The Oxford University Folklore and FanFiction Society

Meeting Minutes - 30 October 2004
at chez Tyrannist, saturday 30 october, 2pm
present: Tyrannist, Hat Officer, President of Vice, Recording Secretary, Lad Who Does Not Skip
absent: Co-Founder/non-Treasurer
(please advise if these titles are incorrect, need to be changed, etc.)

2pm - Nobody felt the need to go get coffee before starting the meeting.

2:30pm - JF, Hat Officer, read Resident Evil (ResE) fiction by Hello Captain. There was discussion of whether he was reciting or recitating. In the end, he recitated for the benefit of Tyrannist, Pres. Vice, and RS, and recited for LWDNS, who opposes neologisms.

Comments on fic were: adverbs, epithets (particularly "lukewarm fluid" to refer to drinking water, disgusting), and Point Of View issues. RS also had a brief problem with a Public Service Announcement/hit-the-reader-over-the-head moment.

notes at this point read "N/J RPF NO NO NO NO NO. NO."

2:50~3:00 - 'A' level vs. 'AS' level vs. Baccalaureat etc. and British education system discussed mainly for the aid of American members who aren't clear on the various levels and the fact that the names keep changing. Reiterated badness of epithets. Also determined science hierarchy among members' subjects:
     math(ematic)s (LWDNS)
     economics/psychology (Tyrannist/Pres. Vice)
     linguistics (RS)
     classics (HO)
Recording Secretary can't specifically remember Co-Founder/non-Treasurer's subject, so it is not included in the hierarchy at this time.

3:05 - for next week's meeting: each member will read two treatments of the same legend; we will meet and collectively write our own treatment demonstrating that We Can Do Better. Legends considered were The Frog Prince (half a vote); Orpheus (one vote); Cinderella (one vote); and Lancelot (two and a half votes). The Lancelot treatments will be Lanval (or Launfal or something like that) by Marie de France and the first ten pages of Knight of the Cart by Chretien de Troyes. Tyrannist will supply links to online versions of these. (J9: this is your reminder.)

Hat Officer suggested that in future, we all bring our own two-texts ideas to relieve pressure of Tyrannist coming up with options to be voted on.

Someone made a joke about classical snark.

Motion to adjourn made, seconded, and carried.

Anti-neologist LWDNS: "There is just so much that can be solved with crappy daytime TV."

Also: Oxford University RISK - plans to take over the world.

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30 october 2004