DISCLAIMER: The characters belong to the creator of the show. No $$$ made from these bits of fluff
WARNING: This is an ADULT SLASH site. That means the stories are of an adult same sex romantic nature. If this does not appeal to you or you are UNDER LEGAL AGE, go back to the GENERAL PAGES

Author: nancy
Email: the_tenth_muse1@yahoo.com
Fandom:  Leverage
Pairing: Eliot/Nathan
Rating: NC18
Spoilers: the whole series
Series: Wolfpack
Warnings: rough sex, language, dirty talk
Summary: Nathan comes to a realization.
Notes: about three or four eps into the series, someone (and I can't rememeber who, sorry!!) bunnied me with the team as a wolfpack. a few months later, this is the result. *grin*