Family Life Part 51
By Patt
Word Count: 3,287
Summary: Connor becomes a citizen of the United States and is looking for something special. She decides to ask Jim and Blair.
Jim and Blair had just put Sam down for the night, the boys were upstairs doing homework and Blair and Jim sat on the sofa and began to make out. They rarely had alone time, so Jim jumped on this and he was listening for anyone that would sneak up on them. He pulled away from Blair and said, “Connor is here.”
“You’ve got to be kidding. Man, I hate our friends sometimes.” Blair got up to answer the door and adjusted himself before he did so.
He pulled the door open and said, “Hi Connor, what are you doing here?”
“It’s good to see you too, Sandy, can I come in?” She asked as she pushed her way in the door. “I have something very important to talk to you and Jim about. It couldn’t wait.”
“What?” Jim asked from the living room.
“Sit back down. I need to talk to both of you. It’s really important, or I wouldn’t have bothered you,” Connor said.
Both of the men sat down and waited for her to sit. But instead she paced. “First of all, I became a citizen today. I didn’t tell anyone because I was so nervous about it. I plan on staying here, and if I wanted to stay where I am, I needed to do this.”
Jim got up and hugged her close and kissed her cheek. “That’s great, Connor. I’m very happy for you. I wish you would have told us so we could have taken you out to dinner.”
“You can take me later, or maybe another favor instead.”
Blair hugged her next and said, “I’m proud of you for doing this all on your own. That’s so you. Now what is this favor you want?”
“Sit back down and hear me out, okay? Don’t say no until you’ve really thought about it,” Connor said.
“Oh man, is this going to ruin my night?” Jim asked.
Connor smiled and said, “It shouldn’t.”
“Just ask us, and we’ll tell you no so you can be on your way,” Blair teased.
“I want one of you to be the father of my baby,” Connor stated calmly and then sat down.
Jim and Blair could have thought of 100 things she might have said, but that wasn’t one of them.
“Connor, we have a family. We don’t want to start one somewhere else,” Jim replied.
“Jim, I was so hoping it would be you because then maybe the Sentinel senses could be carried on in the family. I would let you see the baby as often as you wanted. I promise I wouldn’t get between you and Sandy at all.”
“Connor, I said no and I meant no. I have three children and I don’t want anymore. We have more then enough to think about as it is, right, Chief?”
“Right. If you’re looking for a donor, why not one of the cops at the station? There are a few there that would be good choices,” Blair suggested.
“Like who?” Connor asked, totally interested.
“Blair, I don’t think you should get into this. Besides, it’s not nice to use someone as a donor and then never see them again. It’s wrong,” Jim said.
“Sandy, who do you think would be a good donor from the station? I wouldn’t do it without their knowledge. So stop worrying, Jimbo. Now talk, Sandy, who?”
“He’s new to the station. Just came from Chicago, I think. His name is Mason Miller. He’s in Vice. He’s very easy on the eyes and a nice guy I’ve heard,” Blair said.
“It’s nice to know that you’re still looking at people that are easy on the eyes, Blair.” Jim was angry.
“Oh stop it. I meant for her. And Jim, you’re easy on the eyes, so is it wrong to say that about you? I think not. Stop being such a dunce.”
“I like his name. Mason Miller, eh? You don’t happen to know where he hangs out or anything like that do you?” Connor asked.
Jim said, “What are you going to go fuck him tonight so you can get this ball rolling?”
“Oh don’t be silly, I was just going to see if I could run into him accidentally. Do you know where he hangs out?” She wasn’t giving up.
Blair smiled and said, “I heard he plays pool at Jack’s Place every single night. He’s 6 feet tall, brown hair, cropped close to his head and has a scruffy looking wanna be beard and very nice features. Maybe you could go show him how the game is played,” Blair suggested.
Jim sat there looking at Blair in shock. How did he know all of this shit? “Chief, should I be worried?”
“Did you know that Carter in Records hangs out at the same place? You could ask him to introduce you to Mason. How does that sound, Connor. And no Jim, you don’t have anything to worry about. I just listen to everyone talk, you don’t. I’m in the loop, you’re not.”
Megan laughed and said, “Okay, I’m going to go and try and play some pool tonight. Thanks, Sandy. Thanks, Jimbo. We’ll see you tomorrow at work.”
Jim walked her to the door and locked it after she left. “How much do you wanna make a bet, she sleeps with him tonight and doesn’t tell him why?”
“No, Connor wouldn’t do that. She’s not the type to cheat someone out of their child. No, she’s just going to try it the old fashioned way,” Blair assured him.
Jim and Blair decided they would go upstairs and get ready for bed. Connor had ruined the moment for them.
Two weeks later, Jim was sitting at his desk and he saw Mason Miller looking for someone and then walked up to Jim’s desk and said, “You don’t happen to know where Megan Connor is do you?”
“She’s out on a call with Joel Taggart. Would you like to leave a message?” Jim asked.
“She probably won’t return my call anyhow. I thought we had something special, but now she won’t take my calls. I’m sorry, I’m sure you could care less. I’ll try calling her again later.”
Jim said, “I’ll tell her you stopped by. Okay?”
“Thanks, Jim. It’s really nice meeting someone new for a change. The guys in vice aren’t that friendly.”
“Would you like to start coming to once a month poker parties at me and Sandburg’s house?” Jim asked.
“I love poker. When is the next game? But maybe it would make her uncomfortable if I went too,” Mason thought.
“Tough. You’ll have fun. Here is the address and it’s this Saturday at 8:00, so just bring something to munch on. We provide all of the drinks and I take away the keys of anyone that drinks alcohol. Just warning you.”
“I’ll take a cab, so I can relax and have some beers. I don’t have any friends here in town yet and it would be super nice to get out. Thanks for the invite,” Mason said as he started to walk away.
“Oh before I forget, you do know that Blair Sandburg and I are together, right?” Jim wondered.
“I might be new, but I’m not blind or stupid. Yes, I know you’re together. Doesn’t bother me in the least. See you on Saturday.”
Jim sat back down and Blair walked by Mason and smiled at him, making Jim want to smack him upside the head.
“Hey, why was Mason Miller down here?” Blair asked.
“I just invited him to poker on Saturday, but don’t tell Connor. She’s avoiding his calls. I think she might have gotten what she needed from him and she’s moving on,” Jim said.
“Holy shit. And you invited him to our house? What are you nuts? She’s going to have a cow when she finds out.” Blair began working on his paperwork, hoping to keep his mind off of Connor for a change.
“He doesn’t have any friends in town yet and I thought it was the right thing to do. She might end up falling for the guy, you know what I mean?” Jim said evilly.
They both went back to work and didn’t say a word to Connor or anyone else about Mason showing up on Saturday.
Max and Drew were taking Samantha to the movies and then out for ice cream, so they left and Jim and Blair got the house ready for poker. Blair had made some wonderful food, of course, and Jim picked out some great new beers and put them in the huge cooler with ice all over them.
“Babe, what are you cooking here? This smells fantastic?”
Blair smiled at the compliment. “It’s two different dishes, both made with meatballs. One is Sweedish meatballs in an asparagus sauce and the other is Sweet and Sour Meatballs. I figure whoever doesn’t like one, might like the other one. Hopefully they’ll like one of them.”
“They’d be nuts not to like one of them. Oh I see you made rice too, so you just pour it over the rice and have a dinner. God, you spoil these people, not to mention me.” Jim lit up with happiness at the thought of all of the food.
“I made a bunch of snacks, but I wanted to have something here in case someone is hungrier then that. Let’s sit down until everyone gets here,” Blair pushed Jim into the living room and they sat down for the little time they had before eight o’clock.
Simon and Rafe were always the first ones to arrive and then Joel, then Connor, Brown and finally Mason Miller walked through the door. Jim and Blair both saw a look of dread on Megan’s face when she saw him.
Jim said, “We invited someone new. He’s from vice, new in town and doesn’t really know too many people other then Connor. This is Mason Miller everyone. Mason this is Simon, Rafe, Henri, Joel, Blair and of course you know Connor.”
“It was really nice of you to invite me. It smells wonderful in here. Does it always smell this good?” Mason asked Blair.
“I usually try and make some decent food instead of just junk food for the game. So we usually eat first and play poker second. The beers are in the ice chest, right there, and we have juice, soda and water in the fridge. It’s really nice to meet you, Mason.”
“Do I call you Sandburg, or Blair?” Mason asked.
“Call me Blair. I like being called by my name now and then. Henri calls me Hairboy, Connor calls me Sandy and Jim calls me Chief, so it’ll be nice to be called by my real name for a change. Would you like a plate of food, it’s all here on the bar?” Blair pointed it out and Mason went right for it.
When he got his plate down he went and sat next to Connor. “It’s nice to see you again, Megan.”
“Wow, he calls her Megan,” Henri teased.
“Is there something we should know about?” Joel asked happily, not knowing that Connor was on the verge of killing Jim at that very moment.
“We’ve been dating for awhile, haven’t we, Mason?” Connor asked.
“I thought we were, but you wouldn’t return my calls for the last week. What’s going on?” Mason asked outright.
Everyone stopped eating and watched Megan to see what she would say. “I’ve been really busy. I’m sorry, I never should have done that. It was selfish, I should have called you back at least.”
Rafe said, “At least.”
“Shut up, Rafe,” Connor shouted.
“Don’t you tell him to shut up, he has as much right to talk as you do,” Simon answered for everyone.
Mason took another bite of food and said, “This is the best sweet and sour I’ve had in ages. It really hits the spot. Thanks, Blair.”
“You are most welcome.”
“Yeah, thank you, Blair,” Jim said sarcastically making Joel and Henri both laugh.
Mason said, “Did I say something wrong?”
“No, I’m moody tonight. Just ignore me,” Jim said.
“Everyone usually does,” Connor snapped.
Blair said, “Connor are you going to try some of this food?”
“Sandy, I just ate before I came. So I’ll wait until later. Hurry up everyone, I want to play poker.”
The night seemed to be going well and Max, Drew and Sam came walking through. Jim introduced their children to Mason and Mason shook hands with the boys and hugged Sam. Jim found that a little odd, but he seemed really happy seeing the kids. The boys took Sam upstairs to play Wii until she would fall asleep and then Jim would carry her downstairs. This was the routine that they all knew.
As soon as the kids were out of earshot, Mason said, “I had no idea you two had kids. And they seem great too. That’s something I always wanted to do, was have kids, but I hitched my wagon to someone for years that didn’t want any. How could you not love to have kids?”
Jim and Blair both looked at Connor and she glared at both of them back. “Well, sometimes things don’t happen like you plan.” Connor said.
“What do you mean?” Mason asked.
“It means, I’m pregnant you doofus,” Connor blurted out and then walked into the bathroom and slammed the door.
“Oh my god. With my baby? This is the greatest news I’ve ever heard. Did she mean it was mine?” Mason asked happily.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone get this excited about finding out he might be a father,” Simon said.
“She hasn’t dated anyone but you, so I would think it was you,” Jim said.
Connor walked out and said, “I need to go. I have to take care of a few things.”
“Wait, I want to talk to you,” Mason said getting up to rush to her side.
“Did you ever consider that I don’t want to talk to you?” Connor asked.
“Why not? We get along well. We both love poker, we love pool, we love kids so what is the problem?” Mason asked.
“I just wasn’t expecting a man to be in my child’s life, is all. You’re sort of ruined the picture I had in my head,” Connor explained.
“Our child. If you don’t want me in your life, that’s fine, but I intend on being in hers or his. I’ve waited my entire life for a child. No one would want one more then me.”
Connor went into his arms and they kissed and hugged for a while. “Now sit down and have something to eat. It’s for the baby.”
“See, Jimbo, he’s already telling me what to do. Just like you and Blair.” Connor was laughing as Mason got her a plate of food.
They stopped playing long enough for Connor to finish eating and then they began to play poker again. Connor had to keep getting up to pee all night long and that made everyone snicker.
Simon looked seriously as Connor and said, “Desk duty as of five months.”
“Oh shit, I hate that part,” she whined.
“We’re all going to hate that part,” Rafe said laughing.
“Oh you’re so funny, Rafe,” Connor spat back at him.
At midnight, Jim and Blair went up and got Sam and put her to bed. Mason watched them closely and Megan realized he seemed really into the whole aspect of being a father.
“Did Connor tell all of you that she’s a citizen now?” Simon asked.
Everyone congratulated her and patted her on the back. They were very proud to have her stay in the country with them. Mason was happy about this too.
At 1:30 Megan yawned and said, “I think I need to go home. Would you like to come with me Mason?”
“I would love to. See you all tomorrow. This was a blast. I hope I get invited again. Thank you for everything, Jim and Blair,” Mason said as he got his things ready to go. He had won three big pots.
Simon said, “Leave him home next time, Connor. We don’t want to lose every hand.”
Connor laughed and they walked out the door after saying goodnight to everyone.
“Wow, do you believe how that worked out?” Simon asked.
“She’s damn lucky that he’s a good guy. Well, I think he’s a good guy, has anyone checked him out?” Henri asked.
“Jim checked him out a week ago and found nothing bad. So I think he’s just as he appears, a nice guy who wanted a family. I can’t believe Megan asked him to go home with her. She’s usually not that open with her men,” Blair admitted.
“I think Connor didn’t like the idea of raising a child alone anyway, so this worked out perfectly didn’t it?” Jim asked as they began to play some more cards.
“Oh shit, you planned this, didn’t you?” Joel asked.
“You’re darn tooting I did. I’m no fool. I checked him out and figured why shouldn’t she have a family? She deserves one as much as the rest of us,” Jim confessed.
“Well, I think its great news about her staying in the states and letting someone into her heart too,” Blair said.
“Enough talk, let’s play cards,” Simon shouted.
They all laughed and did just that.
“Are you sure you know what you’re doing with me?” Megan asked Mason.
“I’ve been in love with you since night one. I couldn’t be happier about having a baby with you. So don’t worry about the baby and how I feel. I’m great with the entire idea. Is this the right time to say, ‘I love you’?”
“I think I love you too. When you called, my heart would hurt. I didn’t know why, but now I do. We really like each other. This is fantastic. Do you think we could get married before the baby comes?” Megan asked.
Mason smiled. “You plan it and I’ll be there with bells on, even if the guys laugh at me for it.”
Megan smiled all the way to her apartment and realized that Jim had something to do with this and for once she was glad of that. It turned out really well. She couldn’t wait to call her mum and tell her the news.
The end
1 lb. ground beef
1 egg
1/2 c. Contadina bread crumbs
1/2 c. milk
2 tsp. parsley flakes
1/2 tsp. salt
1/8 tsp. ground allspice
1/8 tsp. pepper
1/2 c. packed brown sugar
1 tbsp. cornstarch
1 can (13 1/4 oz.) pineapple chunks
1/3 c. vinegar
1 tbsp. soy sauce
1 sm. green pepper, chopped
Mix all the ingredients for the meatballs. Roll into 1 inch balls. Cook in oven for 30 minutes or until done. Drain fat.
Swedish Meatballs: Mix either 2 cans: (1 cream of mushroom soup, 1 cream of chicken soup) together. Thin with milk. Or 1 can cream of chicken soup and 1 can cream asparagus soup. When sauce is well mixed, pour into 12 inch skillet and add meatballs. Bring to boil, serve with rice and vegetables.
Sweet and Sour Meatballs: Mix brown sugar and cornstarch in skillet. Stir in pineapple (with syrup), vinegar and soy sauce. Heat to boiling, stirring constantly; reduce heat. Add meatballs. Cover; simmering, stirring occasionally, 10 minutes. Stir in green pepper. Cover; simmering until crisp tender, 5 minutes. 4 servings.
Family Life Part 52
Wedding Joy
By Patt
Word Count: 4,222
Summary: Mason and Megan are getting married. It’s up to the gang to make it perfect. Will they?
Megan Connor walked up to Jim and said, “Guess what?”
“I suck at guessing, just tell me.”
She laughed and said, “Mason asked me to marry him. We’re having a small wedding with just friends and Mason would like you to be his best man, since it’s because of you that we got together in the end. I’m going to ask Simon to give me away. Do you think he would mind?”
“I would love to be Mason’s best man and Simon will be honored to give you away, Connor. Go ask him now. He loves weddings as long as they aren’t his own,” Jim teased.
“I know it sounds weird but I’m going to ask Sandy to be my maid of honor. What do you think about that?”
“Does he have to shave his legs and wear a dress?” Jim joked.
“No, he could just wear a suit like you would be doing. He’s my best mate other then you and we thought it would be cool to have you two standing up for us,” Connor explained.
“I don’t know Connor, I was getting into the shaving his legs and wearing a dress idea,” Jim kidded some more.
“I’m serious here. Do you think he’ll think I’m nuts?”
“We all know you’re nuts, so what would be the difference?” Jim asked laughing outright.
“You are so mean, but funny at the same time. I’ll go hunt up Sandy right now. Do you know where he is?”
“He’s in the break room getting us a cup of coffee, but that was 20 minutes ago. God only knows what mayhem he’s gotten into since then,” Jim stood up to go and check on him and Connor said, “No, I’ll get him.” She wondered why he didn’t just listen.
Jim watched Connor walk away and thought it was just so damn sweet that they were asking both him and Blair to be in the wedding party. Oh shit, this means I have to give a bachelors party. I hate those things.
Jim called up to vice and asked for Mason. “Miller…”
“Hey Mason, I just wanted to tell you thank you for asking me to be your best man. That’s terrific. I forgot to ask her when the big day is taking place, but I imagine you know, right?”
“Hey Jim. Yeah, I know. It’s in two weeks. We don’t want to wait too long before the baby comes. Thank you for accepting the job of being my best man. I don’t know anyone and figured it was because of you that we’re together anyhow. It seemed right.”
“Don’t make any plans for the Friday before your wedding. We’re going to have a bachelor’s party for you, if that’s all right with you,” Jim said.
“Jim, I don’t really know anyone besides you guys and the creeps that I work with and they aren’t invited. So I would just as soon not do a bachelor’s party if that’s all right?”
“I’m going to talk to Blair about this and see what he thinks we should do. I just know he’s going to want you to have something to remember it by. So let’s let him do the thinking on it. We can just sit back and relax,” Jim said wearing a huge smile.
“Works for me, Jim. Thank you again.”
Jim got off the phone and started working on his paperwork when Blair came over to the desk and said, “Did Connor tell you what’s going on? I’m going to be a maid of honor. I’ve always wanted to be one for one of my friends, but none of them wanted anyone to laugh, so they wouldn’t ask me to. I’m so excited about the party I’m going to give her. It’s one of those parties where you can buy fun sex toys. It’s called a Passion Party. What do you think of that?”
“I think that’s great, but let me tell you what Mason said about a bachelor’s party.” Jim began to fill him in on the conversation and Blair frowned.
“My God, he has to have something to remember his special day with, so why don’t we have a mixed Passion Party? What would you think of that? Everyone that comes can order something special for the special couple. Oh man, that’s a good idea, don’t you think? And then we can order some fun stuff for ourselves as the night goes on. I’ll ask your dad if he can keep the kids that night so we won’t have to explain dildo’s to the kids. Well, to Sam anyhow. What do you think of that idea?” Blair was pumped up with excitement.
“Blair, you might want to run this across Connor before you go and get all happy about it. She might not like the idea of this at all. So don’t go getting your hopes up until you know how she feels about it.”
“You’re right. Can I take her to lunch today?” Blair asked batting his eyes.
Jim burst out laughing and said, “If you want to take her to lunch all you have to do is ask, you don’t have to bat your eyelashes at me.”
“I wasn’t.”
“You were too, Blair. Now go ask her if she and Mason want to go for lunch and we can talk to both of them at the same time.”
“Oh, good thinking, man. I’ll tell you what time as soon as it’s set up,” Blair said as he walked over to Connor’s desk.
Jim followed his love’s ass with his eyes and never wanted him more then he did at that moment. All this talk about naughty toys was making Jim warm for his form.
Blair came back after about ten minutes and said, “We’re on for 1:00, is that good for you?”
“Yeah, just tell Simon we’re going to be gone and then we’ll get ready to go.” Jim finished up what he was doing while Blair went in to Simon’s office.
He walked out bouncing about five minutes later. “Wow, was he ever in a good mood. He said to take the rest of the afternoon off if you have the Morelli case done.”
“He’s happy about giving Connor away at her wedding, I’m sure. I’ve got the case files right here. They are all done. Want to take them for me?”
“Jim, I swear, you make me do everything.” Blair turned and walked away carrying the files in his hands.
Jim smiled and watched that ass again and licked his lips. “You are a dirty old man,” Rafe said as he leaned down to Jim’s desk.
“And proud of it, I might add,” Jim answered.
Rafe laughed as he walked away from Jim’s desk. Blair came back and said, “What is Rafe laughing about?”
“He caught me red handed watching your ass.”
“Oh goody, you’re still watching my ass. I like that,” Blair confessed.
“When I’m 90, I’m still going to be watching that ass,” Jim said proudly.
“Thank God for that. Now let’s go meet Mason upstairs. We’re all going now,” Blair bossed and Jim obeyed as usual.
Jim got to Connor’s desk and said, “Should we go pick him up or meet him in the parking lot?”
“Parking lot. We’ll go in your vehicle, Jimbo. Thanks. I’m just going to call him real quick and tell him to shake an arm.” Connor smiled at Jim.
“It’s shake a leg, Connor, how many times do I have to tell you that?” Jim asked practically pulling his hair out by the roots.
“I already knew it. I just love to see you have a chicken over it. So there. Meet you downstairs in five,” Connor said as she went to the ladies room.
“It’s a cow,” Jim yelled out.
“She didn’t call Mason,” Blair said.
“She’ll call from the bathroom, she has this weird thing called a cell phone and it works in the stalls,” Jim teased.
“Get downstairs before I have to hurt you,” Blair pushed him to the elevator. Both of the men were laughing and having a good day.
The ride over to the Red Lobster was pretty busy. Blair was telling them about the Passion Party and Mason was blushing like mad. Even Connor was enjoying it. Finally Jim said, “Mason if you’re not comfortable with that, you, me, Rafe, Joel, Simon and Brown could go have some drinks and have dinner somewhere. Then Blair could have the party for Connor and you wouldn’t die of embarrassment. What do you think of that idea?”
“I think that sounds much better then a Passion Party. Honestly, I would be embarrassed the entire time and very uncomfortable. So when are we going to do this?” Mason asked.
“Is this Friday night good for you?” Blair asked, “Because we already booked a show for Megan on Friday. That way Jim will be out of my way. Now we just need to get rid of the kids for the night.” Blair knew he had to remember to call William.
When they arrived, they were seated at Red Lobster and ordered their drinks. Blair was in a most excellent mood and Jim loved seeing him this happy.
“Connor, did you know the best way to get most husbands to do something is to suggest that perhaps they’re too old to do it?” Blair asked.
Connor burst out laughing and said, “I like that, Sandy. Got any more?”
“As a matter of fact, I think men who have a pierced ear are better prepared for marriage. They’ve experienced pain and bought jewelry,” Blair joked.
They all turned to Mason and saw the pierced ear and laughed even harder.
“You guys are fun. I know why Megan is so fond of both of you.” Mason just smiled at all three of them as he took a sip of his tea.
Jim decided to get into this. “Always remember Mason, a good wife always forgives her husband when she’s wrong.”
Mason laughed really hard and Megan said, “Hey, this isn’t supposed to be pick on Megan day is it?” Mason leaned down and kissed her fondly and Jim and Blair did the same thing. (No, they kissed one another, not Megan.)
Blair said, “Connor always remember how I love being married. It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life. You’ll feel that way too.”
Jim hugged Blair and laughed at that one.
Blair said, “Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight all night long if it that’s what it takes.”
The waitress was listening to them teasing Connor and Mason and laughed along with everyone else. She then took their order and they all had a wonderful meal.
“Jim, are you going to give me a wedding toast?” Connor asked.
“I have to feed you too?” Jim asked laughing as he said it.
“I’m serious now. I want this to be a nice wedding toast. Could you do that for me?” Connor pleaded.
“Connor I planned on making a nice toast for you and Mason. So don’t worry. I won’t screw it up.”
“Thank you, Jimbo.”
“Why do you call him Jimbo?” Mason asked.
Both Jim and Blair looked at Connor to see what she would say. “Because it irritates him, that’s why. Right Sandy?”
“I think until the wedding we should have no Sandy and no Jimbo calling,” Blair suggested.
“All right, Blair.” Connor was frustrated, you could tell.
“On second thought, that just sounded wrong coming out of your mouth. Call us Jimbo and Sandy. We’re used to that. We might not answer if you call us our right names,” Blair assured her.
“Thank you, guys,” Connor replied.
They finished their lunch and Jim dropped them at the station. Then he was heading home to make love to his partner.
“You’re going to fuck me senseless aren’t you?” Blair asked.
“You better believe it, Blair.”
“Oh goody.”
The following Friday Blair had the house ready for the Passion Party. There were going to be seven women there and Blair had all of the money from the guys to buy special things for Mason and Megan.
Mandy started the show as soon as everyone was there and Blair had served them each a drink. She asked Blair if he wanted to try any of it out before he bought something and Blair said, “Nope, I’m good. I’m ordering one of everything.”
The girls all laughed and Megan loved the show. She blushed when she should have and wrote down numbers when she should. There were quite a few things that she wanted to try out on Mason. She was quite excited about it.
They all touched everything and talked and Blair found himself super-duper hard. The woman that was giving the show told him that was normal. Men almost always had that reaction to these shows. She explained in great detail what each thing did. There were a few times that even Blair blushed. He couldn’t believe how comfortable this woman was with sex to be able to do this all the time.
Mandy the girl that was in charge said, “Blair do you know what this is?”
Blair blushed, making all of the girls laugh and he said, “A portable pussy?”
“It reminds you of one, yes, but most of the people that buy this are men. They want it for when their boyfriends are out of town. Slide in and go to town. Touch it, Blair. See how soft this is? Can you just imagine how nice that would feel around your penis?” Blair jumped up from his chair and said, “Whoa, this is more then I want to know.”
“Do you want me to put a couple on order for you and Jim?” Mandy asked.
“Yes, by all means. He’s going to love this,” Blair answered happily.
“So would it be nice for a sweet husband that doesn’t want to bug his wife every single night while she’s pregnant?” Megan asked.
“Men love these things. They love fucking them, so it’s not a big deal. I take it you want one of these for Mason?” Mandy asked.
They continued looking at everything and Blair counted up his order and saw he alone had ordered 240 dollars worth of stuff. The guys from the bullpen had ordered 200 dollars worth of stuff that he made sure that Megan didn’t order. Blair tried to figure out what he could take off of his order to slim down the cost, but he loved everything. So he figured, fuck it. Half for Jim and half for him. Seemed fair to Blair.
Blair made desert and served coffee with it and everyone ate happily and talked about all of the things they had ordered.
Connor went into the kitchen once and said, “Blair, I thought you were going to jump one of those masturbation sleeves a little while ago. Is Jim coming home soon?”
Blair burst out laughing and said, “There is no lie about it. This stuff makes you hot, hot, hot. But I wouldn’t do anything without my man here to share in it with me. Now go back and enjoy the show. I’m getting more food to serve. I never saw people eat as fast as you all have done.”
“Sandy, it’s because we’re all horny now. Too bad you’re taken. We could have had fun.” She laughed all the way out of the kitchen watching the fish face Blair was making trying to come up with something to say.
At 11:00 everything was over and Connor lay down on Sam’s bed for a while. She was tired. Blair cleaned up the loft and Mason and Jim came walking in around midnight. Jim smiled at him and said, “Smells like you in here.”
“Mason, your wife to be is in Sam’s room. I need my husband NOW.” Blair started dragging Jim up the stairs and Jim said, “Chief, I have to take them home.”
“Oh fuck. Or not…”
Mason laughed and got Megan up to go home. He wanted Blair to have Jim to his own as soon as possible.
Megan told the two men about the party and both of them blushed. Blair thought it was so fucking cute.
Jim said, “Did you order anything?”
“I think it would be easier to tell you what I didn’t order,” Blair answered.
Mason said, “Did you order anything?”
“It’s a surprise honey. Everything will be here by the wedding night. You’re going to have fun. I’m just saying.”
“So Mason and Connor, are you staying in the apartment?”
“Mason said he would love to find a place like yours but we don’t see that happening anytime soon. Could you ask if they have any empty?” Connor asked.
“Sure, I’ll ask sometime tomorrow on my day off,” Jim answered.
Jim dropped them off and Blair said, “I’m so hot for you right now, I want you to pull over and fuck me.”
“Well, I’m not going to. We have a house to do that in,” Jim replied.
“But Jim, I want you to fuck my mouth right now.” Blair begged.
“Chief, I can’t drive with a hard on. Okay, I’ve never been able to multitask well. So leave me alone until we get home.”
“I ordered you a soft, smooth pussy to fuck. What do you think about that?”
“What did I just ask you? Fuck… All right, here is the deal. You’re not going to open your mouth one more time before we get home. Understood?”
Blair put his finger in his mouth and began to suck on it. “I’m going to kill you, Sandburg and I mean it.”
Then Blair put two fingers in his mouth. Jim started driving faster so he could get home and take care of business.
He pulled into the parking lot and Blair was unzipping his fly.
“Jim pulled him out the door, locked the SUV up and made a mad dash for the loft. In the hallway was Mr. Candor who lived on the first floor.
“Good morning, boys. You’re up early,” Mr. Candor said.
“Sir, it’s the middle of the night. We’re just going to bed,” Jim explained.
“Oh is it? Gee, I don’t sleep well anymore and I forget to look at the clock. Would you boys like some coffee?”
Blair said, “Nope, we’re tired. We have to get to bed.” Blair pushed Jim into the elevator and pushed the button to go up. They didn’t even say goodbye to the old man.
“That was so rude, but yet so necessary,” Jim said kissing Blair.
Jim unlocked the door as soon as they got there and locked it behind them. They both went into the bathroom, took care of business and walked up the stairs as quickly as they could.
Jim couldn’t remember ever being this horny. He hated that Blair was able to do this to him so easily. But at the same time, he loved it. He was conflicted.
They stripped and got into bed and Jim showed Blair where he wanted to put his cock for the night and planned on keeping it there all night long. Blair wasn’t complaining. In fact, he was like doing a cheer for Jim to keep fucking him over and over again.
“Fuck me hard,
Give me that dong.
Do it now, Jim.
All night long.
At four in the morning, Jim was exhausted.
He kissed Blair’s neck and said, “All right, I give up. I’m the old one. I’m exhausted. I can’t keep this up all night long like I thought I could. I’m sorry.”
All Jim could hear were little snores coming from Blair. The little shit had gone to sleep. Jim cleaned them both off and hurried up and caught up with him.
Jim called Mr. Stanley and asked, “Do you have any of the condo’s in this building for sale?
“I just so happen to have a two bedroom as large as yours with a third bedroom on the main floor. It needs a little bit of love, but it’s in pretty darn good shape. Someone you know is interested?” Mr. Stanley asked.
“What floor is it on?” Jim asked.
“It’s on the second floor, opposite side of your condo. So no, they wouldn’t be hearing you guys. Do you have someone that’s interested?”
“Yes, hold it for me. I’ll give you a check. They want to buy one in this building, so they’ll be thrilled to know there is one empty. They’re a couple of cops, getting married and she’s having a baby too. So it’s perfect for them,” Jim said.
“Okay, give me a check for $20,000.00 Jim and that’s that. They need to come and fill out the paperwork and get their own bank loan as usual. But I would gladly see another two cops come into the building. Makes us all feel safer. Talk to you soon,” Mr. Stanley said as he hung up the phone.
Jim got off the phone and called Connor and told her about the condo. He said that he would give Mr. Stanley the check and they could come by and take care of all of it that week. Blair heard them talking and smiled at the idea of another person being in this building that they all knew. This was getting good.
“She’s excited. She didn’t even ask how much the condo was.”
“Did you know, Jim?”
“No, but I thought it was funny that she didn’t ask.”
“They can take care of all of that this week before they leave. This is going to be great. We’ll be able to see the baby all the time. I love babies, do you?” Blair asked.
“As long as they go home,” Jim said seriously. “I prefer our kids’ ages.”
“Oh yeah, me too. They’re so fun at their ages,” Blair agreed.
The following Saturday, Jim was dressed nicely in his suit and tie. So were Blair and the boys. Sam had on a beautiful dress that she picked out special to wear for the wedding.
“So Jim, do you have the toast ready?” Blair asked.
“More or less. I think it’s good,” Jim answered.
“Did you want to try it out on me?” Blair asked.
“I think I have it, Chief. Thanks, anyhow. I believe I did a good job and they’ll be happy with the toast.
“I’m sure they will, Jim.”
Once the wedding was done and the party was in full swing, Jim poured each of them a flute of apple juice and clinked his glass so that everyone would pay attention.
“I have something to say. It’s short and sweet, but I wanted to say it before they leave for the week… To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage, to Megan and Mason who will no doubt be filled with strength and courage for their entire life. Whatever their souls are made of, they are the same. There is one true happiness in life and that is to love and be loved, I wish you many years of happiness filled with love. Be happy, be well and be loved forever.”
Jim leaned down and kissed Megan and then shook hands with Mason. Everyone clapped in the hall and Jim felt like he had done a good job. Then he saw that Megan was crying. Mason whispered, “She’s just overcome with happiness, Jim. It was a lovely toast. Thank you for everything.”
“Oh one more thing,” Jim said as he handed them an envelope. Connor opened it and looked at Jim in shock. “We all got together and got you a week in San Diego, since you both said you wanted to go there. Now you can. The room is all arranged and paid for. The tickets are just coach, but better then not going. The only thing you have to do is show up.”
Connor and Mason made their way through the crowd and hugged and kissed everyone. It had turned out to be a wonderful day and Jim was very glad of that. He put his arm around Blair and could feel the tremors in Blair’s body and looked down. “What’s wrong?”
“That speech was beautiful.” I loved it.
“I cheated. Some of it was taken from other people’s toasts. So it’s not that big of a deal.”
“Jim, it’s that big of a deal. Even the way you said it meant something to Connor. She loved it and will remember it forever. Thank you for making her day so perfect.”
Jim hugged Blair tight and said, “You helped. You were a perfect Maid of Honor.”
They smiled all the way to the SUV and got in with the kids following close behind. Jim could hear Sam saying, “I love weddings. I’m going to get married too. Can I marry daddy and poppy?”
Max and Drew laughed all the way to the SUV. This was another good day.
The end
Family Life Part 53
The Next Step
By Patt
Word Count: 2,977
Summary: Mason and Megan are back in Cascade and ready to move into their new loft. Will there be any troubles along the way?
The bullpen was hopping the day Megan Connor decided to come back to work. There was a messy murder investigation going on, but Simon told Connor to get caught up on paperwork. Rafe and Brown were handling it. If she didn’t know better, she would think Simon was protecting her and she didn’t need protecting, damn it.
She sat at her desk all day long and didn’t do anything but paperwork and Blair stopped by once to see if she needed anything. “You know if one more person asks me if I need something I’m going to scream. I mean it, Sandy. I’m not disabled, I’m pregnant. I want to work. I still have two months left to go before I’m on desk duty and I don’t want to waste it on sitting at my desk. Would you talk to Simon for me?”
“Sure, I’ll waltz right in there and tell him who is boss,” Blair teased as he walked towards Simon’s office. He was on a mission. He knew that Connor would never let him live it down if Simon didn’t listen to him. So he was going to have to make this work.
Blair knocked on the door and Simon shouted, “What?”
“It’s good to see you too, sir.”
“What do you want, Sandburg. I’m right in the middle of getting some actual work done. I know you want something. I can see it on your face. Spill…”
“Sir, Connor is driving us all nuts. She knows she has to go on desk duty as of five months, but you’ve kept her from doing anything today and it’s only three months. Please for all of our sakes let her go out on the next call,” Blair begged. He had decided that would be the best way to go.
“Okay, I get it. Yes, I was being over protective and it wasn’t right. I’ll let her have the next call,” Simon said and then shooed Blair from his office.
Blair walked over to Connor and said, “The next call is yours.”
“Watch it be a damn jay walker or something,” Connor complained.
“Hey, you want me to go back in and tell him to never mind?” Blair asked.
“Thank you, Sandy. You’re a life saver. By the way, how would you and Jim and the boys like to help us move this weekend? We got the place all taken care of money wise and it’s ours. I can’t wait to move in.”
“Let me ask Jim what he has planned, but I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Blair said as he walked back to his desk and sat down.
“I sort of wanted to go to the Ren Fair this weekend,” Jim whined.
“We can go there next weekend. We can see Dexter Tripp then. I know you secretly have a thing for him. Every year you remember his name and where his show is taking place,” Blair teased.
“Hey, I also remember where Hey Nunny Nunny is and I don’t have crushes on them. So shut up.”
“That’s true. Did you go to Catholic school as a kid?”
“No, why?” Jim asked.
“You sure like those nuns a lot.” Blair laughed out loud at the look on Jim’s face.
“That’s sick, Sandburg, even for you.”
“I’m sorry, that was distasteful.”
“But funny, it was still funny, Sandburg. You’ve still got it.” Jim got up to get some coffee and grabbed Blair’s empty cup on the way. Blair realized he had trained Jim really well.
Connor came over and said, “Any plans?”
“None, we’re all yours,” Blair answered.
“Thank you, Sandy. I figure the boys can help too and I can keep Miss Samantha busy at the new place if you don’t mind leaving her with me.”
“That’s a good idea. She can help you arrange your pantry. She’s always arranging ours,” Blair joked and Connor laughed all the way back to her desk.
Jim sat Blair’s coffee down and said, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing, hot stuff. Sit down and get that paperwork started,” Blair bossed.
Jim just sighed and sat down and began to do the damn paperwork.
Simon opened up his door and said, “Sandburg, Ellison and Connor, there was a new homicide just called in. Here is the address, don’t say I don’t give you any work, Connor. This sounds like a bad one.”
The three of them all went in Jim’s SUV and Connor sat in the back seat. She hoped she wouldn’t get car sick.
“Connor, do you get car sick in the back seat?” Jim asked, looking at the green complexion in the rear view mirror as he drove along.
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
Jim pulled over on the road and Blair and Connor traded places. “Sorry Sandy.”
“It’s fine Connor.”
“Thank you, Jimbo, I was feeling pretty rough,” She said happily from the front seat.
“Much better that then you puking in the back seat. Jim sped to the crime scene and saw all of the cars outside the area.
He parked and they walked up to the cop that looked like he was in charge. “Oh good, more cops,” the man complained.
“We’re from Major Crimes. I believe you’re expecting us?” Jim growled.
“Yes we are. We thought you weren’t coming today. You’re the only team that didn’t show up so far.” Jim was getting pissed off at this dude. He was rude.
Jim said, “Would you like to tell us what’s going on?”
The rude cop said, “I thought you might do something original like go and check out the crime scene yourself and figure it out.”
Blair held Jim’s arm back because Jim was ready to punch him. Blair knew Jim didn’t need to get in trouble for punching out some stupid dick on the street.
Connor started walking up to the house that seemed the busiest and put her tag around her neck so everyone knew she was from Major Crimes. Connor put on the footies and the gloves before she entered. Jim and Blair followed suit. Connor turned to Jim and said, “I took down his name, that fucker’s going to hear about this. He was rude, Jimbo.”
“Thanks Connor, Blair wouldn’t let me hit him,” Jim whined.
Dan Wolfe was there already and looked like he was ready to transport the body. “It’s about time you guys got here. I need to get her back to the morgue. They want this done fast. She’s the Mayor’s sister. Her name is Rebecca Bradley.”
“Oh shit…” Jim leaned his head back and took deep breaths trying to calm down.
“What are we looking at, Dan?” Connor asked.
“She’s been viciously raped and then strangled as far as I can tell. I’ll be able to tell you more after I examine her completely. But she’s got a lot of skin under her finger nails. Chances are you’re going to find someone missing a lot of skin, probably from the neck, face or arms. Somewhere easy to hide, so be on the look out for that,” Dan advised them all.
“Connor looked at the poor girl and got a little green in the face again. Jim walked up and said, “Time for air, Connor.”
“Thank you,” She said as she rushed out the front door.
Jim and Blair took notes as to what the other cops were saying and doing and then they looked over the body and the murder area. “Dan, does it look like she was killed here?” Blair asked.
Everyone looked up to take note of what Dan said. “I can’t be sure until I do the autopsy, but it looks like she might have died right where she was. I’ll give you all the paperwork as soon as I’m finished. Good luck, everyone. I’m taking her downtown now.”
Jim and Blair stayed about an hour taking notes and looking around the room for clues. Jim found a few things that were interesting, but nothing that jumped out to help them solve it right then. They walked out the front door and Connor was sitting in the SUV waiting on them.
Jim got into the SUV and looked at her and said, “Are you all right?”
“No, I’m not all right. I don’t throw up. I’ve never thrown up at a murder sight before. Maybe Simon is right. Maybe I belong at my desk.”
“Connor, stop being so hard on yourself. I got a little sick to my stomach myself,” Blair admitted.
Jim looked at him and knew he was lying to make her feel better. “I’m so disgusted with myself, I can’t even think straight.” Conner was going to rant all the way to the Mayor’s house, Jim could tell.
“Connor, you’re pregnant, things make you feel sick now and then. Did you used to be able to ride in the back of the SUV?” Jim asked.
“See, it’s as simple as that. You just have to learn what makes you sick and go with it. If a crime scene makes you ill, then your partner has to pick up the slack. It’s not that big of a deal.” Jim pulled his notes out and said, “Here are my notes, look and see if anything makes you think of anything.”
Connor read the pages and said, “Wow, this is going to be so rough on us. The Mayor will never let this rest; you do know that, right?”
“I find that disgusting,” Blair said.
“What, Chief?”
“He wouldn’t be screaming off his head if it was someone else’s sister, he wouldn’t care. But since it’s his sister, he’s going to probably work us non-stop until we find the killer.”
“It’s never fair, Chief, but that’s life.”
“Doesn’t mean we have to like it,” Blair confessed.
They went to the Mayor’s house to begin the questioning right away. The guards on duty let them right in and the three of them went to ask questions.
Mayor Bradley came into the room and said, “Please tell me you’ve found something already.”
“I’m sorry sir, it’s not going to be quite that easy. We need to figure out if it’s someone who knows you. Is everyone here today that works here?” Jim asked.
“The pool men are outside doing the pool. The lawn men are doing the lawn and the maids are doing their job, so yes, everyone is here but my driver, Jeff Johnson,” Bradley said sadly.
Jim asked, “And he’s off today?”
“Actually, he didn’t show up today. He called and said he didn’t feel good.”
“Can we have an address on him, please?” Jim asked.
“Oh my driver has been with me for five years, he wouldn’t hurt anyone,” Bradley assured them.
Connor said, “We need to double check his whereabouts for the time of the murder.”
Bradley went to his office and came out with the address and phone number. “Call first so he can get himself cleaned up.”
Jim looked at the mayor oddly and asked, “Cleaned up?”
“He said he was vomiting, so I wouldn’t want you to see him in dirty clothing or anything. That would make a bad impression.” Bradley almost seemed like he was in shock.
They asked Mayor Bradley more questions, wrote everything down and left for the day. Blair advised the Mayor to see someone, because he thought he was in shock.
When they arrived at the driver’s house, Jim said, “He’s got a pretty nice house for a driver.”
“Jimbo, for you all know, his mom and dad left him this. We don’t know. Let’s not put any odd thoughts into our heads about him before we even see him or talk to him.
“I bet you money he’s got scratches,” Blair said.
Jim said, “You think this is the guy?”
“No, I just thought I would say that. Of course, I think he might be the guy. I hope he is,” Blair answered.
The three of them walked up and Jim and Blair went to one side and Connor stood in front of the peep hole. She knocked on the door and she heard him look through it and she smiled. He opened up the door and smiled back at her until he saw Jim and Blair standing there. They all saw one thing that very moment. Scratches all over his chest and arms. The dumb shit forgot to put a shirt on before he answered the door.
Jim shoved him inside his house and said, “Jeff Johnson, you are under arrest.” Jim took his cuffs out and put them around Jeff’s wrists and then Jim read him his rights. Blair and Connor couldn’t believe how lucky they had been. He still hadn’t taken a shower, so everything was fresh. Jim got a shirt and threw it over him and walked him out to the SUV. They knew they needed the DNA taken from the scrapes to match up to the ones underneath Rebecca Bradley’s fingernails.
They did everything they needed to do and then filled out the paperwork and questioned the idiot until he said he was waiting for his lawyer. There was nothing else they could do. Everyone knew he had done it and Jim just wished he would have owned up to it and told them as much.
At 6:00, everyone left the bullpen for the day and drove home.
“We were getting worried. You’re all right, I take it,” Max said when Jim and Blair walked in the door.
“I’m sorry, Max, we had a messy murder and I didn’t think about anything else,” Jim said.
“Drew and I made dinner when we realized you’d be late. I hope Tuna Casserole will be all right.”
“That’s just fine, Max. Thank you for taking care of everything for us. It’s so nice having you pick up Sam from day care every day now. It sure saves a lot of wear and tear on us. Speaking of the angel, where is she?” Blair asked.
“She’s doing homework at her desk in her room.” Max smiled after he said it.
“How much homework could a five year old have, right?” Jim wondered.
“She’s trying to get it done before you guys go in there. So give her a few more minutes,” Max advised.
Drew came out and said, “Hey pop, hey dad. How was your day?”
Max said, “They had a bad murder today, so it’s not been a good one.”
Jim and Blair almost laughed, but instead Blair said, “It was a horrible murder, but we already found the killer. So he’s off the street and that makes things much easier to handle.”
Jim said, “Megan asked if you boys would like to help us move her in this weekend. She’s going to keep Sam at her new place while we do all of the lifting. Doesn’t sound quite fair does it?”
Max laughed and so did Drew. “I would love to help,” Max said.
Drew said, “I can’t wait to see their place. I wonder if it’s been done up or they’ll have to do a lot of work to it.”
“Oh before I forget, we’re going to the Ren Fair this next weekend. So save the weekend for us, okay?” Blair said.
“We’ve never been,” Max said.
“Oh my God, we’ll have to dress up and everything. It’s going to be great.” Blair was practically bouncing. Jim just frowned with annoyance. The thought of dressing up in tights didn’t excite him.
The guys went to check on Sam and the boys got dinner finished and they all sat down for dinner.
Connor and Sam were telling the guys were everything went. Connor was actually getting a little bossy, but Mason took her aside and told her as much and she calmed her act down quite a bit.
Sam sat on the kitchen bar and told Max and Drew where to take the living room furniture. Everyone laughed because she was taking over Megan’s job. She even had a little Australian accent. She even called Mason, mate one time.
Mason said, “Thank you so much guys for helping me. Like I’ve said before, I don’t really have any friends since I moved here. I hate the guys I work with, so I would never subject Megan to them. They suck. Max and Drew, I want to do something nice for the two of you next weekend.”
“We’re going to the Ren Fair next weekend. But the weekend after that, there might be a movie we wouldn’t mind seeing. Or you could just hang out with us and play Wii,” Drew said.
“I’ve never been to the Ren Fair,” Mason said.
“Why don’t you come with us? You could follow us there and we could make a day of it. What do you think?” Blair asked.
“I think that would be great. We’ll be all unpacked by then and she’ll be dying to get out of the house.”
“It’s a date, then,” Jim said and went back downstairs for more boxes.
All of the company had left and Megan and Mason were sitting in their new living room. “Don’t you just love the kitchen?” Megan asked.
“I love the entire house. This is a great bargain we found. I love this place, but yes you’re right, the kitchen kicks ass,” Mason answered.
“I love you, Mason.”
“I love you, Megan.”
They kissed for a little while and then realized they had to put the bed together in order to go to sleep that night. They got up and got back to work. There was no rest for the wicked.
The end
Family Life Part 54
How Fairy Nice
By Patt
Word Count: 2,683
Summary: Jim, Blair, Max, Drew, Sam, Megan and Mason all go to the Ren Fair.
A big thank you to Maggie for this story idea about the Ren Fair. We all love the Ren Fair, don’t we?
Max and Drew were very excited about the upcoming weekend. They were going to their first Renaissance Fair. They couldn’t wait. Blair had said they were going to dress up, but Jim had told them that only Samantha needed to dress up for it. This made Drew and Max laugh. They knew Jim was afraid to wear tights. It was as simple as that.
Blair came walking through the front door at that moment and said, “Good news, I was able to get outfits for each of us for the Fair.”
Max and Drew walked right in and so did Samantha. But Jim stayed behind in the kitchen, ignoring Blair for as long as he could.
“Jim, come and see your costume I got for you to wear,” Blair called out.
Drew held up the box that said Drew on it and opened it up. He found a really nice dark blue tunic, a matching belt, tights and the shoes that went with the set. They looked like old fashioned shoes, but they were tennis shoes, so they would be very comfy. “I like this.”
Max opened up his box and smiled. His set was all in dark greens and he liked his too. “You’re certain that people like to dress up for these things?”
“Yes, Max, as much as your dad has pooh-poohed the idea, it’s fun. You’ll see all of the young girls in gorgeous low cut dresses. It’s going to be great fun,” Blair assured them.
Samantha held up her little purple dress and said, “I love this. This reminds me of dress up.”
Jim walked in and saw the boys’ costumes and smiled at Blair. He knew that Blair was just trying to make it as fun as possible and Jim wasn’t going to ruin that for him. “So where is mine?”
“Here, look at this one.” Blair handed him his box and Jim was impressed. It was in different shades of brown. It was a really nice costume, Blair must have paid a fortune for them.
“I like it a lot. Thank you, Chief. Are these rented or ours to keep?” Jim asked.
“They are ours to keep. Let me show you mine,” Blair said as he pulled his jester outfit out of the box.
Samantha was the first one to say, “Oh, poppy, I love that. You’re going to look very, very nice.”
Jim leaned in to Blair and whispered, “How fairy nice.”
“Oh shut up.” Blair was excited and everyone knew it.
“Samantha, go and try yours on so we can make sure it fits all right. I got yours a little big so it will fit you for two years. I did the same with Drew and Max’s. Hopefully, daddy and I won’t be doing any growing.”
Samantha rushed into her room with her clothing and got changed as fast as she could. The boys went up stairs to try theirs on too. Jim decided that he may as well too. “Chief, did you want to try yours on?”
“No, I tried it on at the store. The only one I wasn’t sure about was yours. I didn’t want it showing too much of anything because then I knew you wouldn’t wear it. That’s why I chose the long tunic for all three of you. Do you like it?” Blair wondered.
“I love it. Thank you. It’s going to be a fun weekend, dressing up and all.” Jim walked up the stairs to change and Max and Drew came down the stairs with theirs on.
Blair smiled and said, “You both look terrific. Go look at the full length mirror in the bathroom. You are going to be a big hit at this Renaissance Fair.”
Both boys walked into the bathroom and Samantha walked out of her room with her hair all messed up, the hat put on part way and the dress all wrinkled up. Blair smiled and said, “Let me get my camera, this is a perfect picture.”
Sam smiled when he said that and she was quite proud of her little outfit. Blair took four shots of her in her dress and Jim came down the stairs and Blair was speechless. Jim looked really hot. I mean, smoking hot. Blair snapped off two shots of Jim before Max and Drew came into the room.
Max said, “Sam, you look darling. Did poppy take some pictures already?”
“Yes, he’s waiting on you now. He wants some of you and Drew.”
Blair took some pictures of the two of them and then said, “Okay, now everyone put their clothes back into the box and that goes into the closet until Saturday morning. Only two days to go, everyone.” They all smiled at Blair because they knew he was more excited about this then anyone.
Saturday morning, they were all dressed and ready to go to the festival. Samantha was humming with excitement, but Max and Drew were pretty excited themselves.
Mason and Megan met them in the parking lot and they followed Jim to the Festival.
The drive took about 30 minutes, including parking, since they didn’t have to go to the one in Seattle anymore. Now they had their very own Cascade Renaissance Fair. Yes, this was going to be a fun day.
At first Max and Drew felt a little self-conscious about what they were wearing, but then they started seeing all of the people there dressed up. Some of them even more so then they were.
Jim had a hold of Samantha’s hand like crazy and she said, “Daddy, you’re breaking my hand.”
“Sorry, sweetie, I just don’t want to lose you in the crowd,” Jim answered.
“That’s okay you can hold me tight then, because I don’t want to be lost either.”
Blair said, “Max and Drew do you want to stay with us, or do you want to do this just with the two of you. We all have our cell phones, so you can call if you need us, or you’re welcome to stay with me, dad, Samantha, Megan and Mason. It’s up to you.”
“We’d rather stay with you guys if you don’t mind. This is a little overwhelming, if you know what I mean,” Max said.
“That’s good, because your dad didn’t want you to go off by yourselves anyway. He was worried already last night,” Blair teased.
“Come on, Sam, let’s check this place out,” Drew said as he grabbed Sam’s hand from Jim.
Jim wasn’t sure how he felt about letting go of her hand. Connor patted his arm and said, “They’ll take of her, don’t worry so much, Jimbo.”
“Jim said, “Boys, the first thing is Hey Nunny, Nunny. So let’s check it out.”
They all went into the little theater and found seats together. When the three nuns came out and started telling jokes, Megan, Mason, Jim and Blair were all laughing like mad, but Max, Drew and Samantha thought they were boring. But they watched the entire show anyhow.
Samantha said, “Oh could we have one of those?” She pointed to a man eating a turkey leg as he walked by. Blair rolled his eyes and Jim said, “If you want one you can share one with daddy.”
“Oh goody.” She went over to where Jim was ordering one for them and Max and Drew decided they wanted one too. Mason not to be outdone by them decided he needed one also.
Megan smiled at Blair and said, “Sandy, we just got here, they really need to pace themselves or they are going to be stuffed by the end of the day.”
“They’re pigs, all of them.” Blair was disgusted.
Conner laughed and said, “I’m going to have one for lunch, so you’re calling me a pig too.
“I didn’t say I wasn’t going to eat one, I just called them pigs because we just got here,” Blair teased.
The next show up was Dead Bob. They watched that and Sam was bored out of her mind, but Max and Drew were laughing like crazy. Jim decided to take Sam to the wax shop to have her hand done in wax. He told Blair where they would be and he and Sam walked out of the Dead Bob Show. The star of the show heckled Jim and Sam as they were leaving. Jim blushed and hurried to get away from everyone’s eyes.
He took Sam over to the wax shop and they both got their hands done in the wax. They did them together, so they were holding hands. It was very cute when it was all set up and painted. By the time they were all done, they had it boxed up and saved for them to pick up on their way out. Blair walked up to them and said, “Hey look everyone, it’s the deadbeats from the Dead Bob show.”
Jim blushed again. Megan and Mason laughed like fools and even Drew and Max were laughing. They all had a wax hand done and had them packaged up in one big box to pick up on their way out.
There was a Celtic fiddler singing and everyone was dancing around. Blair grabbed Jim and swung him around a few times and made the kids laugh. Mason and Megan were dancing too. The music was very lively and they all loved it a lot.
Down the row, they got seats all together again and watched a dancer named Candace Taylor. She was most excellent. They all enjoyed that. Sam kept getting up and trying to do what the dancer was doing, so the dancer came and got Sam and took her up to the stage and had her doing steps just like she was doing. Sam loved it. Blair was taking tons of pictures and so was Megan. She thought that was the cutest thing ever. Once the show was done, they collected Sam and went off to the next show.
Sam said, “Can we get drinks, poppy?”
They all went to the next concession stand and got drinks and each got a cashew roll. They were eating and drinking and sat down at the next place and waited to see Hawke and Cedric the Bedlam Bard. When the show started, they found out what foot stomping music was all about. They had guitars, fiddles, not to mention the kazoo. Sam enjoyed this one totally. She danced in the aisle under close supervision from Blair who was closest to her. When the show was over, Sam said, “Max are you having fun?”
“Sam, I’m having a lot of fun. Are you?”
“Yes, I am. Are you having a good time, Drew?” Sam asked sweetly.
“I sure am. This has been one of the best days we’ve ever had don’t you think?” Drew asked.
“I think so too,” Sam agreed.
They walked down the court yard and saw all of the gift shops and of course they had to stop. Megan insisted on stopping at a place that sold anything having to do with dragons. She was in there for an hour, but no one complained because they were looking also. Megan ended up getting two drawings and four statues. They had to remember to pick those up before they left too.
When they got done to the end of one of the streets, there was a big open area with Elephants and they were giving rides. Jim didn’t know how he felt about that.
“Dad, I’ll go with her. She’s not going to fall off with me holding on to her,” Max said.
“Max, I don’t want you falling off either,” Jim said.
Blair said, “I think it’s safe. Look at the line. I doubt that they have accidents or there wouldn’t be a line.”
“Megan, do you want to go on one?” Mason asked.
“I think we both should.”
So off they went for a ride on the elephant. Jim said, “Blair if you want to, go ahead, but they stink from over here, I’m not getting on one, that’s for sure.”
Blair laughed and said, “No, I don’t want to. You know I don’t like heights.”
“Oh yeah, duh.”
Blair laughed and then he pulled out his camera to take pictures of everyone getting on the elephants and the ride around the area. Blair took plenty so everyone would be happy with their pictures.
Once they all got down, Max said to Mason, “Wasn’t that the coolest thing?”
“I’ve seen a few things cooler. I love rollercoaster’s, so they are number one with me,” Mason answered.
“I’ve never been on a rollercoaster,” Max said.
Blair said, “We’ll go to California next year and Sam will be old enough for the rides. It’s great. But you went on the small rollercoaster here at the county fair grounds.”
“Oh yeah, I guess that counts doesn’t it?” Max laughed.
“Yes, it does,” Jim said happily.
They went to another five shows and then decided they would take a lunch break. They had steak on a stick or more turkey legs. So they got a lot of each and they all sat down and ate lunch. Megan and Sam found a bathroom to wash up in and Jim and the guys all found one to do the same thing.
They were all having such a good time, Jim was glad Blair asked Megan and Mason to come along. They were great fun to be with. The kids loved them and Jim was just really happy watching all of them have fun.
That night at 8:00, they all picked up the packages that they had left in all of the stores throughout the place and Jim carried Samantha sleeping on his shoulder. When they got out to the parking lot, they had to remember where they parked, but that was no problem for Jim. He saw his SUV right away. Everyone just followed him and pretended like they knew where they were going.
Jim put Sam into her seat and buckled her up. Then Max and Drew got in and leaned their heads back and were asleep in about two minutes.
Jim smiled all the way over to Connor’s SUV. “The boys just fell asleep in the car. I mean this very second. Do you think they were tired or what?”
Connor hugged Blair and Jim both and said, “Thank you for asking us along with you. We had a wonderful day. I’ll do up the pictures tomorrow and you do the same, Sandy, and we’ll exchange pictures for our photo albums. This has been one of the best days in a long while. Thank you again.”
Mason shook both of their hands and Blair said, “You can hug us and everything, Mason.”
Mason blushed and then gave each of them a hug before he got into the car to drive Connor home.
Jim and Blair talked softly all the way home as to not wake the kids.
Once they arrived home, Blair carried Sam up and Jim woke the boys up and helped them up the stairs. They all carried up their goody bags and Jim opened the door for Blair once he got up there.
Jim and Blair hugged both of the boys and told them to climb into bed. They put pj’s on Sam and slid her into her bed and she never woke up once.
Jim got ready for bed first and said, “I’ll see you upstairs, Chief.”
“Thanks for the nice day, Jim.”
“I love you, Chief. Thank you for making it so special.”
When Blair got upstairs to talk to Jim about what was his favorite show, Jim was sound asleep on the bed. Blair snuggled up next to him and followed close behind.
The end
Family Life Part 55
The Age Gap
By Patt
Word Count: 4,847
A big thank you to Helena for coming up with this idea. It had never occurred to me. I hope you all like it too.
Summary: William sets his sights on someone in Jim’s building.
Sarah, Mark, Mike and Mary’s mom knocked on the door and Jim opened it with a big smile on his face. “How are you, Sarah?”
“Are you home alone, Jim?” Sarah asked almost nervously.
“Yes, I had some extra time off, so I’m just sitting here playing pogo on the computer. What’s wrong?”
“Can I come in?” Sarah asked.
Jim stood to the side and said, “I’m sorry, come in. Now tell me what’s wrong. I know something is up with you.”
“Could we sit down?” Sarah asked.
“God, where are my manners? I’m sorry. Let me get you a cup of coffee, do you take cream and sugar with it?” Jim asked.
“I drink it black, Jim and thank you I could use a cup. I worked 14 hours yesterday, so I’m dragging today. Can we sit at the kitchen table?” Sarah asked.
Jim walked out and set her coffee on the kitchen table and he said, “Sit, relax and tell me what’s wrong.”
Jim hoped it was nothing with their kids and her kids. Because they were all best friends. Jim would hate to have anything come between all of them.
Sarah sat down and said, “Sit with me and let me ask you some questions.”
Jim sat across from her and said, “Okay, I’m ready. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing is wrong, Jim. I just have some questions to ask you and then we can go from there. What do you think of me?”
Jim was somewhat confused and showed it. Did Sarah have a thing for him? Oh god, where was Blair when he needed him the most?
“Don’t look scared, Jim. I just want to know what you think of me as a person. It’s important that you tell me the truth,” Sarah said seriously.
“I think you’re one of the hardest working mother’s in this building and you’d do anything for your children. I like you a lot, if that’s what you mean. Blair and I always like to include you for barbecues and everything. We could just invite the kids, but we like you,” Jim explained.
“You must wonder why I’m asking, am I right?”
“You are correct. You’ve got my attention. I was thinking it was something with the kids and I was freaking out. But now I see it’s something that has to do with you. You’re not feeling secure about yourself, so that must mean someone we know asked you out on a date. Am I close?” Jim asked.
“Yes, you’re right, but I have more questions. Do you think I’m pretty? Tell me the truth,” Sarah said.
“I think you’re very lovely, we’ve often wondered what was wrong with your ex-husband. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bring him up. You’re one of the best housekeepers I’ve ever met. You cook all the time and you spend all your free time with the kids. You’re great to be around. You have a fantastic sense of humor and you’re very easy on the eyes. I don’t think your husband told you much, but you are. I find you very attractive. If I wasn’t totally in love with Blair, I would date you in a heartbeat,” Jim answered.
“Oh God, Jim, you’re so good with the compliments. You’re right. My husband didn’t give me any compliments while we were married. Actually he didn’t like me very much. I loved the kids too much and he wanted to be first. With kids, you can’t always be first, am I right?”
“You’re right on about that. We found that out the hard way more then once or twice. Now are you going to tell me who asked you out?” Jim wondered.
“Jim, if someone you knew really well asked me out, would that bother you if we saw each other on a personal basis instead of because of the kids?”
Jim frowned and wondered about this for a moment. “The only person I can think of that would be asking you out would be my brother, but I know it’s not him, so tell me, who asked you out?”
“Your dad asked me out last week. I told him I didn’t think it was a very good idea. But he’s so nice and I was thinking, don’t I deserve someone nice in my life? So would you mind if I dated him? He already knows about the kids, so that’s not a shock to him. He loves to take Mark and Mike with Drew and Max to the movies and out to eat. The boys really like him. Even Mary likes him. But I needed to know what you thought about it.”
Jim thought for a moment and said, “You could knock me over with a feather, Sarah. I didn’t really think of my dad at all. I forget sometimes that he is still just another human being, not just my dad or the kids’ grampa. I take him for granted, that’s for sure. But if you’d like to date him, I’m all for it. He’s about 20 years older then you. How do you feel about that?”
“I’m ready for someone that would treat me nicely and I think William would. He’s very nice when he picks the boys up and when he brings them home. I thought he was flirting with me one day but figured I was just imagining it. I really didn’t think I could attract someone like your dad.”
“Why not? You’re really pretty, nice, clean and fun. He couldn’t find anyone nicer then you.”
“You really don’t mind if I go out with him this weekend?” Sarah asked.
“I not only don’t mind, I think it’s sort of nice to have you go out with him. He’s been really lonely for years. That I know of, he’s not been seeing anyone. I often thought about asking him about it, but I always lost my nerve. I’m very happy for him. And you.”
“Now for my next question, do you mind if I give Mark and Mike your number in case they need anything for Mary while I’m gone?” Sarah asked nicely.
“Sarah, you could ask us that anyway. It wouldn’t have to be my dad that you’re dating. Did you mention it to the boys? They might think he’s too old for you. You should probably discuss it with them too, I would guess.”
“Jim, I’m going to make the choice and they’re going to have to live with it. I’ve not been treated kindly in so long, that I need this. I hope they’ll agree with me, but if they don’t, they’re going to have to get used to it. I like your dad. He’s very nice looking and he’s very sweet. He’s everything I’m looking for in a man. If he’s too old for the kids, that’s their problem, not ours. They’re going to have to just get used to it. I believe we’re doing the right thing. I’m so excited that you don’t mind. Thank you, Jim.”
Jim got up and went over and pulled her out of her chair and said, “Go for it.” Then he hugged her hard and walked her to the door. “Call him and tell him to plan something for Saturday night, because we’ll be home all day and night on Saturday. You go and have a good time. Mary can come over and stay here until she gets tired and hang out with Samantha. It’ll be a nice night for all of them. The boys can play Wii all night long.”
“Oh no, Jim. I insist that they watch Mary. I don’t expect you to babysit her just because your dad asked me out. Would you and Blair like to help me choose something to wear on Saturday? I’m so nervous and I’m really out of his league.”
“Why don’t we go shopping on Friday night and get you something new to wear. My treat. I know things are rough for you, Sarah and I’d like to help. If I didn’t have it, I wouldn’t offer.”
She thought a moment and said, “It depends on where he’s taking me out. He said he wanted to show me off at some restaurant that he loves to go to. He didn’t say where. I need to know, so I’m not out of my element.”
“I know where he’s going to take you. It’s a restaurant near Seattle called Herbfarm Restaurant and it’s not exactly what it sounds like. It’s a really nice upscale place, serves a nine course meal that takes about four to five hours to eat and it’s very pricey, but worth every penny. The food is delicious. The night dad took me and Blair it was all sorts of food, but the main course was Leg of Lamb. But I don’t know what it’ll be when he takes you. We need something fancy for you to wear. Not an evening gown, but a really nice evening dress. We’ll have Blair help us shop. Don’t worry about a thing, but do ask dad where he plans on taking you, so you can plan with the kids accordingly.”
“Thank you for being so understanding, Jim. I can’t believe how nice you’re being to me. I thought you would be somewhat upset,” Sarah guessed.
“Sarah, he’s been alone for a really long while. Doesn’t he deserve someone nice in his life too? I think so. And you might find out that you two have more in common then you think.”
“I need to get downstairs and get some work done. Thank you, once again and I’ll talk to you later,” Sarah said as she headed to the door.
“You are most welcome and don’t forget about Friday night.”
Sarah left with a big smile on her face and when Jim closed the door, he had one on his. He couldn’t believe his dad got up the nerve to ask her out. Way to go, dad.
The phone rang that night and Max answered it thinking it was Mark or Mike. “Hello?”
“Hi Max, this is Sarah, could I talk to your dad please?”
“Just a moment and I’ll get him,” Max answered. He found Jim putting dishes away out of the dishwasher and handed the phone to him. “It’s Sarah from downstairs.”
“Hi Sarah, what’s going on?”
“Hi Jim, I wanted to let you know that it is that restaurant in Seattle that he wants to take me, so it looks like I’m going to be gone for a total of seven hours. Do you mind being on call for that long?”
“Nope, don’t mind at all. It’s going to be great. Like I said, Blair and I loved it there. Great food and very nice place,” Jim said.
“Now I have to tell the kids. Get ready for phone calls to the boys from my boys. They’ll complain, I’m sure,” Sarah said nervously.
“Tell them how it is Sarah. You’re lonely and he’s lonely and this is a good thing. Just tell them the truth about you two and they’ll have to get used to it. Now stop worrying and get down to business.” Jim hung up the phone and Blair said, “What was that all about?”
Jim told Blair all about William asking her out as Blair smiled. “I was going to tell you earlier, but we didn’t have a moment alone until now. So anyhow, she thinks the boys are going to make trouble. I hope not. I’m hoping that she has a good time and dad takes her out more then once.”
“Your dad doesn’t seem like the type that would finally ask someone out and then not ask her out again. He must not mind being around her kids either, which is nice. Because after all, she comes with them,” Blair said.
“I find myself hoping that he’ll ask her more then once and more then twice. She’s really nice and has so little self-esteem, it would do her a lot of good to have dad show her how it’s really done. I just hope he knows how it’s really done,” Jim said.
“Jim, don’t worry, your dad won’t hurt her, I’m sure of that. I could tell he liked her, but I can’t believe she’s going to go out with him. She must be lonely too.”
“She said she is. I just hope the kids aren’t mean to her about it.” Jim finished putting the dishes away and then wiped down the table.
The phone rang and Max grabbed it before Jim and Blair got a chance. “It’s for me and Drew. We’ll take it upstairs.”
“There is the call from the boys already.” Jim sighed.
“Let’s get Sam ready for bed in case the boys need to talk to us. Then she’s all set for bed,” Blair suggested.
That’s exactly what they did. Sam was bathed and dressed for bed in no time and went into her room to play until bedtime.
Max and Drew came walking down the stairs smiling and Max said, “You aren’t going to believe this. Grampa asked Sarah out on a date.”
“Well, you’re smiling, so you must not care too much if he takes her out,” Jim teased.
“Mark and Mike are a little shocked, but they like grampa. He’s always so nice to them when he takes them with us to see movies and stuff. They like him and would like their mom not to have to work so hard and be so lonely,” Max explained.
“Max, this is only one date. They’re not getting married,” Jim reminded him.
“I know, but its really nice news. Mark and Mike are really excited for her and they said she started crying when they told her as much. She thought they would be upset about her dating someone besides their dad. And they both told her why would they want her to date their dad? He was mean to her. Did you know that he doesn’t pay any child support? He’s behind on that and he doesn’t see the kids, ever. He’s got that new girlfriend and that’s his life now. Mary thinks he died.” Max was totally disgusted.
Blair said, “That’s too bad, but I’m glad that the boys are giving her a chance to go out and try dating again. She may not end up dating grampa again, but she might. I’m glad that everyone gets along so well.”
“I’ve got to do homework, see you in the morning, dad, night pop.” Drew started for the stairs and Blair snagged him and pulled him into a hug. “Don’t think you get out of hugging us that easily.”
Drew then hugged Jim, said goodnight to Sam and walked upstairs for the evening.
Max smiled and gave them each a hug and went in to give some hugs to Sam before he walked upstairs.
When they were alone again, Jim said, “That went well.”
“We’ve got to get her some new clothes for this dinner so she won’t feel out of her element,” Blair said.
“It’s funny that you said that because she used those same words. I already volunteered you for the job with me on Friday night,” Jim said as he pulled Blair in for a kiss.
“Let’s get Sam in bed and sleeping and we can do the same. Well, at least be in bed, we don’t have to be sleeping.” Blair wiggled his eyebrows and Jim was right behind him as they walked in to read to Sam for the evening.
It was only 8:30 when they finished getting her all tucked in, but they didn’t care. They wanted each other and that’s what was going to happen.
Friday night the boys all got together downstairs at Sarah’s and were going to babysit Sam and Mary while Jim and Blair took Sarah shopping.
They took her to a fancy evening dress shop first and helped her decide on a basic black evening dress. She looked fantastic in the dress she chose, but she didn’t like the price tag at all. “The only way I’ll let you do this is if you let me clean your house for two weeks.”
“Sarah, I really want to do this. Not just for you, but for my dad. He’s been alone so long and he’s happy now. Let’s let him be happy and you may as well look like a million bucks while you’re out on the town with him. Please let me do this for you,” Jim pleaded.
“But it’s close to a million bucks for the dress,” Sarah whined.
Blair laughed and said, “Not hardly. Now we need to get shoes and slip and maybe new underwear, just in case.”
“Blair…” Jim shouted.
“I’m just saying.”
“It’s a good idea, just in case,” Sarah agreed.
Jim felt bad for his dad suddenly. He had no idea this was coming.
By the time they were done, they had bought four dresses for different occasions, shoes, bra’s, slips, panties and nylons. She was set for four nights of going out. Both Jim and Blair were hoping that she would need all of the dresses.
When they got to the house, Mike said, “You didn’t take as long as we thought.”
“That’s because I had two people bossing me around all night long and didn’t listen to anything I said,” Sarah joked.
Mary hugged her mom and then hugged Jim and Blair. “I’m glad you’re back because the boys won’t let us watch SpongeBob anymore tonight.”
“Mary, it’s time for a bath and bedtime. Say goodbye to Samantha and to Jim and Blair.”
“I hate being little. I always have to go to bed,” Mary whined.
Sarah said, “Wait until you get older then you look forward to it.”
Mike and Mark said, “Gross.”
“I meant to sleep you nuts,” Sarah said blushing.
They all said their goodnights and walked upstairs to get Sam ready for her bedtime.
“Drew was mean to me,” Sam tattled.
“Really? Why?” Blair asked.
“She watches SpongeBob all the time. It’s mind numbing stupidity and I think she watches it too much,” Drew answered.
“Well, you have to remember she’s five, not 13, Drew.” Jim picked Sam up and carried her into the bathroom.
“Dad always sticks up for her. He never listens to us about it,” Drew complained.
“Drew, dad was right. She’s only five. Were you able to watch MTV while they were watching SpongeBob?” Blair asked.
“No, they only have the tv in the living room. So we didn’t get to do anything except watch the girls watch SpongeBob.”
“Maybe we’ll get them a tv for Mary’s room. Just a small one so that you boys could still watch MTV and she and Sam could watch SpongeBob in her room. How does that sound?” Blair asked.
“That would work. We didn’t even mind sharing, but they were being brats, pop. I’m serious. They wouldn’t stop watching it all night. We never got to watch tv, once,” Drew explained.
“Okay, I’m going to talk to her about her bratty behavior and hopefully she’ll be in a better frame of mind the next time. I’m sorry she was a pain in your neck.”
“It’s okay, pop. I still love her. I just wish she’d realize the world doesn’t revolve around her.” Drew got up and started up the stairs.
Blair said, “Thank you, boys for watching Sam and Mary. Sarah was really relaxed tonight which is something I don’t see her do much lately.”
“You are most welcome, pop. We had a good time, tormenting the girls anyhow,” Max admitted.
“Night, pop,” Drew said as he hugged Blair close.
“Night, Drew.”
“Night, pop,” Max said as he did the same.
“Night Max. I’ll tell Sam you both said goodnight. You know how she is about being naked around anyone but us.” Blair said smiling.
Jim came walking out with a clean little girl behind him. “Drew and Max, I’m sorry I didn’t let you watch tv tonight. I won’t do it again. Daddy told me that it was bad that I did that. I’m sorry.”
Then she ran for her bedroom and they could all hear her crying.
“Oh man, I didn’t want her to cry,” Drew said as he started to walk towards her bedroom.
“Drew, leave her alone. She needs to know that what she did was wrong,” Blair said sternly.
Jim hugged both of the boys and said, “Get upstairs and watch some MTV. Sorry about her being a brat tonight.”
“Not your fault, dad. She’s just a monster sometimes. Not always. Usually she’s really a sweetie. We don’t mind watching her, really we don’t. In fact, can everyone come over here tomorrow night while Sarah and grampa go on their date?” Drew was excited that he thought of this.
“Yes, then there will be enough to do for everyone. That’s fine. Call them in the morning and tell them they are welcome to stay over night if they’d like,” Blair suggested.
Jim looked at Blair and smiled. He knew what Blair was thinking about. “Do you think Mary would sleep over?”
“Yeah, especially if they have a tent up in the room and SpongeBob on the tube. It’ll be fun for them both,” Blair assured everyone.
“Thanks, pop. Thanks, dad.” The boys took off up the stairs talking a mile a minute.
“Should we check on Sam?” Blair asked.
“She’s sleeping. She’s fine,” Jim said.
“Then I say we go upstairs and tell each other stories until something sounds good to one of us.” Blair was already getting ready for bed.
“We aren’t getting any tomorrow night, so we better make up for it tonight,” Jim admitted.
Blair said, “I love the way you think.”
Saturday went beautifully for Sarah. The kids all left and she met William at the door and they kissed. William was a very nice kisser. She would have to tell Blair that. She didn’t think she’d tell Jim. TMI and all of that.
William rented a limo for the evening and they were driven to the restaurant in Woodinville, outside of Seattle. Sarah didn’t think she had ever seen a place like this. They waited on you like you were the only ones there. They weren’t kidding when they said a nine course meal. They also weren’t kidding when they said it took four to five hours. They were there talking and eating for five wonderful hours. Since neither of them had to drive, they had wine and it was really good wine. Sarah was new to all of this and she loved it. She kept leaning into William and kissing him. The wine was going to her head. By the time they left she was ready to go to a hotel or something. She wanted to sleep with this wonderful man, but she was afraid to make that first move.
The drive home was very quiet because they were in the back of the limo making out. She finally came up for a breath and said, “I had a wonderful time, William. It’s been a really, really long while since anyone paid me any type of attention, so this is all going to my head. I’m afraid that I’m going to jump your bones if we keep making out.”
“William smiled and said, “That would be all right with me, but if you would prefer, why don’t we go out tomorrow night and maybe stay out late as in my house for a couple of hours.”
“I don’t have the kids tonight, William, if you want me, I’m yours.”
William picked up the phone and called the driver. “Take me to my house, please?”
“Anything else, sir?”
“No, we’ll be just fine,” William smiled as he went back to kissing Sarah once again. The driver watched for a moment in the mirror and then went back to listening to his tunes on his IPod.
They got to William’s house and Sarah called Jim to let her know that she wasn’t going to be home for some time and she swore she heard Blair laughing in the background.
“You have a nasty minded son-in-law.”
“I know that. That’s one of my favorite things about him,” William said.
They walked into William’s house and William arranged for the driver to wait for them. Sarah found that almost weird, but she wasn’t going to complain. This man wanted her and seemed to want her badly.
The driver was playing a game on his IPhone when it rang. He answered, “Hello?”
Jim was on the line and said, “Is my dad indisposed?”
“If you’re talking about Mr. Ellison, then yes, he’s in his house with his date.”
“Could you go and pick up some strawberries, champagne and chocolate bars? Then deliver them to the front door and tell him Jim sent them. I’ll give you an extra 100 bucks over what the stuff cost when you come back over here,” Jim bargained.
The driver said, “I’ll go right now. But I hate to interrupt them when I get back.”
“Just do, it’ll be worth your while. This is a special night for both of them. Make it extra special.” Jim hoped that this guy had some tact when he took everything up to the house.
They hung up from the phone and the driver, who was named, Bill went to the specialty shop around the corner. They had a deli section that had cheese, wines, strawberries and chocolate to dip things in. He picked it all up, everything was all ready to eat and drink. He was unsure about the champagne, because he didn’t know anything about it. He had asked and they had given him this bottle. He hoped they were right.
When Bill got back, he got everything in his arms and headed for the front door. He rang the bell and waited.
William answered the door, hair mussed and wearing a robe. “Bill, is something wrong?”
“This is from your son, Jim. He said enjoy,” Bill handed it all to William and William smiled.
“Thank you, Bill. Are you hungry?”
“Yes, sir, I thought about going and getting something from the drive through around the corner if you don’t mind me leaving.”
“That would be great. Here,” William said as he handed him a 100 dollar bill.
“I’m afraid they won’t take that sir,” Bill replied.
“You can call me William after all, we almost have the same names. Here are four 20’s how is that?”
“That would be fine. See you in a couple of hours, William.”
“Thank you, Bill. And let me pay you for my son’s share of the food.” William pulled out three one hundred dollar bills and Bill’s eyes lit up when he saw that.
“Thank you, William.”
At three o’clock in the morning, Jim heard the limo drive up and William take Sarah to her door. It sounded like they had a very good time and Jim was glad of that.
William asked if he could take the family out for dinner twice this next week and she said that would be fine. There was more kissing and then William told her she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life, dressed and undressed. Jim stopped listening at that point.
Blair looked over at his lover and said, “Are you listening to your dad and his date?”
“I was, but I stopped. They had a good time and Sarah is happy. So is dad. He’s going to take them out twice next week as a family for dinner. That’ll be nice for all of the kids.”
“What were you listening to?” Blair said looking into his lovers eyes.
“Something I shouldn’t have. I’ll probably have nightmares now.”
“Serves you right.” Blair wrapped Jim’s arms around his body and started going back to sleep until he felt the hard on behind him.
“Oh no you don’t. You have to live with that buddy boy,” Blair teased.
“Suck me, please?” Jim begged so nicely that Blair pushed him onto his back and began to suck on Jim’s cock with much interest.
Before long, Jim came down Blair’s throat, very quietly and Blair said, “You’ll owe me big for that.”
“Want me to do anything for you?” Jim asked lovingly.
“Nope, I’m waiting until tomorrow night. Your ass is mine, big boy.”
Jim smiled because he knew how much Blair loved to fuck him. He really needed to let Blair do it more often. The poor man was stooping to this.
Jim smiled as he pulled Blair into his arms and they both fell asleep.
Life was good.
No, life was great.
The end
Family Life Part 56
William’s in Love
By Patt
Word Count: 2,543
Summary: Two months after they began dating, William is totally in love. But is she?
William woke that morning and realized he really wished that Sarah lived in his house so that they could wake up together all the time. It had been two months, the kids all liked him, everything was going well and William wondered what he was holding back on?
He knew that Jim was off and decided to see if his son could meet him for lunch. Maybe he should ask for Blair’s opinion too. William picked up his phone and called the loft.
“Ellison,” Jim answered.
“Hi Jim. I wanted to know if you and Blair want to meet me for lunch this afternoon. I have something to discuss with you,” William said.
“Let me see if we have any plans, dad.” Jim was gone for a short time and came back and said, “Blair said he’d like to go to Red Lobster for lunch, if that would be all right with you.”
“That would be fine with me. I’ll meet you there at 11:00. Bye son,” William said before he hung up the phone.
He had a couple of hours to kill before meeting them, so he had plenty of time to think about what he was going to say. Did he want Sarah to move in or get married? How did he really feel about marrying someone else after the terrible job he did with Jim and Steven’s mom?
It would be different this time. He was really in love with Sarah. He loved the kids, they were all good kids and he could see himself living the rest of his life with her and helping her bring up the children. He would need to talk to Jim about how much money would have to go to the children and Sarah if he died. Right now it was set up for Jim and Steven, but William really wanted to change that. It isn’t like Jim or Steven was hurting for money. They both did very well. No, William didn’t think that Jim would mind at all. But how would Jim feel about having step family that was all so young?
William had told Sarah that he loved her and Sarah had told him that she loved him back, but did she love him enough to make a change in her life? Would she love him enough to uproot the children and bring them to his house? They would each have their own room there, since he had five bedrooms. William would have to talk to Sarah about the school that the kids went to. They would no longer be in the same school system, but William figured they could figure out something for that. It would be hard enough to uproot them from their home, but to take them out of school would be just plain cruel. No, William would make it clear that he would pay the tuition to have the kids stay in the very same school that they were in now. He had checked with the school and found out how much it would be.
And how did William feel about Sarah working? Did he really like the idea of her still working when he was home all by himself all the time? But would Sarah be willing to give up her job? It was a difficult job and she complained about it quite a bit, so maybe she would gladly give it up. William could give her an allowance, so she would have her own money. Yes, he would have to ask Jim and Blair about that too.
He looked up at the clock and realized it was time to go meet the boys. He was looking forward to seeing them. He hadn’t seen them in a while. Making time for everyone had taken a toll on him. He was tired. But he didn’t want to appear old or weak in front of Sarah, so he never said he was tired.
When Jim and Blair arrived, they found William sitting in a booth already and joined him.
William stood up and hugged both men before they sat down in the booth. “How are you boys doing today?”
“We were just talking about you this morning, saying we hadn’t seen you in awhile, so it was nice that you called,” Jim stated.
“I wanted to ask you boys some questions and then I’ve got some thinking to do,” William said.
“Oh my God, you’re going to ask Sarah to marry you?” Blair blurted out.
“I was thinking about having her move in with me, what do you think of that?”
Jim smiled. “Dad, if you want her to move in with you, just ask her. Why would you ask us first?”
“Jim this has a lot to do with money that would go to you and Steven. I would have to change my will to leave a certain amount to Sarah and the children. Of course you, Blair and the children would be in there too, but most of it would go to Sarah. I need to know how you feel about that.”
Jim couldn’t believe that his dad was worried about leaving him money. “Dad, I have my own money, I don’t need yours. You should have your new family in it.”
“But that’s just it, Jim, you’re my family too. I want you all in it. All or none. It’s as simple as that. Are you willing to take less in the amount I had planned on leaving you?” William asked.
“Of course I am, dad. Whatever you decide works for me. I’m behind you all the way,” Jim assured him.
“Blair, do you think I should ask her to marry me or move in with me?”
“William, I think you should be asking this of her. She needs to put in her input. Maybe she’s dying to marry you or maybe she doesn’t want to get married right now. It should all depend on what she decides to do. But the house is huge so there is plenty of room for all of the kids. It’s a really nice neighborhood which is also a plus. Would they be able to stay in the same school system?” Blair asked.
“I called the school and if they go there, I would have to pay out of pocket tuition, but I don’t mind doing that. I don’t want to uproot them from their school. There are already enough changes as it is. Mark needs to get his license and I’ll get him a car so he can take everyone to school in the morning and bring them home at night. It’ll be good practice for him to be in charge for a change,” William explained.
“Are you sure you up for this dad, you look tired.”
“Jim, I am tired, because I have to keep running over there and then running back here again. I can’t stay at her house she won’t allow that with the kids, so I’m rushing around all the time. That’s why I would like her in one place. The kids like me, I can tell and I think I’m being a good step-type parent to them. What do you boys think?”
“The kids are crazy about you. If you marry her, that would make Jim and Steven their brothers and that would be a little odd, but something everyone could adjust to. I’d talk to Sarah and see how she feels about marriage again,” Blair said.
“How do you think the kids would feel about it?” William asked.
“Our kids? Honestly, I think they would think it was great. Mark, Mike and Mary are all really nice kids and it would be nice to have them in the family. I think they would be just fine with it,” Jim said.
“The one you should be having lunch with is Sarah. Now why don’t you take her for dinner tonight and see how that goes. You can find out how she feels about everything,” Blair suggested.
“I will. I’ll call her as soon as I get home. Now my next question is I’m retired and I would like to have her home with me. Do you think that would work?”
“Dad, I think you should let her work. She would come to you if things got bad at work, but for right now, there are enough changes coming as there are. Talk to her tonight and let us know what she says.”
They ate their lunch and talked some more about how nice it would be to have children in that big old house. Blair smiled numerous times thinking how nice it would be to have William with someone for good.
Jim was cleaning the kitchen and said, “Dad hasn’t called yet, so they must still be out having dinner. Do you think I should check on Mark, Mike and Mary?”
“No, they’re old enough to babysit. If they need us, they know how to get a hold of us. Stop worrying. Jim you haven’t said much, how do you feel about this?” Blair wondered.
“Him asking her to marry him? I think it’s too soon. But what do I know? I was in love with you within two months and would have gladly married you at the drop of a hat. I think she’s going to go with living with him and I think she’ll do it too. She wants a better life for the kids and she knows my dad can give them that. I’m not saying she’s only in it for money, because I can tell she loves him, but she does see the advantages of being with a man with money.”
Blair pulled Jim in for a kiss and said, “That still doesn’t say how you feel about this. What do you think?”
“I like the idea of him being with someone again. He’s been alone for a long, long while and it’s time he gets back on track.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re all right with his decision. I hope it turns out well. There is always that chance that she might turn him down. He would be devastated wouldn’t he?” Blair asked.
“Yeah, he would be very disappointed. But sometimes things don’t always work out the way you think they will. You can hope, pray and wish all you want, but that doesn’t mean it’ll work out,” Jim said.
“Let’s go and watch the game. The kids are all ready for bed, doing their homework and we have time alone. Let’s watch the Jags,” Blair suggested.
They walked in, sat down and began to watch the game. It wasn’t too long into it when there was a knock at the door. Jim listened and said, “It’s Sarah.”
Jim opened up the door and said, “Jim, I need to talk to you.”
“Come on in and sit down with me and Blair.”
She sat down on the sofa and said, “Your dad asked me to move in with him tonight and give it six months and if we’re still doing well, he wants to marry me. I need to know how you feel about this. Do you think I’m good enough for your dad?”
“Whoa, where did that come from? My dad doesn’t belong to the Country Club any longer because it was even too snooty for him and he’s not a hot shot in the community. Why wouldn’t you think you were good enough for him?” Jim asked.
“That neighborhood he lives in is so fancy. I just don’t feel like I would fit in. So I told him I had to think about it. I want to live with him, but not in that house. I think I’ve made up my mind. I’m sad,” Sarah admitted.
“What if he sold the house and moved closer to the school. There are condo’s and houses in this area, what about that?” Jim asked.
“Jim, why are you trying so hard to figure out something? Do you really think I’m good enough for him?” Sarah asked sadly.
Blair couldn’t take it anymore. “Sarah, you are one of the best people we know. We love you. Your kids love you and now William loves you. Why in the world wouldn’t you think you deserve it? Just because your first husband was stupid doesn’t mean your second one has to be. You’re every bit as good as the rest of us. I think he should sell the house. I don’t know if he’d be willing to do that, but I would ask him. Call him right now and tell him how you feel.”
She walked into the kitchen and used the phone in there and had a discussion with William for about ten minutes. She walked out of the kitchen smiling.
“He said he would put the house on the market tomorrow and try and find a four bedroom condo nearby. He’s willing to move all of us. He really does love me. I’m so surprised that anyone like William could. But maybe I’m not treating him right thinking he’s better then I am. I’ve got to think about that too. So it looks like in a few months, if he sells his house we might be moving not too far from you.”
Jim and Blair both hugged her and she thanked them for being there for her. She left wearing a huge smile on her face.
6 weeks later: (Hey, its Patt’s Soap Opera, things happen fast here.)
William signed all of the papers on his house and he and Sarah found a four bedroom condo down the street from Jim and Blair’s place. The two of them signed all of the papers on that one. It had enough room for everyone and made Jim and Blair’s look small. They were getting all new furniture and Blair and Sarah were in charge of that. Sarah picked out a lovely bedroom set for her and William. She was so excited. She hadn’t had a bed in a long while. She’d been sleeping on the sofa bed.
The kids all picked out the furniture for their bedrooms and Mary was so excited. She was going to have a cool bedroom just like Samantha did. Mark and Mike were super excited because they each got their own room. Things were moving along rather smoothly and once everything was in, William moved in with the love of his life and her children. It was one of the happiest days of his life.
Mark got a car and was driving everywhere and anywhere. He was very responsible and didn’t take advantage of his mom or William. They all called him William and they seemed comfortable doing that.
Yes, things were looking up for Sarah. She soon started her own company at home and William helped her run it. She ran it from the office at the condo and had plenty of room to do it with. She began to make cover art for a book publishing company. She was much happier and honestly, so was William. He had something to do every day and that gave him much happiness.
Within one month, they were all settled in, settled down and very content.
Life was good.
The end
Family Life Part 57
Block, Strikes and Kicks
By Patt
Word Count: 3638
Bee gave me a huge list of story ideas and I’m not going to be out for a long, long while. Thank you so much, Bee. This suggestion also came from Helena. I figured it was two against one, and I needed to write it. LOL
Summary: Jim decides that a Karate course would be great family fun.
Jim was on the phone a lot that Monday and Blair wondered what his lover was up to. There wasn’t a thing going on at the station, so what was he doing?
Jim finally joined him in the break room carrying his coffee cup and said, “Guess what?”
“Now do you really want me to guess, or do you just want to tell me?” Blair joked.
“Okay, you’re right, I’ll tell you. I just signed all of us up for Karate Classes, twice a week. It’s on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s. Does that work with your teaching schedule at the academy?”
“All five of us are going to take Karate lessons?” Blair asked.
“Or course all of us. I figured we can start them in the beginner classes and stay with them, even though we probably know some of the moves,” Jim explained.
“I think they keep the kids in a class with only kids,” Blair said.
“You’re kidding? I thought this would be a wonderful family sport. I wanted us to spend time as a family. I just got done paying for a year of classes. What the hell was I thinking?”
“I think it’ll be fun. The kids can be in different classes and we’ll probably be in the same class. I think it’s a fantastic idea and then after the classes, we could go for ice cream or something,” Blair decided.
“Do you think the kids are going to enjoy it?” Jim asked.
“Babe, I have no idea. But if they don’t like the classes we sure can’t force them and we could always give the paid classes to someone that will appreciate them. I don’t think we’ll have a problem though. The kids love doing things, so this is right up their alley.”
“Thanks for being so supportive, Blair.”
“You’re welcome. Now what exactly are we going to learn?” Blair asked.
“He said the first six months focuses on blocks, strikes and kicks. He said he didn’t want to go any further ahead then that. So it’s just the basics, I think.”
“Sounds like fun, Jim. The kids will love it.”
They both went back to the bullpen, still seeing no action and got busy on paperwork that needed to be caught up. It looked like they would be able to leave a little early that day.
Jim and Blair walked into the loft and were hugged immediately by Samantha. She said, “Daddy, poppy, guess what?”
“What?” Blair asked.
“I got to color a picture for the door today. My teacher said I color really good. She said that I could do one every week if I continue to do good in my class,” Sam answered.
“It’s well, Sam, not good.” Blair said.
“She said I did good.” Sam said looking hurt for being corrected.
“You did do a good job, but you did well. That’s how you say it. That sounds nice that you got to do a picture for the door. What is the picture of?” Blair asked.
Samantha looked a little confused for a moment and then said, “It’s our family pictures. She took mine down and said I needed to do a new one with just me, Drew and Max in it. She said that one would be better. So I did. I even put their names on it. It turned out good.”
Jim looked at Blair and Blair raised his eyebrow and wondered what was going on.
Jim said, “What was on the first picture that you drew?”
“You and poppy and me. Just the three of us and teacher said I needed to have just me and Max and Drew on it instead.”
“Really? Well, poppy and I will check out your picture tomorrow on our day off. We’ll talk to your teacher too,” Jim said.
Jim walked into the living room and saw Max and Drew playing on the Wii and smiled. Those boys were totally addicted to the damn game. “Did you guys do your homework before you started playing on the game?”
“Yes, dad, we know the rules. How was your day?” Max asked without taking his eyes off of the screen once.
“Our day was fine, now we need you to stop that and come in here and talk to us for a moment,” Jim said firmly.
Both boys stopped doing what they were doing and sighed all the way into the dining room.
Blair said, “Guess what dad signed us all up for?”
Max looked at Blair and said, “Am I going to hate him for it?”
“I don’t think so. I think it’s pretty cool. I know we’re excited. It’s a family idea and your dad thought it would be nice to have us all go on the same nights. So starting this week, every Tuesday and Thursday we’re going to be taking Karate classes. What do you think about that?”
Samantha was the first to reply. “Poppy, we’re all going to take the classes?”
“Yes, daddy and I will be in an adult class. Max and Drew will be in a teen class and you’ll be in your own class with little girls and boys. Doesn’t it sound fun, Sam”
“It does sound fun. Do you think it’s going to be fun, Max?” Sam asked happily.
Max said, “Are the lessons at a place called, ‘Kick it’?”
Jim said, “As a matter of fact, they are, why?”
“I know a bunch of kids that go there for lessons. They just started too. This is so cool. We wanted to ask, but we knew it costs a lot of money and didn’t want to make you pay for anything else,” Max said.
“Max, if you ever want to do anything really badly, just come to us and ask. The worst thing that can happen is we’ll say no.”
“That’s true. So like if we wanted to take riding lessons on Sunday’s you would consider it?” Max asked.
“You want to take riding lessons?” Jim asked somewhat surprised.
“I know someone that does,” Max said eyeballing Sam.
“Sam would you like to take riding lesson’s on Sunday’s” Blair asked.
“Riding a horse? I would love to.”
“Max, do you know someone that goes?” Blair asked.
“Mary does. Grampa is going to start taking her on Sunday’s. I thought it might be nice for the two of them to do it together. I could take her and pick her up every Sunday. I don’t mind, really.”
“Grampa could take them. This is a good idea. That way Mary and Sam would have more time together. I’ll call grampa after dinner,” Jim decided.
Blair frowned and said, “Jim, what if they want Mary to have some alone time?”
“I’ll ask and make sure that they know that it’s fine either way. I’ll be tactful, Chief.”
They all went into the kitchen and as Blair and Jim started dinner, Max and Drew were asking all sorts of questions about the Karate class. They talked about it for an hour and dinner was done. Max and Drew set the table and everyone sat down to eat.
They continued the talk about Karate lessons and Blair was impressed with how well they were all taking it. Jim was excited. Everyone could tell just from looking at his face.
“When are you going to call grampa?” Sam wondered.
“After dinner, Sam. He’s probably eating dinner right now too.” Blair said.
“If I help with dishes, would that make it faster?” Sam asked.
Jim laughed and got up from the table. “I’ll be right back.” He walked into the office and shut the door. He was in there about five minutes and came walking out smiling. “Grampa will pick you up every Sunday morning at 9:00. So you have to be up and ready for the day before we leave for work,” Jim advised.
“Yay, I get to learn how to ride a horse.” Sam was so excited she was bouncing in her chair.
Max said, “I could tell grampa that I could pick them up if he wanted a break.”
“That’s a good idea, Max. Why don’t you let her get one lesson under way and then we’ll have you guys pick them up from then on. That would save some time for grampa. He’s not getting any younger,” Jim teased.
“Is something wrong with grampa?” Drew asked.
“No, Drew, I was joking.” Jim rubbed his hand over his face when he realized that sometimes humor was lost on children.
“Tomorrow night is our first Karate lesson. Is everyone excited?” Blair inquired.
“I am. I have four friends that go for those classes. They just started too. So this is going to be cool,” Max admitted.
“I don’t know anyone that is in the classes,” Drew said.
“Drew, I’m sure you’ll make friends as you always do. I’m not worried a bit,” Blair said hoping to ease Drew’s worries. He could tell that Drew was nervous about taking the class. Blair wasn’t sure why, but he wondered if this was the right class for Drew.
They all finished dinner and Jim and Max did the dishes and got everything cleaned up. Sam went into her room and was practicing reading. She was learning how to read by herself.
Blair turned to Drew and said, “Drew are you excited about the classes that you’re going to be taking? Or would you rather do something else?”
“No. I know that dad wants us all to do the same thing as a family. So that’s fine.”
“Drew, what would you rather be doing?” Blair asked.
“There is this cooking class on Friday nights at the community college and I wanted to take it so badly. But that wouldn’t leave much time for anything else in our lives. It was expensive anyway,” Drew said sadly.
“When do these classes start?”
“In two weeks,” Drew answered.
“I’ll tell you what. I want you to give Karate a chance first and if you hate it, we’ll take you out and put you in the other class. How does that sound?” Blair said.
“I think that dad wants us all to learn Karate, so that’s what I’m going to do. It’s okay, pop. Really, it’s all right.”
“There is no reason you couldn’t do both you know?” Blair said smiling.
“It’s expensive, pop. I’m serious. The class is like 300 bucks to sign up. And you have to be accepted for the class. I doubt that my grades are good enough anyhow.”
Blair was pissed now. “You’re an excellent student, Drew, so that’s not a problem. Where do you sign up for it?”
“I have the papers in my backpack. Do you want to see them?” Drew asked cheerfully.
“Yes, bring them down so I can figure out if we can do both. I’ll talk to your dad about it tonight. Don’t worry about it for now. We’ve got plenty of time to do this.”
Drew went up the stairs quickly to get the paperwork Blair needed to read. He brought it down and handed it over with a big smile on his face. Blair really hoped that this was something that Drew could get into, because he knew that Drew had his heart set on it already.
Blair sat down and read the paperwork. Sure enough it was at the community college not far from their house and you had to have a recommendation from a teacher of cooking class to get into the class. Blair didn’t see a problem as yet. He’d have to talk to Jim about this later.
Blair talked to Jim about the class that night while they were in bed. Jim said, “Don’t you think that’s a little pricy for a cooking class, Chief?”
“Not really. Especially if he wants to get into classes later on in his life. Drew wants to be a chef; we’ve got to help him reach his goal.”
“Will he still go to Karate classes?” Jim asked.
“Yes, he wants to do what the family is doing too. He was adamant about that.”
“Then I think it’s a good idea, Blair. Get him signed up as soon as possible.”
“Tomorrow we’re going to see Sam’s teacher and ask her what the fuck she thinks she’s doing, taking down Sam’s artwork. I want her to know that we know and it won’t be tolerated,” Blair said.
“I’m with you on that, Chief. We’ll go tomorrow on our way to picking up our uniforms for the class. It’ll all work out, you just wait and see.”
They kissed each other softly and snuggled into each other’s arms and went to sleep for the night.
The next day, Blair had the paper all filled out, his portion anyway and told Drew that he needed to get the recommendation from his cooking teacher at school. Then they could go and get him signed up as soon as possible. Drew was thrilled and Blair hoped this was going to work out.
Jim and Blair took Samantha to school that day so they could talk to her teacher. When they walked in, she turned white faced and Jim could hear her heartbeat speeding up at the sight of seeing them in the class room together. He was secretly glad that she was worried.
“Mrs. Murphy, could we please have a word with you?” Jim asked nicely, even though he wanted to shoot her.
“Why certainly. Come into the hall and we can talk there,” Mrs. Murphy said.
Jim and Blair followed her out into the hallway and Jim said, “I want to make this very clear. You’ll never take down Sam’s artwork for any reason again. Am I understood?”
“It wouldn’t have fit in with all of the other children’s pictures. It stuck out like a sore thumb,” Mrs. Murphy explained.
“I don’t care if someone complained about it, that was her art and she should have been able to put it up. Don’t do it again. Good day,” Jim said as he walked down the hallway.
Blair said, “I’ll talk to the principal next time, so don’t think we won’t.”
“Whatever…” The grumpy teacher took off into her classroom and Blair was going to start asking questions from now on.
Jim and Blair went shopping for the uniforms they needed for the Karate classes. They would all be wearing just the white tunic type outfits and a white belt. They all started with a white belt. Samantha was impressed with the outfits but not so impressed with the white belt. She wanted a green, blue or yellow one. They explained she would have to work up to another color and of course she said that would be in a couple of weeks.
When they got ready to go, Jim felt such pride looking at his family. They were all dressed in the white uniforms and were ready to go.
They drove to Kick It and talked non-stop about how much fun this was going to be. Jim was the most hyped up about it. Next would have been Max.
Blair wondered if they were taking on too much with two classes. He had to teach three classes a week and had to get up at the crack of dawn to do that. Now he wasn’t even going to get home until about ten. This might not be as simple as Jim made it sound.
They all walked in and the instructors took the kids to their classes. Max and Drew were taken to a older teen class. Sam was taken to a small child class and Jim and Blair were taken to the beginning adults class. Jim wanted to say something, but Blair stopped him. “Jim, let them decide what class we belong in, all right?”
Jim blushed when he realized he was trying to push someone around. “Sounds good, Chief.”
Jim was in the head of the class and knew most of the blocks, strikes and kicks. But Blair didn’t really know any of them, so he was in a different section then Jim was. Blair could tell Jim wasn’t happy about that. Jim had wanted them all to be together. Life wasn’t like that. They had to conform to the rules. Jim should know all about rules.
For the next two hours, they all learned how to block. Blair found it fascinating and was having a good time. Max and Drew thought it was fun too. But Sam was a little bored. She thought they should be kicking already and she told the teacher as much. Jim on the other hand was moved into a completely different room. He was too good for the beginning class. As he left he looked sad and that bothered Blair a little. Blair didn’t want Jim to think they had to be together every freaking moment of the day. That was just silly.
On the drive home, Max told them how well Drew had done with the blocks. “The teacher said he was a natural.”
“Good going, Drew. I’m sure you did fine too, Max.” Blair said.
“He did do well, pop. He was impressing all of the girls in the class,” Drew teased.
“Yeah right, like any of them would have noticed me. They were watching Drew like crazy.”
“This isn’t a dating event kids. This is a learning experience and we’ll behave as such,” Jim said seriously.
“So Jim, tell us what you did?” Blair asked.
“Why are you asking him, pop? You couldn’t see him?” Max asked.
“He was too good, they took him to another class that was higher up, am I right, Jim?”
“Yes, that’s what they did. But I wanted to stay in the same class as your pop. It’s no fun in the class by myself,” Jim whined.
“That’s what I think to, daddy. I think we should quit.” Sam was very serious.
“We’re not a family of quitters, so we’re going to stick with this class if it kills us all. And I’m afraid that I’m going to be sore already tomorrow,” Blair said smiling.
“Learning blocks was a lot of fun,” Drew said.
“What are you learning, dad?” Max asked.
“I’m in the combination techniques class. It does a little bit of everything all at once. I don’t just block, I block and strike and kick all at the same time. I took Karate while I was in the service and they said I was still in pretty good shape. A lot they know. My body is screaming for Tylenol right now,” Jim joked.
Blair said, “Well, I found out that I’m a normal learner, which is fine and I love it. It’s very fun. I think I’m going to really like getting into this class every week. Thanks for suggesting it, Jim.”
“You are most welcome. So everyone had a good time except for Samantha?” Jim asked.
“I liked it. It was just sort of slow. I’ll have more fun next time. I promise,” Samantha said quickly.
“So are we all willing to give up two nights a week for this, or should we take it down to one night a week?” Jim asked.
“Honestly, I think one night would be good enough for me. I have to teach classes the following days after the lessons, so I’m going to be exhausted. What do you all think?” Blair wondered.
“I think one night is enough with homework and everything, we’re going to be busy enough. And if I get into the other class, I’m going to be lacking for time as it is,” Drew said.
“Okay, I’ll call tomorrow and tell them we’ll go for the once a week class. That’s what they tried to tell me when I signed us up, but I wouldn’t listen. But I think it’s perfect. We’ll go on Tuesday nights and that leaves the rest of the week for us and just Friday for Drew if he gets into the other class.” Jim drove home feeling pretty good about the classes and life in general. He would never tell Blair, but they had moved him up in the class to the top level. He had to work very hard to keep up with the teacher, but the teacher said he was a natural. Drew must take after his old dad.
When they got home, they all went and got ready for bed. Jim and Blair got Sam bathed and into bed in no time at all, because she was very tired.
They both got ready for bed and slipped into the bed and went into the others arms.
“So tell me Jim? What class are you actually in?” Blair said.
“There isn’t a number or belt. It’s just a combined class. It’s not a big deal, Blair. You’ll probably be joining me in no time.”
Blair laughed and snuggled into Jim’s body a little big more and said, “Kiss my neck until I fall asleep.”
Jim began to kiss his neck and was getting very hot and bothered when he realized Blair was sleeping. Damn cock tease.
Jim closed his eyes and realized he had a good life, a wonderful family, they did things together and enjoyed each other’s company and by God, they were all happy. That was the most important thing to Jim.
Life was indeed good.
The end
Family Life Part 58
By Patt
Word Count: 2932
Not all of the stories can be happy ones. Warp Speed ahead, hold on to your seats.
Summary: Jim and Blair get turned in for threatening the kindergarten teacher.
Simon opened up his office door and said, “Sandburg, Ellison, my office.”
“Geeze, what did we do this time?” Blair joked.
Jim looked serious and said, “He’s angry with us.”
“We didn’t even do anything today. Or is that why he’s angry?” Blair continued teasing.
“Stop joking, Blair. He’s mad.”
Blair shut up then because he knew if anyone would know it would be Jim. Jim looked ready to jump down Simon’s throat. “Keep it business like, Jim. Don’t go jumping to conclusions until we have somewhere to jump.”
“Understood,” Jim said tersely.
They walked in and Simon said, “Sit down both of you. We have a problem.”
Blair sat down and watched Jim standing at attention and knew Jim was going to be trouble. “What’s up, Simon?”
“Someone brought charges against you two for threatening her and her students. Mrs. Michael Murphy has pressed charges and wants you both fired.”
“So just like that you thought we threatened the teacher and you believed her?” Jim asked angrily.
“Honestly, I have no idea. I haven’t heard anything about this teacher, so this is all news to me. Why don’t you walk me through it and we’ll see where we go from there.”
Blair said, “Let me tell you. For crying out loud, Jim, stop grinding your teeth and sit down.”
Jim listened immediately and sat down. He still didn’t look relaxed though.
“Okay, Sandburg, you’re going to explain this to me?” Simon asked.
“It’s simple to explain, Simon. She took down Samantha’s family picture because she has two dads and she made Samantha draw a picture of her and her brothers instead. We didn’t like that she was singled out because she has gay parents and we told Mrs. Murphy as much. We told her that next time we would take it to the principal. That’s it, I swear. We didn’t threaten anything, other then that. That’s the truth and nothing but the truth.”
“She said that Jim threatened her life.”
Jim laughed out loud and said, “And who are they going to believe? Me, the fag?”
“Shut up, Jim. Jim was the first to walk away. I’m the one that threatened her with going to the principal. Jim just told her not to do it again and walked away. He didn’t threaten her at all. I swear to you, he was on his best behavior that day. I didn’t have to yell at him or anything,” Blair said.
“Jim, why were you on your best behavior?” Simon wondered.
“Simon, it was outside the classroom. Everyone was watching, including Samantha and Samantha looked scared. So I knew I had to keep my wits about me. I didn’t yell. Didn’t raise my voice and didn’t threaten her. I’d like to bring charges against her for defamation of character. She’s doing this because she doesn’t like gay people, not because we’re cops. She could care less about us being cops. When Blair told her we would take it to the principal she said, “whatever” and walked off. So it was her, not us.”
“Okay, I’m going to take your statement and we’ll see where we go from there. Are you sure you want to bring charges against her?” Simon asked.
Blair stood up and said, “Yes, we need to. They need to understand that not every family has a mom and dad. How dare her decide for the school what is right and what is wrong. We want those charges brought up today.”
They each gave Simon their statement on tape and on paper. When they finished, they filled out all of the paperwork for Mrs. Murphy’s charges. Simon wasn’t happy about doing this, but he knew he had no choice. It just brought more attention to Major Crimes dealing with gay issues and Simon didn’t think they needed anymore attention. The last thing Simon needed was for someone to come snooping around Major Crimes and find something more then they were looking for. He had kept him and Rafe a secret, but he knew all it would take was one big mouth and the word would be out.
Jim knew that Simon was worried about his reputation and that was pissing him off to no end. But he kept his big mouth shut. He just filled out all of the paperwork and got that done with. When they were done, Jim said, “I’m calling a lawyer now.”
“I’m sure it won’t come to that, Ellison.”
“Well it’s easy for you to say, you don’t have to worry about your good name, do you? She’s not going after you. She’s going after us. We need someone that deals in Gay Issues. I’ve got to go make some calls. I’m going to do it in the interrogation room 2. I’ll be in there if you need me,” Jim said as he stormed out of the office.
“What’s he so pissed off at me for?” Simon asked Blair.
“First of all, I hope it doesn’t drag you and Rafe into it, but you could have been a little more supportive and not thought about yourself first thing. You’re supposed to be our friend first and foremost.”
“I am your friend. I intend on filing these charges today, even though I think its overkill. She’s a kindergarten teacher, Sandburg.”
“Can you imagine how she’s treating our little girl right now? She’s sitting in that class probably wondering why the teacher is treating her like shit. Why the teacher is excluding her from everything. How do you think Sam is holding up, Simon?” Blair was really pissed off.
“Why don’t you take off the day and get her in a different class room?” Simon asked.
“I can’t. If she said I threatened her, I can’t go around her until this is cleared up. So that means I have to bother William to take care of our family business while we are not allowed to be there. If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go and see if William can’t take care of things right away.” Blair walked out of the room and didn’t ask for permission. Simon knew Blair was one pissed off dad.
Blair went into the break room and called William. He filled William in on what had happened and asked if he would go take Samantha out of Mrs. Murphy’s class as soon as possible. Of course, William said he would and would call Blair as soon as she was settled in her new class.
Blair felt so bad for Sam. She liked school and she wouldn’t understand why she was being taken away from her friends. Now Mary would be in a different class. Samantha wasn’t going to like this at all.
Blair called the school and asked for Mr. Kline. He had been in charge of the school meeting where Mr. Carter was taken down a notch. And he had replaced Mr. Carter. He was raised by two women, so he knew about the prejudice that came along with it. He told Jim and Blair to call him if they ever had problems. Blair thought this might be considered a problem.
“Hello, Mr. Sandburg?”
“Hello Mr. Kline, it’s good to hear your voice. I’ve got some problems and I’m hoping you can help handle them since we can’t go to the school right now.”
Blair explained it all to Mr. Kline and told him that William was coming to take Samantha out of Mrs. Murphy’s class and Mr. Kline said, “Don’t you worry about a thing. I not only will take Samantha out, but we’ll go ahead and take Mary too, if Mr. Ellison signs the papers for it. He’s next in line when we need someone to sign. As long as it’s all done legally, that’s all that matters. I’ll help him get Samantha and Mary settled in their new classroom. Let me go and talk to the teachers first and see what teacher would be the best for the job. I’ll talk to you later.”
Blair felt somewhat better after that much was taken care of. He headed to interrogation room 2, to see if Jim was having any luck whatsoever. He walked in and Jim had his head down on the table. He wasn’t moving at all when Blair walked towards him and Blair was sure he had zoned.
“I’m fine. I’m just resting my eyes.”
Blair told him about calling William and getting all of that taken care of. Then he told Jim about Mr. Kline and that was taken care of and finally he said, “Babe, it’s not the end of the world. We’ll get through this, we always do.”
“It sucks that we have to always do this. Just because we love each other, we have to pay for the rest of our lives? It’s just not right. I don’t make them watch me kiss you or fondle you or anything gross to them. Why do they care?” Jim asked sadly.
Blair could tell that Jim was on the verge of tears and this pissed him off anew. “It’s because they don’t have anything else to do with their time. They need something to be against, they are never happy. If it wasn’t us, it would be something else. Jim, we’re so damn lucky to have the kids and family and friends like we do. We need to realize how lucky we are and be grateful for that. I love you, big guy.”
“I love you, too, Blair. I just think we should be able to say that in public if we wanted to.”
“I do too, Jim. I couldn’t agree more. But this is life and we have to take it the way it comes to us. We’re damn lucky. Do we have three children?”
Jim looked at Blair strangely and said, “Of course we have three children.”
“Years ago we wouldn’t have. They would have gone to foster homes instead of us. Now they are with a family that loves them and we’re all happy.”
“You are absolutely right.” Jim remarked.
“Do we have decent jobs?” Blair asked.
“Of course we do. You know how much I love this job.” Jim answered.
“There again, years ago we wouldn’t have been allowed to be in the station, let alone working here. No one messes with us, babe. We’ve got a great life here. So be grateful for that too.”
Jim smiled. “I am grateful for our family and our work.”
“Do we have good friends?”
“I don’t need to answer that one do I? Okay, we have great friends. I’m very grateful for our friends, our family and our jobs.”
“Do you feel a little better?” Blair asked.
“Yes, you always make me feel better. Now let me tell you about the lawyer that’s coming.”
Jim went on to tell Blair all about the lawyer that worked for a Judge that had much to do with civil rights and he was going to pay them a visit that afternoon. The lawyer said not to talk to anyone from the school in case the teacher had gotten to the rest of the school.
“Do you think it’s all right that I talked to Mr. Kline?”
“Yeah, I think we’re safe with Kline. He was on our side last time. Let’s just hope this doesn’t backfire. What if someone took the kids away from us?” Jim asked.
Blair looked scared. “My God, I never thought of that. Do you think there is a chance of that happening?”
“I don’t know, that’s why we needed a lawyer. We’ll wait and see what he has to say,” Jim replied.
William got Mary and Samantha into their new classroom and the teacher seemed very nice and was quite kind. She assured William that they would be treated fairly in her classroom and to stop worrying about them. William did. She seemed like she knew what she was doing and he had to trust someone.
Once he got outside, he called Jim and told him that everything was settled at the school. Jim filled William in on what was going on there and they both wished each other well.
Jim got off the phone and said, “Mary and Sam are in a new class already. Dad thinks that the teacher is super nice and we won’t have any trouble with her. He said that Sam and Mary were confused about having to go to another class, but were glad that the other was with them. Everything seems to be moving along smoothly. Now we just need to talk to the lawyer. Let’s get out to the bullpen and look busy for a short time.”
“Good idea, it doesn’t look good to be sitting in here not doing our jobs. This day is going to end well, I just feel it.” Blair walked as happily as he could back to the bullpen and sat down and began to work.
They hadn’t been there but ten minutes when the lawyer came. “Jim Ellison?” The tall, dark and handsome man asked.
“Yes?” Jim replied.
“I’m Larry Stone. I talked to you on the phone.”
Jim stood up quickly and said, “It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Stone.”
“Call me Larry. And you must be Blair Sandburg?”
“Yes, Larry I am. You would know that already if my friend would have introduced me,” Blair said very sarcastically.
“Let’s not fight yet. We’ve got days to fight, we’re just starting now. Is there somewhere we can go to fill out all of the paperwork and talk?” Larry asked.
“Yes, follow us,” Jim and Blair led him to Interrogation room number 2 again and they all walked in and sat down.
Larry pulled out all of the paperwork and said, “This is going to take us a little while, but it’s going to be worth it. She’ll be fired if we have our say in it. And we do. Now start filling out all of these papers.”
Jim and Blair filled out paperwork for the next two hours. Simon came in once to check on them and found out they were only half done. Simon felt sorry for this teacher suddenly. Then he shook his head and smiled. He didn’t give a flying fuck about this teacher. He sure as hell wasn’t going to feel sorry for her.
At five o’clock, Jim and Blair signed the last bit of paperwork. Larry said, “This is all going to be filed tomorrow. So don’t worry about a thing, it’s in the works. If she’s smart she’ll put in for a transfer but if she not then we’ll have to fight it. I think we have an excellent case. So don’t worry about a thing. We might not hear anything for a week or two, so don’t worry about any of this. I’ll call you if there was anything to worry about. You can go to the school now. The paperwork has been filled out and will be processed tomorrow. If you have to go and get Samantha feel free to do so.”
“Thank you, Larry,” Jim said shaking the man’s hand.
Blair shook his hand next and said, “Please let us know when anything comes up.”
“I’ll talk to both of you soon. Tell Samantha what is going on so she’ll know what to tell you if it happens at school.” Larry walked out of the room and Jim took a big breath of air into his lungs.
“I couldn’t breathe there for a while.”
“You’ll be fine, Jim. Let’s go home.”
In the next week, Larry called and said he needed to speak with them. He came to the station again and Jim and Blair took him to the same room.
“What’s going on?” Jim asked as soon as they all sat down.
“Mrs. Murphy has put in for a transfer. She has dropped the charges against you and won’t be there as of this afternoon at 3:00. It’s all over with unless you wish to bring suit against her.”
Blair said, “I want it all to be done. But is there anyway we can put somewhere that we decided not to bring suit because we didn’t want our daughter to suffer?”
“Consider it done, Blair. Now, I need you to sign these papers and we’ll get this all filed and finished today. Congratulations, Jim and Blair. I’m so glad it didn’t get ugly. I think she knew she had too many people against her. At one time she said someone had threatened her, but then she dropped that, so I don’t know what that was about. Good luck with everything. Enjoy your lives.”
Jim and Blair signed the papers and Larry left. Jim held on to Blair and felt like crying. He didn’t, but he sure felt like it. Blair was so thrilled. “I told you it was going to be all right.”
“Yes, you did.”
“I’m always right,” Blair smiled at his lover.
“Yes, you are.”
“Tell me that your dad didn’t call and threaten her,” Blair said softly.
“I can’t. I have a feeling he did. He doesn’t always use the best of judgment. But if he did, he did it for us.”
“As soon as he said it, I knew it was your dad. I’m right again.”
“You’re always right, Chief. Always.”
The end
Family Life Part 59
By Patt
Word Count: 4872
Here is another big thank you to Bee for the story idea. I think we’re going to have fun with this one. Thank you to Helena for the stranger, danger idea. It’s a very good one indeed.
Summary: The kids are out of school for two weeks, so Jim and Blair decide to take them to Disneyland. Samantha is also going to learn about Stranger, Danger.
The kids were getting ready for their fall break at school and Jim decided it would be a perfect time for them to go to California. He needed to find out if Samantha was tall enough for the rides and if it would be worth taking. Disneyland was more for little kids and Jim didn’t know if Drew and Max would be interested in going at all. They could always go to something else while Jim would take Samantha to Disneyland. Blair could take the boys to Universal Studios and ride the big rides. He would find out how they felt about it that afternoon when they got home from school.
Jim also needed to talk to Blair about how they were going to discuss Stranger Danger ideas to Samantha and the boys for all that mattered. You didn’t have to be a little kid to be abducted. Blair could attest to that. So could Jim. They needed to learn about strangers and how to react to them. Maybe they would do that tonight after dinner and school work.
Blair walked into the room and Jim filled him in on what he had been doing in the office. Blair smiled the entire time that Jim was telling him about his plans.
“Jim, I think this is a fantastic idea. But you’re right we do have to have to talk with the kids about strangers. That’s the most important thing on our agenda right now. Let me see this list of rides you have made up for Disneyland.”
Blair looked over the list, which was very long and wondered why Jim would think Max and Drew wouldn’t want to go with Samantha on these rides. Then he looked at the prices for the hopper passes that got them in for five days and whistled when he saw the price. “Pricey, aren’t they?”
“Yes, but it’s worth it,” Jim answered.
“You really think the boys won’t want to go to Disneyland?” Blair asked.
“You never know. They are 16 and almost 14, so they might feel like we’re treating them like babies. We don’t want to do that.”
“We’ll let them decide,” Blair said.
“What are we having for dinner tonight?” Jim asked.
“Close down the computer and you can come and help me make the beef stew I have planned.”
Jim did as Blair asked and joined him in the kitchen. The men enjoyed cooking together. It was something they both liked to do and found it odd that their son was so into cooking too. Who says kids aren’t like adoptive parents?
The two men worked side by side for about an hour and got everything going as needed. Before long the entire house smelled like yummy beef stew. Jim pulled Blair into his arms and said, “Do we have enough time for a quicky?”
“Nope. The kids will be home in about 20 minutes and I for one, like it for more then 20 minutes,” Blair answered.
Jim laughed and said, “Can’t blame a guy for trying.”
“I never want you to stop trying,” Blair whispered and kissed him once again.
“No fair teasing, if you’re going to make me wait.”
Blair laughed and walked into the office to check out some more of the vacation plans.
All three kids came walking in the front door and Sam was telling Max, “I’m telling dad. I mean it.”
“You’re telling dad what?” Jim asked as he came walking out of the kitchen.
“Max was mean to me at the grocery store,” Sam said sadly and then went into Jim’s arms and cried her little heart out.
“Dad, listen to me first,” Max began.
“I planned on it,” Jim said.
Blair walked into the room and said, “What’s going on?”
“We stopped at the grocery store to get some chips to go with the dip we have left. I turned my back for a few minutes and Sam was talking down the aisle with this icky man. I told her to get her butt over here and she started crying. The man took off really fast. She won’t listen to me about strangers. She thinks everyone is nice. That guy was probably going to take her away from us,” Max explained.
“You did exactly the right thing Max. Samantha, you never talk to strangers unless Max was with you. If he had his back turned, anyone could have taken you away from us. You have to learn about Stranger Danger. We’re going to talk about it tonight after dinner. Max, I’m not mad at you, I’m just glad you were paying attention to her. Thank you.” Jim was very relieved to hear this story. Now he knew his Stranger Danger talk was overdue.
Samantha stopped crying long enough to ask, “Are you mad at me, daddy?”
“Actually, Samantha, both poppy and daddy are mad at you. You have to listen to the boys when you’re with them. They’re in charge of you when we can’t be there. That is a lot of responsibility on their shoulders and I won’t have it taken lightly. From now on when they say something, you don’t mouth off or question it. You can talk to us about it later, but you will follow their orders when you’re with them. Do you understand?”
Jim had barely finished and Samantha went flying into her room sobbing. Drew was the first one to cave. “I’ll go and get her. She’s upset and we don’t want her to be upset.”
Blair stopped Drew. “No, we do want her to be upset. Max is absolutely right about that icky man. He might have planned on picking her up and running with her. You guys would have had to tell us all about it later. You two would have been the ones crying. I’d rather have Samantha a little upset tonight, then be with some sick pervert.”
“Do you think he was a perve, Max?” Drew asked his brother.
“He sure looked weird to me. I wish I would have gotten his license so I could have told dad and pop about it. But I was thinking about Sam crying and forgot,” Max said.
Jim hugged both of the boys and said, “You did the right thing. Always do what you think is right and we won’t be angry. Ever.”
Blair said, “Jim, we’re going to talk to Samantha about strangers, right now.”
“I want the boys to hear it too. I have some questions to ask them also,” Jim said.
“Okay, we’ll finish with dinner first. Max, go get Sam and tell her it’s time to wash up for dinner. We’re eating early tonight so we have enough time for the discussion.” Blair went into the kitchen to get the plates for the table.
Max went into Sam’s room and Jim could hear him telling Sam how much he loved her. She was eating out of his hand by the time they got to the doorway. Max was very good at handling her and Jim was very grateful for that. Drew wasn’t quite as patient, but he still loved her to death.
They all washed up for dinner and began to eat. Sam talked about her busy day at school and how much homework she had that night. The boys talked about the tests they had both aced that day and the homework they had. The kids all looked at Jim and Blair to hear what they did and Blair finally said, “We did grocery shopping, cleaned the bathrooms and washed sheets and blankets today. We had a rip roaring good time.”
Max and Drew laughed and Sam said, “What’s so funny?” This made Max and Drew laugh all the more.
They finally finished dinner and all of them helped clean up. Samantha was getting quite good at loading the dishwasher. Jim only had to take out half of it and reload it afterwards, so that was a big step for Sam and Jim.
Once it was all done, they all sat around the dining room table and Blair said, “Now you’re all going to listen to this. Your dad has put a lot of study into this subject, and I want you paying attention to him.”
Jim began, “Max, let’s say you’re walking to your car and a man walks up to you and says, “I’m from the station, your dad has been in an accident. You need to come with me. What would you say?”
“I would ask him why my pop wasn’t there,” Max said happily.
“That’s the worst thing you could do. That’s telling him you have two dads. You just told him what he needed to know. He already knows you’re a cops kid and you just told him that you had two dads. What do you say next?” Jim said seriously.
“I would ask to see his identification right away and then once he shows it to me, I would know he might be on the up and up. He might be, dad,” Max said helplessly, when he saw the look on Blair and Jim’s face.
“The first key is to don’t talk to strangers. I don’t care how old you are. Don’t talk to strangers. They take older kids as well as young ones off the street. Then they use them on the street as prostitutes. It’s something we don’t even want to have to worry about. So no talking to strangers.”
Both Jim and Blair were grateful that Sam wasn’t asking what a prostitute was.
Blair said, “Drew, what if you’re heading over to the car, to meet Max and a woman asks you if you’ve seen her dog? She has a picture of the dog and is all tearful and everything, what do you say to her?”
Drew thought for a moment and said, “First of all, it’s a lady so I wouldn’t be worried. Next I would go and get Max to help us look for the dog.” Drew seemed quite proud of his answer.
“Wrong…” Jim and Blair said together.
“Women are the masterminds behind much abduction off the street. The boys think there is no problem, but she’s never alone, she has help. They grab you, pull you inside a van and that’s the last we would see of you.” Blair said solemnly.
At that moment, Samantha started crying and said, “I don’t want anyone to take my brothers.”
Jim held her close to his chest and rubbed her back to calm her. She was very upset.
“All the more reason, to never talk to strangers, Drew and Max. Samantha will learn from you. Don’t talk to strangers, it’s as simple as that. If you’re in the grocery store and a woman is pushing a cart and smiles and says hello, you’re probably safe. But if she’s not pushing a cart, she could have a different motive then being just friendly. Never trust anyone you don’t know,” Blair explained to all of them.
Jim and Blair discussed Stranger Danger ideas for the next hour. They came up with a safe word being grampa. If the person talking to them didn’t know the safe word, they would know to run and get help. Jim hoped he got through to Max and Drew. They really believed because they were almost grown that it couldn’t happen to them.
“Let me tell you a story about a man who took pop one day.” Jim went on to tell them the story about Lash. He explained that even though pop was a big enough dude to fight off most anyone, he still wasn’t prepared for this sick man. He could have been killed, if they wouldn’t have found him in time. When he was done with the story, Max and Drew both hugged Blair.
Drew said, “We’ll be more careful. We promise.”
Max said, “I promise too. And I’ll never let anyone hurt our baby sister. They would have to come through both Drew and me.”
“If it came to that, you would pick her up and run like crazy. You don’t try and deal with anything. You leave, running. All of you together.” Jim was getting somewhat upset himself telling them all of this and decided that enough was enough.
“Kids, how would you like to go to California next week to Disneyland?” Jim asked hoping the change in subject would help lighten the mood.
“We’ve never been to Disneyland,” Max said.
“I’ve always wanted to, but the kids in my class say it’s for babies,” Drew replied.
“Well, dad thinks it might be too young for you both so he figured one of us could go to Universal Studio’s with you boys and the other would go to Disneyland with Samantha,” Blair said.
Sam whimpered and said, “I don’t want Max and Drew to go somewhere different then us. Please come with us.”
Max smiled and gave Sam a hug. “Of course we’ll go to Disneyland. We’ve always wanted to go.”
Jim said, “You might want to think about it. It geared towards younger people I think.
“What about Tower of Terror? I heard that was a kick butt ride,” Drew said.
“Oh yeah, me too. I’m sure there are things for us to go on too. I heard Space Mountain is scary and fun. We’ll find lots of things to do, don’t you worry, Sam, we’re going with you.” Max assured her.
Sam flew into his arms and said, “Thank you. You’re the best brother I have besides Drew.”
They all smiled at that and then they got busy doing their homework.
A Week Later:
When they got to Los Angeles, they took a limo to the Disneyland Hotel. It was a really nice place. It had three bedrooms in this suite. It cost a small fortune, but Jim and Blair wanted the kids to be with them at all times. They didn’t want to lose sight of any of them the entire time they were there.
The kids were in their rooms unpacking and Jim could hear Max and Drew saying how cool this place was already and Jim felt good about that. He was hoping it wasn’t going to be too infantile for them.
It was early when they got there, so Jim said, “Who wants to go check out the Tower or Terror?”
All of the kids went flying into the living room of the suite and said, “Me.”
Jim said, “We have to get this straight before we leave. Samantha, you hold on to one of our hands at all times. Understood?”
“Understood, daddy. I won’t leave you for anything.”
“Boys, do you have your cell phones in your pockets? If we get separated, you call us right away and we’ll come to you. You stay put and talk to no one until we get there. Understood?”
“Understood.” Both boys answered at once.
“Okay, then now that that’s all settled we’re ready to go and check out Hollywood Studios today. They have Tower or Terror, Muppet Vision 3D, Star Wars Thrill Ride just to mention a few things. This will probably take most of the day. Then we’ll hit the other parks on another day. We get to ride free with this hotel, so that’s nice. We don’t have to mess with parking. Yay. Anybody ready to have a good time?” Jim shouted.
They had a group hug and all headed out the door. They found the bus that would take them to the theme park right away, so that was no problem. Jim had the tickets, Blair didn’t even ask. He knew how anal Jim was and would have checked three times before they left.
Jim looked at him and said, “What? You’re smiling evilly, what did I say or do?”
“Nothing. You’re just so darn cute.” Blair was as hyped up about this as the kids were. He had never seen Disneyland either, so this was going to be a true treat.
Jim wanted to kiss him, but didn’t. People were watching them and this was a family park after all. Blair must have sensed it and said, “You can be yourself. This is our vacation too. They’re not going to throw us off the bus for kissing.”
Jim leaned down and kissed Blair softly and then leaned back and listened. No one said a word. Blair was right. They were there for themselves, not for Jim and Blair. Jim felt better about everything already.
“What do you mean you want to go on it one more time? We’ve gone five times, Max,” Jim whined.
“Please?” Max whined as well as Jim did, if not better.
“All right, one more time on Tower of Terror and then we’re off to another ride.” Thankfully the line was small. It was very quiet that day at the park. Not too many people, not too much screaming. Although, Jim had to turn down his hearing on the ride. The screams were dreadful then. Hell even he and Blair were yelling and screaming on the ride.
“I love this ride, daddy,” Sam said happily as Jim buckled her into the seat once again.
“I’m glad, but this is the last time today.”
The ride started and it did its normal thing. It went really, really, slow and then it would go up to the top of the building and then all hell would break loose. That elevator would drop so fast and so hard that it was amazing that anyone could walk afterward. Jim heard Blair’s heart beating stronger than anyone’s and he knew that this ride was scaring the holy crap out of him after his brush with the elevator case. But he was such a sport, he didn’t say a word and didn’t back out of any of the rides so far. When this one was finished, Jim was thanking God. His ears hurt, his ass hurt and his back hurt. He was too old for this shit.
They got off and walked over to the Theater with the Beauty and the Beast stage show and even Max and Drew looked like they needed this little break from everything. Once the show was over, Samantha was singing like crazy and Jim said, “I don’t know about anyone else, but I have to eat.”
“Me too,” Drew agreed.
Blair pulled their map out and they found the restaurant they wanted to go to and they all went in to have lunch. Blair was very happy he hadn’t eaten first, because he would have thrown that all up. Jim looked at Blair a couple of times and thought he looked a little green, but Blair was a trooper as always and didn’t complain.
After lunch, they went to the building that had a Muppet Vision 3D show. Sam was so excited about that, that she started wearing the 3D glasses while they were waiting in line. The boys all tried hard not to laugh, but the glasses were funny. Once they got in, they were laughing and enjoying the darn 3D show, it was so cute. Even Max and Drew said they wanted to see it one more time before they left for the day.
The next ride was the Star Wars Trill Ride. It was a virtual reality ride and boy oh boy, was it ever a ride. Jim got off of that thing and limped to the sidewalk. Blair said, “Are you all right?”
“Jesus, I’m old.”
“Babe, I’ve told you not to call me Jesus.”
The boys laughed and Max said, “That was a cool ride. Could me and Drew go on it a second time, if we promise not to talk to anyone. There isn’t a long line. It wouldn’t take too long. You could wait right over there on that bench that says, for ‘old people’.”
“Very funny.” Jim looked at Blair for help on this.
Blair said, “Sure. Just remember the rules and come right back here.”
About 20 minutes later Jim heard them laughing as they came out the front door. “Oh look dude, its old people,” Drew teased.
Blair went after him yelling, “I’ll show you old people.” Blair chased him for about two minutes and said, “Do you want to do this or go on another ride?”
They decided to try everything at the park. Food, rides and shows. They went to the Beauty and the Beast show again and then they went for dinner at a wonderful place surrounded by all of Disney’s characters.
When it started getting late, Jim said, “We’re going to go in a little bit, but we want to wait for the fireworks. Follow me.”
They all followed Jim because he seemed to know exactly where it was and he did. They watched from the benches and Samantha fell asleep halfway into the fireworks show. It had been a very long day.
Jim carried her to the bus and they all got on and went back to the Suite. Jim couldn’t wait to rest his weary bones.
Once the kids were all in bed, Jim pulled Blair into his arms and said, “Oh my God, I’m dead.”
“You just wish you were, Jim. This is only the first day.”
“They’ll probably wake us up at 3:00 for the next day of fun,” Jim guessed.
“Let’s hope they don’t. God, I’m so tired.”
“I want to fuck you, but I can’t move,” Jim said seriously.
“Tomorrow, it’ll be better,” Blair swore.
Day Two:
Jim got up at 8:00 and was surprised to hear no noise from the kids. He got out of bed and saw Blair lying there looking all sweet and sexy and wanted him in the worst way, when he heard, “I wonder if daddy is up yet, Max.”
Jim groaned and smacked Blair with the pillow. “If I have to be up, so do you.”
Blair groaned every bit as well at Jim did and got out of bed slowly. They went in their bathroom and locked the door.
Jim said, “How about a quicky?”
“Jim, I can’t even move here.”
They got in the shower and Blair began to move in all of the wrong places of course and said, “Fine, have your wicked way with me you dirty old man.”
Jim snickered and began getting Blair ready and then fucked him hard and fast. When he got close, he reached around and fisted Blair’s cock and they both came quietly at the same time.
They finished washing up and doing their hair. Okay, well Jim just brushed his, but Blair did his hair and they were ready to face the day. Jim felt pretty good. He usually did after he fucked Blair.
When they walked out, the kids were watching a Disney channel that talked about the rides.
“Oh my gosh, wait until you see this ride that’s called Roger Rabbit’s Car Toon Spin. The kids on it are having a blast. We have to take the movie camera, that’s all there is to it. There are a lot of rides at Magic Kingdom. Is that where we’re going today?” Max asked.
Blair smiled and said, “Yes, that’s where we’re going. There are many rides that will be fun for all of us. But a lot of them are for little kids. We might let you guys go off and do something alone today if you get bored. I think we can trust you.”
“No, we’ll stay with you guys, unless we want to go on a ride that you don’t want to go on another time. Then you can wait on the old people bench again,” Drew joked.
They all ate breakfast downstairs in the hotel and were on their way by 9:30.
Jim had the map again, as usual. Blair kept trying to take it from him and Jim said, “Why didn’t you get your own map?”
“Let’s not fight, dad’s.” Max kidded.
They stopped at a gift shop because Samantha saw a shirt she had to have. It was darling. It had Snow White, Belle and Sleeping Beauty on it. She loved princesses, so it was perfect for her. Blair put it in his back pack and off they went.
Jim said, “Boys, you just tell us if you want something from the shops.”
“Okay, dad,” Max called out happily.
“Where are we going first?” Drew wondered.
“Let’s go on the big people rides first, since there are fewer of them. How about Big Thunder Mountain first?” Blair suggested.
Sam yelled, “Yay. That’s sound fun, poppy.”
As they walked up to the ride, Jim saw the Space Mountain ride and it didn’t look that terrible. He saw the Splash Mountain Ride and it looked fun too. The five of them went on a total of seventeen rides that day. They were all exhausted, happy and well fed. They had eaten three times that day. The boys didn’t ask for much in way of souvenirs, but they did ask for food, quite often.
Max said, “We didn’t get to see all of the rides, are we coming back here again?”
Blair hugged him as they walked and said, “Yes, we’re coming back in a couple of days. There are other parts of the park we want to see too. Don’t worry, we’ll see everything. We still have four days to go.”
The next few days flew by. The boys and Samantha made a list of things they wanted to bring back for souvenirs and they went shopping one night for only that. The kids had a blast. They bought grampa shirts that said funny things on all of them. By the time the vacation was over, they were all exhausted. They still had a week off from school and the kids had said they were going to sleep for days. Jim and Blair had taken an extra two days off and they felt the same way.
On the ride home from the airport, Jim said, “Blair, I think we should have Conner and Joel give a Stranger Danger class to the kids in the upper classes. They think they are beyond being hurt. They need to be reminded of what can happen. I wouldn’t suggest we do it because of the kids. But I think it’s important to do it. What do you think?”
“I think it’s a great idea. We’ll get it figured out once we get back to work. We’ll have Brown and Rafe do the lower grades and that way they’ll all be taken care of.” Blair yawned and then so did Jim. They were both exhausted. The kids were all sleeping in the back seat and that almost cracked the guys up. Max and Drew liked to think they could keep up with anyone, but they were pooped just like Jim and Blair were.
Once they got home, unpacked and took showers and got ready for bed, it was almost 10:00. Jim could hardly wait to go to bed, to sleep.
“Thanks, pop and dad for the wonderful vacation. I can’t wait to do all of the pictures up so we can make up the photo albums for each of us. This is going to be great. You have no idea how much this meant to us,” Max explained.
“I think we do, Max. We have never gone either. So it was a joy for us too,” Blair answered.
Samantha hugged them both and said, “Can I go to bed now?”
Everyone laughed as Jim carried her into bed. Blair was quite glad that Jim picked her up, because he felt like his arms wouldn’t pick anything up.
Blair hugged both of the boys and Jim did too when he got done in Samantha’s room. The boys walked up to their room talking a mile a minute and Blair said, “I thought they would be ready to crash.”
“Give them ten minutes, Blair. They’re exhausted, they’re fighting it.”
“It was a wonderful trip, Jim.”
“Yes, it was. I couldn’t agree more. Now we have a year to relax before we have to do something again.”
“No, we’ll take them on a real camping trip in the spring and that’ll be relaxing and fun for everyone.”
They walked up the stairs after Jim locked everything up. They slid into bed and Jim said, “I’d love to do something about this hard on I have, but I’m too fucking tired.”
“Same here, babe. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Blair. I love you.”
“I love you back.”
All you heard throughout the house were soft snores coming from all of the rooms. Jim listened for a short time before he fell asleep.
Life was great.
The end
Family Life Part 60
Top Secret
By Patt
Word Count: 2729
Summary: Blair and Connor have lunch together without their men. Someone really should be watching these two.
Blair sat across from Megan Connor at the diner and said, “I promised I wouldn’t tell anyone, but I guess I can trust you.”
“Oh Sandy, you know you can always trust me,” Connor said.
“Jim would kill me if I told you. You have to swear that you won’t tell Mason or anyone else for that matter,” Blair said.
“Tell me already. I’m about to burst from anticipation. What is he doing that’s so cute you have to share with me?”
“Have you ever owned a Polaroid Instamatic camera?” Blair asked.
“No, I can’t say as I have, why?” Connor hoped he would hurry up with this, it was killing her.
“Jim likes to have his picture taken and sometimes I get the best damn pictures you can’t even imagine,” Blair blurted out.
“I can imagine, but I can’t believe he would leave pictures of you and him around where the kids could find them. That’s not a smart move, I don’t think,” Connor said.
“We have a safe in our room where we keep our guns. Only we know the combination, so it’s safe. We keep all the pictures in there. But last night was the best night for pictures. I swear he’s getting sexier by the day.”
“What does he have you take pictures of?”
“He only wants pictures of me doing things to him. Like last week, he took pictures of me rimming him. He was pissed because he couldn’t get a better shot of it. He’s so into sex these days that some times it worries me. Do you find this at all odd?”
“Sandy, I find this entire subject, un-Jimbo like. What’s going on with him? Did he always have you take pictures of him with you?” Connor asked.
“No, he started a month ago. He’s wanted sex more and more and ends up with the camera out before we get started. I told him the boys would hear the motor of the camera running or see the flash if they were in the kitchen and he told me not to worry. He always listens to where they are at. I’m a little concerned. I don’t like having pictures of Jim floating around the loft.”
“I don’t blame you at all. What other types of pictures does he want you to take?”
“He takes some of me giving him head. He loves to take pictures of that. He loves getting head, so we take a lot of those pictures. Then he takes pictures of me standing there doing nothing. Just standing there. He likes me limp, hard, you name it, Jim loves it.”
“Wow, Sandy, I’m in shock. You let him take pictures of you?” Connor took a moment to realize that there were pictures being taken of both of them.
“Well yeah. I mean, he lets me take some really interesting pictures of him. But now it’s moved up a notch. Now he wants video of our lovemaking.”
“Woo Hoo. You boys are anything but boring, that’s for sure. So you take videos of you two having sex?” Connor asked.
“Yes, and he loves to watch them over and over and over again. Then he wants more sex. It’s a vicious circle. I know I shouldn’t complain about having sex every night, sometimes twice a night, but I’m tired. Some nights I would love to just sleep with him, you know what I mean?”
“I hate you right now. Mason has been so tired lately and we haven’t had sex in a week. I’m getting really horny and you’re complaining about too much sex? What is wrong with this picture?”
“I’m sorry, Connor. Man, he must be working too many hours. Has he thought about putting in for a transfer?”
“This is Top Secret, Sandy, but he’s in negotiations with Simon to transfer to Major Crimes. He’ll be partnered with Sean over across from me. Mason is very excited about it,” Connor said happily.
“You’ll be okay working with him day in and day out? Because sometimes I want to kill Jim.”
“I’m sure I’ll want to kill Mason too, but I know that I can vent to you about it, so it’s not so bad. I have some questions now about the pictures,” Megan said.
“So ask, we’ve already come this far, you may as well know almost everything.”
“Do you ever watch the films together and get hot and bothered for each other all over again?”
“Oh yeah, like all the time. You and Mason should take some video’s. You have a safe in your bedroom too, right?” Blair asked.
“I’m going to ask him to video tape us tonight and hopefully we won’t be just sleeping.”
Blair burst out laughing making everyone in the diner look his way. “Hey how did you get out of lunch with Mason today?”
“I did the same thing as you did. I told him I was going with my best mate. He knew it was a losing battle, so he just said to have a good time,” Connor said.
“That is basically what I said to Jim too. Maybe they’ll have lunch together. Jim really likes Mason.”
“Good, I’m glad. Mason really likes both of you too.”
“You swear you won’t say a word about the video tapes, right?”
Connor laughed. “I wouldn’t ever say a word. I tell you good things about me and Mason, so I expect you to keep them quiet too.”
“Wait a moment. You’ve never told me anything as good as this. Tell me something he has asked you to do lately,” Blair begged.
Connor smiled at Blair wanting to get something good out of this conversation. “About two weeks ago, he asked me to do something special for him. He asked if I would stand in front of the window in the bedroom, nude. I thought it was sort of strange, but he came up from behind and saw someone in the parking lot looking up at me and it turned him on like crazy. He fucked me from behind that night. He’s never done that and it was pretty sexy, if I do say so myself.”
“Oh yummy, he’s an exhibitionist. So is Jim. It gets him really hot and bothered to have someone watching us. Maybe it’s just a big guy thing. I don’t get that into it.”
Connor snickered and said, “Maybe if Jim was in front, you might,” Connor suggested.
“That’s true. I could get him off the video and picture phase. Not that I’m complaining.”
“Yes you are. You are ‘so’ complaining. And if you do it again, I’m going to call it bragging.”
It was Blair’s turn to snicker, because after all, he was actually bragging. He loved Jim’s new fascination with the video, but he was tired.
“I wonder if Jimbo takes any of the pictures to work with him and shows anyone else.”
Blair’s mouth had no sound, but it was opening and closing steadily.
Connor laughed and said, “I’m joking of course.”
“He wouldn’t, would he?” Blair asked.
“Are you nuts? Jimbo would have a cow if he even knew that someone knew about his new addiction. So you don’t have to worry about that. But I wouldn’t mind seeing some of this film. It might give me some new ideas for me and Mason.”
“The pictures aren’t there anymore. Now it’s just the videos. I don’t know what he did with the pictures. I guess I should ask, eh?”
“What in the world did he do with them? Sandy, that’s odd. Ask him where they are. I would hate to think about them being somewhere at the station where someone could see them.”
“I’ll ask him tonight. It never even crossed my mind. I guess I thought he destroyed them.”
“Ask. Now what else is new with you and Jimbo?”
“Okay, I’m going to brag again. Jim had asked for sex in the shower five mornings in a row.”
Connor smacked Blair on the arm and said, “I hate you, Sandy.”
“Don’t you find it odd that he’s so taken with sex? Maybe something is wrong?”
“Only you would find something wrong with too much sex,” Connor teased.
“What if he thinks he has to do it that often in order to make me happy?”
“Does it make you happy, Sandy?”
“Of course it makes me happy, but too much of a good thing isn’t always good.”
“Then tell him. I’ve got the opposite problem. I think it’s because of my belly. Maybe he doesn’t find me attractive anymore.”
“Oh Connor, you are such a dunce. He probably thinks he’s going to hurt the baby by having too much sex. Men think that their cock is long enough to reach the womb. You have to explain the facts of life to him. It’s safe to have sex until a doctor tells you not to.”
“I’ll try and talk to him tonight. He’s been so tired. Vice found out about him asking for a transfer and they’re giving him all of the long assed shit jobs that there are.”
“That’s too bad. Hopefully he’ll transfer out soon enough and your life will get back to normal,” Blair said.
“Sandy, do you think that I’m repulsive?”
Blair burst out laughing and said, “No, quite the opposite. You’ve taken to this pregnancy so well that you just glow. You look beautiful. I’m sure he’s just tired, give him a rest and then attack him when he’s off guard. You don’t always wait for him to do the attacking, do you?”
“Usually he makes the first move. I’ve always felt like it was the guy’s thing. So I like to stand back and give him room to operate.”
“Connor, he’s not a fucking doctor, you can do the operating if you please.”
“Sandy, do I need to remind you that this is Top Secret?”
“You know I’m not going to tell anyone, anything. I would never repeat anything you say to me in confidence. But that doesn’t mean I can’t give you advice from time to time. Attack him when you get home,” Blair bossed.
“And you tell Jim that you’re tired tonight and don’t let him watch the video unless you suggest that you both watch it. But don’t forget to ask where the pictures are.”
“I won’t forget. Geeze, Connor, you’re a nag.”
“I’ve been called worse, ya know?”
“So, you and Mason are happy?” Blair asked out of the blue.
“I’d be happier if we were boinking like bunnies.”
They both finished their lunch and paid their bills and walked back to the station.
“Sandy, I really appreciate you listening to me all the time. You’re my best mate and will always be.”
“Same here, Megan. I love having someone to talk sex with. Jim would just die.”
“So would Mason. They’ll never know,” Connor stated.
When they got to the bullpen Blair sat down by Jim and whispered, “What did you do with the Polaroid’s that you took of me and you?”
Jim had the decency to blush. “Chief, please tell me you didn’t tell any of our business to Connor.”
“Hell no. I would never tell anyone, but I was thinking about it and wondered where you put them. I know they’re not in the safe any longer.”
Jim smiled and said, “I destroyed them. I didn’t want all of that at the house. I just liked looking at them from time to time, but I got over that.” Jim went back to working on the case on his desk.
“So no more video taping either?” Blair asked.
“No, I think that we should be more careful with kids in the house.”
Blair looked at Jim and knew that he might be lying. Why would Jim lie about this? Where were those fucking pictures? He still had them, Blair could tell.
“Jim, I’m going to save one of the video’s. So don’t destroy all of them.”
“Blair, we’ll discuss this on the way home.” Jim went back to work and Blair decided to do the very same thing.
As soon as they got out of the parking garage at the station, Blair said, “Okay, fess up big guy. Where did you put the pictures? I know you weren’t telling the truth and I want to know where they are.”
“I did destroy them, but I put them in a special website just for me. I like looking at us,” Jim confessed.
“Jim, where did you put them?”
“Someone told me about a place where you can have your own photo’s and I figured out how to use it and scanned all of the pictures and put them on the site. You have to have a password to get into the site. No one would ever guess my password.”
“Jim, you will take them all down, immediately. The kids could find them on the computer. You have no idea how embarrassed I am right now. Someone could be seeing your photo site and seeing us.”
Jim said, “I didn’t think it through. I’m sorry, Chief. I’ll get it taken down tonight while you make dinner. I’ll go upstairs and do it.”
“Where are the originals?” Blair wondered.
“I burned them all. I didn’t want them to come into the wrong hands.”
“Please tell me you didn’t put a video up,” Blair said.
“I don’t know how to do that, so no, I didn’t.”
“Thank God for that. You are in so much trouble, Jim, you wouldn’t believe it.”
“I’m sorry, Chief. I didn’t think I was hurting anyone.”
“Well, you were. And for this, I’m giving you no sex for a week. So don’t even think about asking,” Blair said seriously, but inside he wanted to laugh his ass off. He couldn’t wait to tell Connor, he knew she would laugh too.
“I’m sorry Chief.”
“I’ll forgive you eventually, but not today.” Blair said.
Jim did as promised. He went upstairs while Blair and the kids made dinner and set the table.
Jim came in and said, “Need any help?”
Max laughed and replied, “Sure, now that we’re done you come in.”
Jim laughed along with the rest of them and said, “Oh good, dinner is done.”
After dinner, Jim volunteered to do all of the cleaning up and everyone let him. The kids all did their homework and Blair watched the news.
When he was done, he sat next to Blair and said, “I erased all of the tapes in the safe. So no more of that either.”
“Good, I’m glad.”
“Are you less angry with me now?”
“Jim, that’s something really private and I would die if someone had happened upon it. So yes, I’m less angry now, but don’t ever do anything that dumb again.”
Jim kissed him and then they finished watching the news. Blair felt somewhat guilty for pretending to be pissed off, when he really wasn’t.
Blair got his wish that night. Jim just cuddled with him and they went to sleep. Blair was in heaven.
When he got to the bullpen, he saw Connor’s smile and knew she had taken care of business too. He gave her the thumbs up sign and sat at his desk. Jim went to get them some coffee.
Connor walked over and said, “So what happened with the pictures?”
“They’re history and so are the video tapes. We’re back to normal life now and I’m thrilled.”
“Does this mean I have to get rid of the video that we took of us last night?” Connor asked.
“Just don’t let him put it online anywhere.” Blair warned.
“Oh my god, it’s getting destroyed tonight. Thanks for the heads up. Talk to you later,” Connor said as she saw Jim heading in her direction.
“What did Connor want?” Jim asked as he set down Blair’s coffee in front of him.
“Nothing, just saying good morning to us. Thanks for the coffee man.”
“We’d better get busy on the Borske case, we’re supposed to have it done already.” Jim said.
“So let’s get it done,” Blair teased and started work on the case files.
The end