one!

2:00pm - everyone is late (except, again, RS).

we are seven people -- what a pain in the ass arse.

2.25pm - the boys are evidently discussing an innate link between foreign-ness and sexiness.

lemon goes with chocolate = good

actually vodka goes with chocolate.
RS: Vodka goes with everything. Vodka is the new black.
HO, re. restaurant with vodka in everything: I pity the fool who orders a bottle of wine with that meal.
Tyrr.: Did you just get a Mr. T flashback?
Hat Officer says he can change his accent if that would help.


Hat Officer working out plan to introduce self as Paolo, but Russian accent may cause trouble -- coming up with bizarre explanation involving breakaway Soviet state that migrated -- the land -- from the Baltic to the Mediterranean

2:40pm - raking George Lucas over the coals (as writer/director)
HO: When he says 'Your powers are weak, old man', he isn't kidding! Obi-Wan's powers are absolutely shit!

The Expanded Universe significantly narrows the universe actually.

How do they always land within five minutes' walk of where they're going?

You're electing a fourteen-year-old child who can't spell "Naboo".

Greedo. Did. Not. Shoot. First.

(more evidence: Jar-Jar Binks.)

film canon = CANON.

3:10pm - made the mistake of mentioning Thursday Next, and the People's Republic of Wales

the boys begin to plan defense of Britain from US-led Welsh rebellion

HO: Britannia rules the waves! They can't get across the waves with the British Navy standing in their way!
HB: I think they probably can.

suggestion: make the Severn bridges stretchy, so England can follow when USA tows Wales away
but what about Scotland? Surely will rush in to fill vacuum when England rushes in to Wales

Head Boy comes up with accent described in RS's notes as "WACK-ASS". meant to be Pictish?

3:15pm - meeting called to order.

Creation Myth & related legends:
  • Chamber of Secrets - can only be opened by the Heir of Servalan - contains (metaphorical) Hat
    1. on the first day, god created the world
    2. on the second day, he created fan-fiction; he saw that it was good, and was up until 3am reading
    3. on the third day, he created slash; he saw that it was better, and was up until 4am
    4. on the fourth day, he created internecine warfare
    5. on the fifth day, he created Knight-Rider fan fiction; he saw that it sucked, and was up until 5am telling everyone how bad it was
    6. on the sixth day, he created a statue to our Tyrannist
    7. on the seventh day, he thought he'd have a lie-in.
  • crusade against Mary Sue

    3:25pm - casting the Buffy musical

    HO: Me and Head Boy might have to fight over who gets to be Giles.
    HB: I'm going to be Giles.
    PV: No, Hat Officer has to be Giles, because he's a classicist.
    HO: Sorry. You'll have to be Xander.
    HB: I'll be Spike.

    by this point, Head Boy has hidden (though not under a desk, as no desks present) twice.

    on the 7th day, LJ was down so Tyrannist rested.

    faction: is the pitchfork in the Chamber of Secrets? Why can't we talk about it?

    5 (or 7) pillars of hercules


    Head Boy moves that Hat Officer be stoned.

    prophecy involving person with different-colored eyes -- RS is not a Mary Sue.

    You who carry an umbrella
    Do not let the Welsh lass wash her hair
    Grey the sky shall be
    Grey the soul will be within thy murky breast
    When fire falls from the trees
    (Fire bad. Tree pretty.)
    And yet the squirrel shall not be at fault
    And time and time and time again
    The mouse upon the table sat
    But the mouse shall not hear
    And the squirrel shall not see
    In tumty-tumty-tumty-three
    And thus the next Tyrannist shall be ...


    5:00pm - at the Cock & Camel

    discussion of "cute" vs. "pretty" vs. "shiny"

    HB: Things can be shiny or prettisome. Girls can be prettisome or pretty. No, girls, aren't usually prettisome.
    HO, staring at him: You're single right now, aren't you?

    who we are | what we do | where to find us | and when | but why? | how to join

    05 february 2005